/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "voxel.h" #include "map.h" // For TimeTaker #include "main.h" #include "utility.h" /* Debug stuff */ u32 addarea_time = 0; u32 emerge_time = 0; u32 emerge_load_time = 0; u32 clearflag_time = 0; //u32 getwaterpressure_time = 0; //u32 spreadwaterpressure_time = 0; u32 updateareawaterpressure_time = 0; u32 flowwater_pre_time = 0; VoxelManipulator::VoxelManipulator(): m_data(NULL), m_flags(NULL) { m_disable_water_climb = false; } VoxelManipulator::~VoxelManipulator() { clear(); if(m_data) delete[] m_data; if(m_flags) delete[] m_flags; } void VoxelManipulator::clear() { // Reset area to volume=0 m_area = VoxelArea(); if(m_data) delete[] m_data; m_data = NULL; if(m_flags) delete[] m_flags; m_flags = NULL; } void VoxelManipulator::print(std::ostream &o, VoxelPrintMode mode) { v3s16 em = m_area.getExtent(); v3s16 of = m_area.MinEdge; o<<"size: "<=m_area.MinEdge.Y; y--) { if(em.X >= 3 && em.Y >= 3) { if (y==m_area.MinEdge.Y+2) o<<"^ "; else if(y==m_area.MinEdge.Y+1) o<<"| "; else if(y==m_area.MinEdge.Y+0) o<<"y x-> "; else o<<" "; } for(s32 z=m_area.MinEdge.Z; z<=m_area.MaxEdge.Z; z++) { for(s32 x=m_area.MinEdge.X; x<=m_area.MaxEdge.X; x++) { u8 f = m_flags[m_area.index(x,y,z)]; char c; if(f & VOXELFLAG_NOT_LOADED) c = 'N'; else if(f & VOXELFLAG_INEXISTENT) c = 'I'; else { c = 'X'; u8 m = m_data[m_area.index(x,y,z)].d; u8 pr = m_data[m_area.index(x,y,z)].pressure; if(mode == VOXELPRINT_MATERIAL) { if(m <= 9) c = m + '0'; } else if(mode == VOXELPRINT_WATERPRESSURE) { if(m == CONTENT_WATER) { c = 'w'; if(pr <= 9) c = pr + '0'; } else if(liquid_replaces_content(m)) { c = ' '; } else { c = '#'; } } } o< buf(area.getVolume()); for(s32 z=area.MinEdge.Z; z<=area.MaxEdge.Z; z++) for(s32 y=area.MinEdge.Y; y<=area.MaxEdge.Y; y++) for(s32 x=area.MinEdge.X; x<=area.MaxEdge.X; x++) { v3s16 p(x,y,z); v3s16 dirs[] = { v3s16(1,1,0), v3s16(1,0,1), v3s16(1,-1,0), v3s16(1,0,-1), v3s16(-1,1,0), v3s16(-1,0,1), v3s16(-1,-1,0), v3s16(-1,0,-1), }; //const v3s16 *dirs = g_26dirs; s16 total = 0; s16 airness = 0; u8 m = CONTENT_IGNORE; for(s16 i=0; i<8; i++) //for(s16 i=0; i<26; i++) { v3s16 p2 = p + dirs[i]; u8 f = m_flags[m_area.index(p2)]; assert(!(f & VOXELFLAG_NOT_LOADED)); if(f & VOXELFLAG_INEXISTENT) continue; MapNode &n = m_data[m_area.index(p2)]; airness += (n.d == CONTENT_AIR) ? 1 : -1; total++; if(m == CONTENT_IGNORE && n.d != CONTENT_AIR) m = n.d; } // 1 if air, 0 if not buf[area.index(p)] = airness > -total/2 ? CONTENT_AIR : m; //buf[area.index(p)] = airness > -total ? CONTENT_AIR : m; //buf[area.index(p)] = airness >= -7 ? CONTENT_AIR : m; } for(s32 z=area.MinEdge.Z; z<=area.MaxEdge.Z; z++) for(s32 y=area.MinEdge.Y; y<=area.MaxEdge.Y; y++) for(s32 x=area.MinEdge.X; x<=area.MaxEdge.X; x++) { v3s16 p(x,y,z); m_data[m_area.index(p)].d = buf[area.index(p)]; } } void VoxelManipulator::clearFlag(u8 flags) { // 0-1ms on moderate area TimeTaker timer("clearFlag", g_device, &clearflag_time); v3s16 s = m_area.getExtent(); /*dstream<<"clearFlag clearing area of size " <<""< highest_y) highest_y = p.Y; /*if(recur_count > 1000) throw ProcessingLimitException ("getWaterPressure recur_count limit reached");*/ if(recur_count > 10000) return -1; recur_count++; v3s16 dirs[6] = { v3s16(0,1,0), // top v3s16(0,0,1), // back v3s16(0,0,-1), // front v3s16(1,0,0), // right v3s16(-1,0,0), // left v3s16(0,-1,0), // bottom }; // Load neighboring nodes emerge(VoxelArea(p - v3s16(1,1,1), p + v3s16(1,1,1)), 1); s32 i; for(i=0; i<6; i++) { v3s16 p2 = p + dirs[i]; u8 f = m_flags[m_area.index(p2)]; // Ignore inexistent or checked nodes if(f & (VOXELFLAG_INEXISTENT | VOXELFLAG_CHECKED2)) continue; MapNode &n = m_data[m_area.index(p2)]; // Ignore non-liquid nodes if(content_liquid(n.d) == false) continue; int pr; // If at ocean surface if(n.pressure == 1 && n.d == CONTENT_OCEAN) //if(n.pressure == 1) // Causes glitches but is fast { pr = 1; } // Otherwise recurse more else { pr = getWaterPressure(p2, highest_y, recur_count); if(pr == -1) continue; } // If block is at top, pressure here is one higher if(i == 0) { if(pr < 255) pr++; } // If block is at bottom, pressure here is one lower else if(i == 5) { if(pr > 1) pr--; } // Node is on the pressure route m_flags[m_area.index(p)] |= VOXELFLAG_CHECKED4; // Got pressure return pr; } // Nothing useful found return -1; } void VoxelManipulator::spreadWaterPressure(v3s16 p, int pr, VoxelArea request_area, core::map &active_nodes, int recur_count) { //if(recur_count > 10000) /*throw ProcessingLimitException ("spreadWaterPressure recur_count limit reached");*/ if(recur_count > 10) return; recur_count++; /*dstream<<"spreadWaterPressure: p=(" < 255) pr = 255; /*dstream<<"WARNING: Pressure at (" < &active_nodes, int recursion_depth, bool debugprint, u32 stoptime) { v3s16 dirs[6] = { v3s16(0,1,0), // top v3s16(0,0,-1), // front v3s16(0,0,1), // back v3s16(-1,0,0), // left v3s16(1,0,0), // right v3s16(0,-1,0), // bottom }; recursion_depth++; v3s16 p; bool from_ocean = false; // Randomize horizontal order static s32 cs = 0; if(cs < 3) cs++; else cs = 0; s16 s1 = (cs & 1) ? 1 : -1; s16 s2 = (cs & 2) ? 1 : -1; //dstream<<"s1="<= PRESERVE_WATER_VOLUME ? 3 : 2) if(n.pressure >= 3) break; continue; } // Else block is at some side. Select it if it has enough pressure //if(n.pressure >= PRESERVE_WATER_VOLUME ? 2 : 1) if(n.pressure >= 2) { break; } } // If there is nothing to move, return if(i==6) return false; /* Move water and bubble */ u8 m = m_data[m_area.index(p)].d; u8 f = m_flags[m_area.index(p)]; if(m == CONTENT_OCEAN) from_ocean = true; // Move air bubble if not taking water from ocean if(from_ocean == false) { m_data[m_area.index(p)].d = m_data[m_area.index(removed_pos)].d; m_flags[m_area.index(p)] = m_flags[m_area.index(removed_pos)]; } /* This has to be done to copy the brightness of a light source correctly. Otherwise unspreadLight will fuck up when water has replaced a light source. */ u8 light = m_data[m_area.index(removed_pos)].getLightBanksWithSource(); m_data[m_area.index(removed_pos)].d = m; m_flags[m_area.index(removed_pos)] = f; m_data[m_area.index(removed_pos)].setLightBanks(light); /*// NOTE: HACK: This has to be set to LIGHT_MAX so that // unspreadLight will clear all light that came from this node. // Otherwise there will be weird bugs m_data[m_area.index(removed_pos)].setLight(LIGHT_MAX);*/ // Mark removed_pos checked m_flags[m_area.index(removed_pos)] |= VOXELFLAG_CHECKED; // If block was dropped from surface, increase pressure if(i == 0 && m_data[m_area.index(removed_pos)].pressure == 1) { m_data[m_area.index(removed_pos)].pressure = 2; } /* NOTE: This does not work as-is if(m == CONTENT_OCEAN) { // If block was raised to surface, increase pressure of // source node if(i == 5 && m_data[m_area.index(p)].pressure == 1) { m_data[m_area.index(p)].pressure = 2; } }*/ /*if(debugprint) { dstream<<"VoxelManipulator::flowWater(): Moved bubble:"<getTimer()->getRealTime(); if(timenow >= stoptime || (stoptime < 0x80000000 && timenow > 0x80000000)) { dstream<<"flowWater: stoptime reached"<=0; i--) { // Don't try to flow to top if(m_disable_water_climb && i == 0) continue; //v3s16 p = removed_pos + dirs[i]; p = removed_pos + v3s16(s1*dirs[i].X, dirs[i].Y, s2*dirs[i].Z); u8 f = m_flags[m_area.index(p)]; // Water can't move to inexistent nodes if(f & VOXELFLAG_INEXISTENT) continue; MapNode &n = m_data[m_area.index(p)]; // Water can only move to air if(liquid_replaces_content(n.d) == false) continue; // Flow water to node bool moved = flowWater(p, active_nodes, recursion_depth, debugprint, stoptime); /*flowWater(p, active_nodes, recursion_depth, debugprint, counter, counterlimit);*/ if(moved) { // Search again from all neighbors goto find_again; } } return true; } void VoxelManipulator::flowWater( core::map &active_nodes, int recursion_depth, bool debugprint, u32 timelimit) { addarea_time = 0; emerge_time = 0; emerge_load_time = 0; clearflag_time = 0; updateareawaterpressure_time = 0; flowwater_pre_time = 0; if(active_nodes.size() == 0) { dstream<<"flowWater: no active nodes"<::Node *n = active_nodes.getIterator().getNode(); #endif #if 1 core::map::Iterator i = active_nodes.getIterator().getNode(); for(s32 j=0; j::Node *n = i.getNode(); // Decrement index if less than 0. // This keeps us in existing indices always. if(k > 0) k--; #endif v3s16 p = n->getKey(); active_nodes.remove(p); flowWater(p, active_nodes, recursion_depth, debugprint, stoptime); } } catch(ProcessingLimitException &e) { //dstream<<"getWaterPressure ProcessingLimitException"<