// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "CMeshManipulator.h" #include "SMesh.h" #include "CMeshBuffer.h" #include "SAnimatedMesh.h" #include "os.h" #include "irrMap.h" #include "triangle3d.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { static inline core::vector3df getAngleWeight(const core::vector3df& v1, const core::vector3df& v2, const core::vector3df& v3) { // Calculate this triangle's weight for each of its three vertices // start by calculating the lengths of its sides const f32 a = v2.getDistanceFromSQ(v3); const f32 asqrt = sqrtf(a); const f32 b = v1.getDistanceFromSQ(v3); const f32 bsqrt = sqrtf(b); const f32 c = v1.getDistanceFromSQ(v2); const f32 csqrt = sqrtf(c); // use them to find the angle at each vertex return core::vector3df( acosf((b + c - a) / (2.f * bsqrt * csqrt)), acosf((-b + c + a) / (2.f * asqrt * csqrt)), acosf((b - c + a) / (2.f * bsqrt * asqrt))); } //! Flips the direction of surfaces. Changes backfacing triangles to frontfacing //! triangles and vice versa. //! \param mesh: Mesh on which the operation is performed. void CMeshManipulator::flipSurfaces(scene::IMesh* mesh) const { if (!mesh) return; const u32 bcount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 b=0; b<bcount; ++b) { IMeshBuffer* buffer = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b); const u32 idxcnt = buffer->getIndexCount(); if (buffer->getIndexType() == video::EIT_16BIT) { u16* idx = buffer->getIndices(); for (u32 i=0; i<idxcnt; i+=3) { const u16 tmp = idx[i+1]; idx[i+1] = idx[i+2]; idx[i+2] = tmp; } } else { u32* idx = reinterpret_cast<u32*>(buffer->getIndices()); for (u32 i=0; i<idxcnt; i+=3) { const u32 tmp = idx[i+1]; idx[i+1] = idx[i+2]; idx[i+2] = tmp; } } } } namespace { template <typename T> void recalculateNormalsT(IMeshBuffer* buffer, bool smooth, bool angleWeighted) { const u32 vtxcnt = buffer->getVertexCount(); const u32 idxcnt = buffer->getIndexCount(); const T* idx = reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer->getIndices()); if (!smooth) { for (u32 i=0; i<idxcnt; i+=3) { const core::vector3df& v1 = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+0]); const core::vector3df& v2 = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+1]); const core::vector3df& v3 = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+2]); const core::vector3df normal = core::plane3d<f32>(v1, v2, v3).Normal; buffer->getNormal(idx[i+0]) = normal; buffer->getNormal(idx[i+1]) = normal; buffer->getNormal(idx[i+2]) = normal; } } else { u32 i; for ( i = 0; i!= vtxcnt; ++i ) buffer->getNormal(i).set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); for ( i=0; i<idxcnt; i+=3) { const core::vector3df& v1 = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+0]); const core::vector3df& v2 = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+1]); const core::vector3df& v3 = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+2]); const core::vector3df normal = core::plane3d<f32>(v1, v2, v3).Normal; core::vector3df weight(1.f,1.f,1.f); if (angleWeighted) weight = irr::scene::getAngleWeight(v1,v2,v3); // writing irr::scene:: necessary for borland buffer->getNormal(idx[i+0]) += weight.X*normal; buffer->getNormal(idx[i+1]) += weight.Y*normal; buffer->getNormal(idx[i+2]) += weight.Z*normal; } for ( i = 0; i!= vtxcnt; ++i ) buffer->getNormal(i).normalize(); } } } //! Recalculates all normals of the mesh buffer. /** \param buffer: Mesh buffer on which the operation is performed. */ void CMeshManipulator::recalculateNormals(IMeshBuffer* buffer, bool smooth, bool angleWeighted) const { if (!buffer) return; if (buffer->getIndexType()==video::EIT_16BIT) recalculateNormalsT<u16>(buffer, smooth, angleWeighted); else recalculateNormalsT<u32>(buffer, smooth, angleWeighted); } //! Recalculates all normals of the mesh. //! \param mesh: Mesh on which the operation is performed. void CMeshManipulator::recalculateNormals(scene::IMesh* mesh, bool smooth, bool angleWeighted) const { if (!mesh) return; const u32 bcount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for ( u32 b=0; b<bcount; ++b) recalculateNormals(mesh->getMeshBuffer(b), smooth, angleWeighted); } namespace { void calculateTangents( core::vector3df& normal, core::vector3df& tangent, core::vector3df& binormal, const core::vector3df& vt1, const core::vector3df& vt2, const core::vector3df& vt3, // vertices const core::vector2df& tc1, const core::vector2df& tc2, const core::vector2df& tc3) // texture coords { // choose one of them: //#define USE_NVIDIA_GLH_VERSION // use version used by nvidia in glh headers #define USE_IRR_VERSION #ifdef USE_IRR_VERSION core::vector3df v1 = vt1 - vt2; core::vector3df v2 = vt3 - vt1; normal = v2.crossProduct(v1); normal.normalize(); // binormal f32 deltaX1 = tc1.X - tc2.X; f32 deltaX2 = tc3.X - tc1.X; binormal = (v1 * deltaX2) - (v2 * deltaX1); binormal.normalize(); // tangent f32 deltaY1 = tc1.Y - tc2.Y; f32 deltaY2 = tc3.Y - tc1.Y; tangent = (v1 * deltaY2) - (v2 * deltaY1); tangent.normalize(); // adjust core::vector3df txb = tangent.crossProduct(binormal); if (txb.dotProduct(normal) < 0.0f) { tangent *= -1.0f; binormal *= -1.0f; } #endif // USE_IRR_VERSION #ifdef USE_NVIDIA_GLH_VERSION tangent.set(0,0,0); binormal.set(0,0,0); core::vector3df v1(vt2.X - vt1.X, tc2.X - tc1.X, tc2.Y - tc1.Y); core::vector3df v2(vt3.X - vt1.X, tc3.X - tc1.X, tc3.Y - tc1.Y); core::vector3df txb = v1.crossProduct(v2); if ( !core::iszero ( txb.X ) ) { tangent.X = -txb.Y / txb.X; binormal.X = -txb.Z / txb.X; } v1.X = vt2.Y - vt1.Y; v2.X = vt3.Y - vt1.Y; txb = v1.crossProduct(v2); if ( !core::iszero ( txb.X ) ) { tangent.Y = -txb.Y / txb.X; binormal.Y = -txb.Z / txb.X; } v1.X = vt2.Z - vt1.Z; v2.X = vt3.Z - vt1.Z; txb = v1.crossProduct(v2); if ( !core::iszero ( txb.X ) ) { tangent.Z = -txb.Y / txb.X; binormal.Z = -txb.Z / txb.X; } tangent.normalize(); binormal.normalize(); normal = tangent.crossProduct(binormal); normal.normalize(); binormal = tangent.crossProduct(normal); binormal.normalize(); core::plane3d<f32> pl(vt1, vt2, vt3); if(normal.dotProduct(pl.Normal) < 0.0f ) normal *= -1.0f; #endif // USE_NVIDIA_GLH_VERSION } //! Recalculates tangents for a tangent mesh buffer template <typename T> void recalculateTangentsT(IMeshBuffer* buffer, bool recalculateNormals, bool smooth, bool angleWeighted) { if (!buffer || (buffer->getVertexType()!= video::EVT_TANGENTS)) return; const u32 vtxCnt = buffer->getVertexCount(); const u32 idxCnt = buffer->getIndexCount(); T* idx = reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer->getIndices()); video::S3DVertexTangents* v = (video::S3DVertexTangents*)buffer->getVertices(); if (smooth) { u32 i; for ( i = 0; i!= vtxCnt; ++i ) { if (recalculateNormals) v[i].Normal.set( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f ); v[i].Tangent.set( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f ); v[i].Binormal.set( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f ); } //Each vertex gets the sum of the tangents and binormals from the faces around it for ( i=0; i<idxCnt; i+=3) { // if this triangle is degenerate, skip it! if (v[idx[i+0]].Pos == v[idx[i+1]].Pos || v[idx[i+0]].Pos == v[idx[i+2]].Pos || v[idx[i+1]].Pos == v[idx[i+2]].Pos /*|| v[idx[i+0]].TCoords == v[idx[i+1]].TCoords || v[idx[i+0]].TCoords == v[idx[i+2]].TCoords || v[idx[i+1]].TCoords == v[idx[i+2]].TCoords */ ) continue; //Angle-weighted normals look better, but are slightly more CPU intensive to calculate core::vector3df weight(1.f,1.f,1.f); if (angleWeighted) weight = irr::scene::getAngleWeight(v[i+0].Pos,v[i+1].Pos,v[i+2].Pos); // writing irr::scene:: necessary for borland core::vector3df localNormal; core::vector3df localTangent; core::vector3df localBinormal; calculateTangents( localNormal, localTangent, localBinormal, v[idx[i+0]].Pos, v[idx[i+1]].Pos, v[idx[i+2]].Pos, v[idx[i+0]].TCoords, v[idx[i+1]].TCoords, v[idx[i+2]].TCoords); if (recalculateNormals) v[idx[i+0]].Normal += localNormal * weight.X; v[idx[i+0]].Tangent += localTangent * weight.X; v[idx[i+0]].Binormal += localBinormal * weight.X; calculateTangents( localNormal, localTangent, localBinormal, v[idx[i+1]].Pos, v[idx[i+2]].Pos, v[idx[i+0]].Pos, v[idx[i+1]].TCoords, v[idx[i+2]].TCoords, v[idx[i+0]].TCoords); if (recalculateNormals) v[idx[i+1]].Normal += localNormal * weight.Y; v[idx[i+1]].Tangent += localTangent * weight.Y; v[idx[i+1]].Binormal += localBinormal * weight.Y; calculateTangents( localNormal, localTangent, localBinormal, v[idx[i+2]].Pos, v[idx[i+0]].Pos, v[idx[i+1]].Pos, v[idx[i+2]].TCoords, v[idx[i+0]].TCoords, v[idx[i+1]].TCoords); if (recalculateNormals) v[idx[i+2]].Normal += localNormal * weight.Z; v[idx[i+2]].Tangent += localTangent * weight.Z; v[idx[i+2]].Binormal += localBinormal * weight.Z; } // Normalize the tangents and binormals if (recalculateNormals) { for ( i = 0; i!= vtxCnt; ++i ) v[i].Normal.normalize(); } for ( i = 0; i!= vtxCnt; ++i ) { v[i].Tangent.normalize(); v[i].Binormal.normalize(); } } else { core::vector3df localNormal; for (u32 i=0; i<idxCnt; i+=3) { calculateTangents( localNormal, v[idx[i+0]].Tangent, v[idx[i+0]].Binormal, v[idx[i+0]].Pos, v[idx[i+1]].Pos, v[idx[i+2]].Pos, v[idx[i+0]].TCoords, v[idx[i+1]].TCoords, v[idx[i+2]].TCoords); if (recalculateNormals) v[idx[i+0]].Normal=localNormal; calculateTangents( localNormal, v[idx[i+1]].Tangent, v[idx[i+1]].Binormal, v[idx[i+1]].Pos, v[idx[i+2]].Pos, v[idx[i+0]].Pos, v[idx[i+1]].TCoords, v[idx[i+2]].TCoords, v[idx[i+0]].TCoords); if (recalculateNormals) v[idx[i+1]].Normal=localNormal; calculateTangents( localNormal, v[idx[i+2]].Tangent, v[idx[i+2]].Binormal, v[idx[i+2]].Pos, v[idx[i+0]].Pos, v[idx[i+1]].Pos, v[idx[i+2]].TCoords, v[idx[i+0]].TCoords, v[idx[i+1]].TCoords); if (recalculateNormals) v[idx[i+2]].Normal=localNormal; } } } } //! Recalculates tangents for a tangent mesh buffer void CMeshManipulator::recalculateTangents(IMeshBuffer* buffer, bool recalculateNormals, bool smooth, bool angleWeighted) const { if (buffer && (buffer->getVertexType() == video::EVT_TANGENTS)) { if (buffer->getIndexType() == video::EIT_16BIT) recalculateTangentsT<u16>(buffer, recalculateNormals, smooth, angleWeighted); else recalculateTangentsT<u32>(buffer, recalculateNormals, smooth, angleWeighted); } } //! Recalculates tangents for all tangent mesh buffers void CMeshManipulator::recalculateTangents(IMesh* mesh, bool recalculateNormals, bool smooth, bool angleWeighted) const { if (!mesh) return; const u32 meshBufferCount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 b=0; b<meshBufferCount; ++b) { recalculateTangents(mesh->getMeshBuffer(b), recalculateNormals, smooth, angleWeighted); } } namespace { //! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer template<typename T> void makePlanarTextureMappingT(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer, f32 resolution) { u32 idxcnt = buffer->getIndexCount(); T* idx = reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer->getIndices()); for (u32 i=0; i<idxcnt; i+=3) { core::plane3df p(buffer->getPosition(idx[i+0]), buffer->getPosition(idx[i+1]), buffer->getPosition(idx[i+2])); p.Normal.X = fabsf(p.Normal.X); p.Normal.Y = fabsf(p.Normal.Y); p.Normal.Z = fabsf(p.Normal.Z); // calculate planar mapping worldspace coordinates if (p.Normal.X > p.Normal.Y && p.Normal.X > p.Normal.Z) { for (u32 o=0; o!=3; ++o) { buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).X = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Y * resolution; buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).Y = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Z * resolution; } } else if (p.Normal.Y > p.Normal.X && p.Normal.Y > p.Normal.Z) { for (u32 o=0; o!=3; ++o) { buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).X = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).X * resolution; buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).Y = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Z * resolution; } } else { for (u32 o=0; o!=3; ++o) { buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).X = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).X * resolution; buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).Y = buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Y * resolution; } } } } } //! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer void CMeshManipulator::makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer, f32 resolution) const { if (!buffer) return; if (buffer->getIndexType()==video::EIT_16BIT) makePlanarTextureMappingT<u16>(buffer, resolution); else makePlanarTextureMappingT<u32>(buffer, resolution); } //! Creates a planar texture mapping on the mesh void CMeshManipulator::makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMesh* mesh, f32 resolution) const { if (!mesh) return; const u32 bcount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for ( u32 b=0; b<bcount; ++b) { makePlanarTextureMapping(mesh->getMeshBuffer(b), resolution); } } namespace { //! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer template <typename T> void makePlanarTextureMappingT(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer, f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT, u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) { u32 idxcnt = buffer->getIndexCount(); T* idx = reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer->getIndices()); for (u32 i=0; i<idxcnt; i+=3) { // calculate planar mapping worldspace coordinates if (axis==0) { for (u32 o=0; o!=3; ++o) { buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).X = 0.5f+(buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Z + offset.Z) * resolutionS; buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).Y = 0.5f-(buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Y + offset.Y) * resolutionT; } } else if (axis==1) { for (u32 o=0; o!=3; ++o) { buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).X = 0.5f+(buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).X + offset.X) * resolutionS; buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).Y = 1.f-(buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Z + offset.Z) * resolutionT; } } else if (axis==2) { for (u32 o=0; o!=3; ++o) { buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).X = 0.5f+(buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).X + offset.X) * resolutionS; buffer->getTCoords(idx[i+o]).Y = 0.5f-(buffer->getPosition(idx[i+o]).Y + offset.Y) * resolutionT; } } } } } //! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer void CMeshManipulator::makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer, f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT, u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) const { if (!buffer) return; if (buffer->getIndexType()==video::EIT_16BIT) makePlanarTextureMappingT<u16>(buffer, resolutionS, resolutionT, axis, offset); else makePlanarTextureMappingT<u32>(buffer, resolutionS, resolutionT, axis, offset); } //! Creates a planar texture mapping on the mesh void CMeshManipulator::makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMesh* mesh, f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT, u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) const { if (!mesh) return; const u32 bcount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for ( u32 b=0; b<bcount; ++b) { makePlanarTextureMapping(mesh->getMeshBuffer(b), resolutionS, resolutionT, axis, offset); } } //! Clones a static IMesh into a modifiable SMesh. SMesh* CMeshManipulator::createMeshCopy(scene::IMesh* mesh) const { if (!mesh) return 0; SMesh* clone = new SMesh(); const u32 meshBufferCount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for ( u32 b=0; b<meshBufferCount; ++b) { IMeshBuffer* bufferClone = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b)->createClone(); clone->addMeshBuffer(bufferClone); bufferClone->drop(); } clone->BoundingBox = mesh->getBoundingBox(); return clone; } //! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of unique primitives // not yet 32bit IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createMeshUniquePrimitives(IMesh* mesh) const { if (!mesh) return 0; SMesh* clone = new SMesh(); const u32 meshBufferCount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for ( u32 b=0; b<meshBufferCount; ++b) { const IMeshBuffer* const mb = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b); const s32 idxCnt = mb->getIndexCount(); const u16* idx = mb->getIndices(); switch(mb->getVertexType()) { case video::EVT_STANDARD: { SMeshBuffer* buffer = new SMeshBuffer(); buffer->Material = mb->getMaterial(); video::S3DVertex* v = (video::S3DVertex*)mb->getVertices(); buffer->Vertices.reallocate(idxCnt); buffer->Indices.reallocate(idxCnt); for (s32 i=0; i<idxCnt; i += 3) { buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 0 ]] ); buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 1 ]] ); buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 2 ]] ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 0 ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 1 ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 2 ); } buffer->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); clone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); } break; case video::EVT_2TCOORDS: { SMeshBufferLightMap* buffer = new SMeshBufferLightMap(); buffer->Material = mb->getMaterial(); video::S3DVertex2TCoords* v = (video::S3DVertex2TCoords*)mb->getVertices(); buffer->Vertices.reallocate(idxCnt); buffer->Indices.reallocate(idxCnt); for (s32 i=0; i<idxCnt; i += 3) { buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 0 ]] ); buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 1 ]] ); buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 2 ]] ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 0 ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 1 ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 2 ); } buffer->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); clone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); } break; case video::EVT_TANGENTS: { SMeshBufferTangents* buffer = new SMeshBufferTangents(); buffer->Material = mb->getMaterial(); video::S3DVertexTangents* v = (video::S3DVertexTangents*)mb->getVertices(); buffer->Vertices.reallocate(idxCnt); buffer->Indices.reallocate(idxCnt); for (s32 i=0; i<idxCnt; i += 3) { buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 0 ]] ); buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 1 ]] ); buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[idx[i + 2 ]] ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 0 ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 1 ); buffer->Indices.push_back( i + 2 ); } buffer->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); clone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); } break; }// end switch }// end for all mesh buffers clone->BoundingBox = mesh->getBoundingBox(); return clone; } //! Creates a copy of a mesh, which will have identical vertices welded together // not yet 32bit IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createMeshWelded(IMesh *mesh, f32 tolerance) const { SMesh* meshClone = new SMesh(); meshClone->BoundingBox = mesh->getBoundingBox(); core::array<u16> redirects; for (u32 b=0; b<mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); ++b) { const IMeshBuffer* const mb = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b); const u32 vertexCount = mb->getVertexCount(); // reset redirect list redirects.set_used(vertexCount); const video::E_INDEX_TYPE indexType = mb->getIndexType(); const u16* indices = mb->getIndices(); const u32 indexCount = mb->getIndexCount(); core::array<u16>* outIdx = 0; if ( indexType == video::EIT_32BIT ) { IMeshBuffer* buffer = mb->createClone(); buffer->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); buffer->getMaterial() = mb->getMaterial(); meshClone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); continue; // TODO: handle 32-bit buffers beside copying them } switch(mb->getVertexType()) { case video::EVT_STANDARD: { SMeshBuffer* buffer = new SMeshBuffer(); buffer->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); buffer->Material = mb->getMaterial(); meshClone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); video::S3DVertex* v = (video::S3DVertex*)mb->getVertices(); outIdx = &buffer->Indices; buffer->Vertices.reallocate(vertexCount); for (u32 i=0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { bool found = false; for (u32 j=0; j < i; ++j) { if ( v[i].Pos.equals( v[j].Pos, tolerance) && v[i].Normal.equals( v[j].Normal, tolerance) && v[i].TCoords.equals( v[j].TCoords ) && (v[i].Color == v[j].Color) ) { redirects[i] = redirects[j]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { redirects[i] = buffer->Vertices.size(); buffer->Vertices.push_back(v[i]); } } break; } case video::EVT_2TCOORDS: { SMeshBufferLightMap* buffer = new SMeshBufferLightMap(); buffer->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); buffer->Material = mb->getMaterial(); meshClone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); video::S3DVertex2TCoords* v = (video::S3DVertex2TCoords*)mb->getVertices(); outIdx = &buffer->Indices; buffer->Vertices.reallocate(vertexCount); for (u32 i=0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { bool found = false; for (u32 j=0; j < i; ++j) { if ( v[i].Pos.equals( v[j].Pos, tolerance) && v[i].Normal.equals( v[j].Normal, tolerance) && v[i].TCoords.equals( v[j].TCoords ) && v[i].TCoords2.equals( v[j].TCoords2 ) && (v[i].Color == v[j].Color) ) { redirects[i] = redirects[j]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { redirects[i] = buffer->Vertices.size(); buffer->Vertices.push_back(v[i]); } } break; } case video::EVT_TANGENTS: { SMeshBufferTangents* buffer = new SMeshBufferTangents(); buffer->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); buffer->Material = mb->getMaterial(); meshClone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); video::S3DVertexTangents* v = (video::S3DVertexTangents*)mb->getVertices(); outIdx = &buffer->Indices; buffer->Vertices.reallocate(vertexCount); for (u32 i=0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { bool found = false; for (u32 j=0; j < i; ++j) { if ( v[i].Pos.equals( v[j].Pos, tolerance) && v[i].Normal.equals( v[j].Normal, tolerance) && v[i].TCoords.equals( v[j].TCoords ) && v[i].Tangent.equals( v[j].Tangent, tolerance ) && v[i].Binormal.equals( v[j].Binormal, tolerance ) && (v[i].Color == v[j].Color) ) { redirects[i] = redirects[j]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { redirects[i] = buffer->Vertices.size(); buffer->Vertices.push_back(v[i]); } } break; } default: os::Printer::log("Cannot create welded mesh, vertex type unsupported", ELL_ERROR); break; } // set indices for new buffer core::array<u16> &Indices = *outIdx; Indices.clear(); Indices.reallocate(indexCount); for (u32 i = 0; i < indexCount; i+=3) { u16 a, b, c; a = redirects[indices[i]]; b = redirects[indices[i+1]]; c = redirects[indices[i+2]]; bool drop = false; // Clean up any degenerate tris if (a == b || b == c || a == c) drop = true; // Open for other checks if (!drop) { Indices.push_back(a); Indices.push_back(b); Indices.push_back(c); } } // indexCount-Indices.size() vertices got welded for this meshbuffer } return meshClone; } //! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertexTangents vertices. // not yet 32bit IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createMeshWithTangents(IMesh* mesh, bool recalculateNormals, bool smooth, bool angleWeighted, bool calculateTangents) const { using namespace video; if (!mesh) return 0; // copy mesh and fill data into SMeshBufferTangents SMesh* clone = new SMesh(); const u32 meshBufferCount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 b=0; b<meshBufferCount; ++b) { const IMeshBuffer* const original = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b); SMeshBufferTangents* buffer = new SMeshBufferTangents(); // copy material buffer->Material = original->getMaterial(); // copy indices const u32 idxCnt = original->getIndexCount(); const u16* indices = original->getIndices(); buffer->Indices.reallocate(idxCnt); for (u32 i=0; i < idxCnt; ++i) buffer->Indices.push_back(indices[i]); // copy vertices const u32 vtxCnt = original->getVertexCount(); buffer->Vertices.reallocate(vtxCnt); const E_VERTEX_TYPE vType = original->getVertexType(); switch(vType) { case video::EVT_STANDARD: { const S3DVertex* v = (const S3DVertex*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back( S3DVertexTangents( v[i].Pos, v[i].Normal, v[i].Color, v[i].TCoords) ); } break; case video::EVT_2TCOORDS: { const S3DVertex2TCoords* v =(const S3DVertex2TCoords*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back( S3DVertexTangents( v[i].Pos, v[i].Normal, v[i].Color, v[i].TCoords) ); } break; case video::EVT_TANGENTS: { const S3DVertexTangents* v =(const S3DVertexTangents*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back(v[i]); } break; } buffer->recalculateBoundingBox(); // add new buffer clone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); } clone->recalculateBoundingBox(); if (calculateTangents) recalculateTangents(clone, recalculateNormals, smooth, angleWeighted); return clone; } namespace { struct height_edge { u32 far; u32 polycount; u32 polys[2]; core::vector3df normal[2]; }; enum { HEIGHT_TRIACCEL_MAX = 1024 }; } //! Optimizes the mesh using an algorithm tuned for heightmaps. void CMeshManipulator::heightmapOptimizeMesh(IMesh * const m, const f32 tolerance) const { const u32 max = m->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 i = 0; i < max; i++) { IMeshBuffer * const mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i); heightmapOptimizeMesh(mb, tolerance); } } //! Optimizes the mesh using an algorithm tuned for heightmaps. void CMeshManipulator::heightmapOptimizeMesh(IMeshBuffer * const mb, const f32 tolerance) const { using namespace core; using namespace video; array<height_edge> edges; const u32 idxs = mb->getIndexCount(); const u32 verts = mb->getVertexCount(); u16 *ind = mb->getIndices(); S3DVertex *vert = (S3DVertex *) mb->getVertices(); // First an acceleration structure: given this vert, which triangles touch it? // Using this drops two exponents off the algorightm complexity, O(n^4) > O(n^2) // Other optimizations brought it down to O(n). u32 **accel = (u32 **) malloc(verts * sizeof(u32 *)); for (u32 i = 0; i < verts; i++) { accel[i] = (u32 *) calloc(HEIGHT_TRIACCEL_MAX, sizeof(u32)); for (u32 j = 0; j < HEIGHT_TRIACCEL_MAX; j++) { accel[i][j] = USHRT_MAX; } } u16 *cur = (u16 *) calloc(verts, sizeof(u16)); for (u32 j = 0; j < idxs; j+=3) { u32 v = ind[j]; if (cur[v] >= HEIGHT_TRIACCEL_MAX) { os::Printer::log("Too complex mesh to optimize, aborting."); goto donehere; } accel[v][cur[v]] = j; cur[v]++; // Unrolled tri loop, parts 2 and 3 v = ind[j+1]; if (cur[v] >= HEIGHT_TRIACCEL_MAX) { os::Printer::log("Too complex mesh to optimize, aborting."); goto donehere; } accel[v][cur[v]] = j; cur[v]++; v = ind[j+2]; if (cur[v] >= HEIGHT_TRIACCEL_MAX) { os::Printer::log("Too complex mesh to optimize, aborting."); goto donehere; } accel[v][cur[v]] = j; cur[v]++; } free(cur); // Built, go for (u32 i = 0; i < verts; i++) { const vector3df &mypos = vert[i].Pos; // find all edges of this vert edges.clear(); bool gotonext = false; u32 j; u16 cur; for (cur = 0; accel[i][cur] != USHRT_MAX && cur < HEIGHT_TRIACCEL_MAX; cur++) { j = accel[i][cur]; u32 far1 = -1, far2 = -1; if (ind[j] == i) { far1 = ind[j+1]; far2 = ind[j+2]; } else if (ind[j+1] == i) { far1 = ind[j]; far2 = ind[j+2]; } else if (ind[j+2] == i) { far1 = ind[j]; far2 = ind[j+1]; } // Skip degenerate tris if (vert[i].Pos == vert[far1].Pos || vert[far1].Pos == vert[far2].Pos) { // puts("skipping degenerate tri"); continue; } // Edges found, check if we already added them const u32 ecount = edges.size(); bool far1new = true, far2new = true; for (u32 e = 0; e < ecount; e++) { if (edges[e].far == far1 || edges[e].far == far2) { // Skip if over 2 polys if (edges[e].polycount > 2) { gotonext = true; goto almostnext; } edges[e].polys[edges[e].polycount] = j; edges[e].normal[edges[e].polycount] = vert[i].Normal; edges[e].polycount++; if (edges[e].far == far1) far1new = false; else far2new = false; } } if (far1new) { // New edge height_edge ed; ed.far = far1; ed.polycount = 1; ed.polys[0] = j; ed.normal[0] = vert[i].Normal; edges.push_back(ed); } if (far2new) { // New edge height_edge ed; ed.far = far2; ed.polycount = 1; ed.polys[0] = j; ed.normal[0] = vert[i].Normal; edges.push_back(ed); } } almostnext: if (gotonext) continue; // Edges found. Possible to simplify? const u32 ecount = edges.size(); // printf("Vert %u has %u edges\n", i, ecount); for (u32 e = 0; e < ecount; e++) { for (u32 f = 0; f < ecount; f++) { if (f == e) continue; vector3df one = mypos - vert[edges[e].far].Pos; vector3df two = vert[edges[f].far].Pos - mypos; one.normalize(); two.normalize(); // Straight line ? if (!one.equals(two, tolerance) || one.getLengthSQ() < 0.5f) continue; // All other edges must have two polys for (u32 g = 0; g < ecount; g++) { if (g == e || g == f) continue; if (edges[g].polycount != 2) { // printf("%u: polycount not 2 (%u)\n", // g, edges[g].polycount); goto testnext; } // Normals must match if (!edges[g].normal[0].equals(edges[g].normal[1], tolerance)) { // puts("Normals don't match"); goto testnext; } // Normals must not flip for (u32 z = 0; z < edges[g].polycount; z++) { bool flat = false; vector3df pos[3]; pos[0] = vert[ind[edges[g].polys[z]]].Pos; pos[1] = vert[ind[edges[g].polys[z] + 1]].Pos; pos[2] = vert[ind[edges[g].polys[z] + 2]].Pos; for (u32 y = 0; y < 3; y++) { if (edges[g].polys[z] + y == i) { pos[y] = vert[edges[e].far].Pos; } else if (edges[g].polys[z] + y == edges[e].far) { flat = true; break; } } if (!flat) { triangle3df temp(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); vector3df N = temp.getNormal(); N.normalize(); // if (N.getLengthSQ() < 0.5f) // puts("empty"); if (!N.equals(edges[g].normal[z], tolerance)) { // puts("wouldflip"); goto testnext; } } } // Must not be on model edge if (edges[g].polycount == 1) { goto testnext; } } // Must not be on model edge if (edges[e].polycount == 1) { goto testnext; } // OK, moving to welding position vert[i] = vert[edges[e].far]; // printf("Contracted vert %u to %u\n", // i, edges[e].far); } } testnext:; } donehere: for (u32 i = 0; i < verts; i++) { free(accel[i]); } free(accel); } //! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex2TCoords vertices. // not yet 32bit IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createMeshWith2TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const { using namespace video; if (!mesh) return 0; // copy mesh and fill data into SMeshBufferLightMap SMesh* clone = new SMesh(); const u32 meshBufferCount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 b=0; b<meshBufferCount; ++b) { const IMeshBuffer* const original = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b); SMeshBufferLightMap* buffer = new SMeshBufferLightMap(); // copy material buffer->Material = original->getMaterial(); // copy indices const u32 idxCnt = original->getIndexCount(); const u16* indices = original->getIndices(); buffer->Indices.reallocate(idxCnt); for (u32 i=0; i < idxCnt; ++i) buffer->Indices.push_back(indices[i]); // copy vertices const u32 vtxCnt = original->getVertexCount(); buffer->Vertices.reallocate(vtxCnt); const video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vType = original->getVertexType(); switch(vType) { case video::EVT_STANDARD: { const S3DVertex* v = (const S3DVertex*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back( video::S3DVertex2TCoords( v[i].Pos, v[i].Normal, v[i].Color, v[i].TCoords, v[i].TCoords)); } break; case video::EVT_2TCOORDS: { const S3DVertex2TCoords* v =(const S3DVertex2TCoords*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back(v[i]); } break; case video::EVT_TANGENTS: { const S3DVertexTangents* v =(const S3DVertexTangents*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back( S3DVertex2TCoords( v[i].Pos, v[i].Normal, v[i].Color, v[i].TCoords, v[i].TCoords) ); } break; } buffer->recalculateBoundingBox(); // add new buffer clone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); } clone->recalculateBoundingBox(); return clone; } //! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex vertices. // not yet 32bit IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createMeshWith1TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const { using namespace video; if (!mesh) return 0; // copy mesh and fill data into SMeshBuffer SMesh* clone = new SMesh(); const u32 meshBufferCount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 b=0; b<meshBufferCount; ++b) { const IMeshBuffer* const original = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b); SMeshBuffer* buffer = new SMeshBuffer(); // copy material buffer->Material = original->getMaterial(); // copy indices const u32 idxCnt = original->getIndexCount(); const u16* indices = original->getIndices(); buffer->Indices.reallocate(idxCnt); for (u32 i=0; i < idxCnt; ++i) buffer->Indices.push_back(indices[i]); // copy vertices const u32 vtxCnt = original->getVertexCount(); buffer->Vertices.reallocate(vtxCnt); const video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vType = original->getVertexType(); switch(vType) { case video::EVT_STANDARD: { const S3DVertex* v = (const S3DVertex*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back( v[i] ); } break; case video::EVT_2TCOORDS: { const S3DVertex2TCoords* v =(const S3DVertex2TCoords*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back( S3DVertex( v[i].Pos, v[i].Normal, v[i].Color, v[i].TCoords) ); } break; case video::EVT_TANGENTS: { const S3DVertexTangents* v =(const S3DVertexTangents*)original->getVertices(); for (u32 i=0; i < vtxCnt; ++i) buffer->Vertices.push_back( S3DVertex( v[i].Pos, v[i].Normal, v[i].Color, v[i].TCoords) ); } break; } buffer->recalculateBoundingBox(); // add new buffer clone->addMeshBuffer(buffer); buffer->drop(); } clone->recalculateBoundingBox(); return clone; } //! Returns amount of polygons in mesh. s32 CMeshManipulator::getPolyCount(scene::IMesh* mesh) const { if (!mesh) return 0; s32 trianglecount = 0; for (u32 g=0; g<mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); ++g) trianglecount += mesh->getMeshBuffer(g)->getIndexCount() / 3; return trianglecount; } //! Returns amount of polygons in mesh. s32 CMeshManipulator::getPolyCount(scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh) const { if (mesh && mesh->getFrameCount() != 0) return getPolyCount(mesh->getMesh(0)); return 0; } //! create a new AnimatedMesh and adds the mesh to it IAnimatedMesh * CMeshManipulator::createAnimatedMesh(scene::IMesh* mesh, scene::E_ANIMATED_MESH_TYPE type) const { return new SAnimatedMesh(mesh, type); } namespace { struct vcache { core::array<u32> tris; float score; s16 cachepos; u16 NumActiveTris; }; struct tcache { u16 ind[3]; float score; bool drawn; }; const u16 cachesize = 32; float FindVertexScore(vcache *v) { const float CacheDecayPower = 1.5f; const float LastTriScore = 0.75f; const float ValenceBoostScale = 2.0f; const float ValenceBoostPower = 0.5f; const float MaxSizeVertexCache = 32.0f; if (v->NumActiveTris == 0) { // No tri needs this vertex! return -1.0f; } float Score = 0.0f; int CachePosition = v->cachepos; if (CachePosition < 0) { // Vertex is not in FIFO cache - no score. } else { if (CachePosition < 3) { // This vertex was used in the last triangle, // so it has a fixed score. Score = LastTriScore; } else { // Points for being high in the cache. const float Scaler = 1.0f / (MaxSizeVertexCache - 3); Score = 1.0f - (CachePosition - 3) * Scaler; Score = powf(Score, CacheDecayPower); } } // Bonus points for having a low number of tris still to // use the vert, so we get rid of lone verts quickly. float ValenceBoost = powf(v->NumActiveTris, -ValenceBoostPower); Score += ValenceBoostScale * ValenceBoost; return Score; } /* A specialized LRU cache for the Forsyth algorithm. */ class f_lru { public: f_lru(vcache *v, tcache *t): vc(v), tc(t) { for (u16 i = 0; i < cachesize; i++) { cache[i] = -1; } } // Adds this vertex index and returns the highest-scoring triangle index u32 add(u16 vert, bool updatetris = false) { bool found = false; // Mark existing pos as empty for (u16 i = 0; i < cachesize; i++) { if (cache[i] == vert) { // Move everything down for (u16 j = i; j; j--) { cache[j] = cache[j - 1]; } found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (cache[cachesize-1] != -1) vc[cache[cachesize-1]].cachepos = -1; // Move everything down for (u16 i = cachesize - 1; i; i--) { cache[i] = cache[i - 1]; } } cache[0] = vert; u32 highest = 0; float hiscore = 0; if (updatetris) { // Update cache positions for (u16 i = 0; i < cachesize; i++) { if (cache[i] == -1) break; vc[cache[i]].cachepos = i; vc[cache[i]].score = FindVertexScore(&vc[cache[i]]); } // Update triangle scores for (u16 i = 0; i < cachesize; i++) { if (cache[i] == -1) break; const u16 trisize = vc[cache[i]].tris.size(); for (u16 t = 0; t < trisize; t++) { tcache *tri = &tc[vc[cache[i]].tris[t]]; tri->score = vc[tri->ind[0]].score + vc[tri->ind[1]].score + vc[tri->ind[2]].score; if (tri->score > hiscore) { hiscore = tri->score; highest = vc[cache[i]].tris[t]; } } } } return highest; } private: s32 cache[cachesize]; vcache *vc; tcache *tc; }; } // end anonymous namespace /** Vertex cache optimization according to the Forsyth paper: http://home.comcast.net/~tom_forsyth/papers/fast_vert_cache_opt.html The function is thread-safe (read: you can optimize several meshes in different threads) \param mesh Source mesh for the operation. */ IMesh* CMeshManipulator::createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const { if (!mesh) return 0; SMesh *newmesh = new SMesh(); newmesh->BoundingBox = mesh->getBoundingBox(); const u32 mbcount = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for (u32 b = 0; b < mbcount; ++b) { const IMeshBuffer *mb = mesh->getMeshBuffer(b); if (mb->getIndexType() != video::EIT_16BIT) { os::Printer::log("Cannot optimize a mesh with 32bit indices", ELL_ERROR); newmesh->drop(); return 0; } const u32 icount = mb->getIndexCount(); const u32 tcount = icount / 3; const u32 vcount = mb->getVertexCount(); const u16 *ind = mb->getIndices(); vcache *vc = new vcache[vcount]; tcache *tc = new tcache[tcount]; f_lru lru(vc, tc); // init for (u16 i = 0; i < vcount; i++) { vc[i].score = 0; vc[i].cachepos = -1; vc[i].NumActiveTris = 0; } // First pass: count how many times a vert is used for (u32 i = 0; i < icount; i += 3) { vc[ind[i]].NumActiveTris++; vc[ind[i + 1]].NumActiveTris++; vc[ind[i + 2]].NumActiveTris++; const u32 tri_ind = i/3; tc[tri_ind].ind[0] = ind[i]; tc[tri_ind].ind[1] = ind[i + 1]; tc[tri_ind].ind[2] = ind[i + 2]; } // Second pass: list of each triangle for (u32 i = 0; i < tcount; i++) { vc[tc[i].ind[0]].tris.push_back(i); vc[tc[i].ind[1]].tris.push_back(i); vc[tc[i].ind[2]].tris.push_back(i); tc[i].drawn = false; } // Give initial scores for (u16 i = 0; i < vcount; i++) { vc[i].score = FindVertexScore(&vc[i]); } for (u32 i = 0; i < tcount; i++) { tc[i].score = vc[tc[i].ind[0]].score + vc[tc[i].ind[1]].score + vc[tc[i].ind[2]].score; } switch(mb->getVertexType()) { case video::EVT_STANDARD: { video::S3DVertex *v = (video::S3DVertex *) mb->getVertices(); SMeshBuffer *buf = new SMeshBuffer(); buf->Material = mb->getMaterial(); buf->Vertices.reallocate(vcount); buf->Indices.reallocate(icount); core::map<const video::S3DVertex, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation typedef core::map<const video::S3DVertex, const u16>::Node snode; // Main algorithm u32 highest = 0; u32 drawcalls = 0; for (;;) { if (tc[highest].drawn) { bool found = false; float hiscore = 0; for (u32 t = 0; t < tcount; t++) { if (!tc[t].drawn) { if (tc[t].score > hiscore) { highest = t; hiscore = tc[t].score; found = true; } } } if (!found) break; } // Output the best triangle u16 newind = buf->Vertices.size(); snode *s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind); newind++; } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind); newind++; } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind); } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } vc[tc[highest].ind[0]].NumActiveTris--; vc[tc[highest].ind[1]].NumActiveTris--; vc[tc[highest].ind[2]].NumActiveTris--; tc[highest].drawn = true; for (u16 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vcache *vert = &vc[tc[highest].ind[j]]; for (u16 t = 0; t < vert->tris.size(); t++) { if (highest == vert->tris[t]) { vert->tris.erase(t); break; } } } lru.add(tc[highest].ind[0]); lru.add(tc[highest].ind[1]); highest = lru.add(tc[highest].ind[2], true); drawcalls++; } buf->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); newmesh->addMeshBuffer(buf); buf->drop(); } break; case video::EVT_2TCOORDS: { video::S3DVertex2TCoords *v = (video::S3DVertex2TCoords *) mb->getVertices(); SMeshBufferLightMap *buf = new SMeshBufferLightMap(); buf->Material = mb->getMaterial(); buf->Vertices.reallocate(vcount); buf->Indices.reallocate(icount); core::map<const video::S3DVertex2TCoords, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation typedef core::map<const video::S3DVertex2TCoords, const u16>::Node snode; // Main algorithm u32 highest = 0; u32 drawcalls = 0; for (;;) { if (tc[highest].drawn) { bool found = false; float hiscore = 0; for (u32 t = 0; t < tcount; t++) { if (!tc[t].drawn) { if (tc[t].score > hiscore) { highest = t; hiscore = tc[t].score; found = true; } } } if (!found) break; } // Output the best triangle u16 newind = buf->Vertices.size(); snode *s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind); newind++; } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind); newind++; } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind); } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } vc[tc[highest].ind[0]].NumActiveTris--; vc[tc[highest].ind[1]].NumActiveTris--; vc[tc[highest].ind[2]].NumActiveTris--; tc[highest].drawn = true; for (u16 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vcache *vert = &vc[tc[highest].ind[j]]; for (u16 t = 0; t < vert->tris.size(); t++) { if (highest == vert->tris[t]) { vert->tris.erase(t); break; } } } lru.add(tc[highest].ind[0]); lru.add(tc[highest].ind[1]); highest = lru.add(tc[highest].ind[2]); drawcalls++; } buf->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); newmesh->addMeshBuffer(buf); buf->drop(); } break; case video::EVT_TANGENTS: { video::S3DVertexTangents *v = (video::S3DVertexTangents *) mb->getVertices(); SMeshBufferTangents *buf = new SMeshBufferTangents(); buf->Material = mb->getMaterial(); buf->Vertices.reallocate(vcount); buf->Indices.reallocate(icount); core::map<const video::S3DVertexTangents, const u16> sind; // search index for fast operation typedef core::map<const video::S3DVertexTangents, const u16>::Node snode; // Main algorithm u32 highest = 0; u32 drawcalls = 0; for (;;) { if (tc[highest].drawn) { bool found = false; float hiscore = 0; for (u32 t = 0; t < tcount; t++) { if (!tc[t].drawn) { if (tc[t].score > hiscore) { highest = t; hiscore = tc[t].score; found = true; } } } if (!found) break; } // Output the best triangle u16 newind = buf->Vertices.size(); snode *s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[0]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[0]], newind); newind++; } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[1]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[1]], newind); newind++; } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } s = sind.find(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]); if (!s) { buf->Vertices.push_back(v[tc[highest].ind[2]]); buf->Indices.push_back(newind); sind.insert(v[tc[highest].ind[2]], newind); } else { buf->Indices.push_back(s->getValue()); } vc[tc[highest].ind[0]].NumActiveTris--; vc[tc[highest].ind[1]].NumActiveTris--; vc[tc[highest].ind[2]].NumActiveTris--; tc[highest].drawn = true; for (u16 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vcache *vert = &vc[tc[highest].ind[j]]; for (u16 t = 0; t < vert->tris.size(); t++) { if (highest == vert->tris[t]) { vert->tris.erase(t); break; } } } lru.add(tc[highest].ind[0]); lru.add(tc[highest].ind[1]); highest = lru.add(tc[highest].ind[2]); drawcalls++; } buf->setBoundingBox(mb->getBoundingBox()); newmesh->addMeshBuffer(buf); buf->drop(); } break; } delete [] vc; delete [] tc; } // for each meshbuffer return newmesh; } } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr