#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "CGUIPanel.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "IAttributes.h"
#include "EGUIEditTypes.h"

namespace irr
namespace gui

	class CGUIAttribute;

	class CGUIAttributeEditor : public CGUIPanel

		//! constructor
		CGUIAttributeEditor(IGUIEnvironment* environment, s32 id, IGUIElement *parent=0);

		//! destructor

		// gets the current attributes list
		virtual io::IAttributes* getAttribs();

		// update the attribute list after making a change
		void refreshAttribs();

		// save the attributes
		void updateAttribs();

		//! Returns the type name of the gui element.
		virtual const c8* getTypeName() const
			return GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_ATTRIBUTEEDITOR];


		core::array<CGUIAttribute*>	AttribList;	// attributes editing controls
		io::IAttributes*		Attribs;	// current attributes
		CGUIPanel*			Panel;

} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr