#include "testUtils.h" using namespace irr; using namespace core; using namespace io; namespace { bool testArchive(IFileSystem* fs, const io::path& archiveName) { // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Already mounted archives found\n"); return false; } if ( !fs->addFileArchive(archiveName, /*bool ignoreCase=*/true, /*bool ignorePaths=*/false) ) { logTestString("Mounting archive failed\n"); return false; } // make sure there is an archive mounted if ( !fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Mounted archive not in list\n"); return false; } // mount again if ( !fs->addFileArchive(archiveName, /*bool ignoreCase=*/true, /*bool ignorePaths=*/false) ) { logTestString("Mounting a second time failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } // make sure there is exactly one archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() != 1 ) { logTestString("Duplicate mount not recognized\n"); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } if (fs->getFileArchive(0)->getType()==io::EFAT_FOLDER) { // mount again with different path end symbol (either with slash or without) core::stringc newArchiveName=archiveName; if (archiveName.lastChar()=='/') newArchiveName.erase(newArchiveName.size()-1); else newArchiveName.append('/'); if ( !fs->addFileArchive(newArchiveName, /*bool ignoreCase=*/true, /*bool ignorePaths=*/false) ) { logTestString("Mounting a second time with different name failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } // make sure there is exactly one archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() != 1 ) { logTestString("Duplicate mount with different filename not recognized\n"); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } } #if 0 // log what we got io::IFileArchive* archive = fs->getFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); const io::IFileList* fileList = archive->getFileList(); for ( u32 f=0; f < fileList->getFileCount(); ++f) { logTestString("File name: %s\n", fileList->getFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("Full path: %s\n", fileList->getFullFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("ID: %d\n", fileList->getID(f)); } #endif io::path filename("mypath/mypath/myfile.txt"); if (!fs->existFile(filename)) { logTestString("existFile with deep path failed\n"); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } const char* names[] = {"test/test.txt", "mypath/myfile.txt", "mypath/mypath/myfile.txt"}; const char* basenames[] = {"test.txt", "myfile.txt", "myfile.txt"}; const char* content[] = {"Hello world!", "1est\n", "2est"}; for (u32 i=0; i<3; ++i) { if (!fs->existFile(names[i])) { logTestString("existFile failed\n"); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } IReadFile* readFile = fs->createAndOpenFile(names[i]); if (!readFile) { logTestString("createAndOpenFile failed\n"); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } if (fs->getFileBasename(readFile->getFileName()) != basenames[i]) { logTestString("Wrong filename, file list seems to be corrupt\n"); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); readFile->drop(); return false; } char tmp[13] = {'\0'}; readFile->read(tmp, 12); if (strcmp(tmp, content[i])) { logTestString("Read bad data from archive: %s\n", tmp); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); readFile->drop(); return false; } readFile->drop(); } if (!fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1)) { logTestString("Couldn't remove archive.\n"); return false; } // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) return false; return true; } bool testEncryptedZip(IFileSystem* fs) { // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Already mounted archives found\n"); return false; } const char* archiveName = "media/enc.zip"; if ( !fs->addFileArchive(archiveName, /*bool ignoreCase=*/true, /*bool ignorePaths=*/false) ) { logTestString("Mounting archive failed\n"); return false; } // make sure there is an archive mounted if ( !fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Mounted archive not in list\n"); return false; } // mount again if ( !fs->addFileArchive(archiveName, /*bool ignoreCase=*/true, /*bool ignorePaths=*/false) ) { logTestString("Mounting a second time failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } // make sure there is exactly one archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() != 1 ) { logTestString("Duplicate mount not recognized\n"); while (fs->getFileArchiveCount()) fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } // log what we got io::IFileArchive* archive = fs->getFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); io::path filename("doc"); const io::IFileList* fileList = archive->getFileList(); for ( u32 f=0; f < fileList->getFileCount(); ++f) { logTestString("%s name: %s\n", fileList->isDirectory(f)?"Directory":"File", fileList->getFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("Full path: %s\n", fileList->getFullFileName(f).c_str()); } if (fileList->findFile(filename) != -1) { logTestString("findFile wrongly succeeded on directory\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } if (fileList->findFile(filename, true)==-1) { logTestString("findFile failed on directory\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } filename="doc/readme.txt"; if (fileList->findFile(filename)==-1) { logTestString("findFile failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } if (fileList->findFile(filename, true) != -1) { logTestString("findFile wrongly succeeded on non-directory\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } if (!fs->existFile(filename)) { logTestString("existFile failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } filename="doc"; if (fs->existFile(filename)) { logTestString("existFile succeeded wrongly on directory\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } filename="doc/readme.txt"; IReadFile* readFile = fs->createAndOpenFile(filename); if ( readFile ) { logTestString("createAndOpenFile succeeded, even though no password was set.\n"); readFile->drop(); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } archive->Password="33445"; readFile = fs->createAndOpenFile(filename); #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_ZIP_ENCRYPTION_ if ( !readFile ) { logTestString("createAndOpenFile failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } char tmp[13] = {'\0'}; readFile->read(tmp, 12); readFile->drop(); if (strncmp(tmp, "Linux Users:", 12)) { logTestString("Read bad data from archive: %s\n", tmp); return false; } #endif if (!fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1)) { logTestString("Couldn't remove archive.\n"); return false; } // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) return false; return true; } bool testSpecialZip(IFileSystem* fs, const char* archiveName, const char* filename, const void* content) { // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Already mounted archives found\n"); return false; } if ( !fs->addFileArchive(archiveName, /*bool ignoreCase=*/true, /*bool ignorePaths=*/false) ) { logTestString("Mounting archive failed\n"); return false; } // make sure there is an archive mounted if ( !fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Mounted archive not in list\n"); return false; } // log what we got io::IFileArchive* archive = fs->getFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); const io::IFileList* fileList = archive->getFileList(); for ( u32 f=0; f < fileList->getFileCount(); ++f) { logTestString("%s name: %s\n", fileList->isDirectory(f)?"Directory":"File", fileList->getFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("Full path: %s\n", fileList->getFullFileName(f).c_str()); } if (!fs->existFile(filename)) { logTestString("existFile failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } IReadFile* readFile = fs->createAndOpenFile(filename); if ( !readFile ) { logTestString("createAndOpenFile failed\n"); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } char tmp[6] = {'\0'}; readFile->read(tmp, 5); if (memcmp(tmp, content, 5)) { logTestString("Read bad data from archive: %s\n", tmp); readFile->drop(); fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); return false; } readFile->drop(); if (!fs->removeFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1)) { logTestString("Couldn't remove archive.\n"); return false; } // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) return false; return true; } static bool testMountFile(IFileSystem* fs) { bool result = true; #if 1 fs->changeWorkingDirectoryTo("empty"); // log what we got const io::IFileList* fileList = fs->createFileList(); for ( u32 f=0; f < fileList->getFileCount(); ++f) { logTestString("File name: %s\n", fileList->getFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("Full path: %s\n", fileList->getFullFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("ID: %d\n", fileList->getID(f)); } fileList->drop(); fs->changeWorkingDirectoryTo(".."); #endif if (!fs->addFileArchive("empty"), false) result = false; const IFileList* list = fs->getFileArchive(0)->getFileList(); #if 1 // log what we got io::IFileArchive* archive = fs->getFileArchive(fs->getFileArchiveCount()-1); fileList = archive->getFileList(); for ( u32 f=0; f < fileList->getFileCount(); ++f) { logTestString("File name: %s\n", fileList->getFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("Full path: %s\n", fileList->getFullFileName(f).c_str()); logTestString("ID: %d\n", fileList->getID(f)); } #endif if (list->getFileName(0) != "burnings video 0.39b.png") result = false; return result; } bool testAddRemove(IFileSystem* fs, const io::path& archiveName) { // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Already mounted archives found\n"); return false; } if ( !fs->addFileArchive(archiveName, /*bool ignoreCase=*/true, /*bool ignorePaths=*/false) ) { logTestString("Mounting archive failed\n"); return false; } // make sure there is an archive mounted if ( !fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) { logTestString("Mounted archive not in list\n"); return false; } if (!fs->removeFileArchive(archiveName)) { logTestString("Couldn't remove archive.\n"); return false; } // make sure there is no archive mounted if ( fs->getFileArchiveCount() ) return false; return true; } } bool archiveReader() { IrrlichtDevice * device = irr::createDevice(video::EDT_NULL, dimension2d<u32>(1, 1)); assert_log(device); if(!device) return false; io::IFileSystem * fs = device->getFileSystem (); if ( !fs ) return false; bool ret = true; logTestString("Testing mount file.\n"); ret &= testArchive(fs, "media/file_with_path"); logTestString("Testing mount file.\n"); ret &= testArchive(fs, "media/file_with_path/"); logTestString("Testing zip files.\n"); ret &= testArchive(fs, "media/file_with_path.zip"); logTestString("Testing pak files.\n"); ret &= testArchive(fs, "media/sample_pakfile.pak"); logTestString("Testing npk files.\n"); ret &= testArchive(fs, "media/file_with_path.npk"); logTestString("Testing encrypted zip files.\n"); ret &= testEncryptedZip(fs); logTestString("Testing special zip files.\n"); ret &= testSpecialZip(fs, "media/Monty.zip", "monty/license.txt", "Monty"); logTestString("Testing special zip files lzma.\n"); const u8 buf[] = {0xff, 0xfe, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x3f}; ret &= testSpecialZip(fs, "media/lzmadata.zip", "tahoma10_.xml", buf); // logTestString("Testing complex mount file.\n"); // ret &= testMountFile(fs); logTestString("Testing add/remove with filenames.\n"); ret &= testAddRemove(fs, "media/file_with_path.zip"); device->closeDevice(); device->run(); device->drop(); return ret; }