RandMus ======= [![Build Status](https://drone.brn.systems/api/badges/BRNSystems/RandMus/status.svg)](https://drone.brn.systems/BRNSystems/RandMus) Random Music generator piping into aplay (Linux only) A simple little program that pipes char data into aplay resulting in random little tunes. Some sound good and are kind of catchy, a few are extreamly quiet at least at the start, and others blow out your ears and will drive you insane. (could be a good thing I suppose if you like dubstep) In short, A fun little thing to play around with. Instructions: cd into the RandMus directory type "make" to compile and run(play) type "make clean" to remove the compiled files type "make record" to record a random tune to quit the program type ctrl-c