.TH minetest 6 "10 September 2013" "" "" .SH NAME minetest, minetestserver \- Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox .SH SYNOPSIS .B minetest [\fB--server SERVER OPTIONS\fR | \fBCLIENT OPTIONS\fR] [\fBCOMMON OPTIONS\fR] [\fBWORLD PATH\fR] .B minetestserver [\fBSERVER OPTIONS\fR] [\fBCOMMON OPTIONS\fR] [\fBWORLD PATH\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B Minetest is one of the first InfiniMiner/Minecraft(/whatever) inspired games (started October 2010), with a goal of taking the survival multiplayer gameplay to a slightly different direction. .PP The main design philosophy is to keep it technically simple, stable and portable. It will be kept lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware. .SH COMMON OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-help Print allowed options and exit .TP .B \-\-version Print version information and exit .TP .B \-\-config <value> Load configuration from specified file .TP .B \-\-logfile <value> Set logfile path (debug.txt) .TP .B \-\-info Print more information to console .TP .B \-\-verbose Print even more information to console .TP .B \-\-trace Print enormous amounts of information to console .TP .B \-\-gameid <value> Set gameid .TP .B \-\-worldname <value> Set world path by name .TP .B \-\-world <value> | list Set world path or list worlds .TP .B \-\-map\-dir <value> Same as \-\-world (deprecated) .TP .B \-\-port <value> Set network port (UDP) to use .TP .B \-\-run\-unittests Run unit tests and exit .SH CLIENT OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-address <value> Address to connect to .TP .B \-\-go Disable main menu .TP .B \-\-name <value> Set player name .TP .B \-\-password <value> Set password .TP .B \-\-password\-file <value> Set password from contents of file .TP .B \-\-random\-input Enable random user input, for testing (client only) .TP .B \-\-videomodes List available video modes (client only) .TP .B \-\-speedtests Run speed tests .SH SERVER OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-migrate <value> Migrate from current map backend to another. Possible values are sqlite3, leveldb, redis, and dummy. .TP .B \-\-terminal Display an interactive terminal over ncurses during execution. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B MINETEST_SUBGAME_PATH Colon delimited list of directories to search for games. .SH BUGS Please report all bugs to Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>. .SH AUTHOR .PP Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com> and contributors. .PP This man page was originally written by Juhani Numminen <juhaninumminen0@gmail.com>. .SH WWW http://www.minetest.net/