// Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Christian Stehno // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef __S_VERTEX_MANIPULATOR_H_INCLUDED__ #define __S_VERTEX_MANIPULATOR_H_INCLUDED__ #include "S3DVertex.h" #include "SColor.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { class IMesh; class IMeshBuffer; struct SMesh; //! Interface for vertex manipulators. /** You should derive your manipulator from this class if it shall be called for every vertex, getting as parameter just the vertex. */ struct IVertexManipulator { }; //! Vertex manipulator to set color to a fixed color for all vertices class SVertexColorSetManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorSetManipulator(video::SColor color) : Color(color) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color=Color; } private: video::SColor Color; }; //! Vertex manipulator to set the alpha value of the vertex color to a fixed value class SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator(u32 alpha) : Alpha(alpha) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color.setAlpha(Alpha); } private: u32 Alpha; }; //! Vertex manipulator which inverts the RGB values class SVertexColorInvertManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color.setRed(255-vertex.Color.getRed()); vertex.Color.setGreen(255-vertex.Color.getGreen()); vertex.Color.setBlue(255-vertex.Color.getBlue()); } }; //! Vertex manipulator to set vertex color to one of two values depending on a given threshold /** If average of the color value is >Threshold the High color is chosen, else Low. */ class SVertexColorThresholdManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorThresholdManipulator(u8 threshold, video::SColor low, video::SColor high) : Threshold(threshold), Low(low), High(high) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color = ((u8)vertex.Color.getAverage()>Threshold)?High:Low; } private: u8 Threshold; video::SColor Low; video::SColor High; }; //! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by the given amount /** A positive value increases brightness, a negative value darkens the colors. */ class SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator(s32 amount) : Amount(amount) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(vertex.Color.getRed()+Amount, 0u, 255u)); vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(vertex.Color.getGreen()+Amount, 0u, 255u)); vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(vertex.Color.getBlue()+Amount, 0u, 255u)); } private: s32 Amount; }; //! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor /** Factors over 1 increase contrast, below 1 reduce it. */ class SVertexColorContrastManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorContrastManipulator(f32 factor) : Factor(factor) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getRed()-128)*Factor)+128, 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getGreen()-128)*Factor)+128, 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getBlue()-128)*Factor)+128, 0, 255)); } private: f32 Factor; }; //! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor and brightness by a signed amount. /** Factors over 1 increase contrast, below 1 reduce it. A positive amount increases brightness, a negative one darkens the colors. */ class SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator(f32 factor, s32 amount) : Factor(factor), Amount(amount+128) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getRed()-128)*Factor)+Amount, 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getGreen()-128)*Factor)+Amount, 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getBlue()-128)*Factor)+Amount, 0, 255)); } private: f32 Factor; s32 Amount; }; //! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by a gamma operation /** A value over one increases brightness, one below darkens the colors. */ class SVertexColorGammaManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorGammaManipulator(f32 gamma) : Gamma(1.f) { if (gamma != 0.f) Gamma = 1.f/gamma; } void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32(powf((f32)(vertex.Color.getRed()),Gamma)), 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32(powf((f32)(vertex.Color.getGreen()),Gamma)), 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32(powf((f32)(vertex.Color.getBlue()),Gamma)), 0, 255)); } private: f32 Gamma; }; //! Vertex manipulator which scales the color values /** Can e.g be used for white balance, factor would be 255.f/brightest color. */ class SVertexColorScaleManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorScaleManipulator(f32 factor) : Factor(factor) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32(vertex.Color.getRed()*Factor), 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32(vertex.Color.getGreen()*Factor), 0, 255)); vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32(vertex.Color.getBlue()*Factor), 0, 255)); } private: f32 Factor; }; //! Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values /** Uses the lightness value of the color. */ class SVertexColorDesaturateToLightnessManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color=core::round32(vertex.Color.getLightness()); } }; //! Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values /** Uses the average value of the color. */ class SVertexColorDesaturateToAverageManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color=vertex.Color.getAverage(); } }; //! Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values /** Uses the luminance value of the color. */ class SVertexColorDesaturateToLuminanceManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color=core::round32(vertex.Color.getLuminance()); } }; //! Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values /** Uses linear interpolation. */ class SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator(video::SColor color, f32 factor) : Color(color), Factor(factor) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color=vertex.Color.getInterpolated(Color, Factor); } private: video::SColor Color; f32 Factor; }; //! Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values /** Uses linear interpolation. */ class SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator(video::SColor color1, video::SColor color2, f32 factor) : Color1(color1), Color2(color2), Factor(factor) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const { vertex.Color=vertex.Color.getInterpolated_quadratic(Color1, Color2, Factor); } private: video::SColor Color1; video::SColor Color2; f32 Factor; }; //! Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex class SVertexPositionScaleManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexPositionScaleManipulator(const core::vector3df& factor) : Factor(factor) {} template <typename VType> void operator()(VType& vertex) const { vertex.Pos *= Factor; } private: core::vector3df Factor; }; //! Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex along the normals /** This can look more pleasing than the usual Scale operator, but depends on the mesh geometry. */ class SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator(const core::vector3df& factor) : Factor(factor) {} template <typename VType> void operator()(VType& vertex) const { vertex.Pos += vertex.Normal*Factor; } private: core::vector3df Factor; }; //! Vertex manipulator which transforms the position of the vertex class SVertexPositionTransformManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexPositionTransformManipulator(const core::matrix4& m) : Transformation(m) {} template <typename VType> void operator()(VType& vertex) const { Transformation.transformVect(vertex.Pos); } private: core::matrix4 Transformation; }; //! Vertex manipulator which transforms the normal of the vertex class SVertexNormalTransformManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexNormalTransformManipulator(const core::matrix4& m) : Transformation(m) {} template <typename VType> void operator()(VType& vertex) const { Transformation.transformVect(vertex.Normal); } private: core::matrix4 Transformation; }; //! Vertex manipulator which scales the TCoords of the vertex class SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator : public IVertexManipulator { public: SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator(const core::vector2df& factor, u32 uvSet=1) : Factor(factor), UVSet(uvSet) {} void operator()(video::S3DVertex2TCoords& vertex) const { if (1==UVSet) vertex.TCoords *= Factor; else if (2==UVSet) vertex.TCoords2 *= Factor; } template <typename VType> void operator()(VType& vertex) const { if (1==UVSet) vertex.TCoords *= Factor; } private: core::vector2df Factor; u32 UVSet; }; } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr #endif