import json import time import requests import discord from discord.ext import commands class Edu_Info(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client @commands.command() @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def teachers(self, ctx): update_database(ctx) with open("/home/dietpi/Edu-kun_v.2.0/saves/edu.json", "r") as f: edu = json.load(f) edu = edu[str(] for teacher in edu["dbi"]["teachers"].keys(): t = edu['dbi']['teachers'][teacher] teacher = discord.Embed(title=f"{t['firstname']} {t['lastname']}", description="profile") teacher.add_field(name="Gender", value=f"{t['gender']}") teacher.add_field(name="Started", value=f"{t['datefrom']}") await ctx.send(content=None, embed=teacher) @commands.command() @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def classes(self, ctx): update_database(ctx) with open("/home/dietpi/Edu-kun_v.2.0/saves/edu.json", "r") as f: edu = json.load(f) edu = edu[str(] for classroom in edu["dbi"]["classes"].keys(): cr = edu["dbi"]["classes"][classroom] teacher_id = cr["teacherid"] teach = "None" # getting the teacher for teacher in edu["dbi"]["teachers"].keys(): t = edu['dbi']['teachers'][teacher] if t["id"] == teacher_id: teach = f"{t['firstname']} {t['lastname']}" embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{cr['name']}", description="info") embed.add_field(name="Teacher", value=teach) await ctx.send(content=None, embed=embed) @commands.command() async def periods(self, ctx): update_database(ctx) with open("/home/dietpi/Edu-kun_v.2.0/saves/edu.json", "r") as f: edu = json.load(f) edu = edu[str(] periods = edu["dbi"]["periods"] periodX = discord.Embed(title="Periods", description="hours") for period in periods: periodX.add_field(name=f"{period['name']}", value=f"{period['starttime']} - {period['endtime']}") await ctx.send(content=None, embed=periodX) @commands.command() async def authors(self, ctx): authors = discord.Embed(title="Authors", description="Tucan444, UntriexTv") authors.add_field(name="Tucan444", value="") authors.add_field(name="UntriexTv", value="") await ctx.send(content=None, embed=authors) def update_database(ctx): # getting accounts with open("/home/dietpi/Edu-kun_v.2.0/saves/accounts.json") as f: accounts = json.load(f)[str(] for account in accounts.keys(): for i in range(6): try: url = '' headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:82.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/82.0"} values = {'username': f"{accounts[account]['name']}", 'password': f"{weird_shuffle(accounts[account]['password'])}"} edupage = requests.session(), data=values, headers=headers) r = edupage.get("", headers=headers) x = r.text.split("\n") lines_to_del = [] for line in x: if len(line) < 10000: lines_to_del.append(line) for line in lines_to_del: del x[x.index(line)] x = list(x[0]) while x[0] != "{": del x[0] while x[-1] != "}": del x[-1] x = "".join(x) x = x.replace("false", "False").replace("true", "True").replace("null", "None") var = eval(x) with open(f"/home/dietpi/Edu-kun_v.2.0/saves/{accounts[account]['file']}", "r") as f: save = json.load(f) save[str(] = var with open(f"/home/dietpi/Edu-kun_v.2.0/saves/{accounts[account]['file']}", "w") as f: json.dump(save, f, indent=4) break except: time.sleep(0.5) def weird_shuffle(message): x = message o = [] e = [] ind = [] gug = 0 for i in x: o.append(i) f = len(x) / 2 if f % 1 == 0: o.append(" ") gug = 1 p = len(o) for u in range(0, p): ind.append(u) for ef in range(0, p): if max(ind) - ef * 2 < 0: break e.append(o[max(ind) - ef * 2]) if min(ind) + 1 + (ef * 2) > max(ind): break e.append(o[min(ind) + 1 + (ef * 2)]) zet = ["", p] if gug == 1: e.remove(e[0]) zet[0] = " " zet[1] = p - 1 gug = "" for ups in range(0, zet[1]): gug += e[ups] return zet[0] + gug def setup(client): client.add_cog(Edu_Info(client))