prepare('INSERT INTO Memes (AuthorID, Title, TextContent, FileID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'); $stmtMemeAdd->bind_param('issi', $_SESSION['ID'], htmlspecialchars($memeText), $imageID); $stmtMemeAdd->execute(); return true; } return false; } function renderMemeGallery(): string { global $mysqli; $stmtlist = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT Memes.ID, Memes.Title Memes.TextContent, Memes.CreatedAt, Files.Path, Files.Type, Users.Nickname FROM Memes INNER JOIN Users ON Memes.AuthorID = Users.ID INNER JOIN Files ON Memes.FileID = Files.ID'); // Execute the prepared statement $stmtlist->execute(); $memeID = 0; $title = ""; $textContent = ""; $filePath = ""; $fileType = ""; $userNickname = ""; $createdAt = ""; // Bind the result variables $stmtlist->bind_result($memeID, $title, $textContent, $createdAt, $filePath, $fileType, $userNickname); // Fetch the results while ($stmtlist->fetch()) { } // Close the statement $stmtlist->close(); return ""; }