forked from Mirrorlandia_minetest/irrlicht
git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2161 lines
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2161 lines
60 KiB
/** Example 021 Quake3 Explorer
This tutorial shows how to load different Quake 3 maps.
- Load BSP archives at runtime from the menu
- Load a map from the menu. Showing with screenshot
- Set the VideoDriver at runtime from menu
- Adjust GammaLevel at runtime
- Create SceneNodes for the shaders
- Load EntityList and create entity SceneNodes
- Create players with weapons and with collision response
- Play music
You can download the Quake III Arena demo ( copyright id software )
at the following location:
Copyright 2006-2011 Burningwater, Thomas Alten
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "driverChoice.h"
#include "exampleHelper.h"
#include "q3factory.h"
#include "sound.h"
GameData is used to hold data which is needed to drive the game
struct GameData
GameData ( const path &startupDir) :
retVal(0), StartupDir(startupDir), createExDevice(0), Device(0)
setDefault ();
void setDefault ();
s32 save ( const path &filename );
s32 load ( const path &filename );
s32 debugState;
s32 gravityState;
s32 flyTroughState;
s32 wireFrame;
s32 guiActive;
s32 guiInputActive;
f32 GammaValue;
s32 retVal;
s32 sound;
path StartupDir;
stringw CurrentMapName;
array<path> CurrentArchiveList;
vector3df PlayerPosition;
vector3df PlayerRotation;
tQ3EntityList Variable;
Q3LevelLoadParameter loadParam;
SIrrlichtCreationParameters deviceParam;
funcptr_createDeviceEx createExDevice;
IrrlichtDevice *Device;
set default settings
void GameData::setDefault ()
debugState = EDS_OFF;
gravityState = 1;
flyTroughState = 0;
wireFrame = 0;
guiActive = 1;
guiInputActive = 0;
GammaValue = 1.f;
// default deviceParam;
#if defined ( _IRR_WINDOWS_ )
deviceParam.DriverType = EDT_DIRECT3D9;
deviceParam.DriverType = EDT_OGLES2; // TODO: have to figure out what to use when we merge ogl-es with trunk.
deviceParam.WindowSize.Width = 800;
deviceParam.WindowSize.Height = 600;
deviceParam.Fullscreen = false;
deviceParam.Bits = 24;
deviceParam.ZBufferBits = 16;
deviceParam.Vsync = false;
deviceParam.AntiAlias = false;
// default Quake3 loadParam
loadParam.defaultLightMapMaterial = EMT_LIGHTMAP;
loadParam.defaultModulate = EMFN_MODULATE_1X;
loadParam.defaultFilter = EMF_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER;
loadParam.verbose = 2;
loadParam.mergeShaderBuffer = 1; // merge meshbuffers with same material
loadParam.cleanUnResolvedMeshes = 1; // should unresolved meshes be cleaned. otherwise blue texture
loadParam.loadAllShaders = 1; // load all scripts in the script directory
loadParam.loadSkyShader = 0; // load sky shader
loadParam.alpharef = 1;
sound = 0;
CurrentMapName = "";
CurrentArchiveList.clear ();
const io::path mediaPath = getExampleMediaPath();
// Explorer Media directory
CurrentArchiveList.push_back ( StartupDir + mediaPath );
// Add the original quake3 files before you load your custom map
// Most mods are using the original shaders, models&items&weapons
CurrentArchiveList.push_back(StartupDir + mediaPath + "map-20kdm2.pk3");
Load the current game State from a typical quake3 cfg file
s32 GameData::load ( const path &filename )
if (!Device)
return 0;
// the quake3 mesh loader can also handle *.shader and *.cfg file
IQ3LevelMesh* mesh = (IQ3LevelMesh*) Device->getSceneManager()->getMesh ( filename );
if (!mesh)
return 0;
tQ3EntityList &entityList = mesh->getEntityList ();
stringc s;
u32 pos;
for ( u32 e = 0; e != entityList.size (); ++e )
//dumpShader ( s, &entityList[e], false );
//printf ( s.c_str () );
for ( u32 g = 0; g != entityList[e].getGroupSize (); ++g )
const SVarGroup *group = entityList[e].getGroup ( g );
for ( u32 index = 0; index < group->Variable.size (); ++index )
const SVariable &v = group->Variable[index];
pos = 0;
if ( == "playerposition" )
PlayerPosition = getAsVector3df ( v.content, pos );
if ( == "playerrotation" )
PlayerRotation = getAsVector3df ( v.content, pos );
return 1;
Store the current game state in a quake3 configuration file
s32 GameData::save ( const path &filename )
return 0; // TODO: Anyone knows why it just returns?
if (!Device)
return 0;
c8 buf[128];
u32 i;
// Store current archive for restart
IFileSystem *fs = Device->getFileSystem();
for ( i = 0; i != fs->getFileArchiveCount(); ++i )
CurrentArchiveList.push_back ( fs->getFileArchive(i)->getFileList()->getPath() );
// Store player position and rotation
ICameraSceneNode * camera = Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera ();
if ( camera )
PlayerPosition = camera->getPosition ();
PlayerRotation = camera->getRotation ();
IWriteFile *file = fs->createAndWriteFile ( filename );
if (!file)
return 0;
snprintf_irr ( buf, 128, "playerposition %.f %.f %.f\nplayerrotation %.f %.f %.f\n",
PlayerPosition.X, PlayerPosition.Z, PlayerPosition.Y,
PlayerRotation.X, PlayerRotation.Z, PlayerRotation.Y);
file->write ( buf, (s32) strlen ( buf ) );
for ( i = 0; i != fs->getFileArchiveCount(); ++i )
snprintf_irr ( buf, 128, "archive %s\n",stringc ( fs->getFileArchive(i)->getFileList()->getPath() ).c_str () );
file->write ( buf, (s32) strlen ( buf ) );
file->drop ();
return 1;
Representing a player
struct Q3Player : public IAnimationEndCallBack
Q3Player ()
: Device(0), MapParent(0), Mesh(0), WeaponNode(0), StartPositionCurrent(0)
animation[0] = 0;
memset(Anim, 0, sizeof(TimeFire)*4);
virtual void OnAnimationEnd(IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node);
void create ( IrrlichtDevice *device,
IQ3LevelMesh* mesh,
ISceneNode *mapNode,
IMetaTriangleSelector *meta
void shutdown ();
void setAnim ( const c8 *name );
void respawn ();
void setpos ( const vector3df &pos, const vector3df& rotation );
ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse * cam() { return camCollisionResponse ( Device ); }
IrrlichtDevice *Device;
ISceneNode* MapParent;
IQ3LevelMesh* Mesh;
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* WeaponNode;
s32 StartPositionCurrent;
TimeFire Anim[4];
c8 animation[64];
c8 buf[64];
/* End player
void Q3Player::shutdown ()
setAnim ( 0 );
dropElement (WeaponNode);
if ( Device )
ICameraSceneNode* camera = Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera();
dropElement ( camera );
Device = 0;
MapParent = 0;
Mesh = 0;
/* create a new player
void Q3Player::create ( IrrlichtDevice *device, IQ3LevelMesh* mesh, ISceneNode *mapNode, IMetaTriangleSelector *meta )
setTimeFire ( Anim + 0, 200, FIRED );
setTimeFire ( Anim + 1, 5000 );
if (!device)
// load FPS weapon to camera
Device = device;
Mesh = mesh;
MapParent = mapNode;
ISceneManager *smgr = device->getSceneManager ();
IVideoDriver * driver = device->getVideoDriver();
ICameraSceneNode* camera = 0;
core::array<SKeyMap> keyMap;
keyMap[0].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;
keyMap[0].KeyCode = KEY_UP;
keyMap[1].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;
keyMap[1].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_W;
keyMap[2].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD;
keyMap[2].KeyCode = KEY_DOWN;
keyMap[3].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD;
keyMap[3].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_S;
keyMap[4].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;
keyMap[4].KeyCode = KEY_LEFT;
keyMap[5].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;
keyMap[5].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_A;
keyMap[6].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;
keyMap[6].KeyCode = KEY_RIGHT;
keyMap[7].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;
keyMap[7].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_D;
keyMap[8].Action = EKA_JUMP_UP;
keyMap[8].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_J;
keyMap[9].Action = EKA_CROUCH;
keyMap[9].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_C;
keyMap[10].Action = EKA_ROTATE_LEFT;
keyMap[10].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_Q;
keyMap[11].Action = EKA_ROTATE_RIGHT;
keyMap[11].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_E;
camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0, 100.0f, 0.6f, -1, keyMap.pointer(), keyMap.size(), false, 600.f);
camera->setName ( "First Person Camera" );
//camera->setFOV ( 100.f * core::DEGTORAD );
camera->setFarValue( 20000.f );
IAnimatedMeshMD2* weaponMesh = (IAnimatedMeshMD2*) smgr->getMesh("gun.md2");
if ( 0 == weaponMesh )
if ( weaponMesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_MD2 )
s32 count = weaponMesh->getAnimationCount();
for ( s32 i = 0; i != count; ++i )
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "Animation: %s", weaponMesh->getAnimationName(i) );
device->getLogger()->log(buf, ELL_INFORMATION);
WeaponNode = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(
vector3df( 0, 0, 0),
WeaponNode->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false);
WeaponNode->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture( "gun.jpg"));
WeaponNode->setLoopMode ( false );
WeaponNode->setName ( "tommi the gun man" );
//create a collision auto response animator
ISceneNodeAnimator* anim =
smgr->createCollisionResponseAnimator( meta, camera,
getGravity ( "earth" ),
camera->addAnimator( anim );
if ( meta )
meta->drop ();
respawn ();
setAnim ( "idle" );
So we need a good starting position in the level.
We can ask the Quake3 loader for all entities with class_name "info_player_deathmatch"
void Q3Player::respawn ()
if (!Device)
ICameraSceneNode* camera = Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera();
Device->getLogger()->log( "respawn" );
if (StartPositionCurrent >= Q3StartPosition(Mesh, camera,
StartPositionCurrent, cam()->getEllipsoidTranslation()))
StartPositionCurrent = 0;
set player position from saved coordinates
void Q3Player::setpos ( const vector3df &pos, const vector3df &rotation )
if (!Device)
Device->getLogger()->log( "setpos" );
ICameraSceneNode* camera = Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera();
if ( camera )
camera->setPosition ( pos );
camera->setRotation ( rotation );
//! New. FPSCamera and animators catches reset on animate 0
camera->OnAnimate ( 0 );
/* set the animation of the player and weapon
void Q3Player::setAnim ( const c8 *name )
if ( name )
snprintf_irr ( animation, 64, "%s", name );
if ( WeaponNode )
WeaponNode->setAnimationEndCallback ( this );
WeaponNode->setMD2Animation ( animation );
animation[0] = 0;
if ( WeaponNode )
WeaponNode->setAnimationEndCallback ( 0 );
// Callback
void Q3Player::OnAnimationEnd(IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node)
setAnim ( 0 );
/* GUI elements
struct GUI
GUI ()
memset ( this, 0, sizeof ( *this ) );
void drop()
dropElement ( Window );
dropElement ( Logo );
IGUIComboBox* VideoDriver;
IGUIComboBox* VideoMode;
IGUICheckBox* FullScreen;
IGUICheckBox* Bit32;
IGUIScrollBar* MultiSample;
IGUIButton* SetVideoMode;
IGUIScrollBar* Tesselation;
IGUIScrollBar* Gamma;
IGUICheckBox* Collision;
IGUICheckBox* Visible_Map;
IGUICheckBox* Visible_Shader;
IGUICheckBox* Visible_Fog;
IGUICheckBox* Visible_Unresolved;
IGUICheckBox* Visible_Skydome;
IGUIButton* Respawn;
IGUITable* ArchiveList;
IGUIButton* ArchiveAdd;
IGUIButton* ArchiveRemove;
IGUIFileOpenDialog* ArchiveFileOpen;
IGUIButton* ArchiveUp;
IGUIButton* ArchiveDown;
IGUIListBox* MapList;
IGUITreeView* SceneTree;
IGUIStaticText* StatusLine;
IGUIImage* Logo;
IGUIWindow* Window;
CQuake3EventHandler controls the game
class CQuake3EventHandler : public IEventReceiver
CQuake3EventHandler( GameData *gameData );
virtual ~CQuake3EventHandler ();
void Animate();
void Render();
void AddArchive ( const path& archiveName );
void LoadMap ( const stringw& mapName, s32 collision );
void CreatePlayers();
void AddSky( u32 dome, const c8 *texture );
Q3Player *GetPlayer ( u32 index ) { return &Player[index]; }
void CreateGUI();
void SetGUIActive( s32 command);
bool OnEvent(const SEvent& eve);
GameData *Game;
IQ3LevelMesh* Mesh;
ISceneNode* MapParent;
ISceneNode* ShaderParent;
ISceneNode* ItemParent;
ISceneNode* UnresolvedParent;
ISceneNode* BulletParent;
ISceneNode* FogParent;
ISceneNode * SkyNode;
IMetaTriangleSelector *Meta;
c8 buf[256];
Q3Player Player[2];
struct SParticleImpact
u32 when;
vector3df pos;
vector3df outVector;
array<SParticleImpact> Impacts;
void useItem( Q3Player * player);
void createParticleImpacts( u32 now );
void createTextures ();
void addSceneTreeItem( ISceneNode * parent, IGUITreeViewNode* nodeParent);
GUI gui;
void dropMap ();
/* Constructor
CQuake3EventHandler::CQuake3EventHandler( GameData *game )
: Game(game), Mesh(0), MapParent(0), ShaderParent(0), ItemParent(0), UnresolvedParent(0),
BulletParent(0), FogParent(0), SkyNode(0), Meta(0)
// Also use 16 bit textures for 16 bit RenderDevice
if ( Game->deviceParam.Bits == 16 )
game->Device->getVideoDriver()->setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_ALWAYS_16_BIT, true);
// Quake3 shader controls Z-writing
game->Device->getSceneManager()->getParameters()->setAttribute(scene::ALLOW_ZWRITE_ON_TRANSPARENT, true);
// create internal textures
createTextures ();
sound_init ( game->Device );
Game->Device->setEventReceiver ( this );
// destructor
CQuake3EventHandler::~CQuake3EventHandler ()
Player[0].shutdown ();
sound_shutdown ();
Game->save( "explorer.cfg" );
// create runtime textures smog, fog
void CQuake3EventHandler::createTextures()
IVideoDriver * driver = Game->Device->getVideoDriver();
dimension2du dim(64, 64);
video::IImage* image;
u32 i;
for ( i = 0; i != 8; ++i )
image = driver->createImage ( video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim);
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "smoke_%02d", i );
driver->addTexture( buf, image );
image->drop ();
// fog
for ( i = 0; i != 1; ++i )
image = driver->createImage ( video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim);
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "fog_%02d", i );
driver->addTexture( buf, image );
image->drop ();
create the GUI
void CQuake3EventHandler::CreateGUI()
IGUIEnvironment *env = Game->Device->getGUIEnvironment();
IVideoDriver * driver = Game->Device->getVideoDriver();
// set skin font
IGUIFont* font = env->getFont("fontlucida.png");
if (font)
env->getSkin()->setColor ( EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT, video::SColor(240,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA) );
env->getSkin()->setColor ( EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT, video::SColor(240,0x22,0x22,0x22) );
env->getSkin()->setColor ( EGDC_3D_FACE, video::SColor(240,0x44,0x44,0x44) );
env->getSkin()->setColor ( EGDC_EDITABLE, video::SColor(240,0x44,0x44,0x44) );
env->getSkin()->setColor ( EGDC_FOCUSED_EDITABLE, video::SColor(240,0x54,0x54,0x54) );
env->getSkin()->setColor ( EGDC_WINDOW, video::SColor(240,0x66,0x66,0x66) );
// minimal gui size 800x600
dimension2d<u32> dim ( 800, 600 );
gui.Window = env->addWindow ( rect<s32> ( 0, 0, dim.Width, dim.Height ), false, L"Quake3 Explorer" );
gui.Window->setToolTipText ( L"Quake3Explorer. Loads and show various BSP File Format and Shaders." );
gui.Window->getCloseButton()->setToolTipText ( L"Quit Quake3 Explorer" );
// add a status line help text
gui.StatusLine = env->addStaticText( 0, rect<s32>( 5,dim.Height - 30,dim.Width - 5,dim.Height - 10),
false, false, gui.Window, -1, true
env->addStaticText ( L"VideoDriver:", rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, 24, dim.Width - 310, 40 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.VideoDriver = env->addComboBox(rect<s32>( dim.Width - 300, 24, dim.Width - 10, 40 ),gui.Window);
gui.VideoDriver->addItem(L"Direct3D 9.0c", EDT_DIRECT3D9 );
gui.VideoDriver->addItem(L"OpenGL 1.5", EDT_OPENGL);
gui.VideoDriver->addItem(L"Software Renderer", EDT_OGLES1);
gui.VideoDriver->addItem(L"Burning's Video (TM) Thomas Alten", EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO);
gui.VideoDriver->setSelected ( gui.VideoDriver->getIndexForItemData ( Game->deviceParam.DriverType ) );
gui.VideoDriver->setToolTipText ( L"Use a VideoDriver" );
env->addStaticText ( L"VideoMode:", rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, 44, dim.Width - 310, 60 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.VideoMode = env->addComboBox(rect<s32>( dim.Width - 300, 44, dim.Width - 10, 60 ),gui.Window);
gui.VideoMode->setToolTipText ( L"Supported Screenmodes" );
IVideoModeList *modeList = Game->Device->getVideoModeList();
if ( modeList )
s32 i;
for ( i = 0; i != modeList->getVideoModeCount (); ++i )
u16 d = modeList->getVideoModeDepth ( i );
if ( d < 16 )
u16 w = modeList->getVideoModeResolution ( i ).Width;
u16 h = modeList->getVideoModeResolution ( i ).Height;
u32 val = w << 16 | h;
if ( gui.VideoMode->getIndexForItemData ( val ) >= 0 )
f32 aspect = (f32) w / (f32) h;
const c8 *a = "";
if ( core::equals ( aspect, 1.3333333333f ) ) a = "4:3";
else if ( core::equals ( aspect, 1.6666666f ) ) a = "15:9 widescreen";
else if ( core::equals ( aspect, 1.7777777f ) ) a = "16:9 widescreen";
else if ( core::equals ( aspect, 1.6f ) ) a = "16:10 widescreen";
else if ( core::equals ( aspect, 2.133333f ) ) a = "20:9 widescreen";
snprintf_irr ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), "%d x %d, %s",w, h, a );
gui.VideoMode->addItem ( stringw ( buf ).c_str(), val );
gui.VideoMode->setSelected ( gui.VideoMode->getIndexForItemData (
Game->deviceParam.WindowSize.Width << 16 |
Game->deviceParam.WindowSize.Height ) );
gui.FullScreen = env->addCheckBox ( Game->deviceParam.Fullscreen, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, 64, dim.Width - 300, 80 ), gui.Window,-1, L"Fullscreen" );
gui.FullScreen->setToolTipText ( L"Set Fullscreen or Window Mode" );
gui.Bit32 = env->addCheckBox ( Game->deviceParam.Bits == 32, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 300, 64, dim.Width - 240, 80 ), gui.Window,-1, L"32Bit" );
gui.Bit32->setToolTipText ( L"Use 16 or 32 Bit" );
env->addStaticText ( L"MultiSample:", rect<s32>( dim.Width - 235, 64, dim.Width - 150, 80 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.MultiSample = env->addScrollBar( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 150, 64, dim.Width - 70, 80 ), gui.Window,-1 );
gui.MultiSample->setMin ( 0 );
gui.MultiSample->setMax ( 8 );
gui.MultiSample->setSmallStep ( 1 );
gui.MultiSample->setLargeStep ( 1 );
gui.MultiSample->setPos ( Game->deviceParam.AntiAlias );
gui.MultiSample->setToolTipText ( L"Set the MultiSample (disable, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x )" );
gui.SetVideoMode = env->addButton (rect<s32>( dim.Width - 60, 64, dim.Width - 10, 80 ), gui.Window, -1,L"set" );
gui.SetVideoMode->setToolTipText ( L"Set Video Mode with current values" );
env->addStaticText ( L"Gamma:", rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, 104, dim.Width - 310, 120 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.Gamma = env->addScrollBar( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 300, 104, dim.Width - 10, 120 ), gui.Window,-1 );
gui.Gamma->setMin ( 50 );
gui.Gamma->setMax ( 350 );
gui.Gamma->setSmallStep ( 1 );
gui.Gamma->setLargeStep ( 10 );
gui.Gamma->setPos ( core::floor32 ( Game->GammaValue * 100.f ) );
gui.Gamma->setToolTipText ( L"Adjust Gamma Ramp ( 0.5 - 3.5)" );
Game->Device->setGammaRamp ( Game->GammaValue, Game->GammaValue, Game->GammaValue, 0.f, 0.f );
env->addStaticText ( L"Tesselation:", rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, 124, dim.Width - 310, 140 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.Tesselation = env->addScrollBar( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 300, 124, dim.Width - 10, 140 ), gui.Window,-1 );
gui.Tesselation->setMin ( 2 );
gui.Tesselation->setMax ( 12 );
gui.Tesselation->setSmallStep ( 1 );
gui.Tesselation->setLargeStep ( 1 );
gui.Tesselation->setPos ( Game->loadParam.patchTesselation );
gui.Tesselation->setToolTipText ( L"How smooth should curved surfaces be rendered" );
gui.Collision = env->addCheckBox ( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, 150, dim.Width - 300, 166 ), gui.Window,-1, L"Collision" );
gui.Collision->setToolTipText ( L"Set collision on or off ( flythrough ). \nPress F7 on your Keyboard" );
gui.Visible_Map = env->addCheckBox ( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 300, 150, dim.Width - 240, 166 ), gui.Window,-1, L"Map" );
gui.Visible_Map->setToolTipText ( L"Show or not show the static part the Level. \nPress F3 on your Keyboard" );
gui.Visible_Shader = env->addCheckBox ( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 240, 150, dim.Width - 170, 166 ), gui.Window,-1, L"Shader" );
gui.Visible_Shader->setToolTipText ( L"Show or not show the Shader Nodes. \nPress F4 on your Keyboard" );
gui.Visible_Fog = env->addCheckBox ( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 170, 150, dim.Width - 110, 166 ), gui.Window,-1, L"Fog" );
gui.Visible_Fog->setToolTipText ( L"Show or not show the Fog Nodes. \nPress F5 on your Keyboard" );
gui.Visible_Unresolved = env->addCheckBox ( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 110, 150, dim.Width - 10, 166 ), gui.Window,-1, L"Unresolved" );
gui.Visible_Unresolved->setToolTipText ( L"Show the or not show the Nodes the Engine can't handle. \nPress F6 on your Keyboard" );
gui.Visible_Skydome = env->addCheckBox ( true, rect<s32>( dim.Width - 110, 180, dim.Width - 10, 196 ), gui.Window,-1, L"Skydome" );
gui.Visible_Skydome->setToolTipText ( L"Show the or not show the Skydome." );
//Respawn = env->addButton ( rect<s32>( dim.Width - 260, 90, dim.Width - 10, 106 ), 0,-1, L"Respawn" );
env->addStaticText ( L"Archives:", rect<s32>( 5, dim.Height - 530, dim.Width - 600,dim.Height - 514 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.ArchiveAdd = env->addButton ( rect<s32>( dim.Width - 725, dim.Height - 530, dim.Width - 665, dim.Height - 514 ), gui.Window,-1, L"add" );
gui.ArchiveAdd->setToolTipText ( L"Add an archive, usually packed zip-archives (*.pk3) to the Filesystem" );
gui.ArchiveRemove = env->addButton ( rect<s32>( dim.Width - 660, dim.Height - 530, dim.Width - 600, dim.Height - 514 ), gui.Window,-1, L"del" );
gui.ArchiveRemove->setToolTipText ( L"Remove the selected archive from the FileSystem." );
gui.ArchiveUp = env->addButton ( rect<s32>( dim.Width - 575, dim.Height - 530, dim.Width - 515, dim.Height - 514 ), gui.Window,-1, L"up" );
gui.ArchiveUp->setToolTipText ( L"Arrange Archive Look-up Hirachy. Move the selected Archive up" );
gui.ArchiveDown = env->addButton ( rect<s32>( dim.Width - 510, dim.Height - 530, dim.Width - 440, dim.Height - 514 ), gui.Window,-1, L"down" );
gui.ArchiveDown->setToolTipText ( L"Arrange Archive Look-up Hirachy. Move the selected Archive down" );
gui.ArchiveList = env->addTable ( rect<s32>( 5,dim.Height - 510, dim.Width - 450,dim.Height - 410 ), gui.Window );
gui.ArchiveList->addColumn ( L"Type", 0 );
gui.ArchiveList->addColumn ( L"Real File Path", 1 );
gui.ArchiveList->setColumnWidth ( 0, 60 );
gui.ArchiveList->setColumnWidth ( 1, 284 );
gui.ArchiveList->setToolTipText ( L"Show the attached Archives" );
env->addStaticText ( L"Maps:", rect<s32>( 5, dim.Height - 400, dim.Width - 450,dim.Height - 380 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.MapList = env->addListBox ( rect<s32>( 5,dim.Height - 380, dim.Width - 450,dim.Height - 40 ), gui.Window, -1, true );
gui.MapList->setToolTipText ( L"Show the current Maps in all Archives.\n Double-Click the Map to start the level" );
// create a visible Scene Tree
env->addStaticText ( L"Scenegraph:", rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, dim.Height - 400, dim.Width - 5,dim.Height - 380 ),false, false, gui.Window, -1, false );
gui.SceneTree = env->addTreeView( rect<s32>( dim.Width - 400, dim.Height - 380, dim.Width - 5, dim.Height - 40 ),
gui.Window, -1, true, true, false );
gui.SceneTree->setToolTipText ( L"Show the current Scenegraph" );
addSceneTreeItem ( Game->Device->getSceneManager()->getRootSceneNode(), gui.SceneTree->getRoot() );
IGUIImageList* imageList = env->createImageList( driver->getTexture ( "iconlist.png" ),
dimension2di( 32, 32 ), true );
if ( imageList )
gui.SceneTree->setImageList( imageList );
imageList->drop ();
// load the engine logo
gui.Logo = env->addImage( driver->getTexture("irrlichtlogo3.png"), position2d<s32>(5, 16 ), true, 0 );
gui.Logo->setToolTipText ( L"The great Irrlicht Engine" );
AddArchive ( "" );
Add an Archive to the FileSystems and updates the GUI
void CQuake3EventHandler::AddArchive ( const path& archiveName )
IFileSystem *fs = Game->Device->getFileSystem();
u32 i;
if ( archiveName.size () )
bool exists = false;
for ( i = 0; i != fs->getFileArchiveCount(); ++i )
if ( fs->getFileArchive(i)->getFileList()->getPath() == archiveName )
exists = true;
if (!exists)
fs->addFileArchive(archiveName, true, false);
// store the current archives in game data
// show the attached archive in proper order
if ( gui.ArchiveList )
for ( i = 0; i != fs->getFileArchiveCount(); ++i )
IFileArchive * archive = fs->getFileArchive ( i );
u32 index = gui.ArchiveList->addRow(i);
core::stringw typeName;
case io::EFAT_ZIP:
typeName = "ZIP";
case io::EFAT_GZIP:
typeName = "gzip";
case io::EFAT_FOLDER:
typeName = "Mount";
case io::EFAT_PAK:
typeName = "PAK";
case io::EFAT_TAR:
typeName = "TAR";
typeName = "archive";
gui.ArchiveList->setCellText ( index, 0, typeName );
gui.ArchiveList->setCellText ( index, 1, archive->getFileList()->getPath() );
// browse the archives for maps
if ( gui.MapList )
IGUISpriteBank *bank = Game->Device->getGUIEnvironment()->getSpriteBank("sprite_q3map");
if ( 0 == bank )
bank = Game->Device->getGUIEnvironment()->addEmptySpriteBank("sprite_q3map");
SGUISprite sprite;
SGUISpriteFrame frame;
core::rect<s32> r;
bank->getPositions().clear ();
gui.MapList->setSpriteBank ( bank );
u32 g = 0;
core::stringw s;
// browse the attached file system
fs->setFileListSystem ( FILESYSTEM_VIRTUAL );
fs->changeWorkingDirectoryTo ( "/maps/" );
IFileList *fileList = fs->createFileList ();
fs->setFileListSystem ( FILESYSTEM_NATIVE );
for ( i=0; i< fileList->getFileCount(); ++i)
s = fileList->getFullFileName(i);
if ( s.find ( ".bsp" ) >= 0 )
// get level screenshot. reformat texture to 128x128
path c ( s );
deletePathFromFilename ( c );
cutFilenameExtension ( c, c );
c = path ( "levelshots/" ) + c;
dimension2du dim ( 128, 128 );
IVideoDriver * driver = Game->Device->getVideoDriver();
IImage* image = 0;
ITexture *tex = 0;
path filename;
filename = c + ".jpg";
if ( fs->existFile ( filename ) )
image = driver->createImageFromFile( filename );
if ( 0 == image )
filename = c + ".tga";
if ( fs->existFile ( filename ) )
image = driver->createImageFromFile( filename );
if ( image )
IImage* filter = driver->createImage ( video::ECF_R8G8B8, dim );
image->copyToScalingBoxFilter ( filter, 0 );
image->drop ();
image = filter;
if ( image )
tex = driver->addTexture ( filename, image );
image->drop ();
bank->setTexture ( g, tex );
r.LowerRightCorner.X = dim.Width;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y = dim.Height;
gui.MapList->setItemHeight ( r.LowerRightCorner.Y + 4 );
frame.rectNumber = bank->getPositions().size();
frame.textureNumber = g;
sprite.Frames.set_used ( 0 );
sprite.frameTime = 0;
gui.MapList->addItem ( s.c_str (), g );
g += 1;
fileList->drop ();
gui.MapList->setSelected ( -1 );
IGUIScrollBar * bar = (IGUIScrollBar*)gui.MapList->getElementFromId( 0 );
if ( bar )
bar->setPos ( 0 );
clears the map in memory
void CQuake3EventHandler::dropMap ()
IVideoDriver * driver = Game->Device->getVideoDriver();
driver->removeAllHardwareBuffers ();
driver->removeAllTextures ();
Player[0].shutdown ();
dropElement ( ItemParent );
dropElement ( ShaderParent );
dropElement ( UnresolvedParent );
dropElement ( FogParent );
dropElement ( BulletParent );
if ( Meta )
Meta = 0;
dropElement ( MapParent );
dropElement ( SkyNode );
// clean out meshes, because textures are invalid
// TODO: better texture handling;-)
IMeshCache *cache = Game->Device->getSceneManager ()->getMeshCache();
cache->clear ();
Mesh = 0;
/* Load new map
void CQuake3EventHandler::LoadMap ( const stringw &mapName, s32 collision )
if ( 0 == mapName.size() )
dropMap ();
IFileSystem *fs = Game->Device->getFileSystem();
ISceneManager *smgr = Game->Device->getSceneManager ();
IReadFile* file = fs->createMemoryReadFile(&Game->loadParam,
sizeof(Game->loadParam), L"levelparameter.cfg", false);
// load cfg file
smgr->getMesh( file );
file->drop ();
// load the actual map
Mesh = (IQ3LevelMesh*) smgr->getMesh(mapName);
if ( 0 == Mesh )
add the geometry mesh to the Scene ( polygon & patches )
The Geometry mesh is optimised for faster drawing
IMesh *geometry = Mesh->getMesh(E_Q3_MESH_GEOMETRY);
if ( 0 == geometry || geometry->getMeshBufferCount() == 0)
Game->CurrentMapName = mapName;
//create a collision list
Meta = 0;
ITriangleSelector * selector = 0;
if (collision)
Meta = smgr->createMetaTriangleSelector();
//IMeshBuffer *b0 = geometry->getMeshBuffer(0);
//s32 minimalNodes = b0 ? core::s32_max ( 2048, b0->getVertexCount() / 32 ) : 2048;
s32 minimalNodes = 2048;
MapParent = smgr->addOctreeSceneNode(geometry, 0, -1, minimalNodes);
MapParent->setName ( mapName );
if ( Meta )
selector = smgr->createOctreeTriangleSelector( geometry,MapParent, minimalNodes);
//selector = smgr->createTriangleSelector ( geometry, MapParent );
Meta->addTriangleSelector( selector);
selector->drop ();
// logical parent for the items
ItemParent = smgr->addEmptySceneNode();
if ( ItemParent )
ItemParent->setName ( "Item Container" );
ShaderParent = smgr->addEmptySceneNode();
if ( ShaderParent )
ShaderParent->setName ( "Shader Container" );
UnresolvedParent = smgr->addEmptySceneNode();
if ( UnresolvedParent )
UnresolvedParent->setName ( "Unresolved Container" );
FogParent = smgr->addEmptySceneNode();
if ( FogParent )
FogParent->setName ( "Fog Container" );
// logical parent for the bullets
BulletParent = smgr->addEmptySceneNode();
if ( BulletParent )
BulletParent->setName ( "Bullet Container" );
now construct SceneNodes for each shader
The objects are stored in the quake mesh E_Q3_MESH_ITEMS
and the shader ID is stored in the MaterialParameters
mostly dark looking skulls and moving lava.. or green flashing tubes?
Q3ShaderFactory ( Game->loadParam, Game->Device, Mesh, E_Q3_MESH_ITEMS,ShaderParent, Meta, false );
Q3ShaderFactory ( Game->loadParam, Game->Device, Mesh, E_Q3_MESH_FOG,FogParent, 0, false );
Q3ShaderFactory ( Game->loadParam, Game->Device, Mesh, E_Q3_MESH_UNRESOLVED,UnresolvedParent, Meta, true );
Now construct models from entity list
Q3ModelFactory ( Game->loadParam, Game->Device, Mesh, ItemParent, false );
Adds a SceneNode with an icon to the scene tree
void CQuake3EventHandler::addSceneTreeItem( ISceneNode * parent, IGUITreeViewNode* nodeParent)
IGUITreeViewNode* node;
wchar_t msg[128];
s32 imageIndex;
list<ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator it = parent->getChildren().begin();
for (; it != parent->getChildren().end(); ++it)
switch ( (*it)->getType () )
case ESNT_Q3SHADER_SCENE_NODE: imageIndex = 0; break;
case ESNT_CAMERA: imageIndex = 1; break;
case ESNT_EMPTY: imageIndex = 2; break;
case ESNT_MESH: imageIndex = 3; break;
case ESNT_OCTREE: imageIndex = 3; break;
case ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH: imageIndex = 4; break;
case ESNT_SKY_BOX: imageIndex = 5; break;
case ESNT_BILLBOARD: imageIndex = 6; break;
case ESNT_PARTICLE_SYSTEM: imageIndex = 7; break;
case ESNT_TEXT: imageIndex = 8; break;
default:imageIndex = -1; break;
if ( imageIndex < 0 )
swprintf_irr ( msg, 128, L"%hs,%hs",
Game->Device->getSceneManager ()->getSceneNodeTypeName ( (*it)->getType () ),
swprintf_irr ( msg, 128, L"%hs",(*it)->getName() );
node = nodeParent->addChildBack( msg, 0, imageIndex );
// Add all animators
list<ISceneNodeAnimator*>::ConstIterator ait = (*it)->getAnimators().begin();
for (; ait != (*it)->getAnimators().end(); ++ait)
imageIndex = -1;
swprintf_irr ( msg, 128, L"%hs",
Game->Device->getSceneManager ()->getAnimatorTypeName ( (*ait)->getType () )
switch ( (*ait)->getType () )
node->addChildBack( msg, 0, imageIndex );
addSceneTreeItem ( *it, node );
// Adds life!
void CQuake3EventHandler::CreatePlayers()
Player[0].create ( Game->Device, Mesh, MapParent, Meta );
// Adds a skydome to the scene
void CQuake3EventHandler::AddSky( u32 dome, const c8 *texture)
ISceneManager *smgr = Game->Device->getSceneManager ();
IVideoDriver * driver = Game->Device->getVideoDriver();
bool oldMipMapState = driver->getTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS);
driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, false);
if ( 0 == dome )
// irrlicht order
//static const c8*p[] = { "ft", "lf", "bk", "rt", "up", "dn" };
// quake3 order
static const c8*p[] = { "ft", "rt", "bk", "lf", "up", "dn" };
u32 i = 0;
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "%s_%s.jpg", texture, p[i] );
SkyNode = smgr->addSkyBoxSceneNode( driver->getTexture ( buf ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
if (SkyNode)
for ( i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "%s_%s.jpg", texture, p[i] );
SkyNode->getMaterial(i).setTexture ( 0, driver->getTexture ( buf ) );
if ( 1 == dome )
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "%s.jpg", texture );
SkyNode = smgr->addSkyDomeSceneNode(
driver->getTexture( buf ), 32,32,
1.f, 1.f, 1000.f, 0, 11);
if ( 2 == dome )
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "%s.jpg", texture );
SkyNode = smgr->addSkyDomeSceneNode(
driver->getTexture( buf ), 16,8,
0.95f, 2.f, 1000.f, 0, 11);
if (SkyNode)
//SkyNode->getMaterial(0).ZBuffer = video::EMDF_DEPTH_LESS_EQUAL;
driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, oldMipMapState);
// enable GUI elements
void CQuake3EventHandler::SetGUIActive( s32 command)
bool inputState = false;
ICameraSceneNode * camera = Game->Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera ();
switch ( command )
case 0: Game->guiActive = 0; inputState = !Game->guiActive; break;
case 1: Game->guiActive = 1; inputState = !Game->guiActive;;break;
case 2: Game->guiActive ^= 1; inputState = !Game->guiActive;break;
case 3:
if ( camera )
inputState = !camera->isInputReceiverEnabled();
if ( camera )
camera->setInputReceiverEnabled ( inputState );
Game->Device->getCursorControl()->setVisible( !inputState );
if ( gui.Window )
gui.Window->setVisible ( Game->guiActive != 0 );
if ( Game->guiActive &&
gui.SceneTree && Game->Device->getGUIEnvironment()->getFocus() != gui.SceneTree
addSceneTreeItem ( Game->Device->getSceneManager()->getRootSceneNode(), gui.SceneTree->getRoot() );
Game->Device->getGUIEnvironment()->setFocus ( Game->guiActive ? gui.Window: 0 );
Handle game input
bool CQuake3EventHandler::OnEvent(const SEvent& eve)
if ( eve.EventType == EET_LOG_TEXT_EVENT )
return false;
if ( Game->guiActive && eve.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT )
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.MapList && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_LISTBOX_SELECTED_AGAIN )
s32 selected = gui.MapList->getSelected();
if ( selected >= 0 )
stringw loadMap = gui.MapList->getListItem ( selected );
if ( 0 == MapParent || loadMap != Game->CurrentMapName )
printf ( "Loading map %ls\n", loadMap.c_str() );
LoadMap ( loadMap , 1 );
if ( 0 == Game->loadParam.loadSkyShader )
AddSky ( 1, "skydome2" );
CreatePlayers ();
CreateGUI ();
SetGUIActive ( 0 );
return true;
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveRemove && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED )
Game->Device->getFileSystem()->removeFileArchive( gui.ArchiveList->getSelected() );
Game->CurrentMapName = "";
AddArchive ( "" );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveAdd && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED )
if ( 0 == gui.ArchiveFileOpen )
Game->Device->getFileSystem()->setFileListSystem ( FILESYSTEM_NATIVE );
gui.ArchiveFileOpen = Game->Device->getGUIEnvironment()->addFileOpenDialog ( L"Add Game Archive" , false,gui.Window );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveFileOpen && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_FILE_SELECTED )
AddArchive ( gui.ArchiveFileOpen->getFileNameP() );
gui.ArchiveFileOpen = 0;
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveFileOpen && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_DIRECTORY_SELECTED )
AddArchive ( gui.ArchiveFileOpen->getDirectoryName() );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveFileOpen && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_FILE_CHOOSE_DIALOG_CANCELLED )
gui.ArchiveFileOpen = 0;
if ( ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveUp || eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveDown ) &&
eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED )
s32 rel = eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.ArchiveUp ? -1 : 1;
if ( Game->Device->getFileSystem()->moveFileArchive ( gui.ArchiveList->getSelected (), rel ) )
s32 newIndex = core::s32_clamp ( gui.ArchiveList->getSelected() + rel, 0, gui.ArchiveList->getRowCount() - 1 );
AddArchive ( "" );
gui.ArchiveList->setSelected ( newIndex );
Game->CurrentMapName = "";
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.VideoDriver && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_COMBO_BOX_CHANGED )
Game->deviceParam.DriverType = (E_DRIVER_TYPE) gui.VideoDriver->getItemData ( gui.VideoDriver->getSelected() );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.VideoMode && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_COMBO_BOX_CHANGED )
u32 val = gui.VideoMode->getItemData ( gui.VideoMode->getSelected() );
Game->deviceParam.WindowSize.Width = val >> 16;
Game->deviceParam.WindowSize.Height = val & 0xFFFF;
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.FullScreen && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED )
Game->deviceParam.Fullscreen = gui.FullScreen->isChecked();
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Bit32 && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED )
Game->deviceParam.Bits = gui.Bit32->isChecked() ? 32 : 16;
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.MultiSample && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED )
Game->deviceParam.AntiAlias = gui.MultiSample->getPos();
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Tesselation && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED )
Game->loadParam.patchTesselation = gui.Tesselation->getPos ();
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Gamma && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED )
Game->GammaValue = gui.Gamma->getPos () * 0.01f;
Game->Device->setGammaRamp ( Game->GammaValue, Game->GammaValue, Game->GammaValue, 0.f, 0.f );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.SetVideoMode && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED )
Game->retVal = 2;
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Window && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_ELEMENT_CLOSED )
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Collision && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED )
// set fly through active
Game->flyTroughState ^= 1;
Player[0].cam()->setAnimateTarget ( Game->flyTroughState == 0 );
printf ( "collision %d\n", Game->flyTroughState == 0 );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Visible_Map && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED )
bool v = gui.Visible_Map->isChecked();
if ( MapParent )
printf ( "static node set visible %d\n",v );
MapParent->setVisible ( v );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Visible_Shader && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED )
bool v = gui.Visible_Shader->isChecked();
if ( ShaderParent )
printf ( "shader node set visible %d\n",v );
ShaderParent->setVisible ( v );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Visible_Skydome && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED )
if ( SkyNode )
bool v = !SkyNode->isVisible();
printf ( "skynode set visible %d\n",v );
SkyNode->setVisible ( v );
if ( eve.GUIEvent.Caller == gui.Respawn && eve.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED )
Player[0].respawn ();
return false;
// fire
if ((eve.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_SPACE &&
eve.KeyInput.PressedDown == false) ||
(eve.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT && eve.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP)
ICameraSceneNode * camera = Game->Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera ();
if ( camera && camera->isInputReceiverEnabled () )
useItem( Player + 0 );
// gui active
if ((eve.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F1 &&
eve.KeyInput.PressedDown == false) ||
(eve.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT && eve.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP)
SetGUIActive ( 2 );
// check if user presses the key
if ( eve.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && eve.KeyInput.PressedDown == false)
// Escape toggles camera Input
if ( eve.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_ESCAPE )
SetGUIActive ( 3 );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F11)
// screenshot are taken without gamma!
IImage* image = Game->Device->getVideoDriver()->createScreenShot();
if (image)
core::vector3df pos;
core::vector3df rot;
ICameraSceneNode * cam = Game->Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera ();
if ( cam )
pos = cam->getPosition ();
rot = cam->getRotation ();
snprintf_irr(buf, 256, "%s_%ls_%.0f_%.0f_%.0f_%.0f_%.0f_%.0f.jpg",
pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z,
rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z
path filename ( buf );
filename.replace ( '/', '_' );
printf ( "screenshot : %s\n", filename.c_str() );
Game->Device->getVideoDriver()->writeImageToFile(image, filename, 100 );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F9)
s32 value = EDS_OFF;
Game->debugState = ( Game->debugState + 1 ) & 3;
switch ( Game->debugState )
// set debug map data on/off
debugState = debugState == EDS_OFF ?
if ( ItemParent )
list<ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator it = ItemParent->getChildren().begin();
for (; it != ItemParent->getChildren().end(); ++it)
(*it)->setDebugDataVisible ( value );
if ( ShaderParent )
list<ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator it = ShaderParent->getChildren().begin();
for (; it != ShaderParent->getChildren().end(); ++it)
(*it)->setDebugDataVisible ( value );
if ( UnresolvedParent )
list<ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator it = UnresolvedParent->getChildren().begin();
for (; it != UnresolvedParent->getChildren().end(); ++it)
(*it)->setDebugDataVisible ( value );
if ( FogParent )
list<ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator it = FogParent->getChildren().begin();
for (; it != FogParent->getChildren().end(); ++it)
(*it)->setDebugDataVisible ( value );
if ( SkyNode )
SkyNode->setDebugDataVisible ( value );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F8)
// set gravity on/off
Game->gravityState ^= 1;
Player[0].cam()->setGravity ( getGravity ( Game->gravityState ? "earth" : "none" ) );
printf ( "gravity %s\n", Game->gravityState ? "earth" : "none" );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F7)
// set fly through active
Game->flyTroughState ^= 1;
Player[0].cam()->setAnimateTarget ( Game->flyTroughState == 0 );
if ( gui.Collision )
gui.Collision->setChecked ( Game->flyTroughState == 0 );
printf ( "collision %d\n", Game->flyTroughState == 0 );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F2)
Player[0].respawn ();
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F3)
if ( MapParent )
bool v = !MapParent->isVisible ();
printf ( "static node set visible %d\n",v );
MapParent->setVisible ( v );
if ( gui.Visible_Map )
gui.Visible_Map->setChecked ( v );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F4)
if ( ShaderParent )
bool v = !ShaderParent->isVisible ();
printf ( "shader node set visible %d\n",v );
ShaderParent->setVisible ( v );
if ( gui.Visible_Shader )
gui.Visible_Shader->setChecked ( v );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F5)
if ( FogParent )
bool v = !FogParent->isVisible ();
printf ( "fog node set visible %d\n",v );
FogParent->setVisible ( v );
if ( gui.Visible_Fog )
gui.Visible_Fog->setChecked ( v );
if (eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_F6)
if ( UnresolvedParent )
bool v = !UnresolvedParent->isVisible ();
printf ( "unresolved node set visible %d\n",v );
UnresolvedParent->setVisible ( v );
if ( gui.Visible_Unresolved )
gui.Visible_Unresolved->setChecked ( v );
// check if user presses the key C ( for crouch)
if ( eve.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && eve.KeyInput.Key == KEY_KEY_C )
// crouch
ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse *anim = Player[0].cam ();
if ( anim && 0 == Game->flyTroughState )
if ( false == eve.KeyInput.PressedDown )
// stand up
anim->setEllipsoidRadius ( vector3df(30,45,30) );
anim->setEllipsoidTranslation ( vector3df(0,40,0));
// on your knees
anim->setEllipsoidRadius ( vector3df(30,20,30) );
anim->setEllipsoidTranslation ( vector3df(0,20,0));
return true;
return false;
void CQuake3EventHandler::useItem( Q3Player * player)
ISceneManager* smgr = Game->Device->getSceneManager();
ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->getActiveCamera();
if (!camera)
SParticleImpact imp;
imp.when = 0;
// get line of camera
vector3df start = camera->getPosition();
if ( player->WeaponNode )
start.X += 0.f;
start.Y += 0.f;
start.Z += 0.f;
vector3df end = (camera->getTarget() - start);
start += end*20.0f;
end = start + (end * camera->getFarValue());
triangle3df triangle;
line3d<f32> line(start, end);
// get intersection point with map
scene::ISceneNode* hitNode;
if (smgr->getSceneCollisionManager()->getCollisionPoint(
line, Meta, end, triangle,hitNode))
// collides with wall
vector3df out = triangle.getNormal();
imp.when = 1;
imp.outVector = out;
imp.pos = end;
player->setAnim ( "pow" );
player->Anim[1].next += player->Anim[1].delta;
// doesn't collide with wall
vector3df start = camera->getPosition();
if ( player->WeaponNode )
//start.X += 10.f;
//start.Y += -5.f;
//start.Z += 1.f;
vector3df end = (camera->getTarget() - start);
start += end*20.0f;
end = start + (end * camera->getFarValue());
// create fire ball
ISceneNode* node = 0;
node = smgr->addBillboardSceneNode( BulletParent,dimension2d<f32>(10,10), start);
node->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false);
node->setMaterialTexture(0, Game->Device->getVideoDriver()->getTexture("fireball.bmp"));
node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_ZWRITE_ENABLE, false);
f32 length = (f32)(end - start).getLength();
const f32 speed = 5.8f;
u32 time = (u32)(length / speed);
ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = 0;
// set flight line
anim = smgr->createFlyStraightAnimator(start, end, time);
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "bullet: %s on %.1f,%1.f,%1.f",
imp.when ? "hit" : "nohit", end.X, end.Y, end.Z );
node->setName ( buf );
anim = smgr->createDeleteAnimator(time);
if (imp.when)
// create impact note
imp.when = Game->Device->getTimer()->getTime() +
(time + (s32) ( ( 1.f + Noiser::get() ) * 250.f ));
// play sound
// rendered when bullets hit something
void CQuake3EventHandler::createParticleImpacts( u32 now )
ISceneManager* sm = Game->Device->getSceneManager();
struct smokeLayer
const c8 * texture;
f32 scale;
f32 minparticleSize;
f32 maxparticleSize;
f32 boxSize;
u32 minParticle;
u32 maxParticle;
u32 fadeout;
u32 lifetime;
smokeLayer smoke[] =
{ "smoke2.jpg", 0.4f, 1.5f, 18.f, 20.f, 20, 50, 2000, 10000 },
{ "smoke3.jpg", 0.2f, 1.2f, 15.f, 20.f, 10, 30, 1000, 12000 }
u32 i;
u32 g;
s32 factor = 1;
for ( g = 0; g != 2; ++g )
smoke[g].minParticle *= factor;
smoke[g].maxParticle *= factor;
smoke[g].lifetime *= factor;
smoke[g].boxSize *= Noiser::get() * 0.5f;
for ( i=0; i < Impacts.size(); ++i)
if (now < Impacts[i].when)
// create smoke particle system
IParticleSystemSceneNode* pas = 0;
for ( g = 0; g != 2; ++g )
pas = sm->addParticleSystemSceneNode(false, BulletParent, -1, Impacts[i].pos);
snprintf_irr ( buf, 64, "bullet impact smoke at %.1f,%.1f,%1.f",
pas->setName ( buf );
// create a flat smoke
vector3df direction = Impacts[i].outVector;
direction *= smoke[g].scale;
IParticleEmitter* em = pas->createBoxEmitter(
direction,smoke[g].minParticle, smoke[g].maxParticle,
250,4000, 60);
em->setMinStartSize (dimension2d<f32>( smoke[g].minparticleSize, smoke[g].minparticleSize));
em->setMaxStartSize (dimension2d<f32>( smoke[g].maxparticleSize, smoke[g].maxparticleSize));
// particles get invisible
IParticleAffector* paf = pas->createFadeOutParticleAffector(
video::SColor ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), smoke[g].fadeout);
// particle system life time
ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = sm->createDeleteAnimator( smoke[g].lifetime);
pas->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
pas->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_ZWRITE_ENABLE, false);
pas->setMaterialType(video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR );
pas->setMaterialTexture(0, Game->Device->getVideoDriver()->getTexture( smoke[g].texture ));
// play impact sound
if (irrKlang)
audio::ISound* sound =
irrKlang->play3D(impactSound, Impacts[i].pos, false, false, true);
if (sound)
// adjust max value a bit to make to sound of an impact louder
// delete entry
void CQuake3EventHandler::Render()
IVideoDriver * driver = Game->Device->getVideoDriver();
if ( 0 == driver )
// TODO: This does not work, yet.
const bool anaglyph=false;
if (anaglyph)
scene::ICameraSceneNode* cameraOld = Game->Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera();
driver->beginScene(video::ECBF_COLOR | video::ECBF_DEPTH, SColor(0,0,0,0));
driver->getOverrideMaterial().Material.ColorMask = ECP_NONE;
driver->getOverrideMaterial().EnableFlags = EMF_COLOR_MASK;
driver->getOverrideMaterial().EnablePasses = ESNRP_SKY_BOX +
driver->clearBuffers(video::ECBF_DEPTH, video::SColor(255,0,0,0));
const vector3df oldPosition = cameraOld->getPosition();
const vector3df oldTarget = cameraOld->getTarget();
const matrix4 startMatrix = cameraOld->getAbsoluteTransformation();
const vector3df focusPoint = (oldTarget -
cameraOld->getAbsolutePosition()).setLength(10000) +
cameraOld->getAbsolutePosition() ;
scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = cameraOld;//Game->Device->getSceneManager()->addCameraSceneNode();
//Left eye...
vector3df pos;
matrix4 move;
move.setTranslation( vector3df(-1.5f,0.0f,0.0f) );
driver->getOverrideMaterial().Material.ColorMask = ECP_RED;
driver->getOverrideMaterial().EnableFlags = EMF_COLOR_MASK;
driver->getOverrideMaterial().EnablePasses =
driver->clearBuffers(video::ECBF_DEPTH, video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0));
//Right eye...
move.setTranslation( vector3df(1.5f,0.0f,0.0f) );
driver->getOverrideMaterial().Material.ColorMask = ECP_GREEN + ECP_BLUE;
driver->getOverrideMaterial().EnableFlags = EMF_COLOR_MASK;
driver->getOverrideMaterial().EnablePasses =
if (camera != cameraOld)
driver->beginScene(video::ECBF_COLOR | video::ECBF_DEPTH, SColor(0,0,0,0));
update the generic scene node
void CQuake3EventHandler::Animate()
u32 now = Game->Device->getTimer()->getTime();
Q3Player * player = Player + 0;
checkTimeFire ( player->Anim, 4, now );
// Query Scene Manager attributes
if ( player->Anim[0].flags & FIRED )
wchar_t msg[128];
IVideoDriver * driver = Game->Device->getVideoDriver();
IAttributes * attr = Game->Device->getSceneManager()->getParameters();
swprintf_irr ( msg, 128,
L"Q3 %s [%ls], FPS:%03d Tri:%.03fm Cull %d/%d nodes (%d,%d,%d)",
driver->getFPS (),
(f32) driver->getPrimitiveCountDrawn( 0 ) * ( 1.f / 1000000.f ),
attr->getAttributeAsInt ( "culled" ),
attr->getAttributeAsInt ( "calls" ),
attr->getAttributeAsInt ( "drawn_solid" ),
attr->getAttributeAsInt ( "drawn_transparent" ),
attr->getAttributeAsInt ( "drawn_transparent_effect" )
swprintf_irr ( msg, 128,
L"Q3 %s [%ls], FPS:%03d Tri:%.03fm",
driver->getFPS (),
(f32) driver->getPrimitiveCountDrawn( 0 ) * ( 1.f / 1000000.f )
Game->Device->setWindowCaption( msg );
swprintf_irr ( msg, 128,
L"%03d fps, F1 GUI on/off, F2 respawn, F3-F6 toggle Nodes, F7 Collision on/off"
L", F8 Gravity on/off, Right Mouse Toggle GUI",
Game->Device->getVideoDriver()->getFPS ()
if ( gui.StatusLine )
gui.StatusLine->setText ( msg );
player->Anim[0].flags &= ~FIRED;
// idle..
if ( player->Anim[1].flags & FIRED )
if ( strcmp ( player->animation, "idle" ) )
player->setAnim ( "idle" );
player->Anim[1].flags &= ~FIRED;
createParticleImpacts ( now );
/* The main game states
void runGame ( GameData *game )
if ( game->retVal >= 3 )
game->Device = (*game->createExDevice) ( game->deviceParam );
if ( 0 == game->Device)
// could not create selected driver.
game->retVal = 0;
// create an event receiver based on current game data
CQuake3EventHandler *eventHandler = new CQuake3EventHandler( game );
// load stored config
game->load ( "explorer.cfg" );
// add our media directory and archive to the file system
for ( u32 i = 0; i < game->CurrentArchiveList.size(); ++i )
eventHandler->AddArchive ( game->CurrentArchiveList[i] );
// Load a map or startup to the GUI
if ( game->CurrentMapName.size () )
eventHandler->LoadMap ( game->CurrentMapName, 1 );
if ( 0 == game->loadParam.loadSkyShader )
eventHandler->AddSky ( 1, "skydome2" );
eventHandler->CreatePlayers ();
eventHandler->CreateGUI ();
eventHandler->SetGUIActive ( 0 );
// set player to last position on restart
if ( game->retVal == 2 )
eventHandler->GetPlayer( 0 )->setpos ( game->PlayerPosition, game->PlayerRotation );
// start up empty
eventHandler->AddSky ( 1, "skydome2" );
eventHandler->CreatePlayers ();
eventHandler->CreateGUI ();
eventHandler->SetGUIActive ( 1 );
background_music ( "IrrlichtTheme.ogg" );
game->retVal = 3;
while( game->Device->run() )
eventHandler->Animate ();
eventHandler->Render ();
//if ( !game->Device->isWindowActive() )
game->Device->setGammaRamp ( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f );
delete eventHandler;
#if defined (_IRR_WINDOWS_) && 0
#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup")
/* The main routine, doing all setup
int IRRCALLCONV main(int argc, char* argv[])
path prgname(argv[0]);
GameData game ( deletePathFromPath ( prgname, 1 ) );
// dynamically load irrlicht
const c8 * dllName = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "irrlicht.dll";
game.createExDevice = load_createDeviceEx ( dllName );
if ( 0 == game.createExDevice )
game.retVal = 3;
printf ( "Could not load %s.\n", dllName );
return game.retVal; // could not load dll
// start without asking for driver
game.retVal = 1;
// if driver could not created, ask for another driver
if ( game.retVal == 0 )
game.setDefault ();
// ask user for driver
if (game.deviceParam.DriverType==video::EDT_COUNT)
game.retVal = 3;
runGame ( &game );
} while ( game.retVal < 3 );
return game.retVal;