"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.faq = void 0; function faq() { var buf = ""; buf += "FAQ:\n"; buf += "1. Why if you use path with \'/\' or with \'..\' the command does not process it?\n"; buf += "Because the commands don 't use unix like paths, they take literally what filename you give them and create a file with it.\n"; buf += "2. Then, why does \'pwd\' output path with \'/\'s?\n"; buf += "Because otherwise it\'s output would be unreadable and also it is the only command that uses unix like paths.\n"; buf += "3. Why don\'t arrows work?\n"; buf += "Because they are not supported by the console and I didn\'t spend time to detect them in the client.\n"; buf += "4. Why is this console so primitive?\n"; buf += "Because I didn\'t spend time to make it more complex.\n"; buf += "5. Is it open source?\n"; buf += "Yes, it is open source, \"https://brn.systems:3000/BRNSystems/CliSite\".\n"; buf += "6. Why did you create the console?\n"; buf += "Because I like sitting at my computer and typing commands.\n"; buf += "7. Why is this FAQ so long?\n"; buf += "Because I made it so long.\n"; return buf; } exports.faq = faq; //# sourceMappingURL=faq.js.map