// Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Christian Stehno
// No rights reserved: this software is in the public domain.

#include "testUtils.h"

using namespace irr;
using namespace core;

bool simple_xml( irr::io::IFileSystem * fs )
	io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader = fs->createXMLReaderUTF8("media/test.xml");
	if (!reader)
		logTestString("Could not create XML reader.\n");
		return false;

	const core::stringc expected[] = {
		"a", "b", "c"

	bool retVal = true;
	u32 i=0;
		if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
			if (expected[i++] != reader->getNodeName())
				logTestString("Did not find expected string in XML element name.\n");
				retVal = false;

	return retVal;

// CDATA should return everything between "![CDATA[" and "]]>" as it's in the file
bool cdata( irr::io::IFileSystem * fs )
	io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader = fs->createXMLReaderUTF8("media/cdata.xml");
	if (!reader)
		logTestString("Could not create XML reader.\n");
		return false;

	const core::stringc textNode("text");
	core::array< core::stringc > compareStrings;
	compareStrings.push_back("] ]> ");
	compareStrings.push_back("]\n]> ");
	compareStrings.push_back("\nNewlines\n\tand tabs\n\t\tgogogo");
	compareStrings.push_back("& &  && &&& &a &ü &ä &ö &&#");

	bool result = true;
	size_t count = 0;
		if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT)
			if ( core::stringc(reader->getNodeName()) == textNode )
					if (reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_CDATA)
						core::stringc data = reader->getNodeData();
						core::stringc name = reader->getNodeName();
						if ( count == compareStrings.size() )
							logTestString("too many cdata elements for reading in %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
						else if ( count < compareStrings.size() )
							core::stringc cmpString(compareStrings[count]);
							// some (unused) variables to ease debugging
							// const c8* dataRaw = data.c_str();
							// const c8* cmpRaw = cmpString.c_str();
							if ( cmpString != data )
								result = false;
								logTestString("cdata read failed for string %d in %s:%d\n", count, __FILE__, __LINE__);
					if ( reader->getNodeType() == io::EXN_ELEMENT_END )

	return result;

bool attributeValues(irr::io::IFileSystem * fs)
	io::IXMLReaderUTF8* reader = fs->createXMLReaderUTF8("media/attributes.xml");
	if (!reader)
		logTestString("Could not create XML reader.\n");
		return false;

	bool result = true;
	bool hasNode = false;
	while (reader->read())
		if (io::EXN_ELEMENT == reader->getNodeType() )
			if ( core::stringc(reader->getNodeName()) == core::stringc("element_position") )
				hasNode = true;
				int id1 = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("id1");
				if ( id1 != 152722522 )
					logTestString("id1 is %d in %s:%d\n", id1, __FILE__, __LINE__);
					result = false;
				int id2 = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("id2");
				result &= id2 == 3;
				int x = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("x");
				result &= x == 301;
				int y = reader->getAttributeValueAsInt("y");
				result &= y == 118;

	if ( !hasNode )
		logTestString("missing node in xml in %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		return false;

	return result;

/** Tests for XML handling */
bool testXML(void)
	IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(video::EDT_NULL, dimension2du(400, 200));

	bool result = true;

	logTestString("Test simple XML reader features.\n");
	result &= simple_xml(device->getFileSystem());
	logTestString("Test XML reader CDATA support.\n");
	result &= cdata(device->getFileSystem());
	logTestString("Test XML reader attribute support.\n");
	result &= attributeValues(device->getFileSystem());	

	return result;