Update to 1.21.4
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
plugins {
id 'fabric-loom' version '1.7-SNAPSHOT'
id 'fabric-loom' version '1.8-SNAPSHOT'
id 'maven-publish'
@ -88,3 +88,7 @@ publishing {
// retrieving dependencies.
loom {
accessWidenerPath = file("src/main/resources/hudbars.accesswidener")
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
# Fabric Properties
# check these on https://modmuss50.me/fabric.html
# Mod Properties
# Dependencies
# check this on https://modmuss50.me/fabric.html
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ import net.minecraft.client.font.TextRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.InGameHud;
import net.minecraft.client.render.RenderTickCounter;
import net.minecraft.entity.JumpingMount;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributes;
import net.minecraft.entity.effect.StatusEffects;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.HungerManager;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.registry.tag.FluidTags;
import net.minecraft.util.Util;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.world.GameMode;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Unique;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At;
@ -23,13 +27,111 @@ import static net.minecraft.entity.effect.StatusEffects.WITHER;
public class InGameHudMixin {
@Inject(method = "renderHealthBar", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void renderHealthBar(DrawContext context, PlayerEntity player, int x, int y, int lines, int regeneratingHeartIndex, float maxHealthFloat, int lastHealth, int health, int absorption, boolean blinking, CallbackInfo ci) {
@Inject(method = "render", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void renderMainHud(DrawContext context, RenderTickCounter tickCounter, CallbackInfo ci) {
InGameHud hud = (InGameHud) (Object) this;
MinecraftClient client = hud.client;
PlayerEntity player = client.player;
if (client.interactionManager.getCurrentGameMode() == GameMode.SPECTATOR) {
} else {
hud.renderHotbar(context, tickCounter);
if (player == null) return;
// Calculate HUD bar positions
int centerX = context.getScaledWindowWidth() / 2 - 91;
// Render Jump Bar for Mount
JumpingMount jumpingMount = client.player.getJumpingMount();
if (jumpingMount != null) {
renderMountJumpBar(jumpingMount, context, centerX);
// Render Status Bars (Health, Armor, Food, Air)
// Render Mount Health (if applicable)
// Render Experience Bar
renderExperienceBar(context, centerX);
// Render Held Item Tooltip
if (client.interactionManager.getCurrentGameMode() != GameMode.SPECTATOR) {
} else if (player.isSpectator()) {
hud.renderCrosshair(context, tickCounter);
private void renderStatusBars(DrawContext context) {
InGameHud hud = (InGameHud) (Object) this;
MinecraftClient client = hud.client;
PlayerEntity player = hud.getCameraPlayer();
if (player != null) {
int lastHealth = MathHelper.ceil(player.getHealth());
boolean bl = hud.heartJumpEndTick > (long) hud.getTicks() && (hud.heartJumpEndTick - (long) hud.getTicks()) / 3L % 2L == 1L;
int screenWidth = context.getScaledWindowWidth();
int screenHeight = context.getScaledWindowHeight();
int baseY = screenHeight - 39;
long l = Util.getMeasuringTimeMs();
if (lastHealth < hud.lastHealthValue && player.timeUntilRegen > 0) {
hud.lastHealthCheckTime = l;
hud.heartJumpEndTick = (long) (hud.getTicks() + 20);
} else if (lastHealth > hud.lastHealthValue && player.timeUntilRegen > 0) {
hud.lastHealthCheckTime = l;
hud.heartJumpEndTick = (long) (hud.getTicks() + 10);
if (l - hud.lastHealthCheckTime > 1000L) {
hud.lastHealthValue = lastHealth;
hud.renderHealthValue = lastHealth;
hud.lastHealthCheckTime = l;
hud.lastHealthValue = lastHealth;
int health = hud.renderHealthValue;
int x = context.getScaledWindowWidth() / 2 - 91;
int m = context.getScaledWindowWidth() / 2 + 91;
int y = context.getScaledWindowHeight() - 39;
float maxHealthFloat = Math.max((float) player.getAttributeValue(EntityAttributes.MAX_HEALTH), (float) Math.max(health, lastHealth));
int absorption = MathHelper.ceil(player.getAbsorptionAmount());
int p = MathHelper.ceil((maxHealthFloat + (float) absorption) / 2.0F / 10.0F);
int q = Math.max(10 - (p - 2), 3);
renderArmor(context, player, y, p, q, x);
renderHealthBar(context, player, x, y, maxHealthFloat, lastHealth, health, absorption, bl);
renderFood(context, player, y, m);
renderAir(context, player, baseY, screenWidth / 2 + 91);
private void renderMountHealth(DrawContext context) {
InGameHud hud = (InGameHud) (Object) this;
LivingEntity mount = hud.getRiddenEntity();
if (mount != null) {
int health = (int) Math.ceil(mount.getHealth());
int screenHeight = context.getScaledWindowHeight();
int screenWidth = context.getScaledWindowWidth();
int baseX = screenWidth / 2 + 12;
int baseY = screenHeight - 52;
renderHealthBar(context, mount, baseX, baseY, mount.getMaxHealth(), health, health, 0, false);
private void renderHealthBar(DrawContext context, LivingEntity player, int x, int y, float maxHealthFloat, int lastHealth, int health, int absorption, boolean blinking) {
int barWidth = 80;
int barHeight = 10;
int maxHealth = (int) maxHealthFloat;
y -= 12;
y -= 8;
int color;
int borderColor;
@ -60,35 +162,116 @@ public class InGameHudMixin {
String healthText = "%d/%d".formatted(lastHealth + absorption, maxHealth);
drawBar(context, x, y, barWidth, barHeight, healthPercentage, color, borderColor, healthText, 0, 0);
private static int generateSubBarColor(int color) {
// Mask the alpha channel (first byte)
int alpha = color & 0xFF000000;
private static int getArmorToughness(LivingEntity livingEntity) {
return MathHelper.floor(livingEntity.getAttributeValue(EntityAttributes.ARMOR_TOUGHNESS));
// Extract RGB channels
int red = (color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
int green = (color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
int blue = color & 0x000000FF;
private static int computeArmorColor(float armorPercentage) {
// Gradually interpolate between grey (low armor) and green (high armor)
int red = (int) (0xAA * (1.0f - armorPercentage)); // Red decreases as armor increases
int green = (int) (0xFF * armorPercentage); // Green increases as armor increases
int blue = (int) (0x55 + (0xAA * armorPercentage)); // Blue shifts from grey to green
// Halve each RGB channel
red = Math.max(red / 2, 0);
green = Math.max(green / 2, 0);
blue = Math.max(blue / 2, 0);
// Combine the halved RGB channels back into the color
int RGB = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
// Combine the alpha channel with the modified RGB channels
return alpha | RGB;
// Combine the RGB values into a single color integer
return (0xFF << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
@Inject(method = "renderFood", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void renderFood(DrawContext context, PlayerEntity player, int top, int right, CallbackInfo ci) {
private static void renderArmor(DrawContext context, PlayerEntity player, int i, int j, int k, int x) {
int armorLevel = player.getArmor();
int armorToughness = getArmorToughness(player);
// Skip rendering if armor level is 0
if (armorLevel > 0) {
int barWidth = 80;
int barHeight = 10;
int posY = i - (j - 1) * k - 21;
// Compute the color based on the armor level percentage
float armorPercentage = (float) armorLevel / 20.0f;
float toughnessPercentage = (float) armorToughness / 20.0f;
int color = computeArmorColor(armorPercentage);
// Armor text to display
String armorText = "%d/%d".formatted(armorLevel, 20);
// Use the drawBar method to render the armor bar
drawBar(context, x, posY, barWidth, barHeight, armorPercentage, color, 0xFF000000, armorText, toughnessPercentage, generateSubBarColor(color));
private void renderMountJumpBar(JumpingMount mount, DrawContext context, int x) {
InGameHud hud = (InGameHud) (Object) this;
MinecraftClient client = hud.client;
int screenHeight = context.getScaledWindowHeight();
int y = screenHeight - 68;
float jumpStrength = client.player.getMountJumpStrength();
// Background color for the bar
int backgroundColor = 0xFF555555; // Grey background
// Main bar color
int barColor = 0xFF00FF00; // Green color for the jump bar (can be adjusted)
// Border color
int borderColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; // White border
// Text to display
String text = ""; // Assuming no text to be displayed on the jump bar
// Inner bar color, if applicable
int innerBarColor = 0xFFFF0000; // Red color for the inner bar (can be adjusted)
// Calculate fill percentage based on jump strength
float fillPercentage = jumpStrength;
// Check for cooldown
float innerPercentage = (mount.getJumpCooldown() > 0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// Draw the bar using the drawBar function
drawBar(context, x, y, 182, 5, fillPercentage, barColor, borderColor, text, innerPercentage, innerBarColor);
private void renderExperienceBar(DrawContext context, int x) {
InGameHud hud = (InGameHud) (Object) this;
MinecraftClient client = hud.client;
PlayerEntity player = client.player;
if (player == null) return;
int screenHeight = context.getScaledWindowHeight();
int experienceNeededForNextLevel = player.getNextLevelExperience();
if (experienceNeededForNextLevel > 0) {
int experienceGotForThisLevel = (int) (player.experienceProgress * experienceNeededForNextLevel);
int experienceLevel = player.experienceLevel;
int barWidth = 183;
int barHeight = 10;
int filledWidth = (int) (player.experienceProgress * barWidth);
int y = screenHeight - 34;
// Display experienceGotForThisLevel/experienceNeededForNextLevel
String experienceText = "%d/%d (%d)".formatted(experienceGotForThisLevel, experienceNeededForNextLevel, experienceLevel);
drawBar(context, x, y, barWidth, barHeight, (float) filledWidth / barWidth, 0xFFAAAA00, 0xFF000000, experienceText, 0, 0);
private void renderFood(DrawContext context, PlayerEntity player, int top, int right) {
HungerManager hungerManager = player.getHungerManager();
int foodLevel = hungerManager.getFoodLevel();
float saturationLevel = hungerManager.getSaturationLevel();
@ -97,7 +280,7 @@ public class InGameHudMixin {
int barHeight = 10;
int x = right - barWidth + 1;
int y = top - 12;
int y = top - 8;
int color;
@ -121,99 +304,30 @@ public class InGameHudMixin {
String foodText = "%d(%d)/%d".formatted(foodLevel, (int) saturationLevel, 20);
// Calculate the saturation percentage relative to the current food level
float saturationPercentage = saturationLevel > 0 ? (saturationLevel / (float) foodLevel) : 0;
float saturationPercentage = saturationLevel / 20.0f;
// Use the drawBar method with the innerPercentage and innerColor for saturation
drawBar(context, x, y, barWidth, barHeight, foodPercentage, color, 0xFF000000, foodText, saturationPercentage, generateSubBarColor(color));
private static int getArmorToughness(LivingEntity livingEntity) {
return MathHelper.floor(livingEntity.getAttributeValue(EntityAttributes.GENERIC_ARMOR_TOUGHNESS));
private static int computeArmorColor(float armorPercentage) {
// Gradually interpolate between grey (low armor) and green (high armor)
int red = (int) (0xAA * (1.0f - armorPercentage)); // Red decreases as armor increases
int green = (int) (0xFF * armorPercentage); // Green increases as armor increases
int blue = (int) (0x55 + (0xAA * armorPercentage)); // Blue shifts from grey to green
// Combine the RGB values into a single color integer
return (0xFF << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
@Inject(method = "renderArmor", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private static void renderArmor(DrawContext context, PlayerEntity player, int i, int j, int k, int x, CallbackInfo ci) {
int armorLevel = player.getArmor();
int armorToughness = getArmorToughness(player);
// Skip rendering if armor level is 0
if (armorLevel > 0) {
private void renderAir(DrawContext context, PlayerEntity player, int top, int right) {
int air = player.getAir();
int maxAir = player.getMaxAir();
int barWidth = 80;
int barHeight = 10;
int posY = i - (j - 1) * k - 26;
int x = right - barWidth + 1;
int y = top - 22;
// Compute the color based on the armor level percentage
float armorPercentage = (float) armorLevel / 20.0f;
float toughnessPercentage = (float) armorToughness / 20.0f;
int color = computeArmorColor(armorPercentage);
// Armor text to display
String armorText = "%d/%d".formatted(armorLevel, 20);
// Use the drawBar method to render the armor bar
drawBar(context, x, posY, barWidth, barHeight, armorPercentage, color, 0xFF000000, armorText, toughnessPercentage, generateSubBarColor(color));
if (air < maxAir || player.isSubmergedIn(FluidTags.WATER)) {
float airPercentage = (float) air / (float) maxAir;
if (airPercentage < 0) {
airPercentage = 0;
String airText = "%d/%d".formatted(air, maxAir);
drawBar(context, x, y, barWidth, barHeight, airPercentage, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFF000000, airText, 0, 0);
@Inject(method = "renderExperienceBar", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void renderExperienceBar(DrawContext context, int x, CallbackInfo ci) {
MinecraftClient client = MinecraftClient.getInstance();
PlayerEntity player = client.player;
if (player == null) {
int experienceNeededForNextLevel = player.getNextLevelExperience();
if (experienceNeededForNextLevel > 0) {
int experienceGotForThisLevel = (int) (player.experienceProgress * experienceNeededForNextLevel);
int experienceLevel = player.experienceLevel;
int barWidth = 183;
int barHeight = 10;
int filledWidth = (int) (player.experienceProgress * barWidth);
int y = context.getScaledWindowHeight() - 36;
// Display experienceGotForThisLevel/experienceNeededForNextLevel
String experienceText = "%d/%d (%d)".formatted(experienceGotForThisLevel, experienceNeededForNextLevel, experienceLevel);
drawBar(context, x, y, barWidth, barHeight, (float) filledWidth / barWidth, 0xFFAAAA00, 0xFF000000, experienceText, 0, 0);
@Inject(method = "renderExperienceLevel", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void renderExperienceLevel(DrawContext context, RenderTickCounter tickCounter, CallbackInfo ci) {
// Common helper method for rendering bars
private static void drawBar(DrawContext context, int x, int y, int barWidth, int barHeight, float percentage, int color, int borderColor, String text, float innerPercentage, int innerColor) {
@ -239,4 +353,26 @@ public class InGameHudMixin {
TextRenderer textRenderer = MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer;
context.drawText(textRenderer, text, x + 2, y + 1, 0xFFFFFFFF, false);
private static int generateSubBarColor(int color) {
// Mask the alpha channel (first byte)
int alpha = color & 0xFF000000;
// Extract RGB channels
int red = (color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
int green = (color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
int blue = color & 0x000000FF;
// Halve each RGB channel
red = Math.max(red / 2, 0);
green = Math.max(green / 2, 0);
blue = Math.max(blue / 2, 0);
// Combine the halved RGB channels back into the color
int RGB = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
// Combine the alpha channel with the modified RGB channels
return alpha | RGB;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
accessWidener v2 named
accessible method net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud getCameraPlayer ()Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity;
accessible field net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud client Lnet/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient;
accessible field net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud heartJumpEndTick J
accessible field net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud lastHealthValue I
accessible field net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud lastHealthCheckTime J
accessible field net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud renderHealthValue I
accessible field net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud random Lnet/minecraft/util/math/random/Random;
accessible method net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud renderHotbar (Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/DrawContext;Lnet/minecraft/client/render/RenderTickCounter;)V
accessible method net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud renderHeldItemTooltip (Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/DrawContext;)V
accessible method net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud getRiddenEntity ()Lnet/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity;
accessible method net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud getHeartCount (Lnet/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity;)I
accessible method net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud renderCrosshair (Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/DrawContext;Lnet/minecraft/client/render/RenderTickCounter;)V
Reference in New Issue
Block a user