From 3108a503733b10f373c68a22d692c3dcdf50e847 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: BRNSystems Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2021 17:47:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] haha stuff go brrr --- Assets/Scenes/Scenka.unity | 448 ------------- Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs | 2 +- Logs/AssetImportWorker0-prev.log | 699 +++++++++++++++++++- Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log | 728 --------------------- Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log | 6 - 5 files changed, 698 insertions(+), 1185 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log delete mode 100644 Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log diff --git a/Assets/Scenes/Scenka.unity b/Assets/Scenes/Scenka.unity index 48655f9..a9ab282 100644 --- a/Assets/Scenes/Scenka.unity +++ b/Assets/Scenes/Scenka.unity @@ -123,173 +123,11 @@ NavMeshSettings: debug: m_Flags: 0 m_NavMeshData: {fileID: 0} ---- !u!1 &111928595 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 111928598} - - component: {fileID: 111928597} - - component: {fileID: 111928596} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: EventSystem - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!114 &111928596 -MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 111928595} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 4f231c4fb786f3946a6b90b886c48677, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_HorizontalAxis: Horizontal - m_VerticalAxis: Vertical - m_SubmitButton: Submit - m_CancelButton: Cancel - m_InputActionsPerSecond: 10 - m_RepeatDelay: 0.5 - m_ForceModuleActive: 0 ---- !u!114 &111928597 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 111928595} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 76c392e42b5098c458856cdf6ecaaaa1, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_FirstSelected: {fileID: 0} - m_sendNavigationEvents: 1 - m_DragThreshold: 10 ---- !u!4 &111928598 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 111928595} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 0} - m_RootOrder: 6 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!1 &312970532 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 312970536} - - component: {fileID: 312970535} - - component: {fileID: 312970534} - - component: {fileID: 312970533} - m_Layer: 5 - m_Name: Canvas - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!114 &312970533 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 312970532} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: dc42784cf147c0c48a680349fa168899, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_IgnoreReversedGraphics: 1 - m_BlockingObjects: 0 - m_BlockingMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 4294967295 ---- !u!114 &312970534 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 312970532} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 0cd44c1031e13a943bb63640046fad76, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_UiScaleMode: 0 - m_ReferencePixelsPerUnit: 100 - m_ScaleFactor: 1 - m_ReferenceResolution: {x: 800, y: 600} - m_ScreenMatchMode: 0 - m_MatchWidthOrHeight: 0 - m_PhysicalUnit: 3 - m_FallbackScreenDPI: 96 - m_DefaultSpriteDPI: 96 - m_DynamicPixelsPerUnit: 1 - m_PresetInfoIsWorld: 0 ---- !u!223 &312970535 -Canvas: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 312970532} - m_Enabled: 1 - serializedVersion: 3 - m_RenderMode: 0 - m_Camera: {fileID: 0} - m_PlaneDistance: 100 - m_PixelPerfect: 0 - m_ReceivesEvents: 1 - m_OverrideSorting: 0 - m_OverridePixelPerfect: 0 - m_SortingBucketNormalizedSize: 0 - m_AdditionalShaderChannelsFlag: 25 - m_SortingLayerID: 0 - m_SortingOrder: 0 - m_TargetDisplay: 0 ---- !u!224 &312970536 -RectTransform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 312970532} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_Children: - - {fileID: 1813045426} - - {fileID: 1451977360} - m_Father: {fileID: 0} - m_RootOrder: 5 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_AnchorMax: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 0} --- !u!1001 &631035917 PrefabInstance: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -475,7 +313,6 @@ GameObject: - component: {fileID: 963194228} - component: {fileID: 963194227} - component: {fileID: 963194226} - - component: {fileID: 963194229} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: GoPro m_TagString: MainCamera @@ -548,23 +385,6 @@ Transform: m_Father: {fileID: 1250425538} m_RootOrder: 0 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!114 &963194229 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 963194225} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - rozdiel: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - mover: {fileID: 1250425539} - offsetx: 0 - offsety: 0 - chytene: {fileID: 0} --- !u!1001 &1101692134 PrefabInstance: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -755,140 +575,6 @@ MeshFilter: m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1250425537} m_Mesh: {fileID: 10208, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0} ---- !u!1 &1451977359 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 1451977360} - - component: {fileID: 1451977362} - - component: {fileID: 1451977361} - m_Layer: 5 - m_Name: Text (TMP) - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!224 &1451977360 -RectTransform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1451977359} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 312970536} - m_RootOrder: 1 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_AnchorMin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} - m_AnchorMax: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} - m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 0} ---- !u!114 &1451977361 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1451977359} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: f4688fdb7df04437aeb418b961361dc5, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Material: {fileID: 0} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_RaycastTarget: 1 - m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} - m_Maskable: 1 - m_OnCullStateChanged: - m_PersistentCalls: - m_Calls: [] - m_text: . - m_isRightToLeft: 0 - m_fontAsset: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 8f586378b4e144a9851e7b34d9b748ee, type: 2} - m_sharedMaterial: {fileID: 2180264, guid: 8f586378b4e144a9851e7b34d9b748ee, type: 2} - m_fontSharedMaterials: [] - m_fontMaterial: {fileID: 0} - m_fontMaterials: [] - m_fontColor32: - serializedVersion: 2 - rgba: 4294967295 - m_fontColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_enableVertexGradient: 1 - m_colorMode: 3 - m_fontColorGradient: - topLeft: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} - topRight: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0, a: 1} - bottomLeft: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 1, a: 1} - bottomRight: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_fontColorGradientPreset: {fileID: 0} - m_spriteAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_tintAllSprites: 0 - m_StyleSheet: {fileID: 0} - m_TextStyleHashCode: 97690656 - m_overrideHtmlColors: 0 - m_faceColor: - serializedVersion: 2 - rgba: 4294967295 - m_fontSize: 400 - m_fontSizeBase: 400 - m_fontWeight: 400 - m_enableAutoSizing: 0 - m_fontSizeMin: 18 - m_fontSizeMax: 72 - m_fontStyle: 0 - m_HorizontalAlignment: 1 - m_VerticalAlignment: 256 - m_textAlignment: 65535 - m_characterSpacing: 0 - m_wordSpacing: 0 - m_lineSpacing: 0 - m_lineSpacingMax: 0 - m_paragraphSpacing: 0 - m_charWidthMaxAdj: 0 - m_enableWordWrapping: 1 - m_wordWrappingRatios: 0.4 - m_overflowMode: 0 - m_linkedTextComponent: {fileID: 0} - parentLinkedComponent: {fileID: 0} - m_enableKerning: 1 - m_enableExtraPadding: 0 - checkPaddingRequired: 0 - m_isRichText: 1 - m_parseCtrlCharacters: 1 - m_isOrthographic: 1 - m_isCullingEnabled: 0 - m_horizontalMapping: 0 - m_verticalMapping: 0 - m_uvLineOffset: 0 - m_geometrySortingOrder: 0 - m_IsTextObjectScaleStatic: 0 - m_VertexBufferAutoSizeReduction: 0 - m_useMaxVisibleDescender: 1 - m_pageToDisplay: 1 - m_margin: {x: 0, y: -423.33466, z: 104.37204, w: 394.79913} - m_isUsingLegacyAnimationComponent: 0 - m_isVolumetricText: 0 - m_hasFontAssetChanged: 0 - m_baseMaterial: {fileID: 0} - m_maskOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} ---- !u!222 &1451977362 -CanvasRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1451977359} - m_CullTransparentMesh: 1 --- !u!1 &1616481080 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1015,137 +701,3 @@ Transform: m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 3 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} ---- !u!1 &1813045425 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 1813045426} - - component: {fileID: 1813045428} - - component: {fileID: 1813045427} - m_Layer: 5 - m_Name: Text (TMP) - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!224 &1813045426 -RectTransform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1813045425} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 312970536} - m_RootOrder: 0 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_AnchorMin: {x: 0.5, y: 1} - m_AnchorMax: {x: 0.5, y: 1} - m_AnchoredPosition: {x: -222, y: -30} - m_SizeDelta: {x: 200, y: 50} - m_Pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} ---- !u!114 &1813045427 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1813045425} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: f4688fdb7df04437aeb418b961361dc5, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Material: {fileID: 0} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_RaycastTarget: 1 - m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} - m_Maskable: 1 - m_OnCullStateChanged: - m_PersistentCalls: - m_Calls: [] - m_text: Super Destructor 3000 - m_isRightToLeft: 0 - m_fontAsset: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 8f586378b4e144a9851e7b34d9b748ee, type: 2} - m_sharedMaterial: {fileID: 2180264, guid: 8f586378b4e144a9851e7b34d9b748ee, type: 2} - m_fontSharedMaterials: [] - m_fontMaterial: {fileID: 0} - m_fontMaterials: [] - m_fontColor32: - serializedVersion: 2 - rgba: 4294967295 - m_fontColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_enableVertexGradient: 1 - m_colorMode: 3 - m_fontColorGradient: - topLeft: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} - topRight: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0, a: 1} - bottomLeft: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 1, a: 1} - bottomRight: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_fontColorGradientPreset: {fileID: 0} - m_spriteAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_tintAllSprites: 0 - m_StyleSheet: {fileID: 0} - m_TextStyleHashCode: 97690656 - m_overrideHtmlColors: 0 - m_faceColor: - serializedVersion: 2 - rgba: 4294967295 - m_fontSize: 36 - m_fontSizeBase: 36 - m_fontWeight: 400 - m_enableAutoSizing: 0 - m_fontSizeMin: 18 - m_fontSizeMax: 72 - m_fontStyle: 17 - m_HorizontalAlignment: 1 - m_VerticalAlignment: 256 - m_textAlignment: 65535 - m_characterSpacing: 0 - m_wordSpacing: 0 - m_lineSpacing: 0 - m_lineSpacingMax: 0 - m_paragraphSpacing: 0 - m_charWidthMaxAdj: 0 - m_enableWordWrapping: 1 - m_wordWrappingRatios: 0.4 - m_overflowMode: 0 - m_linkedTextComponent: {fileID: 0} - parentLinkedComponent: {fileID: 0} - m_enableKerning: 1 - m_enableExtraPadding: 0 - checkPaddingRequired: 0 - m_isRichText: 1 - m_parseCtrlCharacters: 1 - m_isOrthographic: 1 - m_isCullingEnabled: 0 - m_horizontalMapping: 0 - m_verticalMapping: 0 - m_uvLineOffset: 0 - m_geometrySortingOrder: 0 - m_IsTextObjectScaleStatic: 0 - m_VertexBufferAutoSizeReduction: 0 - m_useMaxVisibleDescender: 1 - m_pageToDisplay: 1 - m_margin: {x: 0, y: 0, z: -464.67706, w: 0} - m_isUsingLegacyAnimationComponent: 0 - m_isVolumetricText: 0 - m_hasFontAssetChanged: 0 - m_baseMaterial: {fileID: 0} - m_maskOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} ---- !u!222 &1813045428 -CanvasRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1813045425} - m_CullTransparentMesh: 1 diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs index 027852a..d3ccccc 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class Chytac : MonoBehaviour Debug.Log(new Vector3(mover.zrot, 10f, mover.xrot)); if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){ caught = false; - RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, new Vector3(mover.xrot + offsetx, mover.zrot + offsety, 0f), 100); + RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(transform.position, 30f, new Vector3(mover.xrot + offsetx, mover.zrot + offsety, 0f), 30f); float mindist = 30f; foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits){ diff --git a/Logs/AssetImportWorker0-prev.log b/Logs/AssetImportWorker0-prev.log index 6b27d82..7fd26d4 100644 --- a/Logs/AssetImportWorker0-prev.log +++ b/Logs/AssetImportWorker0-prev.log @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik -logFile Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log -srvPort -27915 +28835 Successfully changed project path to: C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik Using Asset Import Pipeline V2. -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1481.88 ms, found 2 plugins. +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 246.04 ms, found 2 plugins. Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems @@ -31,3 +31,698 @@ Direct3D: Vendor: VRAM: 10167 MB Driver: +Initialize mono +Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Managed' +Mono path[1] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit' +Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' +Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,address= +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Registering precompiled unity dll's ... +Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/UnityEditor.WebGL.Extensions.dll +Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WindowsStandaloneSupport/UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll +Registered in 0.028626 seconds. +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 224.66 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 9.339 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (9341ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (243ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (0ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (2ms) + EndReloadAssembly (3779ms) + LoadAssemblies (241ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (2728ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (0ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (91ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (678ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms) + RefreshPlugins (225ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (25ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (229ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (180ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (0ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (0ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.031693 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 4.477 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (4479ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (618ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (38ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (42ms) + EndReloadAssembly (3250ms) + LoadAssemblies (519ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (991ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (117ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1446ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (56ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (394ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (947ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (11ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (34ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (20ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +======================================================================== +Worker process is ready to serve import requests +Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.17 seconds +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.67 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1441 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 68.4 MB. +System memory in use after: 68.4 MB. + +Unloading 19 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1875. +Total: 4.765400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.303400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.098900 ms MarkObjects: 4.173500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187400 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Import Request. + path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs + artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) +Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '4c36109fd96855a1d4d4be3e1da91c32') in 0.401567 seconds + Import took 0.407407 seconds . + +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.012222 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.61 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 3.324 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (3325ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (260ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (12ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (77ms) + EndReloadAssembly (2884ms) + LoadAssemblies (392ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (1006ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (3ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (127ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (942ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (22ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (332ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (564ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (7ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (18ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.1 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.1 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1878. +Total: 10.715700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.265600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.094000 ms MarkObjects: 10.216700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.137100 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Import Request. + Time since last request: 135.489677 seconds. + path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs + artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) +Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.011711 seconds + Import took 0.016473 seconds . + +======================================================================== +Received Import Request. + Time since last request: 1.793912 seconds. + path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs + artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) +Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.073950 seconds + Import took 0.080399 seconds . + +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.013046 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.89 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 3.056 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (3056ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (336ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (20ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (119ms) + EndReloadAssembly (2426ms) + LoadAssemblies (287ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (939ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (112ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (778ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (67ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (242ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (439ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (12ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (17ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.1 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1881. +Total: 4.527600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.304000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.092400 ms MarkObjects: 4.015200 ms DeleteObjects: 0.112900 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.049529 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 13.44 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 50.039 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (50041ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (3009ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (117ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (690ms) + EndReloadAssembly (41703ms) + LoadAssemblies (3130ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (2ms) + SetupTypeCache (15214ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (10ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (2084ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (17087ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (374ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (20ms) + RefreshPlugins (21ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (4511ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (11829ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (119ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (211ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (320ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 9.41 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.1 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1884. +Total: 34.221700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.294200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.110100 ms MarkObjects: 33.687000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127900 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.007959 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 3.178 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (3178ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (381ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (9ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (111ms) + EndReloadAssembly (2521ms) + LoadAssemblies (402ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (848ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (208ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (849ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (15ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (267ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (537ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (20ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (25ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.77 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1887. +Total: 5.449100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.267800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.090500 ms MarkObjects: 4.974900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.113400 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.075211 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 24.514 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (24528ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (3474ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (220ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (1ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (908ms) + EndReloadAssembly (18173ms) + LoadAssemblies (3676ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (11706ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (67ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (1527ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (786ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (18ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (279ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (464ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (16ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.71 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1890. +Total: 4.615200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.324400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.101700 ms MarkObjects: 4.049800 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127300 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.016141 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1.06 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 2.909 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (2909ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (284ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (12ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (116ms) + EndReloadAssembly (2428ms) + LoadAssemblies (257ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (881ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (112ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (832ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (13ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (258ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (513ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (37ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (21ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1893. +Total: 5.689700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.308700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.097100 ms MarkObjects: 5.146700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.135300 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.234628 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.69 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 10.176 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (10186ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (4511ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (86ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (1658ms) + EndReloadAssembly (3009ms) + LoadAssemblies (2752ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (961ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (191ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (487ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (13ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.74 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1896. +Total: 12.521800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.284900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.122100 ms MarkObjects: 10.925000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187100 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.010942 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.72 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 3.207 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (3208ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (395ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (18ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (98ms) + EndReloadAssembly (2593ms) + LoadAssemblies (378ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (872ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (249ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (475ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (74ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.76 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1899. +Total: 4.654600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.330400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.119100 ms MarkObjects: 4.088500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.114700 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.138467 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 24.924 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (24977ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (5944ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (135ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (1253ms) + EndReloadAssembly (14636ms) + LoadAssemblies (5949ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (1ms) + SetupTypeCache (8856ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (142ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1945ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (339ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (1552ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (13ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (932ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1902. +Total: 4.567700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.289700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.128100 ms MarkObjects: 3.977500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.170300 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +======================================================================== +Received Prepare +Registering precompiled user dll's ... +Registered in 0.016318 seconds. +Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly +Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found +Native extension for WebGL target not found +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.64 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Mono: successfully reloaded assembly +- Completed reload, in 4.459 seconds +Domain Reload Profiling: + ReloadAssembly (4460ms) + BeginReloadAssembly (293ms) + ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) + DisableScriptedObjects (11ms) + BackupInstance (0ms) + ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) + CreateAndSetChildDomain (72ms) + EndReloadAssembly (3913ms) + LoadAssemblies (281ms) + RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) + SetupTypeCache (2611ms) + ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) + RebuildScriptCaches (96ms) + SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (706ms) + LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) + InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms) + SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) + RefreshPlugins (1ms) + BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (237ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (432ms) + ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) + AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms) + EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) + ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) + AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (14ms) +Platform modules already initialized, skipping +Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.87 ms, found 2 plugins. +Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. +Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) +System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. +System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. + +Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1905. +Total: 5.971900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.479400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.142000 ms MarkObjects: 5.166400 ms DeleteObjects: 0.181500 ms) + +AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): + custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> + custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> + custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> + custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> + custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> + custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> + custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> + custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> + custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> +AssetImportWorkerClient::OnTransportError - code=2 error=End of file diff --git a/Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log b/Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log deleted file mode 100644 index 7fd26d4..0000000 --- a/Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,728 +0,0 @@ -Using pre-set license -Built from '2020.3/staging' branch; Version is '2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d) revision 13685179'; Using compiler version '192528614'; Build Type 'Release' -OS: 'Windows 10 Pro; OS build 22000.120; Version 2009; 64bit' Language: 'en' Physical Memory: 20335 MB -BatchMode: 1, IsHumanControllingUs: 0, StartBugReporterOnCrash: 0, Is64bit: 1, IsPro: 0 - - COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS: -C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.14f1\Editor\Unity.exe --adb2 --batchMode --noUpm --name -AssetImportWorker0 --projectPath -C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik --logFile -Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log --srvPort -28835 -Successfully changed project path to: C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik -C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik -Using Asset Import Pipeline V2. -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 246.04 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d) -[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems -[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik/Assets -GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0 -Direct3D: - Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] - Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 (ID=0x1916) - Vendor: - VRAM: 10167 MB - Driver: -Initialize mono -Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Managed' -Mono path[1] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit' -Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc' -Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,address= -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Registering precompiled unity dll's ... -Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/UnityEditor.WebGL.Extensions.dll -Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WindowsStandaloneSupport/UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll -Registered in 0.028626 seconds. -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 224.66 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 9.339 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (9341ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (243ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (0ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (2ms) - EndReloadAssembly (3779ms) - LoadAssemblies (241ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (2728ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (0ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (91ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (678ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms) - RefreshPlugins (225ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (25ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (229ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (180ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (0ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (0ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.031693 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 4.477 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (4479ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (618ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (38ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (42ms) - EndReloadAssembly (3250ms) - LoadAssemblies (519ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (991ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (117ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1446ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (56ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (394ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (947ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (11ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (34ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (20ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -======================================================================== -Worker process is ready to serve import requests -Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.17 seconds -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.67 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1441 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 68.4 MB. -System memory in use after: 68.4 MB. - -Unloading 19 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1875. -Total: 4.765400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.303400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.098900 ms MarkObjects: 4.173500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187400 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Import Request. - path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs - artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '4c36109fd96855a1d4d4be3e1da91c32') in 0.401567 seconds - Import took 0.407407 seconds . - -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.012222 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.61 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 3.324 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (3325ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (260ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (12ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (77ms) - EndReloadAssembly (2884ms) - LoadAssemblies (392ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (1006ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (3ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (127ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (942ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (22ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (332ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (564ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (7ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (18ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.1 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.1 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1878. -Total: 10.715700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.265600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.094000 ms MarkObjects: 10.216700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.137100 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Import Request. - Time since last request: 135.489677 seconds. - path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs - artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.011711 seconds - Import took 0.016473 seconds . - -======================================================================== -Received Import Request. - Time since last request: 1.793912 seconds. - path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs - artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.073950 seconds - Import took 0.080399 seconds . - -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.013046 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.89 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 3.056 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (3056ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (336ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (20ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (119ms) - EndReloadAssembly (2426ms) - LoadAssemblies (287ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (939ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (112ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (778ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (67ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (242ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (439ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (12ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (17ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.1 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1881. -Total: 4.527600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.304000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.092400 ms MarkObjects: 4.015200 ms DeleteObjects: 0.112900 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.049529 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 13.44 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 50.039 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (50041ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (3009ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (117ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (690ms) - EndReloadAssembly (41703ms) - LoadAssemblies (3130ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (2ms) - SetupTypeCache (15214ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (10ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (2084ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (17087ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (374ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (20ms) - RefreshPlugins (21ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (4511ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (11829ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (119ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (211ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (320ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 9.41 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.1 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1884. -Total: 34.221700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.294200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.110100 ms MarkObjects: 33.687000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127900 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.007959 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 3.178 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (3178ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (381ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (9ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (111ms) - EndReloadAssembly (2521ms) - LoadAssemblies (402ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (848ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (208ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (849ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (15ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (267ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (537ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (20ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (25ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.77 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1887. -Total: 5.449100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.267800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.090500 ms MarkObjects: 4.974900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.113400 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.075211 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 24.514 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (24528ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (3474ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (220ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (1ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (908ms) - EndReloadAssembly (18173ms) - LoadAssemblies (3676ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (11706ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (67ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (1527ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (786ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (18ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (279ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (464ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (16ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.71 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1890. -Total: 4.615200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.324400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.101700 ms MarkObjects: 4.049800 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127300 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.016141 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1.06 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 2.909 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (2909ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (284ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (12ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (116ms) - EndReloadAssembly (2428ms) - LoadAssemblies (257ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (881ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (112ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (832ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (13ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (258ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (513ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (37ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (21ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.2 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1893. -Total: 5.689700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.308700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.097100 ms MarkObjects: 5.146700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.135300 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.234628 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.69 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 10.176 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (10186ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (4511ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (86ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (1658ms) - EndReloadAssembly (3009ms) - LoadAssemblies (2752ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (961ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (191ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (487ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (13ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.74 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1896. -Total: 12.521800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.284900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.122100 ms MarkObjects: 10.925000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187100 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.010942 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.72 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 3.207 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (3208ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (395ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (18ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (98ms) - EndReloadAssembly (2593ms) - LoadAssemblies (378ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (872ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (249ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (475ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (74ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.76 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1899. -Total: 4.654600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.330400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.119100 ms MarkObjects: 4.088500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.114700 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.138467 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 24.924 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (24977ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (5944ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (135ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (1253ms) - EndReloadAssembly (14636ms) - LoadAssemblies (5949ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (1ms) - SetupTypeCache (8856ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (142ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1945ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (339ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (1552ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (13ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (932ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1902. -Total: 4.567700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.289700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.128100 ms MarkObjects: 3.977500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.170300 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -======================================================================== -Received Prepare -Registering precompiled user dll's ... -Registered in 0.016318 seconds. -Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly -Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found -Native extension for WebGL target not found -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.64 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Mono: successfully reloaded assembly -- Completed reload, in 4.459 seconds -Domain Reload Profiling: - ReloadAssembly (4460ms) - BeginReloadAssembly (293ms) - ExecutionOrderSort (0ms) - DisableScriptedObjects (11ms) - BackupInstance (0ms) - ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms) - CreateAndSetChildDomain (72ms) - EndReloadAssembly (3913ms) - LoadAssemblies (281ms) - RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms) - SetupTypeCache (2611ms) - ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms) - RebuildScriptCaches (96ms) - SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (706ms) - LogAssemblyErrors (0ms) - InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms) - SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms) - RefreshPlugins (1ms) - BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (237ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (432ms) - ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms) - AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms) - EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms) - ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms) - AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (14ms) -Platform modules already initialized, skipping -Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.87 ms, found 2 plugins. -Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. -Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0) -System memory in use before: 67.2 MB. -System memory in use after: 67.3 MB. - -Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1905. -Total: 5.971900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.479400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.142000 ms MarkObjects: 5.166400 ms DeleteObjects: 0.181500 ms) - -AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active): - custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 -> - custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc -> - custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b -> - custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 -> - custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 -> - custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 -> - custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 -> - custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> - custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 -> -AssetImportWorkerClient::OnTransportError - code=2 error=End of file diff --git a/Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log b/Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log deleted file mode 100644 index d4900fb..0000000 --- a/Logs/shadercompiler-AssetImportWorker0.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -Base path: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data', plugins path 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines' -Cmd: initializeCompiler - -Unhandled exception: Protocol error - failed to read magic number (error -2147483644, transferred 0/4) - -Quitting shader compiler process