/** Example 027 Post Processing

This tutorial shows how to implement post processing for D3D9 and OpenGL with
the engine. In order to do post processing, scene objects are firstly rendered
to render target. With the help of screen quad, the render target texture
is then drawn on the quad with shader-defined effects applied.

This tutorial shows how to create a screen quad. It also shows how to create a
render target texture and associate it with the quad. Effects are defined as
shaders which are applied during rendering the quad with the render target
texture attached to it.

A simple color inverse example is presented in this tutorial. The effect is
written in HLSL and GLSL.

@author Boshen Guan

We include all headers and define necessary variables as we have done before.
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "driverChoice.h"
#include "exampleHelper.h"

using namespace irr;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")

We write a class derived from IShaderConstantSetCallBack class and implement
OnSetConstants callback interface. In this callback, we will set constants
used by the shader.
In this example, our HLSL shader needs texture size as input in its vertex
shader. Therefore, we set texture size in OnSetConstants callback using
setVertexShaderConstant function.

class QuadShaderCallBack : public video::IShaderConstantSetCallBack
	QuadShaderCallBack() : FirstUpdate(true), TextureSizeID(-1), TextureSamplerID(-1)
	{ }

	virtual void OnSetConstants(video::IMaterialRendererServices* services,
			s32 userData)
		if ( FirstUpdate )
			FirstUpdate = false;
			TextureSizeID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("TextureSize");
			TextureSamplerID = services->getPixelShaderConstantID("TextureSampler");

		// get texture size array (for our simple example HLSL just needs that to calculate pixel centers)
		core::dimension2d<u32> size = services->getVideoDriver()->getCurrentRenderTargetSize();
		f32 textureSize[2];
		textureSize[0] = (f32)size.Width;
		textureSize[1] = (f32)size.Height;

		// set texture size to vertex shader
		services->setVertexShaderConstant(TextureSizeID, textureSize, 2);

		// set texture for an OpenGL driver
		s32 textureLayer = 0;
		services->setPixelShaderConstant(TextureSamplerID, &textureLayer, 1);

	bool FirstUpdate;
	s32 TextureSizeID;
	s32 TextureSamplerID;

class ScreenQuad : public IReferenceCounted

	ScreenQuad(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
		: Driver(driver)
		// --------------------------------> u
		// |[1](-1, 1)----------[2](1, 1)
		// | | ( 0, 0)         / | (1, 0)
		// | |               /   |
		// | |             /     |
		// | |           /       |
		// | |         /         |
		// | |       /           |
		// | |     /             |
		// | |   /               |
		// | | /                 |
		// |[0](-1, -1)---------[3](1, -1)
		// |   ( 0,  1)            (1,  1)
		// V
		// v

		A screen quad is composed of two adjacent triangles with 4 vertices.
		Vertex [0], [1] and [2] create the first triangle and Vertex [0],
		[2] and [3] create the second one. To map texture on the quad, UV
		coordinates are assigned to the vertices. The origin of UV coordinate
		locates on the top-left corner. And the value of UVs range from 0 to 1.

		// define vertices array

		Vertices[0] = irr::video::S3DVertex(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1, 1, 0, irr::video::SColor(0,255,255,255), 0.0f, 1.0f);
		Vertices[1] = irr::video::S3DVertex(-1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1, 1, 0, irr::video::SColor(0,255,255,255), 0.0f, 0.0f);
		Vertices[2] = irr::video::S3DVertex( 1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1, 1, 0, irr::video::SColor(0,255,255,255), 1.0f, 0.0f);
		Vertices[3] = irr::video::S3DVertex( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1, 1, 0, irr::video::SColor(0,255,255,255), 1.0f, 1.0f);

		// define indices for triangles

		Indices[0] = 0;
		Indices[1] = 1;
		Indices[2] = 2;
		Indices[3] = 0;
		Indices[4] = 2;
		Indices[5] = 3;

		// turn off lighting as default
		Material.setFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);

		// set texture warp settings to clamp to edge pixel
		for (u32 i = 0; i < video::MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; i++)
			Material.TextureLayer[i].TextureWrapU = video::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
			Material.TextureLayer[i].TextureWrapV = video::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;

	virtual ~ScreenQuad() {}

	//! render the screen quad
	virtual void render()
		// set the material of screen quad

		// set world matrix to fit the quad to full viewport 
		Driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, core::IdentityMatrix);
		// view & projection not used in shader, but matter to burnings driver
		Driver->setTransform(video::ETS_VIEW, core::IdentityMatrix);
		Driver->setTransform(video::ETS_PROJECTION, core::IdentityMatrix);

		// draw screen quad
		Driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList(Vertices, 4, Indices, 2);

	//! Access the material
	virtual video::SMaterial& getMaterial()
		return Material;


	video::IVideoDriver *Driver;
	video::S3DVertex Vertices[4];
	u16 Indices[6];
	video::SMaterial Material;

We start up the engine just like before. Then shader programs are selected
according to the driver type.
int main()
	// ask user for driver
	video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType=driverChoiceConsole();
	if (driverType==video::EDT_COUNT)
		return 1;

	// create device
	IrrlichtDevice* device = createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<u32>(640, 480));

	if (device == 0)
		return 1; // could not create selected driver.

	video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
	scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();

	In this example, high level post processing shaders are loaded for both
	Direct3D and OpenGL drivers.
	File pp_d3d9.hlsl is for Direct3D 9, and pp_opengl.frag/pp_opengl.vert
	are for OpenGL.

	const io::path mediaPath = getExampleMediaPath();
	io::path vsFileName; // filename for the vertex shader
	io::path psFileName; // filename for the pixel shader

	case video::EDT_DIRECT3D9:
		psFileName = mediaPath + "pp_d3d9.hlsl";
		vsFileName = psFileName; // both shaders are in the same file

	case video::EDT_OPENGL:
		psFileName = mediaPath + "pp_opengl.frag";
		vsFileName = mediaPath + "pp_opengl.vert";

	Check for hardware capability of executing the corresponding shaders
	on selected renderer. This is not necessary though.

	if (!driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_PIXEL_SHADER_1_1) &&
		device->getLogger()->log("WARNING: Pixel shaders disabled "\
			"because of missing driver/hardware support.");
		psFileName = "";

	if (!driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_VERTEX_SHADER_1_1) &&
		device->getLogger()->log("WARNING: Vertex shaders disabled "\
			"because of missing driver/hardware support.");
		vsFileName = "";

	An animated mesh is loaded to be displayed. As in most examples,
	we'll take the fairy md2 model.

	// load and display animated fairy mesh

	scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* fairy = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(
		smgr->getMesh(mediaPath + "faerie.md2"));

	if (fairy)
				driver->getTexture(mediaPath + "faerie2.bmp")); // set diffuse texture
		fairy->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false); // disable dynamic lighting
		fairy->setMD2Animation ( scene::EMAT_STAND );

	// add scene camera
	smgr->addCameraSceneNode(0, core::vector3df(10,10,-80),

	We create a render target texture (RTT) with the same size as frame buffer.
	Instead of rendering the scene directly to the frame buffer, we firstly
	render it to this RTT. Post processing is then applied based on this RTT.
	RTT size needs not to be the same with frame buffer though. However in this
	example, we expect the result of rendering to RTT to be consistent with the
	result of rendering directly to the frame buffer. Therefore, the size of
	RTT keeps the same with frame buffer.

	// create render target
	video::ITexture* rt = 0;
	if (driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_RENDER_TO_TARGET))
		rt = driver->addRenderTargetTexture(core::dimension2d<u32>(640, 480), "RTT1");
		device->getLogger()->log("Your hardware or this renderer is not able to use the "\
			"render to texture feature. RTT Disabled.");

	Post processing is achieved by rendering a screen quad with this RTT (with
	previously rendered result) as a texture on the quad. A screen quad is
	geometry of flat plane composed of two adjacent triangles covering the
	entire area of viewport. In this pass of rendering, RTT works just like
	a normal texture and is drawn on the quad during rendering. We can then
	take control of this rendering process by applying various shader-defined
	materials to the quad. In other words, we can achieve different effect by
	writing different shaders.
	This process is called post processing because it normally does not rely
	on scene geometry. The inputs of this process are just textures, or in
	other words, just images. With the help of screen quad, we can draw these
	images on the screen with different effects. For example, we can adjust
	contrast, make grayscale, add noise, do more fancy effect such as blur,
	bloom, ghost, or just like in this example, we invert the color to produce
	negative image.
	Note that post processing is not limited to use only one texture. It can
	take multiple textures as shader inputs to provide desired result. In
	addition, post processing can also be chained to produce compound result.

	// we create a screen quad
	ScreenQuad *screenQuad = new ScreenQuad(driver);
	video::SMaterial& screenQuadMaterial = screenQuad->getMaterial();

	// turn off mip maps and bilinear filter since we do not want interpolated results
	screenQuadMaterial.setFlag(video::EMF_USE_MIP_MAPS, false);
	screenQuadMaterial.setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);

	// turn off depth buffer, because our full screen 2D overlay doesn't process depth
	screenQuadMaterial.setFlag(video::EMF_ZBUFFER, false);

	// set quad texture to RTT we just create
	screenQuadMaterial.setTexture(0, rt);

	Let's create material for the quad. Like in other example, we create material
	using IGPUProgrammingServices and call addShaderMaterialFromFiles, which
	returns a material type identifier.

	// create materials

	video::IGPUProgrammingServices* gpu = driver->getGPUProgrammingServices();
	s32 ppMaterialType = 0;

	if (gpu)
		// We write a QuadShaderCallBack class that implements OnSetConstants
		// callback of IShaderConstantSetCallBack class at the beginning of
		// this tutorial. We set shader constants in this callback.

		// create an instance of callback class

		QuadShaderCallBack* mc = new QuadShaderCallBack();

		// create material from post processing shaders

		ppMaterialType = gpu->addHighLevelShaderMaterialFromFiles(
			vsFileName, "vertexMain", video::EVST_VS_1_1,
			psFileName, "pixelMain", video::EPST_PS_1_1, mc);


	// set post processing material type to the quad
	screenQuadMaterial.MaterialType = (video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE)ppMaterialType;

	Now draw everything. That's all.

	int lastFPS = -1;

		if (device->isWindowActive())
			driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(255,0,0,0));

			if (rt)
				// draw scene into render target

				// set render target to RTT
				driver->setRenderTarget(rt, true, true, video::SColor(255,0,0,0));

				// draw scene to RTT just like normal rendering

				// after rendering to RTT, we change render target back
				driver->setRenderTarget(0, true, true, video::SColor(255,0,0,0));

				// render screen quad to apply post processing
				// draw scene normally


			int fps = driver->getFPS();

			if (lastFPS != fps)
				core::stringw str = L"Irrlicht Engine - Post processing example [";
				str += driver->getName();
				str += "] FPS:";
				str += fps;

				lastFPS = fps;

	// do not forget to manually drop the screen quad



	return 0;
