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Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "test.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "util/enriched_string.h"
#include "util/numeric.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "util/base64.h"
class TestUtilities : public TestBase {
TestUtilities() { TestManager::registerTestModule(this); }
const char *getName() { return "TestUtilities"; }
void runTests(IGameDef *gamedef);
void testAngleWrapAround();
void testWrapDegrees_0_360_v3f();
void testLowercase();
void testTrim();
void testIsYes();
void testRemoveStringEnd();
void testUrlEncode();
void testUrlDecode();
void testPadString();
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
void testStartsWith();
void testStrEqual();
void testStrToIntConversion();
void testStringReplace();
void testStringAllowed();
void testAsciiPrintableHelper();
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
void testUTF8();
void testRemoveEscapes();
void testWrapRows();
void testEnrichedString();
void testIsNumber();
void testIsPowerOfTwo();
void testMyround();
void testStringJoin();
void testEulerConversion();
void testBase64();
2022-01-29 22:48:41 -05:00
void testSanitizeDirName();
static TestUtilities g_test_instance;
void TestUtilities::runTests(IGameDef *gamedef)
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
2022-01-29 22:48:41 -05:00
inline float ref_WrapDegrees180(float f)
// This is a slower alternative to the wrapDegrees_180() function;
// used as a reference for testing
float value = fmodf(f + 180, 360);
if (value < 0)
value += 360;
return value - 180;
inline float ref_WrapDegrees_0_360(float f)
// This is a slower alternative to the wrapDegrees_0_360() function;
// used as a reference for testing
float value = fmodf(f, 360);
if (value < 0)
value += 360;
return value < 0 ? value + 360 : value;
void TestUtilities::testAngleWrapAround() {
UASSERT(fabs(modulo360f(100.0) - 100.0) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(modulo360f(720.5) - 0.5) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(modulo360f(-0.5) - (-0.5)) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(modulo360f(-365.5) - (-5.5)) < 0.001);
for (float f = -720; f <= -360; f += 0.25) {
UASSERT(std::fabs(modulo360f(f) - modulo360f(f + 360)) < 0.001);
for (float f = -1440; f <= 1440; f += 0.25) {
UASSERT(std::fabs(modulo360f(f) - fmodf(f, 360)) < 0.001);
UASSERT(std::fabs(wrapDegrees_180(f) - ref_WrapDegrees180(f)) < 0.001);
UASSERT(std::fabs(wrapDegrees_0_360(f) - ref_WrapDegrees_0_360(f)) < 0.001);
std::fabs(wrapDegrees_180(f) - wrapDegrees_0_360(f))) < 0.001);
void TestUtilities::testWrapDegrees_0_360_v3f()
// only x test with little step
for (float x = -720.f; x <= 720; x += 0.05) {
v3f r = wrapDegrees_0_360_v3f(v3f(x, 0, 0));
UASSERT(r.X >= 0.0f && r.X < 360.0f)
UASSERT(r.Y == 0.0f)
UASSERT(r.Z == 0.0f)
// only y test with little step
for (float y = -720.f; y <= 720; y += 0.05) {
v3f r = wrapDegrees_0_360_v3f(v3f(0, y, 0));
UASSERT(r.X == 0.0f)
UASSERT(r.Y >= 0.0f && r.Y < 360.0f)
UASSERT(r.Z == 0.0f)
// only z test with little step
for (float z = -720.f; z <= 720; z += 0.05) {
v3f r = wrapDegrees_0_360_v3f(v3f(0, 0, z));
UASSERT(r.X == 0.0f)
UASSERT(r.Y == 0.0f)
UASSERT(r.Z >= 0.0f && r.Z < 360.0f)
// test the whole coordinate translation
for (float x = -720.f; x <= 720; x += 2.5) {
for (float y = -720.f; y <= 720; y += 2.5) {
for (float z = -720.f; z <= 720; z += 2.5) {
v3f r = wrapDegrees_0_360_v3f(v3f(x, y, z));
UASSERT(r.X >= 0.0f && r.X < 360.0f)
UASSERT(r.Y >= 0.0f && r.Y < 360.0f)
UASSERT(r.Z >= 0.0f && r.Z < 360.0f)
void TestUtilities::testLowercase()
UASSERT(lowercase("Foo bAR") == "foo bar");
UASSERT(lowercase("eeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaààààà") == "eeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaààààà");
UASSERT(lowercase("MINETEST-powa") == "minetest-powa");
void TestUtilities::testTrim()
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
UASSERT(trim("") == "");
UASSERT(trim("dirt_with_grass") == "dirt_with_grass");
UASSERT(trim("\n \t\r Foo bAR \r\n\t\t ") == "Foo bAR");
UASSERT(trim("\n \t\r \r\n\t\t ") == "");
2022-01-29 22:49:11 -05:00
UASSERT(trim(" a") == "a");
UASSERT(trim("a ") == "a");
void TestUtilities::testIsYes()
UASSERT(is_yes("YeS") == true);
UASSERT(is_yes("") == false);
UASSERT(is_yes("FAlse") == false);
UASSERT(is_yes("-1") == true);
UASSERT(is_yes("0") == false);
UASSERT(is_yes("1") == true);
UASSERT(is_yes("2") == true);
void TestUtilities::testRemoveStringEnd()
const char *ends[] = {"abc", "c", "bc", "", NULL};
UASSERT(removeStringEnd("abc", ends) == "");
UASSERT(removeStringEnd("bc", ends) == "b");
UASSERT(removeStringEnd("12c", ends) == "12");
UASSERT(removeStringEnd("foo", ends) == "");
void TestUtilities::testUrlEncode()
UASSERT(urlencode("\"Aardvarks lurk, OK?\"")
== "%22Aardvarks%20lurk%2C%20OK%3F%22");
void TestUtilities::testUrlDecode()
== "\"Aardvarks lurk, OK?\"");
void TestUtilities::testPadString()
UASSERT(padStringRight("hello", 8) == "hello ");
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
void TestUtilities::testStartsWith()
UASSERT(str_starts_with(std::string(), std::string()) == true);
UASSERT(str_starts_with(std::string("the sharp pickaxe"),
std::string()) == true);
UASSERT(str_starts_with(std::string("the sharp pickaxe"),
std::string("the")) == true);
UASSERT(str_starts_with(std::string("the sharp pickaxe"),
std::string("The")) == false);
UASSERT(str_starts_with(std::string("the sharp pickaxe"),
std::string("The"), true) == true);
UASSERT(str_starts_with(std::string("T"), std::string("The")) == false);
void TestUtilities::testStrEqual()
UASSERT(str_equal(utf8_to_wide("abc"), utf8_to_wide("abc")));
UASSERT(str_equal(utf8_to_wide("ABC"), utf8_to_wide("abc"), true));
void TestUtilities::testStrToIntConversion()
UASSERT(mystoi("123", 0, 1000) == 123);
UASSERT(mystoi("123", 0, 10) == 10);
void TestUtilities::testStringReplace()
std::string test_str;
test_str = "Hello there";
str_replace(test_str, "there", "world");
UASSERT(test_str == "Hello world");
test_str = "ThisAisAaAtest";
str_replace(test_str, 'A', ' ');
UASSERT(test_str == "This is a test");
void TestUtilities::testStringAllowed()
UASSERT(string_allowed("hello", "abcdefghijklmno") == true);
UASSERT(string_allowed("123", "abcdefghijklmno") == false);
UASSERT(string_allowed_blacklist("hello", "123") == true);
UASSERT(string_allowed_blacklist("hello123", "123") == false);
void TestUtilities::testAsciiPrintableHelper()
// Ensures that there is no cutting off going on...
// If there were, 331 would be cut to 75 in this example
// and 73 is a valid ASCII char.
int ch = 331;
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
void TestUtilities::testUTF8()
UASSERT(utf8_to_wide("¤") == L"¤");
UASSERT(wide_to_utf8(L"¤") == "¤");
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("")), "");
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("the shovel dug a crumbly node!")),
"the shovel dug a crumbly node!");
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("-ä-")),
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("-\xF0\xA0\x80\x8B-")),
2015-06-14 12:00:06 +02:00
void TestUtilities::testRemoveEscapes()
L"abc\x1bXdef") == L"abcdef");
L"abc\x1b(escaped)def") == L"abcdef");
L"abc\x1b((escaped with parenthesis\\))def") == L"abcdef");
L"abc\x1b(incomplete") == L"abc");
L"escape at the end\x1b") == L"escape at the end");
// Nested escapes not supported
L"abc\x1b(outer \x1b(inner escape)escape)def") == L"abcescape)def");
void TestUtilities::testWrapRows()
UASSERT(wrap_rows("12345678",4) == "1234\n5678");
// test that wrap_rows doesn't wrap inside multibyte sequences
const unsigned char s[] = {
0x2f, 0x68, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x72, 0x61, 0x70, 0x74, 0x6f,
0x72, 0x2f, 0xd1, 0x82, 0xd0, 0xb5, 0xd1, 0x81, 0xd1, 0x82, 0x2f,
0x6d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x2f, 0x62, 0x69,
0x6e, 0x2f, 0x2e, 0x2e, 0};
std::string str((char *)s);
UASSERT(utf8_to_wide(wrap_rows(str, 20)) != L"<invalid UTF-8 string>");
const unsigned char s[] = {
0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0xd1, 0x82, 0xd0, 0xb5, 0xd1, 0x81,
0xd1, 0x82, 0x20, 0xd1, 0x82, 0xd0, 0xb5, 0xd1, 0x81, 0xd1, 0x82,
0x20, 0xd1, 0x82, 0xd0, 0xb5, 0xd1, 0x81, 0xd1, 0x82, 0};
std::string str((char *)s);
UASSERT(utf8_to_wide(wrap_rows(str, 8)) != L"<invalid UTF-8 string>");
void TestUtilities::testEnrichedString()
EnrichedString str(L"Test bar");
irr::video::SColor color(0xFF, 0, 0, 0xFF);
UASSERT(str.substr(1, 3).getString() == L"est");
str += L" BUZZ";
UASSERT(str.substr(9, std::string::npos).getString() == L"BUZZ");
str.setDefaultColor(color); // Blue foreground
UASSERT(str.getColors()[5] == color);
// Green background, then white and yellow text
str = L"\x1b(b@#0F0)Regular \x1b(c@#FF0)yellow";
UASSERT(str.getColors()[2] == 0xFFFFFFFF);
str.setDefaultColor(color); // Blue foreground
UASSERT(str.getColors()[13] == 0xFFFFFF00); // Still yellow text
UASSERT(str.getBackground() == 0xFF00FF00); // Green background
void TestUtilities::testIsNumber()
UASSERT(is_number("123") == true);
UASSERT(is_number("") == false);
UASSERT(is_number("123a") == false);
void TestUtilities::testIsPowerOfTwo()
UASSERT(is_power_of_two(0) == false);
UASSERT(is_power_of_two(1) == true);
UASSERT(is_power_of_two(2) == true);
UASSERT(is_power_of_two(3) == false);
for (int exponent = 2; exponent <= 31; ++exponent) {
UASSERT(is_power_of_two((1U << exponent) - 1) == false);
UASSERT(is_power_of_two((1U << exponent)) == true);
UASSERT(is_power_of_two((1U << exponent) + 1) == false);
UASSERT(is_power_of_two(U32_MAX) == false);
void TestUtilities::testMyround()
UASSERT(myround(4.6f) == 5);
UASSERT(myround(1.2f) == 1);
UASSERT(myround(-3.1f) == -3);
UASSERT(myround(-6.5f) == -7);
void TestUtilities::testStringJoin()
std::vector<std::string> input;
UASSERT(str_join(input, ",") == "");
UASSERT(str_join(input, ",") == "one");
UASSERT(str_join(input, ",") == "one,two");
UASSERT(str_join(input, ",") == "one,two,three");
input[1] = "";
UASSERT(str_join(input, ",") == "one,,three");
input[1] = "two";
UASSERT(str_join(input, " and ") == "one and two and three");
static bool within(const f32 value1, const f32 value2, const f32 precision)
return std::fabs(value1 - value2) <= precision;
static bool within(const v3f &v1, const v3f &v2, const f32 precision)
return within(v1.X, v2.X, precision) && within(v1.Y, v2.Y, precision)
&& within(v1.Z, v2.Z, precision);
static bool within(const core::matrix4 &m1, const core::matrix4 &m2,
const f32 precision)
const f32 *M1 = m1.pointer();
const f32 *M2 = m2.pointer();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (! within(M1[i], M2[i], precision))
return false;
return true;
static bool roundTripsDeg(const v3f &v, const f32 precision)
core::matrix4 m;
setPitchYawRoll(m, v);
return within(v, getPitchYawRoll(m), precision);
void TestUtilities::testEulerConversion()
// This test may fail on non-IEEE systems.
// Low tolerance is 4 ulp(1.0) for binary floats with 24 bit mantissa.
// (ulp = unit in the last place; ulp(1.0) = 2^-23).
const f32 tolL = 4.76837158203125e-7f;
// High tolerance is 2 ulp(180.0), needed for numbers in degrees.
// ulp(180.0) = 2^-16
const f32 tolH = 3.0517578125e-5f;
v3f v1, v2;
core::matrix4 m1, m2;
const f32 *M1 = m1.pointer();
const f32 *M2 = m2.pointer();
// Check that the radians version and the degrees version
// produce the same results. Check also that the conversion
// works both ways for these values.
v1 = v3f(M_PI/3.0, M_PI/5.0, M_PI/4.0);
v2 = v3f(60.0f, 36.0f, 45.0f);
setPitchYawRollRad(m1, v1);
setPitchYawRoll(m2, v2);
UASSERT(within(m1, m2, tolL));
UASSERT(within(getPitchYawRollRad(m1), v1, tolL));
UASSERT(within(getPitchYawRoll(m2), v2, tolH));
// Check the rotation matrix produced.
UASSERT(within(M1[0], 0.932004869f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[1], 0.353553385f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[2], 0.0797927827f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[4], -0.21211791f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[5], 0.353553355f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[6], 0.911046684f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[8], 0.293892622f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[9], -0.866025448f, tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[10], 0.404508471f, tolL));
// Check that the matrix is still homogeneous with no translation
UASSERT(M1[3] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M1[7] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M1[11] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M1[12] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M1[13] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M1[14] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M1[15] == 1.0f);
UASSERT(M2[3] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M2[7] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M2[11] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M2[12] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M2[13] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M2[14] == 0.0f);
UASSERT(M2[15] == 1.0f);
// Compare to Irrlicht's results. To be comparable, the
// angles must come in a different order and the matrix
// elements to compare are different too.
m2.setRotationRadians(v3f(v1.Z, v1.X, v1.Y));
UASSERT(within(M1[0], M2[5], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[1], M2[6], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[2], M2[4], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[4], M2[9], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[5], M2[10], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[6], M2[8], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[8], M2[1], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[9], M2[2], tolL));
UASSERT(within(M1[10], M2[0], tolL));
// Check that Eulers that produce near gimbal-lock still round-trip
UASSERT(roundTripsDeg(v3f(89.9999f, 17.f, 0.f), tolH));
UASSERT(roundTripsDeg(v3f(89.9999f, 0.f, 19.f), tolH));
UASSERT(roundTripsDeg(v3f(89.9999f, 17.f, 19.f), tolH));
// Check that Eulers at an angle > 90 degrees may not round-trip...
v1 = v3f(90.00001f, 1.f, 1.f);
setPitchYawRoll(m1, v1);
v2 = getPitchYawRoll(m1);
//UASSERT(within(v1, v2, tolL)); // this is typically false
// ... however the rotation matrix is the same for both
setPitchYawRoll(m2, v2);
UASSERT(within(m1, m2, tolL));
void TestUtilities::testBase64()
// Test character set
"0123456789+/") == true);
"0123456789+.") == false);
"0123456789 /") == false);
// Test empty string
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("") == true);
// Test different lengths, with and without padding,
// with correct and incorrect padding
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAA") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAAA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("A===") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AA==") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAA=") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAA====") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAA===") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAA==") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAA=") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAA==") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAA===") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAA====") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAAA") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAAA=") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAAA==") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAAA===") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAAA====") == false);
// Test if canonical encoding
// Last character limitations, length % 4 == 3
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAB") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAE") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAQ") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAB=") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAE=") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAQ=") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAB=") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAE=") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAAQ=") == true);
// Last character limitations, length % 4 == 2
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AB") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AE") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AQ") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AB==") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AE==") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AQ==") == true);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAB==") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAE==") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAAQ==") == true);
// Extraneous character present
UASSERT(base64_is_valid(".") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("A.") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AA.") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAA.") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAA.") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAA.") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("A.A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AA.A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAA.A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAA.A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAA.A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("\xE1""AAA") == false);
// Padding in wrong position
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("A=A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AA=A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAA=A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAA=A") == false);
UASSERT(base64_is_valid("AAAAA=A") == false);
2022-01-29 22:48:41 -05:00
void TestUtilities::testSanitizeDirName()
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName("a", "~") == "a");
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName(" ", "~") == "__");
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName(" a ", "~") == "_a_");
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName("COM1", "~") == "~COM1");
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName("COM1", ":") == "_COM1");
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName("cOm\u00B2", "~") == "~cOm\u00B2");
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName("cOnIn$", "~") == "~cOnIn$");
UASSERT(sanitizeDirName(" cOnIn$ ", "~") == "_cOnIn$_");
2022-01-29 22:48:41 -05:00