<?php declare(strict_types=1); function generateScriptData($phpArray):string { // Check if the array is associative and single-level if (is_array($phpArray) && count($phpArray) > 0 && count(array_filter(array_keys($phpArray), 'is_string')) === count($phpArray)) { // Generate JavaScript code to save each array element to local storage $out = "<script>"; foreach ($phpArray as $key => $value) { $escapedKey = addslashes($key); // Escape special characters in the key $escapedValue = addslashes($value); // Escape special characters in the value $out .= "localStorage.setItem('$escapedKey', '$escapedValue');"; } $out.= "</script>"; } else { $out = "<script>console.error('Invalid PHP array. Must be single-level and associative.');</script>"; } return $out; }