/** Example 024 CursorControl Show how to modify cursors and offer some useful tool functions for creating cursors. It can also be used for experiments with the mouse in general. */ #include <irrlicht.h> #include "driverChoice.h" #include "exampleHelper.h" using namespace irr; using namespace core; using namespace scene; using namespace video; using namespace io; using namespace gui; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib") #endif const int DELAY_TIME = 3000; enum ETimerAction { ETA_MOUSE_VISIBLE, ETA_MOUSE_INVISIBLE, }; /* Structure to allow delayed execution of some actions. */ struct TimerAction { u32 TargetTime; ETimerAction Action; }; /* */ struct SAppContext { SAppContext() : Device(0), InfoStatic(0), EventBox(0), CursorBox(0), SpriteBox(0) , ButtonSetVisible(0), ButtonSetInvisible(0), ButtonSimulateBadFps(0) , ButtonChangeIcon(0) , SimulateBadFps(false) { } void update() { if (!Device) return; u32 timeNow = Device->getTimer()->getTime(); for ( u32 i=0; i < TimerActions.size(); ++i ) { if ( timeNow >= TimerActions[i].TargetTime ) { runTimerAction(TimerActions[i]); TimerActions.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } void runTimerAction(const TimerAction& action) { if (ETA_MOUSE_VISIBLE == action.Action) { Device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(true); ButtonSetVisible->setEnabled(true); } else if ( ETA_MOUSE_INVISIBLE == action.Action) { Device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(false); ButtonSetInvisible->setEnabled(true); } } /* Add another icon which the user can click and select as cursor later on. */ void addIcon(const stringw& name, const SCursorSprite &sprite, bool addCursor=true) { // Sprites are just icons - not yet cursors. They can be displayed by Irrlicht sprite functions and be used to create cursors. SpriteBox->addItem(name.c_str(), sprite.SpriteId); Sprites.push_back(sprite); // create the cursor together with the icon? if ( addCursor ) { /* Here we create a hardware cursor from a sprite */ Device->getCursorControl()->addIcon(sprite); // ... and add it to the cursors selection listbox to the other system cursors. CursorBox->addItem(name.c_str()); } } IrrlichtDevice * Device; gui::IGUIStaticText * InfoStatic; gui::IGUIListBox * EventBox; gui::IGUIListBox * CursorBox; gui::IGUIListBox * SpriteBox; gui::IGUIButton * ButtonSetVisible; gui::IGUIButton * ButtonSetInvisible; gui::IGUIButton * ButtonSimulateBadFps; gui::IGUIButton * ButtonChangeIcon; array<TimerAction> TimerActions; bool SimulateBadFps; array<SCursorSprite> Sprites; }; /* Helper function to print mouse event names into a stringw */ void PrintMouseEventName(const SEvent& event, stringw &result) { switch ( event.MouseInput.Event ) { case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: result += stringw(L"EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN"); break; case EMIE_RMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: result += stringw(L"EMIE_RMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN"); break; case EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: result += stringw(L"EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN"); break; case EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: result += stringw(L"EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP"); break; case EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP: result += stringw(L"EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP"); break; case EMIE_MMOUSE_LEFT_UP: result += stringw(L"EMIE_MMOUSE_LEFT_UP"); break; case EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: result += stringw(L"EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED"); break; case EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL: result += stringw(L"EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL"); break; case EMIE_LMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK: result += stringw(L"EMIE_LMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK"); break; case EMIE_RMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK: result += stringw(L"EMIE_RMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK"); break; case EMIE_MMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK: result += stringw(L"EMIE_MMOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK"); break; case EMIE_LMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK: result += stringw(L"EMIE_LMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK"); break; case EMIE_RMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK: result += stringw(L"EMIE_RMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK"); break; case EMIE_MMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK: result += stringw(L"EMIE_MMOUSE_TRIPLE_CLICK"); break; default: break; } } /* Helper function to print all the state information from a mouse event into a stringw */ void PrintMouseState(const SEvent& event, stringw &result) { result += stringw(L"X: "); result += stringw(event.MouseInput.X); result += stringw(L"\n"); result += stringw(L"Y: "); result += stringw(event.MouseInput.Y); result += stringw(L"\n"); result += stringw(L"Wheel: "); result += stringw(event.MouseInput.Wheel); result += stringw(L"\n"); result += stringw(L"Shift: "); if ( event.MouseInput.Shift ) result += stringw(L"true\n"); else result += stringw(L"false\n"); result += stringw(L"Control: "); if ( event.MouseInput.Control ) result += stringw(L"true\n"); else result += stringw(L"false\n"); result += stringw(L"ButtonStates: "); result += stringw(event.MouseInput.ButtonStates); result += stringw(L"\n"); result += stringw(L"isLeftPressed: "); if ( event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed() ) result += stringw(L"true\n"); else result += stringw(L"false\n"); result += stringw(L"isRightPressed: "); if ( event.MouseInput.isRightPressed() ) result += stringw(L"true\n"); else result += stringw(L"false\n"); result += stringw(L"isMiddlePressed: "); if ( event.MouseInput.isMiddlePressed() ) result += stringw(L"true\n"); else result += stringw(L"false\n"); result += stringw(L"Event: "); PrintMouseEventName(event, result); result += stringw(L"\n"); } /* A typical event receiver. */ class MyEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver { public: MyEventReceiver(SAppContext & context) : Context(context) { } virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT ) { switch ( event.GUIEvent.EventType ) { case EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED: { u32 timeNow = Context.Device->getTimer()->getTime(); TimerAction action; action.TargetTime = timeNow + DELAY_TIME; if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == Context.ButtonSetVisible ) { action.Action = ETA_MOUSE_VISIBLE; Context.TimerActions.push_back(action); Context.ButtonSetVisible->setEnabled(false); } else if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == Context.ButtonSetInvisible ) { action.Action = ETA_MOUSE_INVISIBLE; Context.TimerActions.push_back(action); Context.ButtonSetInvisible->setEnabled(false); } else if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == Context.ButtonSimulateBadFps ) { Context.SimulateBadFps = Context.ButtonSimulateBadFps->isPressed(); } else if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == Context.ButtonChangeIcon ) { /* Replace an existing cursor icon by another icon. The user has to select both - the icon which should be replaced and the icon which will replace it. */ s32 selectedCursor = Context.CursorBox->getSelected(); s32 selectedSprite = Context.SpriteBox->getSelected(); if ( selectedCursor >= 0 && selectedSprite >= 0 ) { /* This does replace the icon. */ Context.Device->getCursorControl()->changeIcon((ECURSOR_ICON)selectedCursor, Context.Sprites[selectedSprite] ); /* Do also show the new icon. */ Context.Device->getCursorControl()->setActiveIcon( ECURSOR_ICON(selectedCursor) ); } } } break; case EGET_LISTBOX_CHANGED: case EGET_LISTBOX_SELECTED_AGAIN: { if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == Context.CursorBox ) { /* Find out which cursor the user selected */ s32 selected = Context.CursorBox->getSelected(); if ( selected >= 0 ) { /* Here we set the new cursor icon which will now be used within our window. */ Context.Device->getCursorControl()->setActiveIcon( ECURSOR_ICON(selected) ); } } } break; default: break; } } if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT) { stringw infoText; PrintMouseState(event, infoText); Context.InfoStatic->setText(infoText.c_str()); if ( event.MouseInput.Event != EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED && event.MouseInput.Event != EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL ) // no spam { infoText = L""; PrintMouseEventName(event, infoText); Context.EventBox->insertItem(0, infoText.c_str(), -1); } } if ( event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) { // Allow invisible cursor to show up again when users presses ESC if ( !event.KeyInput.PressedDown && event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_ESCAPE ) { TimerAction action; action.Action = ETA_MOUSE_VISIBLE; Context.runTimerAction(action); } } return false; } private: SAppContext & Context; }; /* Use several image files as animation frames for a sprite which can then be used as a cursor icon. The images in those files all need to have the same size. Return sprite index on success or -1 on failure */ s32 AddAnimatedIconToSpriteBank( gui::IGUISpriteBank * spriteBank, video::IVideoDriver* driver, const array< io::path >& files, u32 frameTime ) { if ( !spriteBank || !driver || !files.size() ) return -1; video::ITexture * tex = driver->getTexture( files[0] ); if ( tex ) { array< rect<s32> >& spritePositions = spriteBank->getPositions(); u32 idxRect = spritePositions.size(); spritePositions.push_back( rect<s32>(0,0, tex->getSize().Width, tex->getSize().Height) ); SGUISprite sprite; sprite.frameTime = frameTime; array< SGUISprite >& sprites = spriteBank->getSprites(); u32 startIdx = spriteBank->getTextureCount(); for ( u32 f=0; f < files.size(); ++f ) { tex = driver->getTexture( files[f] ); if ( tex ) { spriteBank->addTexture( driver->getTexture(files[f]) ); gui::SGUISpriteFrame frame; frame.rectNumber = idxRect; frame.textureNumber = startIdx+f; sprite.Frames.push_back( frame ); } } sprites.push_back( sprite ); return sprites.size()-1; } return -1; } /* Use several images within one image file as animation frames for a sprite which can then be used as a cursor icon The sizes of the icons within that file all need to have the same size Return sprite index on success or -1 on failure */ s32 AddAnimatedIconToSpriteBank( gui::IGUISpriteBank * spriteBank, video::IVideoDriver* driver, const io::path& file, const array< rect<s32> >& rects, u32 frameTime ) { if ( !spriteBank || !driver || !rects.size() ) return -1; video::ITexture * tex = driver->getTexture( file ); if ( tex ) { array< rect<s32> >& spritePositions = spriteBank->getPositions(); u32 idxRect = spritePositions.size(); u32 idxTex = spriteBank->getTextureCount(); spriteBank->addTexture( tex ); SGUISprite sprite; sprite.frameTime = frameTime; array< SGUISprite >& sprites = spriteBank->getSprites(); for ( u32 i=0; i < rects.size(); ++i ) { spritePositions.push_back( rects[i] ); gui::SGUISpriteFrame frame; frame.rectNumber = idxRect+i; frame.textureNumber = idxTex; sprite.Frames.push_back( frame ); } sprites.push_back( sprite ); return sprites.size()-1; } return -1; } /* Create a non-animated icon from the given file and position and put it into the spritebank. We can use this icon later on in a cursor. */ s32 AddIconToSpriteBank( gui::IGUISpriteBank * spriteBank, video::IVideoDriver* driver, const io::path& file, const core::rect<s32>& rect ) { if ( !spriteBank || !driver ) return -1; video::ITexture * tex = driver->getTexture( file ); if ( tex ) { core::array< core::rect<irr::s32> >& spritePositions = spriteBank->getPositions(); spritePositions.push_back( rect ); array< SGUISprite >& sprites = spriteBank->getSprites(); spriteBank->addTexture( tex ); gui::SGUISpriteFrame frame; frame.rectNumber = spritePositions.size()-1; frame.textureNumber = spriteBank->getTextureCount()-1; SGUISprite sprite; sprite.frameTime = 0; sprite.Frames.push_back( frame ); sprites.push_back( sprite ); return sprites.size()-1; } return -1; } int main() { video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType = driverChoiceConsole(); if (driverType==video::EDT_COUNT) return 1; IrrlichtDevice * device = createDevice(driverType, dimension2d<u32>(640, 480)); if (device == 0) return 1; // could not create selected driver. // It's sometimes of interest to know how the mouse behaves after a resize device->setResizable(true); device->setWindowCaption(L"Cursor control - Irrlicht engine tutorial"); video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver(); IGUIEnvironment* env = device->getGUIEnvironment(); SAppContext context; context.Device = device; rect< s32 > rectInfoStatic(10,10, 200, 200); env->addStaticText (L"Cursor state information", rectInfoStatic, true, true); rectInfoStatic.UpperLeftCorner += dimension2di(0, 15); context.InfoStatic = env->addStaticText (L"", rectInfoStatic, true, true); rect< s32 > rectEventBox(10,210, 200, 400); env->addStaticText (L"Click events (new on top)", rectEventBox, true, true); rectEventBox.UpperLeftCorner += dimension2di(0, 15); context.EventBox = env->addListBox(rectEventBox); rect< s32 > rectCursorBox(210,10, 400, 250); env->addStaticText (L"Cursors, click to set the active one", rectCursorBox, true, true); rectCursorBox.UpperLeftCorner += dimension2di(0, 15); context.CursorBox = env->addListBox(rectCursorBox); rect< s32 > rectSpriteBox(210,260, 400, 400); env->addStaticText (L"Sprites", rectSpriteBox, true, true); rectSpriteBox.UpperLeftCorner += dimension2di(0, 15); context.SpriteBox = env->addListBox(rectSpriteBox); context.ButtonSetVisible = env->addButton( rect<s32>( 410, 20, 560, 40 ), 0, -1, L"Set visible (delayed)" ); context.ButtonSetInvisible = env->addButton( rect<s32>( 410, 50, 560, 70 ), 0, -1, L"Set invisible (delayed)" ); context.ButtonSimulateBadFps = env->addButton( rect<s32>( 410, 80, 560, 100 ), 0, -1, L"Simulate bad FPS" ); context.ButtonSimulateBadFps->setIsPushButton(true); s32 t = context.SpriteBox->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y; context.ButtonChangeIcon = env->addButton( rect<s32>( 410, t, 560, t+20), 0, -1, L"Replace cursor icon\n(cursor+sprite must be selected)" ); // set the names for all the system cursors for ( int i=0; i < (int)gui::ECI_COUNT; ++i ) { context.CursorBox->addItem(stringw( GUICursorIconNames[i] ).c_str()); } /* Create sprites which then can be used as cursor icons. */ gui::IGUISpriteBank * SpriteBankIcons = env->addEmptySpriteBank(io::path("cursor_icons")); context.SpriteBox->setSpriteBank(SpriteBankIcons); const io::path mediaPath = getExampleMediaPath(); // create one animated icon from several files array< io::path > files; files.push_back( io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16bw1.png") ); files.push_back( io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16bw2.png") ); files.push_back( io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16bw3.png") ); files.push_back( io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16bw3.png") ); files.push_back( io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16bw2.png") ); SCursorSprite spriteBw; // the sprite + some additional information needed for cursors spriteBw.SpriteId = AddAnimatedIconToSpriteBank( SpriteBankIcons, driver, files, 200 ); spriteBw.SpriteBank = SpriteBankIcons; spriteBw.HotSpot = position2d<s32>(7,7); context.addIcon(L"crosshair_bw", spriteBw); // create one animated icon from one file array< rect<s32> > iconRects; iconRects.push_back( rect<s32>(0,0, 16, 16) ); iconRects.push_back( rect<s32>(16,0, 32, 16) ); iconRects.push_back( rect<s32>(0,16, 16, 32) ); iconRects.push_back( rect<s32>(0,16, 16, 32) ); iconRects.push_back( rect<s32>(16,0, 32, 16) ); SCursorSprite spriteCol; // the sprite + some additional information needed for cursors spriteCol.SpriteId = AddAnimatedIconToSpriteBank( SpriteBankIcons, driver, io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16col.png"), iconRects, 200 ); spriteCol.HotSpot = position2d<s32>(7,7); spriteCol.SpriteBank = SpriteBankIcons; context.addIcon(L"crosshair_colored", spriteCol); // Create some non-animated icons rect<s32> rectIcon; SCursorSprite spriteNonAnimated(SpriteBankIcons, 0, position2d<s32>(7,7)); rectIcon = rect<s32>(0,0, 16, 16); spriteNonAnimated.SpriteId = AddIconToSpriteBank( SpriteBankIcons, driver, io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16col.png"), rectIcon ); context.addIcon(L"crosshair_col1", spriteNonAnimated, false); rectIcon = rect<s32>(16,0, 32, 16); spriteNonAnimated.SpriteId = AddIconToSpriteBank( SpriteBankIcons, driver, io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16col.png"), rectIcon ); context.addIcon(L"crosshair_col2", spriteNonAnimated, false); rectIcon = rect<s32>(0,16, 16, 32); spriteNonAnimated.SpriteId = AddIconToSpriteBank( SpriteBankIcons, driver, io::path(mediaPath + "icon_crosshairs16x16col.png"), rectIcon ); context.addIcon(L"crosshair_col3", spriteNonAnimated, false); MyEventReceiver receiver(context); device->setEventReceiver(&receiver); while(device->run() && driver) { // if (device->isWindowActive()) { u32 realTimeNow = device->getTimer()->getRealTime(); context.update(); driver->beginScene(video::ECBF_COLOR | video::ECBF_DEPTH, SColor(0,200,200,200)); env->drawAll(); // draw custom sprite with Irrlicht functions for comparison. It should usually look the same as the cursors. if ( context.SpriteBox ) { s32 selectedSprite = context.SpriteBox->getSelected(); if ( selectedSprite >= 0 && context.Sprites[selectedSprite].SpriteId >= 0 ) { SpriteBankIcons->draw2DSprite(u32(context.Sprites[selectedSprite].SpriteId), position2di(580, 140), 0, video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0, realTimeNow); } } driver->endScene(); } // By simulating a bad frame rate we can find out if hardware support for cursors works or not. // If it works the cursor will move as usual, otherwise it will update with only 2 fps when SimulateBadFps is true. if ( context.SimulateBadFps ) { device->sleep(500); // 2 fps } else { device->sleep(10); } } device->drop(); return 0; } /* **/