var ranid = 1; var cntdrag = 1; let data_tabl = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; let words = [ "BANKA", "CHROBAK", "CIZMY", "MEC", "STENA", "TEHLA" ]; function makeSpaceWord(word){ $("#lettersky").html(""); $("#imagesky").html(""); let length = word.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { $("#lettersky").append('
'); ranid++; $("#imagesky").append('
'); ranid++; } $("#lettersky").append('
'); $("#imagesky").append('
'); } let prefix = "assets/"; function cleanup(){ // var htmls = []; // var returntos = []; // $("[returnto]").each(function (index){ // htmls.push($(this).prop("outerHTML")); // returntos.push($(this).attr("returnto")); // $(this).remove(); // }); // for (var x = 0 ; x < returntos.length; x++) { // //$('[returntarget="' + returntos[x] + '"]').html(htmls[x]); // } $(".finalplace").html(""); } function checkAnswers() { let good = "background-image: url(\"assets/good.png\");"; let fail = "background-image: url(\"assets/fail.png\");"; // $('#letterstatus').attr('style', good); // $('#letterstatus').animate({opacity:1}, "slow"); // setTimeout(function (){ // $('#letterstatus').animate({opacity:0}, "slow"); // }); var imagecodes = ""; var lettercodes = ""; let vzorcodes = $("#currentvzor").attr("datacode"); $(".finalimageplace").find("img").each(function (){ imagecodes = imagecodes + $(this).attr("datacode"); }); $(".finalletterplace").find("img").each(function (){ lettercodes = lettercodes + $(this).attr("datacode"); }); if (vzorcodes == imagecodes) { $('#imagestatus').attr('style', good); $('#imagestatus').animate({opacity:1}, "slow"); setTimeout(function (){ $('#imagestatus').animate({opacity:0}, "slow"); }); } else{ $('#imagestatus').attr('style', fail); $('#imagestatus').animate({opacity:1}, "slow"); setTimeout(function (){ $('#imagestatus').animate({opacity:0}, "slow"); }); } if (vzorcodes == lettercodes) { $('#letterstatus').attr('style', good); $('#letterstatus').animate({opacity:1}, "slow"); setTimeout(function (){ $('#letterstatus').animate({opacity:0}, "slow"); }); } else{ $('#letterstatus').attr('style', fail); $('#letterstatus').animate({opacity:1}, "slow"); setTimeout(function (){ $('#letterstatus').animate({opacity:0}, "slow"); }); } if (vzorcodes == imagecodes && vzorcodes == lettercodes){ cleanup(); generatePair(); umami.trackEvent('Successful round', { type: 'successround' }); } else{ umami.trackEvent('Unsuccessful round', { type: 'failround' }); } umami.trackEvent("Round data", { type: 'rounddata', Vzor: vzorcodes, Lettercodes: lettercodes, Imagecodes: imagecodes }); } function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); // The maximum is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive } function getRandomElement(array){ return array[getRandomInt(0, array.length)]; } function randomize(inarray){ var tmp = []; const randomly = () => Math.random() - 0.5; const traitInfo = Array(inarray.length).fill({}); // for the snippet. const hahainarray = [].concat(inarray).sort(randomly); traitInfo.forEach((t, i) => { tmp.push(hahainarray[i]); }); return tmp; } function getEmptyIndex(element) { var emptyPlaces = []; var idcka = []; var finalindex = -1; var idcko = ""; element.each(function (){ let thiselement = $(this); if (thiselement.html() == ""){ emptyPlaces.push(thiselement.attr("finalplaceindex")); idcka.push(thiselement.attr("id")); } }); emptyPlaces.forEach(function (value, index) { if (value < finalindex || finalindex < 0){ finalindex = value; idcko = idcka[index]; } }); return [finalindex, idcko]; } function showImages() { var images = []; var letters = []; let imageholder = $("#imageholder"); let letterholder = $("#letterholder"); for (let i = 0 ; i < data_tabl.length; i++) { let imagepath = prefix + "images/" + data_tabl[i] + ".png"; let letterpath = prefix + "letters/" + data_tabl[i] + ".png"; let audiopath = prefix + "audio/" + data_tabl[i] + ".ogg"; images.push( "
" + "" + "" + "" + "
" ); ranid += 1; letters.push( "
" + "" + "
" ); ranid += 1; } randomize(images).forEach(function (value, index, array){ imageholder.append(value); }); randomize(letters).forEach(function (value, index, array){ letterholder.append(value); }); $(".originalplace").on("click", function(e){ let targetElement = $(this); if (targetElement.hasClass("imageholderak")){ let [emptyindex, idcko] = getEmptyIndex($(".finalimageplace"), this); if (emptyindex > -1){ let changingelement = $("#" + idcko); changingelement.html(targetElement.html()); umami.trackEvent('Clicked sign', { type: 'clicksign', datacode: targetElement.getAttribute("datacode") }); } } if (targetElement.hasClass("letterholderak")){ let [emptyindex, idcko] = getEmptyIndex($(".finalletterplace"), this); if (emptyindex > -1){ let changingelement = $("#" + idcko); umami.trackEvent('Clicked letter', { type: 'clickletter', datacode: targetElement.getAttribute("datacode") }); changingelement.html(targetElement.html()); } } }); $(".finalplace").on("click", function (){ umami.trackEvent('Clicked clear', { type: 'clickclear', datacode: $(this).children()[0].getAttribute("datacode") }); $(this).html(""); }); $(".imageholderak, .letterholderak").each(function(){ $(this).on("click", function (e){ let datacode = $(this).attr("datacode"); document.getElementById("audplay"+ datacode).play(); }) }); } function generateItem(word){ let vzorplace = $("#vzoritem"); let datacode = "datacode=\"" + word + "\" " let imagesrc = "src=\"assets/items/" + word +".png\" " let imageid = "id=\"currentvzor\" "; let audioid = "id = \"audplayitem" + word + "\" "; let audiosrc = "src=\"assets/items/AUDIO/" + word +".mp3\" " let sourceid = "id=\"audioitemholderak" + word +"\" " let sourceclass = "class=\"holderak\" " let sourcetype = "type=\"audio/mpeg\" " let sourceend = ""; let audioend = ""; let imageend = ""; let itemend = "
"; let itemid = "id = \"itemholderak" + word + "\" "; let itemclass = "class=\"itemholderak holderak\""; let itempart = "
"; let imagepart = ""; let audiopart = "