// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// written by Reinhard Ostermeier, reinhard@nospam.r-ostermeier.de


#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "rect.h"
#include "irrTypes.h"

namespace irr
namespace gui

//! Font interface.
class IGUIImageList : public virtual IReferenceCounted

	//! Destructor
	virtual ~IGUIImageList() {};

	//! Draws an image and clips it to the specified rectangle if wanted
	//! \param index: Index of the image
	//! \param destPos: Position of the image to draw
	//! \param clip: Optional pointer to a rectangle against which the text will be clipped.
	//! If the pointer is null, no clipping will be done.
	virtual void draw(s32 index, const core::position2d<s32>& destPos,
		const core::rect<s32>* clip = 0) = 0;

	//! Returns the count of Images in the list.
	//! \return Returns the count of Images in the list.
	virtual s32 getImageCount() const = 0;

	//! Returns the size of the images in the list.
	//! \return Returns the size of the images in the list.
	virtual core::dimension2d<s32> getImageSize() const = 0;

} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr
