diff --git a/include/irrMap.h b/include/irrMap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2db9340..0000000
--- a/include/irrMap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1082 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Kat'Oun
-// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
-// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
-#ifndef __IRR_MAP_H_INCLUDED__
-#define __IRR_MAP_H_INCLUDED__
-#include "irrTypes.h"
-#include "irrMath.h"
-namespace irr
-namespace core
-//! map template for associative arrays using a red-black tree
-template <class KeyType, class ValueType>
-class map
-	//! red/black tree for map
-	template <class KeyTypeRB, class ValueTypeRB>
-	class RBTree
-	{
-	public:
-		RBTree(const KeyTypeRB& k, const ValueTypeRB& v)
-			: LeftChild(0), RightChild(0), Parent(0), Key(k),
-				Value(v), IsRed(true) {}
-		void setLeftChild(RBTree* p)
-		{
-			LeftChild=p;
-			if (p)
-				p->setParent(this);
-		}
-		void setRightChild(RBTree* p)
-		{
-			RightChild=p;
-			if (p)
-				p->setParent(this);
-		}
-		void setParent(RBTree* p) { Parent=p; }
-		void setValue(const ValueTypeRB& v) { Value = v; }
-		void setRed() { IsRed = true; }
-		void setBlack() { IsRed = false; }
-		RBTree* getLeftChild() const { return LeftChild; }
-		RBTree* getRightChild() const { return RightChild; }
-		RBTree* getParent() const { return Parent; }
-		const ValueTypeRB& getValue() const
-		{
-			return Value;
-		}
-		ValueTypeRB& getValue()
-		{
-			return Value;
-		}
-		const KeyTypeRB& getKey() const
-		{
-			return Key;
-		}
-		bool isRoot() const
-		{
-			return Parent==0;
-		}
-		bool isLeftChild() const
-		{
-			return (Parent != 0) && (Parent->getLeftChild()==this);
-		}
-		bool isRightChild() const
-		{
-			return (Parent!=0) && (Parent->getRightChild()==this);
-		}
-		bool isLeaf() const
-		{
-			return (LeftChild==0) && (RightChild==0);
-		}
-		unsigned int getLevel() const
-		{
-			if (isRoot())
-				return 1;
-			else
-				return getParent()->getLevel() + 1;
-		}
-		bool isRed() const
-		{
-			return IsRed;
-		}
-		bool isBlack() const
-		{
-			return !IsRed;
-		}
-	private:
-		RBTree();
-		RBTree* LeftChild;
-		RBTree* RightChild;
-		RBTree* Parent;
-		KeyTypeRB Key;
-		ValueTypeRB Value;
-		bool IsRed;
-	}; // RBTree
-	public:
-	typedef RBTree<KeyType,ValueType> Node;
-	// We need the forward declaration for the friend declaration
-	class ConstIterator;
-	//! Normal Iterator
-	class Iterator
-	{
-		friend class ConstIterator;
-	public:
-		Iterator() : Root(0), Cur(0) {}
-		// Constructor(Node*)
-		Iterator(Node* root) : Root(root)
-		{
-			reset();
-		}
-		void reset(bool atLowest=true)
-		{
-			if (atLowest)
-				Cur = getMin(Root);
-			else
-				Cur = getMax(Root);
-		}
-		bool atEnd() const
-		{
-			return Cur==0;
-		}
-		Node* getNode() const
-		{
-			return Cur;
-		}
-		void operator++(int)
-		{
-			inc();
-		}
-		void operator--(int)
-		{
-			dec();
-		}
-		Node* operator->()
-		{
-			return getNode();
-		}
-		Node& operator*()
-		{
-			_IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(atEnd()) // access violation
-			return *Cur;
-		}
-	private:
-		Node* getMin(Node* n) const
-		{
-			while(n && n->getLeftChild())
-				n = n->getLeftChild();
-			return n;
-		}
-		Node* getMax(Node* n) const
-		{
-			while(n && n->getRightChild())
-				n = n->getRightChild();
-			return n;
-		}
-		void inc()
-		{
-			// Already at end?
-			if (Cur==0)
-				return;
-			if (Cur->getRightChild())
-			{
-				// If current node has a right child, the next higher node is the
-				// node with lowest key beneath the right child.
-				Cur = getMin(Cur->getRightChild());
-			}
-			else if (Cur->isLeftChild())
-			{
-				// No right child? Well if current node is a left child then
-				// the next higher node is the parent
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Current node neither is left child nor has a right child.
-				// I.e. it is either right child or root
-				// The next higher node is the parent of the first non-right
-				// child (i.e. either a left child or the root) up in the
-				// hierarchy. Root's parent is 0.
-				while(Cur->isRightChild())
-					Cur = Cur->getParent();
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-		}
-		void dec()
-		{
-			// Already at end?
-			if (Cur==0)
-				return;
-			if (Cur->getLeftChild())
-			{
-				// If current node has a left child, the next lower node is the
-				// node with highest key beneath the left child.
-				Cur = getMax(Cur->getLeftChild());
-			}
-			else if (Cur->isRightChild())
-			{
-				// No left child? Well if current node is a right child then
-				// the next lower node is the parent
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Current node neither is right child nor has a left child.
-				// It is either left child or root
-				// The next higher node is the parent of the first non-left
-				// child (i.e. either a right child or the root) up in the
-				// hierarchy. Root's parent is 0.
-				while(Cur->isLeftChild())
-					Cur = Cur->getParent();
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-		}
-		Node* Root;
-		Node* Cur;
-	}; // Iterator
-	//! Const Iterator
-	class ConstIterator
-	{
-		friend class Iterator;
-	public:
-		ConstIterator() : Root(0), Cur(0) {}
-		// Constructor(Node*)
-		ConstIterator(const Node* root) : Root(root)
-		{
-			reset();
-		}
-		// Constructor(Iterator)
-		ConstIterator(const Iterator& src) : Root(src.Root), Cur(src.Cur) {}
-		void reset(bool atLowest=true)
-		{
-			if (atLowest)
-				Cur = getMin(Root);
-			else
-				Cur = getMax(Root);
-		}
-		bool atEnd() const
-		{
-			return Cur==0;
-		}
-		const Node* getNode() const
-		{
-			return Cur;
-		}
-		void operator++(int)
-		{
-			inc();
-		}
-		void operator--(int)
-		{
-			dec();
-		}
-		const Node* operator->()
-		{
-			return getNode();
-		}
-		const Node& operator*()
-		{
-			_IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(atEnd()) // access violation
-			return *Cur;
-		}
-	private:
-		const Node* getMin(const Node* n) const
-		{
-			while(n && n->getLeftChild())
-				n = n->getLeftChild();
-			return n;
-		}
-		const Node* getMax(const Node* n) const
-		{
-			while(n && n->getRightChild())
-				n = n->getRightChild();
-			return n;
-		}
-		void inc()
-		{
-			// Already at end?
-			if (Cur==0)
-				return;
-			if (Cur->getRightChild())
-			{
-				// If current node has a right child, the next higher node is the
-				// node with lowest key beneath the right child.
-				Cur = getMin(Cur->getRightChild());
-			}
-			else if (Cur->isLeftChild())
-			{
-				// No right child? Well if current node is a left child then
-				// the next higher node is the parent
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Current node neither is left child nor has a right child.
-				// It is either right child or root
-				// The next higher node is the parent of the first non-right
-				// child (i.e. either a left child or the root) up in the
-				// hierarchy. Root's parent is 0.
-				while(Cur->isRightChild())
-					Cur = Cur->getParent();
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-		}
-		void dec()
-		{
-			// Already at end?
-			if (Cur==0)
-				return;
-			if (Cur->getLeftChild())
-			{
-				// If current node has a left child, the next lower node is the
-				// node with highest key beneath the left child.
-				Cur = getMax(Cur->getLeftChild());
-			}
-			else if (Cur->isRightChild())
-			{
-				// No left child? Well if current node is a right child then
-				// the next lower node is the parent
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Current node neither is right child nor has a left child.
-				// It is either left child or root
-				// The next higher node is the parent of the first non-left
-				// child (i.e. either a right child or the root) up in the
-				// hierarchy. Root's parent is 0.
-				while(Cur->isLeftChild())
-					Cur = Cur->getParent();
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-		}
-		const Node* Root;
-		const Node* Cur;
-	}; // ConstIterator
-	//! Parent First Iterator.
-	/** Traverses the tree from top to bottom. Typical usage is
-	when storing the tree structure, because when reading it
-	later (and inserting elements) the tree structure will
-	be the same. */
-	class ParentFirstIterator
-	{
-	public:
-	ParentFirstIterator() : Root(0), Cur(0) {}
-	explicit ParentFirstIterator(Node* root) : Root(root), Cur(0)
-	{
-		reset();
-	}
-	void reset()
-	{
-		Cur = Root;
-	}
-	bool atEnd() const
-	{
-		return Cur==0;
-	}
-	Node* getNode()
-	{
-		return Cur;
-	}
-	void operator++(int)
-	{
-		inc();
-	}
-	Node* operator -> ()
-	{
-		return getNode();
-	}
-	Node& operator* ()
-	{
-		_IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(atEnd()) // access violation
-		return *getNode();
-	}
-	private:
-	void inc()
-	{
-		// Already at end?
-		if (Cur==0)
-			return;
-		// First we try down to the left
-		if (Cur->getLeftChild())
-		{
-			Cur = Cur->getLeftChild();
-		}
-		else if (Cur->getRightChild())
-		{
-			// No left child? The we go down to the right.
-			Cur = Cur->getRightChild();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// No children? Move up in the hierarchy until
-			// we either reach 0 (and are finished) or
-			// find a right uncle.
-			while (Cur!=0)
-			{
-				// But if parent is left child and has a right "uncle" the parent
-				// has already been processed but the uncle hasn't. Move to
-				// the uncle.
-				if (Cur->isLeftChild() && Cur->getParent()->getRightChild())
-				{
-					Cur = Cur->getParent()->getRightChild();
-					return;
-				}
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Node* Root;
-	Node* Cur;
-	}; // ParentFirstIterator
-	//! Parent Last Iterator
-	/** Traverse the tree from bottom to top.
-	Typical usage is when deleting all elements in the tree
-	because you must delete the children before you delete
-	their parent. */
-	class ParentLastIterator
-	{
-	public:
-		ParentLastIterator() : Root(0), Cur(0) {}
-		explicit ParentLastIterator(Node* root) : Root(root), Cur(0)
-		{
-			reset();
-		}
-		void reset()
-		{
-			Cur = getMin(Root);
-		}
-		bool atEnd() const
-		{
-			return Cur==0;
-		}
-		Node* getNode()
-		{
-			return Cur;
-		}
-		void operator++(int)
-		{
-			inc();
-		}
-		Node* operator -> ()
-		{
-			return getNode();
-		}
-		Node& operator* ()
-		{
-			_IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(atEnd()) // access violation
-			return *getNode();
-		}
-	private:
-		Node* getMin(Node* n)
-		{
-			while(n!=0 && (n->getLeftChild()!=0 || n->getRightChild()!=0))
-			{
-				if (n->getLeftChild())
-					n = n->getLeftChild();
-				else
-					n = n->getRightChild();
-			}
-			return n;
-		}
-		void inc()
-		{
-			// Already at end?
-			if (Cur==0)
-				return;
-			// Note: Starting point is the node as far down to the left as possible.
-			// If current node has an uncle to the right, go to the
-			// node as far down to the left from the uncle as possible
-			// else just go up a level to the parent.
-			if (Cur->isLeftChild() && Cur->getParent()->getRightChild())
-			{
-				Cur = getMin(Cur->getParent()->getRightChild());
-			}
-			else
-				Cur = Cur->getParent();
-		}
-		Node* Root;
-		Node* Cur;
-	}; // ParentLastIterator
-	// AccessClass is a temporary class used with the [] operator.
-	// It makes it possible to have different behavior in situations like:
-	// myTree["Foo"] = 32;
-	// If "Foo" already exists update its value else insert a new element.
-	// int i = myTree["Foo"]
-	// If "Foo" exists return its value.
-	class AccessClass
-	{
-		// Let map be the only one who can instantiate this class.
-		friend class map<KeyType, ValueType>;
-	public:
-		// Assignment operator. Handles the myTree["Foo"] = 32; situation
-		void operator=(const ValueType& value)
-		{
-			// Just use the Set method, it handles already exist/not exist situation
-			Tree.set(Key,value);
-		}
-		// ValueType operator
-		operator ValueType()
-		{
-			Node* node = Tree.find(Key);
-			// Not found
-			_IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(node==0) // access violation
-			return node->getValue();
-		}
-	private:
-		AccessClass(map& tree, const KeyType& key) : Tree(tree), Key(key) {}
-		AccessClass();
-		map& Tree;
-		const KeyType& Key;
-	}; // AccessClass
-	// Constructor.
-	map() : Root(0), Size(0) {}
-	// Destructor
-	~map()
-	{
-		clear();
-	}
-	// typedefs
-	typedef KeyType key_type;
-	typedef ValueType value_type;
-	typedef u32 size_type;
-	//------------------------------
-	// Public Commands
-	//------------------------------
-	//! Inserts a new node into the tree
-	/** \param keyNew: the index for this value
-	\param v: the value to insert
-	\return True if successful, false if it fails (already exists) */
-	bool insert(const KeyType& keyNew, const ValueType& v)
-	{
-		// First insert node the "usual" way (no fancy balance logic yet)
-		Node* newNode = new Node(keyNew,v);
-		if (!insert(newNode))
-		{
-			delete newNode;
-			return false;
-		}
-		// Then attend a balancing party
-		while (!newNode->isRoot() && (newNode->getParent()->isRed()))
-		{
-			if (newNode->getParent()->isLeftChild())
-			{
-				// If newNode is a left child, get its right 'uncle'
-				Node* newNodesUncle = newNode->getParent()->getParent()->getRightChild();
-				if ( newNodesUncle!=0 && newNodesUncle->isRed())
-				{
-					// case 1 - change the colors
-					newNode->getParent()->setBlack();
-					newNodesUncle->setBlack();
-					newNode->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();
-					// Move newNode up the tree
-					newNode = newNode->getParent()->getParent();
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// newNodesUncle is a black node
-					if ( newNode->isRightChild())
-					{
-						// and newNode is to the right
-						// case 2 - move newNode up and rotate
-						newNode = newNode->getParent();
-						rotateLeft(newNode);
-					}
-					// case 3
-					newNode->getParent()->setBlack();
-					newNode->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();
-					rotateRight(newNode->getParent()->getParent());
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// If newNode is a right child, get its left 'uncle'
-				Node* newNodesUncle = newNode->getParent()->getParent()->getLeftChild();
-				if ( newNodesUncle!=0 && newNodesUncle->isRed())
-				{
-					// case 1 - change the colors
-					newNode->getParent()->setBlack();
-					newNodesUncle->setBlack();
-					newNode->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();
-					// Move newNode up the tree
-					newNode = newNode->getParent()->getParent();
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// newNodesUncle is a black node
-					if (newNode->isLeftChild())
-					{
-						// and newNode is to the left
-						// case 2 - move newNode up and rotate
-						newNode = newNode->getParent();
-						rotateRight(newNode);
-					}
-					// case 3
-					newNode->getParent()->setBlack();
-					newNode->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();
-					rotateLeft(newNode->getParent()->getParent());
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Color the root black
-		Root->setBlack();
-		return true;
-	}
-	//! Replaces the value if the key already exists, otherwise inserts a new element.
-	/** \param k The index for this value
-	\param v The new value of */
-	void set(const KeyType& k, const ValueType& v)
-	{
-		Node* p = find(k);
-		if (p)
-			p->setValue(v);
-		else
-			insert(k,v);
-	}
-	//! Removes a node from the tree and returns it.
-	/** The returned node must be deleted by the user
-	\param k the key to remove
-	\return A pointer to the node, or 0 if not found */
-	Node* delink(const KeyType& k)
-	{
-		Node* p = find(k);
-		if (p == 0)
-			return 0;
-		// Rotate p down to the left until it has no right child, will get there
-		// sooner or later.
-		while(p->getRightChild())
-		{
-			// "Pull up my right child and let it knock me down to the left"
-			rotateLeft(p);
-		}
-		// p now has no right child but might have a left child
-		Node* left = p->getLeftChild();
-		// Let p's parent point to p's child instead of point to p
-		if (p->isLeftChild())
-			p->getParent()->setLeftChild(left);
-		else if (p->isRightChild())
-			p->getParent()->setRightChild(left);
-		else
-		{
-			// p has no parent => p is the root.
-			// Let the left child be the new root.
-			setRoot(left);
-		}
-		// p is now gone from the tree in the sense that
-		// no one is pointing at it, so return it.
-		--Size;
-		return p;
-	}
-	//! Removes a node from the tree and deletes it.
-	/** \return True if the node was found and deleted */
-	bool remove(const KeyType& k)
-	{
-		Node* p = find(k);
-		return remove(p);
-	}
-	//! Removes a node from the tree and deletes it.
-	/** \return True if the node was found and deleted */
-	bool remove(Node* p)
-	{
-		if (p == 0)
-		{
-			return false;
-		}
-		// Rotate p down to the left until it has no right child, will get there
-		// sooner or later.
-		while(p->getRightChild())
-		{
-			// "Pull up my right child and let it knock me down to the left"
-			rotateLeft(p);
-		}
-		// p now has no right child but might have a left child
-		Node* left = p->getLeftChild();
-		// Let p's parent point to p's child instead of point to p
-		if (p->isLeftChild())
-			p->getParent()->setLeftChild(left);
-		else if (p->isRightChild())
-			p->getParent()->setRightChild(left);
-		else
-		{
-			// p has no parent => p is the root.
-			// Let the left child be the new root.
-			setRoot(left);
-		}
-		// p is now gone from the tree in the sense that
-		// no one is pointing at it. Let's get rid of it.
-		delete p;
-		--Size;
-		return true;
-	}
-	//! Clear the entire tree
-	void clear()
-	{
-		ParentLastIterator i(getParentLastIterator());
-		while(!i.atEnd())
-		{
-			Node* p = i.getNode();
-			i++; // Increment it before it is deleted
-				// else iterator will get quite confused.
-			delete p;
-		}
-		Root = 0;
-		Size= 0;
-	}
-	//! Is the tree empty?
-	//! \return Returns true if empty, false if not
-	bool empty() const
-	{
-		return Root == 0;
-	}
-	//! \deprecated Use empty() instead. This method may be removed by Irrlicht 1.9
-	_IRR_DEPRECATED_ bool isEmpty() const
-	{
-		return empty();
-	}
-	//! Search for a node with the specified key.
-	//! \param keyToFind: The key to find
-	//! \return Returns 0 if node couldn't be found.
-	Node* find(const KeyType& keyToFind) const
-	{
-		Node* pNode = Root;
-		while(pNode!=0)
-		{
-			const KeyType& key=pNode->getKey();
-			if (keyToFind == key)
-				return pNode;
-			else if (keyToFind < key)
-				pNode = pNode->getLeftChild();
-			else //keyToFind > key
-				pNode = pNode->getRightChild();
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	//! Gets the root element.
-	//! \return Returns a pointer to the root node, or
-	//! 0 if the tree is empty.
-	Node* getRoot() const
-	{
-		return Root;
-	}
-	//! Returns the number of nodes in the tree.
-	u32 size() const
-	{
-		return Size;
-	}
-	//! Swap the content of this map container with the content of another map
-	/** Afterwards this object will contain the content of the other object and the other
-	object will contain the content of this object. Iterators will afterwards be valid for
-	the swapped object.
-	\param other Swap content with this object */
-	void swap(map<KeyType, ValueType>& other)
-	{
-		core::swap(Root, other.Root);
-		core::swap(Size, other.Size);
-	}
-	//------------------------------
-	// Public Iterators
-	//------------------------------
-	//! Returns an iterator
-	Iterator getIterator() const
-	{
-		Iterator it(getRoot());
-		return it;
-	}
-	//! Returns a Constiterator
-	ConstIterator getConstIterator() const
-	{
-		Iterator it(getRoot());
-		return it;
-	}
-	//! Returns a ParentFirstIterator.
-	//! Traverses the tree from top to bottom. Typical usage is
-	//! when storing the tree structure, because when reading it
-	//! later (and inserting elements) the tree structure will
-	//! be the same.
-	ParentFirstIterator getParentFirstIterator() const
-	{
-		ParentFirstIterator it(getRoot());
-		return it;
-	}
-	//! Returns a ParentLastIterator to traverse the tree from
-	//! bottom to top.
-	//! Typical usage is when deleting all elements in the tree
-	//! because you must delete the children before you delete
-	//! their parent.
-	ParentLastIterator getParentLastIterator() const
-	{
-		ParentLastIterator it(getRoot());
-		return it;
-	}
-	//------------------------------
-	// Public Operators
-	//------------------------------
-	//! operator [] for access to elements
-	/** for example myMap["key"] */
-	AccessClass operator[](const KeyType& k)
-	{
-		return AccessClass(*this, k);
-	}
-	private:
-	//------------------------------
-	// Disabled methods
-	//------------------------------
-	// Copy constructor and assignment operator deliberately
-	// defined but not implemented. The tree should never be
-	// copied, pass along references to it instead.
-	explicit map(const map& src);
-	map& operator = (const map& src);
-	//! Set node as new root.
-	/** The node will be set to black, otherwise core dumps may arise
-	(patch provided by rogerborg).
-	\param newRoot Node which will be the new root
-	*/
-	void setRoot(Node* newRoot)
-	{
-		Root = newRoot;
-		if (Root != 0)
-		{
-			Root->setParent(0);
-			Root->setBlack();
-		}
-	}
-	//! Insert a node into the tree without using any fancy balancing logic.
-	/** \return false if that key already exist in the tree. */
-	bool insert(Node* newNode)
-	{
-		bool result=true; // Assume success
-		if (Root==0)
-		{
-			setRoot(newNode);
-			Size = 1;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			Node* pNode = Root;
-			const KeyType& keyNew = newNode->getKey();
-			while (pNode)
-			{
-				const KeyType& key=pNode->getKey();
-				if (keyNew == key)
-				{
-					result = false;
-					pNode = 0;
-				}
-				else if (keyNew < key)
-				{
-					if (pNode->getLeftChild() == 0)
-					{
-						pNode->setLeftChild(newNode);
-						pNode = 0;
-					}
-					else
-						pNode = pNode->getLeftChild();
-				}
-				else // keyNew > key
-				{
-					if (pNode->getRightChild()==0)
-					{
-						pNode->setRightChild(newNode);
-						pNode = 0;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						pNode = pNode->getRightChild();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (result)
-				++Size;
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	//! Rotate left.
-	//! Pull up node's right child and let it knock node down to the left
-	void rotateLeft(Node* p)
-	{
-		Node* right = p->getRightChild();
-		p->setRightChild(right->getLeftChild());
-		if (p->isLeftChild())
-			p->getParent()->setLeftChild(right);
-		else if (p->isRightChild())
-			p->getParent()->setRightChild(right);
-		else
-			setRoot(right);
-		right->setLeftChild(p);
-	}
-	//! Rotate right.
-	//! Pull up node's left child and let it knock node down to the right
-	void rotateRight(Node* p)
-	{
-		Node* left = p->getLeftChild();
-		p->setLeftChild(left->getRightChild());
-		if (p->isLeftChild())
-			p->getParent()->setLeftChild(left);
-		else if (p->isRightChild())
-			p->getParent()->setRightChild(left);
-		else
-			setRoot(left);
-		left->setRightChild(p);
-	}
-	//------------------------------
-	// Private Members
-	//------------------------------
-	Node* Root; // The top node. 0 if empty.
-	u32 Size; // Number of nodes in the tree
-} // end namespace core
-} // end namespace irr
-#endif // __IRR_MAP_H_INCLUDED__
diff --git a/include/irrlicht.h b/include/irrlicht.h
index eb60806..706795a 100644
--- a/include/irrlicht.h
+++ b/include/irrlicht.h
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@
 #include "IRenderTarget.h"
 #include "IrrlichtDevice.h"
 #include "irrList.h"
-#include "irrMap.h"
 #include "irrMath.h"
 #include "irrString.h"
 #include "irrTypes.h"
diff --git a/source/Irrlicht/CB3DMeshWriter.cpp b/source/Irrlicht/CB3DMeshWriter.cpp
index bf5576b..aaca168 100644
--- a/source/Irrlicht/CB3DMeshWriter.cpp
+++ b/source/Irrlicht/CB3DMeshWriter.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 #include "IMeshBuffer.h"
 #include "IWriteFile.h"
 #include "ITexture.h"
-#include "irrMap.h"
 namespace irr
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ bool CB3DMeshWriter::writeMesh(io::IWriteFile* file, IMesh* const mesh, s32 flag
     const u32 numMeshBuffers = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
     array<SB3dTexture> texs;
-    map<ITexture *, u32> tex2id;	// TODO: texture pointer as key not sufficient as same texture can have several id's
+    std::map<ITexture *, u32> tex2id;	// TODO: texture pointer as key not sufficient as same texture can have several id's
     u32 texsizes = 0;
     for (u32 i = 0; i < numMeshBuffers; i++)
diff --git a/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.cpp b/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.cpp
index a3fd107..1becf67 100644
--- a/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.cpp
+++ b/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.cpp
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ bool CGUIFont::load(io::IXMLReader* xml, const io::path& directory)
 				rectangle.LowerRightCorner.Y = val;
-				CharacterMap.insert(ch,Areas.size());
+				CharacterMap.emplace(ch, Areas.size());
 				// make frame
 				f.rectNumber = SpriteBank->getPositions().size();
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ void CGUIFont::readPositions(video::IImage* image, s32& lowerRightPositions)
 				// map letter to character
 				wchar_t ch = (wchar_t)(lowerRightPositions + 32);
-				CharacterMap.set(ch, lowerRightPositions);
+				CharacterMap[ch] = lowerRightPositions;
@@ -435,9 +435,9 @@ u32 CGUIFont::getSpriteNoFromChar(const wchar_t *c) const
 s32 CGUIFont::getAreaFromCharacter(const wchar_t c) const
-	core::map<wchar_t, s32>::Node* n = CharacterMap.find(c);
-	if (n)
-		return n->getValue();
+	auto n = CharacterMap.find(c);
+	if (n != CharacterMap.end())
+		return n->second;
 		return WrongCharacter;
diff --git a/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.h b/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.h
index 238e301..a81f05f 100644
--- a/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.h
+++ b/source/Irrlicht/CGUIFont.h
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 #include "IGUIFontBitmap.h"
 #include "irrString.h"
-#include "irrMap.h"
 #include "IReadFile.h"
 #include "irrArray.h"
+#include <map>
 namespace irr
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ private:
 	void popTextureCreationFlags(const bool(&flags)[3]);
 	core::array<SFontArea>		Areas;
-	core::map<wchar_t, s32>		CharacterMap;
+	std::map<wchar_t, s32>		CharacterMap;
 	video::IVideoDriver*		Driver;
 	IGUISpriteBank*			SpriteBank;
 	IGUIEnvironment*		Environment;
diff --git a/source/Irrlicht/CMeshManipulator.cpp b/source/Irrlicht/CMeshManipulator.cpp
index f2beb37..8b07afa 100644
--- a/source/Irrlicht/CMeshManipulator.cpp
+++ b/source/Irrlicht/CMeshManipulator.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 #include "CMeshBuffer.h"
 #include "SAnimatedMesh.h"
 #include "os.h"
-#include "irrMap.h"
 #include "triangle3d.h"
+#include <map>
 namespace irr
@@ -1789,8 +1789,8 @@ IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const
-				core::map<const video::S3DVertex, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation
-				typedef core::map<const video::S3DVertex, const u16>::Node snode;
+				std::map<const video::S3DVertex, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation
+				typedef std::map<const video::S3DVertex, const u16>::iterator snode;
 				// Main algorithm
 				u32 highest = 0;
@@ -1820,45 +1820,45 @@ IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const
 					// Output the best triangle
 					u16 newind = buf->Vertices.size();
-					snode *s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]);
+					snode s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
 					s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
 					s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
@@ -1901,8 +1901,8 @@ IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const
-				core::map<const video::S3DVertex2TCoords, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation
-				typedef core::map<const video::S3DVertex2TCoords, const u16>::Node snode;
+				std::map<const video::S3DVertex2TCoords, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation
+				typedef std::map<const video::S3DVertex2TCoords, const u16>::iterator snode;
 				// Main algorithm
 				u32 highest = 0;
@@ -1932,45 +1932,45 @@ IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const
 					// Output the best triangle
 					u16 newind = buf->Vertices.size();
-					snode *s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]);
+					snode s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
 					s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
 					s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
@@ -2014,8 +2014,8 @@ IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const
-				core::map<const video::S3DVertexTangents, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation
-				typedef core::map<const video::S3DVertexTangents, const u16>::Node snode;
+				std::map<const video::S3DVertexTangents, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation
+				typedef std::map<const video::S3DVertexTangents, const u16>::iterator snode;
 				// Main algorithm
 				u32 highest = 0;
@@ -2045,45 +2045,45 @@ IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const
 					// Output the best triangle
 					u16 newind = buf->Vertices.size();
-					snode *s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]);
+					snode s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
 					s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
 					s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]);
-					if (!s)
+					if (s == sind.end())
-						sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind);
+						sind.emplace(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind);
-						buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue());
+						buf->Indices.push_back(s->second);
diff --git a/source/Irrlicht/CNullDriver.h b/source/Irrlicht/CNullDriver.h
index c9960f9..85f484b 100644
--- a/source/Irrlicht/CNullDriver.h
+++ b/source/Irrlicht/CNullDriver.h
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 #include "IGPUProgrammingServices.h"
 #include "irrArray.h"
 #include "irrString.h"
-#include "irrMap.h"
 #include "IAttributes.h"
 #include "IMesh.h"
 #include "IMeshBuffer.h"
diff --git a/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.cpp b/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.cpp
index 0d705e4..cdd953b 100644
--- a/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.cpp
+++ b/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.cpp
@@ -250,16 +250,16 @@ IAnimatedMesh* COBJMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file)
 				int vertLocation;
-				core::map<video::S3DVertex, int>::Node* n = currMtl->VertMap.find(v);
-				if (n)
+				auto n = currMtl->VertMap.find(v);
+				if (n != currMtl->VertMap.end())
-					vertLocation = n->getValue();
+					vertLocation = n->second;
 					vertLocation = currMtl->Meshbuffer->Vertices.size() -1;
-					currMtl->VertMap.insert(v, vertLocation);
+					currMtl->VertMap.emplace(v, vertLocation);
diff --git a/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.h b/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.h
index bc815df..e3d21a4 100644
--- a/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.h
+++ b/source/Irrlicht/COBJMeshFileLoader.h
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
+#include <map>
 #include "IMeshLoader.h"
 #include "IFileSystem.h"
 #include "ISceneManager.h"
 #include "irrString.h"
 #include "SMeshBuffer.h"
-#include "irrMap.h"
 namespace irr
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ private:
 			Meshbuffer->Material = o.Meshbuffer->Material;
-		core::map<video::S3DVertex, int> VertMap;
+		std::map<video::S3DVertex, int> VertMap;
 		scene::SMeshBuffer *Meshbuffer;
 		core::stringc Name;
 		core::stringc Group;