191 lines
7.4 KiB
191 lines
7.4 KiB
import asyncio
import json
import random
import websockets
import threading
width = 9
height = 6
player_on_turn = 0
grid = []
connected = set()
cache = [{"player": 0, "col": -1}]
async def socket_broadcast(data):
for client in connected:
await client.send(str(data))
players = []
async def hello(ws, _):
global cache
global width
global height
global player_on_turn
i = 0
this_id = random.randint(0, 100000)
players.append({"ws": ws, "id": this_id})
if len(players) >= 3:
await socket_broadcast(json.dumps({"action": "info", "data": f"Warning {len(players)} players are connected"}))
await ws.send(json.dumps({"action": "id", "id": this_id}))
while i == 0:
x = await ws.recv()
temp = json.loads(x)
print(str(temp) + " data")
if temp["action"] == "reset":
await reset()
await draw(grid)
await socket_broadcast(
json.dumps({"action": "info", "data": f"It is player{player_on_turn} 's turn."}))
await players[player_on_turn]['ws'].send(json.dumps(
{"action": "info", "data": f"It is your turn, input column number from 0 to {width - 1}:"}))
elif temp["action"] == "redraw":
await ws.send(await draw(grid, True))
elif temp["action"] == "resize":
width = int(temp["width"])
height = int(temp["height"])
await reset()
await ws.send(await draw(grid, True))
await socket_broadcast(
json.dumps({"action": "info", "data": f"It is player{player_on_turn} 's turn."}))
await players[player_on_turn]['ws'].send(json.dumps({"action": "info",
"data": f"It is your turn, type 'add (number of column from 0 to {width - 1}' :"}))
except ValueError:
await ws.send(json.dumps({"action": "info", "data": "Invalid arguments to resize."}))
elif temp["action"] == "add":
plx = 0
for player in players:
if temp["id"] == player["id"]:
if plx == player_on_turn:
res = await add(grid, temp["col"])
if res == 1:
await apply_gravity(grid)
await socket_broadcast(await draw(grid, True))
await socket_broadcast(json.dumps(
{"action": "info", "data": f"It is player{player_on_turn} 's turn."}))
await players[player_on_turn]['ws'].send(json.dumps({"action": "info",
"data": f"It is your turn, input column number from 0 to {width - 1}:"}))
elif res == 2:
await players[player_on_turn]['ws'].send(json.dumps({"action": "info",
"data": f"Oops you have entered '{temp['col']}' which is not a valid input. Please try again player{player_on_turn}:"}))
elif res == 0:
await players[player_on_turn]['ws'].send(json.dumps({"action": "info",
"data": f"Oops you have entered '{temp['col']}' which is full. Please try again player{player_on_turn}:"}))
plx = plx + 1
elif temp["action"] == "help":
await ws.send(json.dumps({"action": "info",
"data": f"\n'reset' - Resets the game, also you must start the game with this\n'redraw' - Sends you the current state of th board\n'resize' - Resizes the playing board and resets it usage: 'resize (width) (height)'\n'add' - Adds your character to a column, usage: 'add (column number from 0 to {width - 1})\n'help' - Prints this help message"}))
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
i = 1
# Unregister.
i = 0
for x in players:
if x[ws] == ws:
i = i + 1
except Exception as e:
async def reset():
global grid
grid = []
for _ in range(width):
temp_grid = []
for _ in range(height):
temp_grid.append(" ")
async def apply_gravity(gridx):
for gr in gridx:
for _ in range(height):
for i in range(height - 2, -1, -1):
if gr[i] == "X" and gr[i + 1] == " ":
gr[i + 1] = "X"
gr[i] = " "
if gr[i] == "O" and gr[i + 1] == " ":
gr[i + 1] = "O"
gr[i] = " "
if gr[i] == "X" and gr[i + 1] == " ":
gr[i + 1] = "X"
gr[i] = " "
if gr[i] == "O" and gr[i + 1] == " ":
gr[i + 1] = "O"
gr[i] = " "
async def add(gridx, col3):
col = int(col3)
except ValueError:
return 2
if -1 < col < width:
global player_on_turn
if gridx[col][0] == " ":
if player_on_turn == 1:
gridx[col][0] = "O"
player_on_turn = 0
return 1
gridx[col][0] = "X"
player_on_turn = 1
return 1
return 0
return 2
async def draw(gridx, return_data=False):
temporary_storage = ""
for _ in range((width * 2) + 1):
temporary_storage = temporary_storage + "_"
temporary_storage = temporary_storage + "\n|"
for i in range(0, width):
temporary_storage = temporary_storage + f"{i}|"
temporary_storage = temporary_storage + "\n|"
for y in range(0, height):
for x in range(0, width):
temporary_storage = temporary_storage + gridx[x][y] + "|"
temporary_storage = temporary_storage + "\n|"
temporary_storage = temporary_storage[:-1]
for _ in range((width * 2) + 1):
temporary_storage = temporary_storage + "¯"
if return_data:
return json.dumps({"action": "redraw", "data": temporary_storage})
await socket_broadcast(json.dumps({"action": "redraw", "data": temporary_storage}))
start_server = websockets.serve(hello, "localhost", 8765)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
def loop_in_thread():
thread = threading.Thread(loop_in_thread())