// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt / Thomas Alten // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "IrrCompileConfig.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_BURNINGSVIDEO_ #include "SoftwareDriver2_compile_config.h" #include "SoftwareDriver2_helper.h" #include "CSoftwareTexture2.h" #include "CSoftwareDriver2.h" #include "CBlit.h" #include "os.h" namespace irr { namespace video { //! stretches srcRect src to dstRect dst, applying a sliding window box filter in linear color space (sRGB->linear->sRGB) void Resample_subSampling(eBlitter op, video::IImage* dst, const core::rect<s32>* dstRect, const video::IImage* src, const core::rect<s32>* srcRect, size_t flags); //nearest pow of 2 ( 257 will be 256 not 512 ) static inline core::dimension2d<u32> getOptimalSize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& original, const u32 allowNonPowerOfTwo, const u32 maxSize) { u32 w, h; if (allowNonPowerOfTwo) { w = original.Width; h = original.Height; } else { w = 1; while (w * 2 < original.Width) w *= 2; if (w * 2 - original.Width < original.Width - w) w *= 2; h = 1; while (h * 2 < original.Height) h *= 2; if (h * 2 - original.Height < original.Height - h) h *= 2; } if (maxSize && w > maxSize) w = maxSize; if (maxSize && h > maxSize) h = maxSize; return core::dimension2d<u32>(w, h); } //! constructor CSoftwareTexture2::CSoftwareTexture2(IImage* image, const io::path& name, u32 flags, CBurningVideoDriver* driver) : ITexture(name #if !defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0) , ETT_2D #endif ) , MipMapLOD(0), Flags(flags), Driver(driver) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CSoftwareTexture2"); #endif #if SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MAX <= 1 Flags &= ~(GEN_MIPMAP | GEN_MIPMAP_AUTO); #endif //set baseclass properties DriverType = EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO; ColorFormat = (Flags & IS_RENDERTARGET) ? SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_RENDERTARGET_COLOR_FORMAT : SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_TEXTURE_COLOR_FORMAT; IsRenderTarget = (Flags & IS_RENDERTARGET) != 0; HasMipMaps = (Flags & GEN_MIPMAP) != 0; MipMap0_Area[0] = 1; MipMap0_Area[1] = 1; LodBIAS = 1.f; for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) MipMap[i] = 0; if (!image) return; OriginalSize = image->getDimension(); OriginalColorFormat = image->getColorFormat(); #if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB) if (Flags & IMAGE_IS_LINEAR) image->set_sRGB(0); #else //guessing linear image if (name.find("light") >= 0 || name.find("bump") >= 0 || name.find("height") >= 0 ) { Flags |= TEXTURE_IS_LINEAR | IMAGE_IS_LINEAR; } #endif bool isCompressed = IImage::isCompressedFormat(OriginalColorFormat); if (isCompressed) { os::Printer::log("Texture compression not available.", ELL_ERROR); } //visual studio code warning u32 maxTexSize = SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE; #if defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0) if (IsRenderTarget && name.find("RaceGUI::markers") >= 0) { maxTexSize = 0; } #endif /* core::dimension2d<u32> optSize(OriginalSize.getOptimalSize( (Flags & ALLOW_NPOT) ? 0 : 1, // requirePowerOfTwo false, // requireSquare (Flags & ALLOW_NPOT) ? 1 : maxTexSize == SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE, // larger (Flags & ALLOW_NPOT) ? 0 : maxTexSize // maxValue ) ); */ core::dimension2d<u32> optSize(getOptimalSize(OriginalSize, Flags & ALLOW_NPOT, maxTexSize)); if (OriginalSize == optSize) { MipMap[0] = new CImage(ColorFormat, image->getDimension()); #if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB) MipMap[0]->set_sRGB((Flags & TEXTURE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : image->get_sRGB()); #endif if (!isCompressed && image->getData()) image->copyTo(MipMap[0]); } else { MipMap[0] = new CImage(ColorFormat, optSize); #if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB) MipMap[0]->set_sRGB((Flags & TEXTURE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : image->get_sRGB()); #endif if (!isCompressed) { //image->copyToScalingBoxFilter ( MipMap[0],0, false ); Resample_subSampling(BLITTER_TEXTURE, MipMap[0], 0, image, 0, Flags); } // if Original Size is used for calculation ( 2D position, font) it will be wrong //OriginalSize = optSize; } // Show Information about resizing if (OriginalSize != optSize || ( OriginalColorFormat != ColorFormat && !((OriginalColorFormat == ECF_R8G8B8 || OriginalColorFormat == ECF_A1R5G5B5) && ColorFormat == ECF_A8R8G8B8) ) ) { char buf[256]; core::stringw showName(name); snprintf_irr(buf, sizeof(buf), "Burningvideo: Texture '%ls' reformat %ux%u,%s -> %ux%u,%s", showName.c_str(), OriginalSize.Width, OriginalSize.Height, ColorFormatNames[OriginalColorFormat], optSize.Width, optSize.Height, ColorFormatNames[ColorFormat] ); os::Printer::log(buf, ELL_DEBUG); } //select highest mipmap 0 regenerateMipMapLevels(image->getMipMapsData()); } //! destructor CSoftwareTexture2::~CSoftwareTexture2() { for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) { if (MipMap[i]) { MipMap[i]->drop(); MipMap[i] = 0; } } } //! Regenerates the mip map levels of the texture. Useful after locking and //! modifying the texture #if !defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0) void CSoftwareTexture2::regenerateMipMapLevels(void* data, u32 layer) #else void CSoftwareTexture2::regenerateMipMapLevels(void* data) #endif { size_t i; // release for (i = 1; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) { if (MipMap[i]) { MipMap[i]->drop(); MipMap[i] = 0; } } core::dimension2d<u32> newSize; if (HasMipMaps && ((Flags & GEN_MIPMAP_AUTO) || 0 == data)) { //need memory also if autogen mipmap disabled for (i = 1; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) { const core::dimension2du& upperDim = MipMap[i - 1]->getDimension(); //isotropic newSize.Width = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Width >> 1); newSize.Height = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Height >> 1); if (upperDim == newSize) break; MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize); #if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB) MipMap[i]->set_sRGB(MipMap[i - 1]->get_sRGB()); #endif //MipMap[i]->fill ( 0xFFFF4040 ); //MipMap[i-1]->copyToScalingBoxFilter( MipMap[i], 0, false ); Resample_subSampling(BLITTER_TEXTURE, MipMap[i], 0, MipMap[0], 0, Flags); } } else if (HasMipMaps && data) { //deactivated outside mipdata until TA knows how to handle this. //query mipmap dimension u8* mip_current = (u8*)data; const u8* mip_end = (u8*)data; core::dimension2d<u32> origSize = OriginalSize; i = 1; do { if (origSize.Width > 1) origSize.Width >>= 1; if (origSize.Height > 1) origSize.Height >>= 1; mip_end += IImage::getDataSizeFromFormat(OriginalColorFormat, origSize.Width, origSize.Height); i += 1; } while ((origSize.Width != 1 || origSize.Height != 1) && i < array_size(MipMap)); //TODO: this is not true LodBIAS = i * 2.f; origSize = OriginalSize; for (i = 1; i < array_size(MipMap) && mip_current < mip_end; ++i) { const core::dimension2du& upperDim = MipMap[i - 1]->getDimension(); //isotropic newSize.Width = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Width >> 1); newSize.Height = core::s32_max(SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_MIPMAPPING_MIN_SIZE, upperDim.Height >> 1); if (upperDim == newSize) break; if (origSize.Width > 1) origSize.Width >>= 1; if (origSize.Height > 1) origSize.Height >>= 1; if (OriginalColorFormat != ColorFormat) { IImage* tmpImage = new CImage(OriginalColorFormat, origSize, mip_current, true, false); MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize); if (origSize == newSize) tmpImage->copyTo(MipMap[i]); else tmpImage->copyToScalingBoxFilter(MipMap[i]); tmpImage->drop(); } else { if (origSize == newSize) MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize, mip_current, false); else { MipMap[i] = new CImage(ColorFormat, newSize); IImage* tmpImage = new CImage(ColorFormat, origSize, mip_current, true, false); tmpImage->copyToScalingBoxFilter(MipMap[i]); tmpImage->drop(); } } mip_current += IImage::getDataSizeFromFormat(OriginalColorFormat, origSize.Width, origSize.Height); } } #if 0 //visualize mipmap for (i = 1; i < 0 && i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) { static u32 color[] = { 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFF0000,0xFF00FF00,0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFFFF00,0xFF00FFFF,0xFFFF00FF, 0xFFff6600,0xFF00ff66,0xFF6600FF, 0xFF66ff00,0xFF0066ff,0xFFff0066, 0xFF33ff00,0xFF0033ff,0xFF3300ff, 0xFF0000FF,0xFF0000FF,0xFF0000FF }; if (MipMap[i]) { int border = 0; const core::dimension2du& d = MipMap[i]->getDimension(); core::rect<s32> p(0, 0, d.Width, d.Height); SColor c((color[i & 15] & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xFF000000); core::rect<s32> dclip(border, border, d.Width - border, d.Height - border); Blit(BLITTER_TEXTURE_ALPHA_COLOR_BLEND, MipMap[i], &dclip, 0, MipMap[i], &p, c.color); } } //save mipmap chain if (0) { char buf[256]; const char* name = getName().getPath().c_str(); int filename = 0; //int ext = -1; i = 0; while (name[i]) { if (name[i] == '/' || name[i] == '\\') filename = (s32)i + 1; //if (name[i] == '.') ext = i; i += 1; } for (i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) { if (MipMap[i]) { snprintf_irr(buf, sizeof(buf), "mip/%s_%02d.png", name + filename, (s32)i); Driver->writeImageToFile(MipMap[i], buf); } } } #endif calcDerivative(); } void CSoftwareTexture2::calcDerivative() { //reset current MipMap MipMapLOD = 0; if (MipMap[0]) { const core::dimension2du& dim = MipMap[0]->getDimension(); MipMap0_Area[0] = dim.Width; MipMap0_Area[1] = dim.Height; // screensize of a triangle //TA: try to mimic openGL mipmap. ( don't do this!) //if (MipMap0_Area[0] < 32) MipMap0_Area[0] = 32; //if (MipMap0_Area[1] < 32) MipMap0_Area[1] = 32; Size = dim; // MipMap[MipMapLOD]->getDimension(); Pitch = MipMap[MipMapLOD]->getPitch(); } //preCalc mipmap texel center boundaries for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(MipMap); ++i) { CSoftwareTexture2_Bound& b = TexBound[i]; if (MipMap[i]) { const core::dimension2du& dim = MipMap[i]->getDimension(); //f32 u = 1.f / dim.Width; //f32 v = 1.f / dim.Height; b.w = dim.Width - 1.f; b.h = dim.Height - 1.f; b.cx = 0.f; //u*0.005f; b.cy = 0.f; //v*0.005f; } else { b.w = 0.f; b.h = 0.f; b.cx = 0.f; b.cy = 0.f; } } } /* Software Render Target 2 */ CSoftwareRenderTarget2::CSoftwareRenderTarget2(CBurningVideoDriver* driver) : Driver(driver) #if defined(PATCH_SUPERTUX_8_0_1_with_1_9_0) , IRenderTarget(0) #endif { DriverType = EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO; Textures.set_used(1); Textures[0] = 0; } CSoftwareRenderTarget2::~CSoftwareRenderTarget2() { if (Textures[0]) Textures[0]->drop(); } void CSoftwareRenderTarget2::setTextures(ITexture* const * textures, u32 numTextures, ITexture* depthStencil, const E_CUBE_SURFACE* cubeSurfaces, u32 numCubeSurfaces) { if (!Textures.equals(textures, numTextures)) { ITexture* prevTexture = Textures[0]; bool textureDetected = false; for (u32 i = 0; i < numTextures; ++i) { if (textures[i] && textures[i]->getDriverType() == EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO) { Textures[0] = textures[i]; Textures[0]->grab(); textureDetected = true; break; } } if (prevTexture) prevTexture->drop(); if (!textureDetected) Textures[0] = 0; } } static const float srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[1 << 8] = { 0.0f, 3.03527e-4f, 6.07054e-4f, 9.10581e-4f, 0.001214108f, 0.001517635f, 0.001821162f, 0.0021246888f, 0.002428216f, 0.002731743f, 0.00303527f, 0.0033465358f, 0.0036765074f, 0.004024717f, 0.004391442f, 0.0047769537f, 0.005181517f, 0.005605392f, 0.0060488335f, 0.006512091f, 0.0069954107f, 0.007499032f, 0.008023193f, 0.008568126f, 0.009134059f, 0.009721218f, 0.010329823f, 0.010960095f, 0.011612245f, 0.012286489f, 0.0129830325f, 0.013702083f, 0.014443845f, 0.015208516f, 0.015996294f, 0.016807377f, 0.017641956f, 0.018500222f, 0.019382363f, 0.020288564f, 0.021219011f, 0.022173885f, 0.023153368f, 0.024157634f, 0.025186861f, 0.026241222f, 0.027320893f, 0.02842604f, 0.029556835f, 0.030713445f, 0.031896032f, 0.033104766f, 0.034339808f, 0.035601314f, 0.036889452f, 0.038204372f, 0.039546236f, 0.0409152f, 0.04231141f, 0.04373503f, 0.045186203f, 0.046665087f, 0.048171826f, 0.049706567f, 0.051269464f, 0.05286065f, 0.05448028f, 0.056128494f, 0.057805438f, 0.059511244f, 0.06124606f, 0.06301002f, 0.06480327f, 0.066625945f, 0.068478175f, 0.0703601f, 0.07227185f, 0.07421357f, 0.07618539f, 0.07818743f, 0.08021983f, 0.082282715f, 0.084376216f, 0.086500466f, 0.08865559f, 0.09084172f, 0.093058966f, 0.09530747f, 0.097587354f, 0.09989873f, 0.10224174f, 0.10461649f, 0.107023105f, 0.10946172f, 0.111932434f, 0.11443538f, 0.11697067f, 0.119538434f, 0.122138776f, 0.12477182f, 0.12743768f, 0.13013647f, 0.13286832f, 0.13563333f, 0.13843162f, 0.14126329f, 0.14412847f, 0.14702727f, 0.14995979f, 0.15292616f, 0.15592647f, 0.15896083f, 0.16202939f, 0.1651322f, 0.1682694f, 0.17144111f, 0.1746474f, 0.17788842f, 0.18116425f, 0.18447499f, 0.18782078f, 0.19120169f, 0.19461784f, 0.19806932f, 0.20155625f, 0.20507874f, 0.20863687f, 0.21223076f, 0.21586053f, 0.21952623f, 0.22322798f, 0.2269659f, 0.23074007f, 0.23455061f, 0.2383976f, 0.24228115f, 0.24620135f, 0.2501583f, 0.25415212f, 0.25818288f, 0.2622507f, 0.26635563f, 0.27049783f, 0.27467734f, 0.2788943f, 0.28314877f, 0.28744087f, 0.29177067f, 0.2961383f, 0.3005438f, 0.30498734f, 0.30946895f, 0.31398875f, 0.3185468f, 0.32314324f, 0.32777813f, 0.33245155f, 0.33716366f, 0.34191445f, 0.3467041f, 0.35153264f, 0.35640016f, 0.36130682f, 0.36625263f, 0.3712377f, 0.37626216f, 0.38132605f, 0.38642946f, 0.3915725f, 0.39675525f, 0.4019778f, 0.40724024f, 0.41254264f, 0.4178851f, 0.4232677f, 0.42869052f, 0.43415368f, 0.4396572f, 0.44520122f, 0.45078582f, 0.45641103f, 0.46207702f, 0.4677838f, 0.4735315f, 0.4793202f, 0.48514995f, 0.4910209f, 0.496933f, 0.5028865f, 0.50888133f, 0.5149177f, 0.5209956f, 0.52711517f, 0.53327644f, 0.5394795f, 0.5457245f, 0.55201143f, 0.55834043f, 0.5647115f, 0.57112485f, 0.57758045f, 0.58407843f, 0.59061885f, 0.5972018f, 0.60382736f, 0.61049557f, 0.6172066f, 0.62396044f, 0.63075715f, 0.6375969f, 0.6444797f, 0.65140563f, 0.65837485f, 0.66538733f, 0.67244315f, 0.6795425f, 0.6866853f, 0.6938718f, 0.7011019f, 0.7083758f, 0.71569353f, 0.7230551f, 0.73046076f, 0.73791045f, 0.74540424f, 0.7529422f, 0.7605245f, 0.76815116f, 0.7758222f, 0.7835378f, 0.791298f, 0.7991027f, 0.8069523f, 0.8148466f, 0.82278574f, 0.8307699f, 0.838799f, 0.8468732f, 0.8549926f, 0.8631572f, 0.8713671f, 0.8796224f, 0.8879231f, 0.8962694f, 0.9046612f, 0.91309863f, 0.92158186f, 0.9301109f, 0.9386857f, 0.9473065f, 0.9559733f, 0.9646863f, 0.9734453f, 0.9822506f, 0.9911021f, 1.0f, }; /* int linear_to_srgb_8bit(const float x) { if (x <= 0.f) return 0; if (x >= 1.f) return 255; const float *table = SRGB_8BIT_TO_LINEAR_FLOAT; int y = 0; for (int i = 128; i != 0; i >>= 1) { if (table[y + i] <= x) y += i; } if (x - table[y] <= table[y + 1] - x) return y; else return y + 1; } */ u32 linear_to_srgb_8bit(const float v) { ieee754 c; c.f = v; const size_t x = c.u; const u32* table = (u32*)srgb_8bit_to_linear_float; u32 y = 0; y += table[y + 128] <= x ? 128 : 0; y += table[y + 64] <= x ? 64 : 0; y += table[y + 32] <= x ? 32 : 0; y += table[y + 16] <= x ? 16 : 0; y += table[y + 8] <= x ? 8 : 0; y += table[y + 4] <= x ? 4 : 0; y += table[y + 2] <= x ? 2 : 0; y += table[y + 1] <= x ? 1 : 0; return y; } // 2D Region half open [x0;x1[ struct absrect2 { s32 x0; s32 y0; s32 x1; s32 y1; }; static inline int clipTest(absrect2& o, const core::rect<s32>* a, const absrect2& b) { if (a == 0) { o.x0 = b.x0; o.y0 = b.y0; o.x1 = b.x1; o.y1 = b.y1; } else { o.x0 = core::s32_max(a->UpperLeftCorner.X, b.x0); o.x1 = core::s32_min(a->LowerRightCorner.X, b.x1); o.y0 = core::s32_max(a->UpperLeftCorner.Y, b.y0); o.y1 = core::s32_min(a->LowerRightCorner.Y, b.y1); } int clipTest = 0; clipTest |= o.x0 >= o.x1 ? 1 : 0; clipTest |= o.y0 >= o.y1 ? 2 : 0; return clipTest; } //! stretches srcRect src to dstRect dst, applying a sliding window box filter in linear color space (sRGB->linear->sRGB) // todo: texture jumps (mip selection problem) void Resample_subSampling(eBlitter op, video::IImage* dst, const core::rect<s32>* dstRect, const video::IImage* src, const core::rect<s32>* srcRect, size_t flags) { u8* dstData = (u8*)dst->getData(); const absrect2 dst_clip = { 0,0,(s32)dst->getDimension().Width,(s32)dst->getDimension().Height }; absrect2 dc; if (clipTest(dc, dstRect, dst_clip) || !dstData) return; const video::ECOLOR_FORMAT dstFormat = dst->getColorFormat(); const u8* srcData = (u8*)src->getData(); const absrect2 src_clip = { 0,0,(s32)src->getDimension().Width,(s32)src->getDimension().Height }; absrect2 sc; if (clipTest(sc, srcRect, src_clip) || !srcData) return; const video::ECOLOR_FORMAT srcFormat = src->getColorFormat(); #if defined(IRRLICHT_sRGB) const int dst_sRGB = dst->get_sRGB(); const int src_sRGB = src->get_sRGB(); #else const int dst_sRGB = (flags & CSoftwareTexture2::TEXTURE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : 1; const int src_sRGB = (flags & CSoftwareTexture2::IMAGE_IS_LINEAR) ? 0 : 1; #endif float scale[2]; scale[0] = (float)(sc.x1 - sc.x0) / (float)(dc.x1 - dc.x0); scale[1] = (float)(sc.y1 - sc.y0) / (float)(dc.y1 - dc.y0); const float rs = 1.f / (scale[0] * scale[1]); float sum[4]; u32 sbgra = 0; float f[4]; int fi[4]; f[3] = (float)sc.y0; for (int dy = dc.y0; dy < dc.y1; ++dy) { f[1] = f[3]; f[3] = sc.y0 + (dy + 1 - dc.y0) * scale[1]; if (f[3] >= sc.y1) f[3] = sc.y1 - 0.001f; //todo:1.f/dim should be enough f[2] = (float)sc.x0; for (int dx = dc.x0; dx < dc.x1; ++dx) { f[0] = f[2]; f[2] = sc.x0 + (dx + 1 - dc.x0) * scale[0]; if (f[2] >= sc.x1) f[2] = sc.x1 - 0.001f; //accumulate linear color sum[0] = 0.f; sum[1] = 0.f; sum[2] = 0.f; sum[3] = 0.f; //sample border fi[0] = (int)(f[0]); fi[1] = (int)(f[1]); fi[2] = (int)(f[2]); fi[3] = (int)(f[3]); float w[2]; for (int fy = fi[1]; fy <= fi[3]; ++fy) { w[1] = 1.f; if (fy == fi[1]) w[1] -= f[1] - fy; if (fy == fi[3]) w[1] -= fy + 1 - f[3]; for (int fx = fi[0]; fx <= fi[2]; ++fx) { w[0] = 1.f; if (fx == fi[0]) w[0] -= f[0] - fx; if (fx == fi[2]) w[0] -= fx + 1 - f[2]; const float ws = w[1] * w[0] * rs; switch (srcFormat) { case video::ECF_A1R5G5B5: sbgra = video::A1R5G5B5toA8R8G8B8(*(u16*)(srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 2 + (fx * 2))); break; case video::ECF_R5G6B5: sbgra = video::R5G6B5toA8R8G8B8(*(u16*)(srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 2 + (fx * 2))); break; case video::ECF_A8R8G8B8: sbgra = *(u32*)(srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 4 + (fx * 4)); break; case video::ECF_R8G8B8: { const u8* p = srcData + (fy * src_clip.x1) * 3 + (fx * 3); sbgra = 0xFF000000 | p[0] << 16 | p[1] << 8 | p[2]; } break; default: break; } if (src_sRGB) { sum[0] += srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[(sbgra) & 0xFF] * ws; sum[1] += srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[(sbgra >> 8) & 0xFF] * ws; sum[2] += srgb_8bit_to_linear_float[(sbgra >> 16) & 0xFF] * ws; sum[3] += ((sbgra >> 24) & 0xFF) * ws; } else { sum[0] += ((sbgra) & 0xFF) * ws; sum[1] += ((sbgra >> 8) & 0xFF) * ws; sum[2] += ((sbgra >> 16) & 0xFF) * ws; sum[3] += ((sbgra >> 24) & 0xFF) * ws; } } } switch (op) { case BLITTER_TEXTURE_ALPHA_BLEND: case BLITTER_TEXTURE_ALPHA_COLOR_BLEND: break; default: break; } if (dst_sRGB) { sbgra = linear_to_srgb_8bit(sum[0]) | linear_to_srgb_8bit(sum[1]) << 8 | linear_to_srgb_8bit(sum[2]) << 16 | (u32)(sum[3]) << 24; } else { sbgra = (u32)(sum[0]) | (u32)(sum[1]) << 8 | (u32)(sum[2]) << 16 | (u32)(sum[3]) << 24; } switch (dstFormat) { case video::ECF_A8R8G8B8: *(u32*)(dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 4 + (dx * 4)) = sbgra; break; case video::ECF_R8G8B8: { u8* p = dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 3 + (dx * 3); p[2] = (sbgra) & 0xFF; p[1] = (sbgra >> 8) & 0xFF; p[0] = (sbgra >> 16) & 0xFF; } break; case video::ECF_A1R5G5B5: *(u16*)(dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 2 + (dx * 2)) = video::A8R8G8B8toA1R5G5B5(sbgra); break; case video::ECF_R5G6B5: *(u16*)(dstData + (dy * dst_clip.x1) * 2 + (dx * 2)) = video::A8R8G8B8toR5G6B5(sbgra); break; default: break; } } } } } // end namespace video } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_BURNINGSVIDEO_