639 lines
23 KiB
639 lines
23 KiB
from s_engine import *
from spark import *
from ingame_funcs import *
import pygame
import sys
import time
import random
import math
from pygame.locals import *
import json
import threading
import asyncio
import websockets
# basic config
work = True
pygame.mixer.pre_init(48000, -16, 2, 512)
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 80)
small_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 40)
tiny_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 20)
players_defined = 0
connected = 0
global Player1
global Player2
uri = "ws://"
global websocket
async def write_players(arrx):
global Player1
global Player2
Player2.all_ids = arrx[0]
Player2.dir_movement = arrx[1]
Player2.direction = arrx[2]
Player2.ids_to_remove = arrx[3]
Player2.memory = arrx[4]
Player2.move.angle_speed = arrx[5]
Player2.move.backwards = arrx[6]
Player2.move.collisions = arrx[7]
Player2.move.degree = arrx[8]
Player2.move.force = arrx[9]
Player2.move.forward = arrx[10]
Player2.move.half_pi = arrx[11]
Player2.move.left = arrx[12]
Player2.move.offset = arrx[13]
Player2.move.pi = arrx[14]
Player2.move.right = arrx[15]
Player2.move.speed = arrx[16]
Player2.move.three_halves_pi = arrx[17]
Player2.move.two_pi = arrx[18]
Player2.move.vectors = arrx[19]
Player2.movement = arrx[20]
Player2.moving = arrx[21]
Player2.object_id = arrx[22]
Player2.object_pos = arrx[23]
Player2.rect.bottom = arrx[24]
Player2.rect.bottomleft = arrx[25]
Player2.rect.bottomright = arrx[26]
Player2.rect.center = arrx[27]
Player2.rect.centerx = arrx[28]
Player2.rect.centery = arrx[29]
Player2.rect.h = arrx[30]
Player2.rect.height = arrx[31]
Player2.rect.left = arrx[32]
Player2.rect.midbottom = arrx[33]
Player2.rect.midleft = arrx[34]
Player2.rect.midright = arrx[35]
Player2.rect.midtop = arrx[36]
Player2.rect.right = arrx[37]
Player2.rect.size = arrx[38]
Player2.rect.top = arrx[39]
Player2.rect.topleft = arrx[40]
Player2.rect.topright = arrx[41]
Player2.rect.w = arrx[42]
Player2.rect.width = arrx[43]
Player2.rect.x = arrx[44]
Player2.rect.y = arrx[45]
Player2.size = arrx[46]
Player2.special = arrx[47]
Player2.specific.attribute = arrx[48]
Player2.specific.attribute_0 = arrx[49]
Player2.specific.attribute_1 = arrx[50]
Player2.specific.attribute_2 = arrx[51]
Player2.specific.boolean_attribute = arrx[52]
Player2.specific.color_r = arrx[53]
Player2.specific.fixed = arrx[54]
Player2.specific.flip = arrx[55]
Player2.specific.height = arrx[56]
Player2.specific.object_id = arrx[57]
Player2.specific.power = arrx[58]
Player2.specific.scroll = arrx[59]
Player2.specific.stage = arrx[60]
Player2.type = arrx[61]
async def hello():
global websocket
global connected
websocket = await websockets.connect(uri)
connected = 1
while True:
greeting = await websocket.recv()
if players_defined == 1:
data = json.loads(greeting)[1]["data"]
if len(data) == 62:
await write_players(data)
except Exception as e:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
def helloa():
t = threading.Thread(target=helloa, args=tuple())
while connected == 0:
Window_size = [900, 600]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(Window_size)
display = pygame.Surface((1350, 900))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class Bg:
active = []
timer = 0
bgs = {
"first": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/backround/bg.png").convert(),
"second": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/backround/bg-blue.png").convert()
bgs["first"].set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))
bgs["second"].set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))
def __init__(self, pos, speed, typeX):
self.object_pos = pos
self.speed = speed
self.type = typeX
def generate(cls, amount, cord_lim=None):
if cord_lim is None:
cord_lim = [0, 1350]
for i in range(amount):
cls.active.append(Bg([random.randint(cord_lim[0], cord_lim[1]), random.randint(0, 860)],
random.randint(2, 10), random.choice(("first", "second"))))
def blit_them(cls, display):
for circle in cls.active:
display.blit(cls.bgs[circle.type], circle.object_pos)
def remove_circle(cls, which):
def central(cls, display):
for circle in cls.active:
if cls.timer == 0:
cls.generate(12, [1350, 1500])
cls.timer += 60
cls.timer -= 1
def move(self):
self.object_pos[0] -= self.speed
if self.object_pos[0] < -80:
class Solids:
def __init__(self):
self.stage = 0
self.colors = [
(73, 122, 67),
(127, 182, 120),
(181, 230, 29)
def draw(self, solid, display, scroll):
cc = (self.stage // 40) % 3
current_stage = self.stage % 40
mid_point = [
solid.object_pos[0] + (solid.size[0] / 2),
solid.object_pos[1] + (solid.size[1] / 2)
pygame.draw.rect(display, self.colors[cc], pygame.Rect(mid_point[0] - current_stage - scroll.scroll[0],
mid_point[1] - current_stage - scroll.scroll[1],
current_stage * 2, current_stage * 2))
def draw_solids(self, objects, display, scroll):
for obj in objects.game_objects:
if obj.type == "solid":
self.draw(obj, display, scroll)
self.stage += 1
def menu(screenX, fs):
def mouse_check(mouse_pos, menu_flow):
new_list = [0, 0, menu_flow[2], menu_flow[3], 0, 0]
# settings
if 800 < mouse_pos[0] < 872:
if 500 < mouse_pos[1] < 572:
new_list[0] = 1
# play
if 300 < mouse_pos[0] < 591:
if 300 < mouse_pos[1] < 396:
new_list[1] = 1
# change player 1
if 250 < mouse_pos[0] < 359:
if 500 < mouse_pos[1] < 548:
new_list[4] = 1
# change player 2
if 400 < mouse_pos[0] < 509:
if 500 < mouse_pos[1] < 548:
new_list[5] = 1
return new_list
# preparations
game = Game()
game.game_flow["menu"] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
game.game_flow["sounds"] = get_sounds()
settings_on_top = False
display = pygame.Surface((900, 600))
abilities = {
"1.player": "dash",
"2.player": "dash",
"1.storage": 5,
"2.storage": 5
menu_textures = {
"bg": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/main_menu.png").convert(),
"play": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/play_button.png").convert(),
"play_pressed": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/play_button_pressed.png").convert(),
"settings": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/settings_btn.png").convert(),
"settings_pressed": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/settings_btn_pressed.png").convert(),
"change": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/change_btn.png").convert(),
"change_pressed": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/change_btn_pressed.png").convert(),
"dash": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/dash.png").convert(),
"shockwave": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/wave.png").convert(),
"ice": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/ice.png").convert(),
"settings_menu": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/settings.png").convert()
# game loop
while game.alive:
display.blit(menu_textures["bg"], [0, 0])
# event loop
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mousepos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
game.game_flow["menu"] = mouse_check(mousepos, game.game_flow["menu"])
# setting actions for buttons
if settings_on_top is False:
if game.game_flow["menu"][1]:
arena(screenX, fs, abilities)
elif game.game_flow["menu"][4]:
game.game_flow["menu"][2] += 1
if game.game_flow["menu"][2] > 2:
game.game_flow["menu"][2] = 0
elif game.game_flow["menu"][5]:
game.game_flow["menu"][3] += 1
if game.game_flow["menu"][3] > 2:
game.game_flow["menu"][3] = 0
# settings menu
if game.game_flow["menu"][0]:
settings_on_top = not settings_on_top
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
# if mouse moving get mouse pos
mousepos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
# function that checks if mouse is above any button and changes image, color of that image
game.game_flow["menu"] = mouse_check(mousepos, game.game_flow["menu"])
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_f:
fs = not fs
if fs is False:
screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Window_size)
screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Window_size, pygame.FULLSCREEN)
elif event.key == K_ESCAPE:
if settings_on_top is False:
settings_on_top = not settings_on_top
# making menu
if game.game_flow["menu"][1]:
display.blit(menu_textures["play_pressed"], [300, 300])
display.blit(menu_textures["play"], [300, 300])
# showing ability of 1.player
if game.game_flow["menu"][2] == 0:
display.blit(menu_textures["dash"], [100, 400])
abilities["1.player"] = "dash"
abilities["1.storage"] = 10
elif game.game_flow["menu"][2] == 1:
display.blit(menu_textures["shockwave"], [100, 400])
abilities["1.player"] = "wave"
abilities["1.storage"] = 8
elif game.game_flow["menu"][2] == 2:
display.blit(menu_textures["ice"], [100, 400])
abilities["1.player"] = "ice"
abilities["1.storage"] = 10
# showing ability of 2.player
if game.game_flow["menu"][3] == 0:
display.blit(menu_textures["dash"], [500, 400])
abilities["2.player"] = "dash"
abilities["2.storage"] = 10
elif game.game_flow["menu"][3] == 1:
display.blit(menu_textures["shockwave"], [500, 400])
abilities["2.player"] = "wave"
abilities["2.storage"] = 8
elif game.game_flow["menu"][3] == 2:
display.blit(menu_textures["ice"], [500, 400])
abilities["2.player"] = "ice"
abilities["2.storage"] = 10
if game.game_flow["menu"][4] == 0:
display.blit(menu_textures["change"], [250, 500])
elif game.game_flow["menu"][4] == 1:
display.blit(menu_textures["change_pressed"], [250, 500])
if game.game_flow["menu"][5] == 0:
display.blit(menu_textures["change"], [400, 500])
elif game.game_flow["menu"][5] == 1:
display.blit(menu_textures["change_pressed"], [400, 500])
if settings_on_top:
display.blit(menu_textures["settings_menu"], [0, 0])
if game.game_flow["menu"][0]:
display.blit(menu_textures["settings_pressed"], [800, 500])
display.blit(menu_textures["settings"], [800, 500])
# basic loop config
screenX.blit(display, (0, 0))
def arena(screenX, fs, abilities):
global Player1
global Player2
global players_defined
ids = Id()
images_dictionary = {"solid": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/game/solid.png").convert(),
"circle": pygame.image.load("assets/textures/backround/circle_arena.png").convert()}
images_dictionary["circle"].set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
images_dictionary["solid"].set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
game = Game()
game.game_flow["collision_timer"] = 0
game.game_flow["boost"] = 0.9
game.game_flow["speed_timer"] = 0
game.game_flow["winner"] = "na"
game.game_flow["inputs"] = True
game.game_flow["sounds"] = get_sounds()
new_parameters = [1350, 900]
display = pygame.Surface((1350, 900))
# background
bg = Bg
# solids
solids = Solids()
# loading map
mapX = load_map("assets/maps/map0")
# loading objects
objects = Objects()
# loading bg circle
midpoint = [816, 672]
circle = Object("circle", game.custom_id_giver, [192, 0], [0, 0], 0, False, [1248, 1344])
sort(circle, objects)
game.custom_id_giver += 1
# loading from map
load_objects(mapX, 96, 96, objects, game)
# players
# never set direction to 0
Player1 = Object("player", game.custom_id_giver, [800, 800], [0, 0],
round(math.tau * 0.75, 2), True, [10, 10], True)
Player1.specific.images[0].set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
Player1.move.collisions = True # enables collisions for player
Player1.move.speed = 0.5 # increasing speed so ur not super slow
Player1.move.angle_speed = 0.1
# simulating movement so u dont start at speed 0
Player1.dir_movement = Player1.move.set_start_dir_movement(Player1.direction, Player1.dir_movement)
# sorts player
sort(Player1, objects)
# moves to next id
game.custom_id_giver += 1
# player 2
# never set direction to 0
Player2 = Object("player", game.custom_id_giver, [800, 400], [0, 0], round(math.pi/2, 2), True, [10, 10], True)
Player2.specific.images[0].set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
Player2.move.collisions = True # enables collisions for player
Player2.move.speed = 0.5 # increasing speed so ur not super slow
Player2.move.angle_speed = 0.1
# simulating movement so u dont start at speed 0
Player2.dir_movement = Player2.move.set_start_dir_movement(Player2.direction, Player2.dir_movement)
# sorts player
sort(Player2, objects)
# moves to next id
game.custom_id_giver += 1
players_defined = 1
# sparks
sparks = Spark
sparks.sparks["a"] = []
sparks.sparks["b"] = []
pointers = [pygame.image.load("assets/textures/game/p1_pointer.png").convert(),
for point in pointers:
point.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
# scroll
scroll = Scroll([0, 0])
# ending
winner_text = pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/template_for_text.png").convert()
esc = pygame.image.load("assets/textures/menu/esc.png").convert()
# game loop
while game.alive:
# checking if end
check_loser(midpoint, [Player1, Player2], game)
# setting up bg
display.fill((20, 20, 20))
# checking for removed objects
# doing player movement
Player1.movement = Player1.move.move(Player1.dir_movement)
Player1.direction, Player1.dir_movement = Player1.move.change_dir(Player1.direction,
Player2.movement = Player2.move.move(Player2.dir_movement)
Player2.direction, Player2.dir_movement = Player2.move.change_dir(Player2.direction,
# second parameter is speed of rotation
# collisions
players_collisions(Player1, Player2, game)
# new sparks
sparks.scroll = scroll.scroll
sparks.create("a", Player1.object_pos, [3, 5], [[10, 255], [0, 200], [0, 0]], 3, 1)
sparks.create("b", Player2.object_pos, [3, 5], [[0, 0], [0, 200], [10, 255]], 3, 1)
# sounds
# displaying objects
scroll.move_scroll(Player1, [900, 600], "both", 30)
scroll.move_scroll(Player2, [900, 600], "both", 30)
load_textures(objects, images_dictionary, display, scroll)
solids.draw_solids(objects, display, scroll)
display_pointers(display, [Player1, Player2], pointers, scroll)
sparks.central("a", display)
sparks.central("b", display)
# event loop
if game.game_flow["inputs"]:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_f:
fs = not fs
if fs is False:
screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Window_size)
screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(new_parameters, pygame.FULLSCREEN)
elif event.key == K_ESCAPE:
game.alive = False
elif event.key == K_d:
Player1.move.right = True
elif event.key == K_a:
Player1.move.left = True
elif event.key == K_w:
Player1.move.forward = True
elif event.key == K_e:
if abilities["1.storage"] > 1:
if abilities["1.player"] == "ice":
Player1.move.vectors = []
elif abilities["1.player"] == "dash":
Player1.move.vectors.append([Player1.dir_movement[0] * game.game_flow["boost"],
Player1.dir_movement[1] * game.game_flow["boost"]])
elif abilities["1.player"] == "wave":
get_shockwave_vector(Player1.object_pos, Player2.object_pos))
abilities["1.storage"] -= 1
# key_up
elif event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == K_d:
Player1.move.right = False
elif event.key == K_a:
Player1.move.left = False
elif event.key == K_w:
Player1.move.forward = False
stop_inputs([Player1, Player2])
winner = font.render(f"Winner is : {game.game_flow['winner']}",
False, (255, 255, 255))
display.blit(winner_text, [50, 50])
display.blit(winner, [90, 80])
display.blit(esc, [500, 450])
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_f:
fs = not fs
if fs is False:
screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Window_size)
screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(new_parameters, pygame.FULLSCREEN)
elif event.key == K_ESCAPE:
game.alive = False
# basic loop config
outarr = [Player1.all_ids, Player1.dir_movement, Player1.direction, Player1.ids_to_remove, Player1.memory, Player1.move.angle_speed, Player1.move.backwards, Player1.move.collisions, Player1.move.degree, Player1.move.force, Player1.move.forward, Player1.move.half_pi, Player1.move.left, Player1.move.offset, Player1.move.pi, Player1.move.right, Player1.move.speed, Player1.move.three_halves_pi, Player1.move.two_pi, Player1.move.vectors, Player1.movement, Player1.moving, Player1.object_id, Player1.object_pos, Player1.rect.bottom, Player1.rect.bottomleft, Player1.rect.bottomright, Player1.rect.center, Player1.rect.centerx, Player1.rect.centery, Player1.rect.h, Player1.rect.height, Player1.rect.left, Player1.rect.midbottom, Player1.rect.midleft, Player1.rect.midright, Player1.rect.midtop, Player1.rect.right, Player1.rect.size, Player1.rect.top, Player1.rect.topleft, Player1.rect.topright, Player1.rect.w, Player1.rect.width, Player1.rect.x, Player1.rect.y, Player1.size, Player1.special, Player1.specific.attribute, Player1.specific.attribute_0, Player1.specific.attribute_1, Player1.specific.attribute_2, Player1.specific.boolean_attribute, Player1.specific.color_r, Player1.specific.fixed, Player1.specific.flip, Player1.specific.height, Player1.specific.object_id, Player1.specific.power, Player1.specific.scroll, Player1.specific.stage, Player1.type]
datasend = json.dumps({"player": 1, "data": outarr})
screenX.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display, new_parameters), (0, 0))
menu(screen, False)