Add disable_settings to game.conf to get rid of "Enable Damage"/"Creative Mode"/"Host Server" checkboxes (#11524)

This adds support for disable_settings to game.conf. In this you can specify a list of settings that should not be visible in the "local game" (or however it is called nowadays) tab. Enable Damage, Creative Mode and Host Server are supported.

Co-authored-by: Wuzzy <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Suen <>
Co-authored-by: rubenwardy <>
This commit is contained in:
Hugues Ross
2021-08-12 14:08:12 -04:00
committed by GitHub
parent 442e48b84f
commit 47c146120a
2 changed files with 89 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -18,8 +18,14 @@
local enable_gamebar = PLATFORM ~= "Android"
local current_game, singleplayer_refresh_gamebar
local valid_disabled_settings = {
if enable_gamebar then
-- Currently chosen game in gamebar for theming and filtering
function current_game()
local last_game_id = core.settings:get("menu_last_game")
local game = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(last_game_id)
@ -102,37 +108,87 @@ if enable_gamebar then
btnbar:add_button("game_open_cdb", "", plus_image, fgettext("Install games from ContentDB"))
-- Currently chosen game in gamebar: no gamebar -> no "current" game
function current_game()
return nil
local function get_disabled_settings(game)
if not game then
return {}
local gameconfig = Settings(game.path .. "/game.conf")
local disabled_settings = {}
if gameconfig then
local disabled_settings_str = (gameconfig:get("disabled_settings") or ""):split()
for _, value in pairs(disabled_settings_str) do
local state = false
value = value:trim()
if string.sub(value, 1, 1) == "!" then
state = true
value = string.sub(value, 2)
if valid_disabled_settings[value] then
disabled_settings[value] = state
core.log("error", "Invalid disabled setting in game.conf: "..tostring(value))
return disabled_settings
local function get_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
local retval = ""
local index = filterlist.get_current_index(menudata.worldlist,
local list = menudata.worldlist:get_list()
local world = list and index and list[index]
local gameid = world and world.gameid
local game = gameid and pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(gameid)
local disabled_settings = get_disabled_settings(game)
local creative, damage, host = "", "", ""
-- Y offsets for game settings checkboxes
local y = -0.2
local yo = 0.45
if disabled_settings["creative_mode"] == nil then
creative = "checkbox[0,"..y..";cb_creative_mode;".. fgettext("Creative Mode") .. ";" ..
dump(core.settings:get_bool("creative_mode")) .. "]"
y = y + yo
if disabled_settings["enable_damage"] == nil then
damage = "checkbox[0,"..y..";cb_enable_damage;".. fgettext("Enable Damage") .. ";" ..
dump(core.settings:get_bool("enable_damage")) .. "]"
y = y + yo
if disabled_settings["enable_server"] == nil then
host = "checkbox[0,"..y..";cb_server;".. fgettext("Host Server") ..";" ..
dump(core.settings:get_bool("enable_server")) .. "]"
y = y + yo
retval = retval ..
"button[3.9,3.8;2.8,1;world_delete;".. fgettext("Delete") .. "]" ..
"button[6.55,3.8;2.8,1;world_configure;".. fgettext("Select Mods") .. "]" ..
"button[9.2,3.8;2.8,1;world_create;".. fgettext("New") .. "]" ..
"label[3.9,-0.05;".. fgettext("Select World:") .. "]"..
"checkbox[0,-0.20;cb_creative_mode;".. fgettext("Creative Mode") .. ";" ..
dump(core.settings:get_bool("creative_mode")) .. "]"..
"checkbox[0,0.25;cb_enable_damage;".. fgettext("Enable Damage") .. ";" ..
dump(core.settings:get_bool("enable_damage")) .. "]"..
"checkbox[0,0.7;cb_server;".. fgettext("Host Server") ..";" ..
dump(core.settings:get_bool("enable_server")) .. "]" ..
creative ..
damage ..
host ..
"textlist[3.9,0.4;7.9,3.45;sp_worlds;" ..
menu_render_worldlist() ..
";" .. index .. "]"
if core.settings:get_bool("enable_server") then
if core.settings:get_bool("enable_server") and disabled_settings["enable_server"] == nil then
retval = retval ..
"button[7.9,4.75;4.1,1;play;".. fgettext("Host Game") .. "]" ..
"checkbox[0,1.15;cb_server_announce;" .. fgettext("Announce Server") .. ";" ..
"checkbox[0,"..y..";cb_server_announce;" .. fgettext("Announce Server") .. ";" ..
dump(core.settings:get_bool("server_announce")) .. "]" ..
"field[0.3,2.85;3.8,0.5;te_playername;" .. fgettext("Name") .. ";" ..
core.formspec_escape(core.settings:get("name")) .. "]" ..
@ -227,9 +283,21 @@ local function main_button_handler(this, fields, name, tabdata)
-- Update last game
local world = menudata.worldlist:get_raw_element(gamedata.selected_world)
local game_obj
if world then
local game = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(world.gameid)
game_obj = pkgmgr.find_by_gameid(world.gameid)
local disabled_settings = get_disabled_settings(game_obj)
for k, _ in pairs(valid_disabled_settings) do
local v = disabled_settings[k]
if v ~= nil then
if k == "enable_server" and v == true then
error("Setting 'enable_server' cannot be force-enabled! The game.conf needs to be fixed.")
core.settings:set_bool(k, disabled_settings[k])
if core.settings:get_bool("enable_server") then

View File

@ -77,8 +77,16 @@ The game directory can contain the following files:
* `disallowed_mapgen_settings= <comma-separated mapgen settings>`
e.g. `disallowed_mapgen_settings = mgv5_spflags`
These settings are hidden for this game in the world creation
These mapgen settings are hidden for this game in the world creation
dialog and game start menu.
* `disabled_settings = <comma-separated settings>`
e.g. `disabled_settings = enable_damage, creative_mode`
These settings are hidden for this game in the "Start game" tab
and will be initialized as `false` when the game is started.
Prepend a setting name with an exclamation mark to initialize it to `true`
(this does not work for `enable_server`).
Only these settings are supported:
`enable_damage`, `creative_mode`, `enable_server`.
* `author`: The author of the game. It only appears when downloaded from
* `release`: Ignore this: Should only ever be set by ContentDB, as it is