Copyright (C) 2015 nerzhul, Loic Blot <loic.blot@unix-experience.fr>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "client.h"

#include "util/base64.h"
#include "clientmedia.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "mapsector.h"
#include "minimap.h"
#include "nodedef.h"
#include "serialization.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "util/strfnd.h"
#include "network/clientopcodes.h"
#include "script/scripting_client.h"
#include "util/serialize.h"
#include "util/srp.h"
#include "tileanimation.h"

void Client::handleCommand_Deprecated(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	infostream << "Got deprecated command "
			<< toClientCommandTable[pkt->getCommand()].name << " from peer "
			<< pkt->getPeerId() << "!" << std::endl;

void Client::handleCommand_Hello(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	if (pkt->getSize() < 1)

	u8 serialization_ver;
	u16 proto_ver;
	u16 compression_mode;
	u32 auth_mechs;
	std::string username_legacy; // for case insensitivity
	*pkt >> serialization_ver >> compression_mode >> proto_ver
		>> auth_mechs >> username_legacy;

	// Chose an auth method we support
	AuthMechanism chosen_auth_mechanism = choseAuthMech(auth_mechs);

	infostream << "Client: TOCLIENT_HELLO received with "
			<< "serialization_ver=" << (u32)serialization_ver
			<< ", auth_mechs=" << auth_mechs
			<< ", proto_ver=" << proto_ver
			<< ", compression_mode=" << compression_mode
			<< ". Doing auth with mech " << chosen_auth_mechanism << std::endl;

	if (!ser_ver_supported(serialization_ver)) {
		infostream << "Client: TOCLIENT_HELLO: Server sent "
				<< "unsupported ser_fmt_ver"<< std::endl;

	m_server_ser_ver = serialization_ver;
	m_proto_ver = proto_ver;

	//TODO verify that username_legacy matches sent username, only
	// differs in casing (make both uppercase and compare)
	// This is only neccessary though when we actually want to add casing support

	if (m_chosen_auth_mech != AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE) {
		// we recieved a TOCLIENT_HELLO while auth was already going on
		errorstream << "Client: TOCLIENT_HELLO while auth was already going on"
			<< "(chosen_mech=" << m_chosen_auth_mech << ")." << std::endl;
		if ((m_chosen_auth_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP)
				|| (m_chosen_auth_mech == AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD)) {
			srp_user_delete((SRPUser *) m_auth_data);
			m_auth_data = 0;

	// Authenticate using that method, or abort if there wasn't any method found
	if (chosen_auth_mechanism != AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE) {
	} else {
		m_chosen_auth_mech = AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE;
		m_access_denied = true;
		m_access_denied_reason = "Unknown";


void Client::handleCommand_AuthAccept(NetworkPacket* pkt)

	v3f playerpos;
	*pkt >> playerpos >> m_map_seed >> m_recommended_send_interval
		>> m_sudo_auth_methods;

	playerpos -= v3f(0, BS / 2, 0);

	// Set player position
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	infostream << "Client: received map seed: " << m_map_seed << std::endl;
	infostream << "Client: received recommended send interval "
					<< m_recommended_send_interval<<std::endl;

	// Reply to server
	NetworkPacket resp_pkt(TOSERVER_INIT2, 0);

	m_state = LC_Init;
void Client::handleCommand_AcceptSudoMode(NetworkPacket* pkt)

	m_password = m_new_password;

	verbosestream << "Client: Recieved TOCLIENT_ACCEPT_SUDO_MODE." << std::endl;

	// send packet to actually set the password

	// reset again
	m_chosen_auth_mech = AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE;
void Client::handleCommand_DenySudoMode(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	pushToChatQueue(L"Password change denied. Password NOT changed.");
	// reset everything and be sad
void Client::handleCommand_InitLegacy(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	if (pkt->getSize() < 1)

	u8 server_ser_ver;
	*pkt >> server_ser_ver;

	infostream << "Client: TOCLIENT_INIT_LEGACY received with "
		"server_ser_ver=" << ((int)server_ser_ver & 0xff) << std::endl;

	if (!ser_ver_supported(server_ser_ver)) {
		infostream << "Client: TOCLIENT_INIT_LEGACY: Server sent "
				<< "unsupported ser_fmt_ver"<< std::endl;

	m_server_ser_ver = server_ser_ver;

	// We can be totally wrong with this guess
	// but we only need some value < 25.
	m_proto_ver = 24;

	// Get player position
	v3s16 playerpos_s16(0, BS * 2 + BS * 20, 0);
	if (pkt->getSize() >= 1 + 6) {
		*pkt >> playerpos_s16;
	v3f playerpos_f = intToFloat(playerpos_s16, BS) - v3f(0, BS / 2, 0);

	// Set player position
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	if (pkt->getSize() >= 1 + 6 + 8) {
		// Get map seed
		*pkt >> m_map_seed;
		infostream << "Client: received map seed: " << m_map_seed << std::endl;

	if (pkt->getSize() >= 1 + 6 + 8 + 4) {
		*pkt >> m_recommended_send_interval;
		infostream << "Client: received recommended send interval "
				<< m_recommended_send_interval<<std::endl;

	// Reply to server
	NetworkPacket resp_pkt(TOSERVER_INIT2, 0);

	m_state = LC_Init;

void Client::handleCommand_AccessDenied(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	// The server didn't like our password. Note, this needs
	// to be processed even if the serialisation format has
	// not been agreed yet, the same as TOCLIENT_INIT.
	m_access_denied = true;
	m_access_denied_reason = "Unknown";

	if (pkt->getCommand() == TOCLIENT_ACCESS_DENIED) {
		if (pkt->getSize() < 1)

		*pkt >> denyCode;
			*pkt >> m_access_denied_reason;
			if (m_access_denied_reason == "") {
				m_access_denied_reason = accessDeniedStrings[denyCode];
			u8 reconnect;
			*pkt >> reconnect;
			m_access_denied_reconnect = reconnect & 1;
			*pkt >> m_access_denied_reason;
		} else if (denyCode < SERVER_ACCESSDENIED_MAX) {
			m_access_denied_reason = accessDeniedStrings[denyCode];
		} else {
			// Allow us to add new error messages to the
			// protocol without raising the protocol version, if we want to.
			// Until then (which may be never), this is outside
			// of the defined protocol.
			*pkt >> m_access_denied_reason;
			if (m_access_denied_reason == "") {
				m_access_denied_reason = "Unknown";
	// 13/03/15 Legacy code from 0.4.12 and lesser. must stay 1 year
	// for compat with old clients
	else {
		if (pkt->getSize() >= 2) {
			std::wstring wide_reason;
			*pkt >> wide_reason;
			m_access_denied_reason = wide_to_utf8(wide_reason);

void Client::handleCommand_RemoveNode(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	if (pkt->getSize() < 6)

	v3s16 p;
	*pkt >> p;

void Client::handleCommand_AddNode(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	if (pkt->getSize() < 6 + MapNode::serializedLength(m_server_ser_ver))

	v3s16 p;
	*pkt >> p;

	MapNode n;
	n.deSerialize(pkt->getU8Ptr(6), m_server_ser_ver);

	bool remove_metadata = true;
	u32 index = 6 + MapNode::serializedLength(m_server_ser_ver);
	if ((pkt->getSize() >= index + 1) && pkt->getU8(index)) {
		remove_metadata = false;

	addNode(p, n, remove_metadata);
void Client::handleCommand_BlockData(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	// Ignore too small packet
	if (pkt->getSize() < 6)

	v3s16 p;
	*pkt >> p;

	std::string datastring(pkt->getString(6), pkt->getSize() - 6);
	std::istringstream istr(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);

	MapSector *sector;
	MapBlock *block;

	v2s16 p2d(p.X, p.Z);
	sector = m_env.getMap().emergeSector(p2d);

	assert(sector->getPos() == p2d);

	block = sector->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p.Y);
	if (block) {
			Update an existing block
		block->deSerialize(istr, m_server_ser_ver, false);
	else {
			Create a new block
		block = new MapBlock(&m_env.getMap(), p, this);
		block->deSerialize(istr, m_server_ser_ver, false);

	if (m_localdb) {
		ServerMap::saveBlock(block, m_localdb);

		Add it to mesh update queue and set it to be acknowledged after update.
	addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge(p, true);

void Client::handleCommand_Inventory(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	if (pkt->getSize() < 1)

	std::string datastring(pkt->getString(0), pkt->getSize());
	std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);

	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);


	m_inventory_updated = true;

	delete m_inventory_from_server;
	m_inventory_from_server = new Inventory(player->inventory);
	m_inventory_from_server_age = 0.0;

void Client::handleCommand_TimeOfDay(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	if (pkt->getSize() < 2)

	u16 time_of_day;

	*pkt >> time_of_day;

	time_of_day      = time_of_day % 24000;
	float time_speed = 0;

	if (pkt->getSize() >= 2 + 4) {
		*pkt >> time_speed;
	else {
		// Old message; try to approximate speed of time by ourselves
		float time_of_day_f = (float)time_of_day / 24000.0;
		float tod_diff_f = 0;

		if (time_of_day_f < 0.2 && m_last_time_of_day_f > 0.8)
			tod_diff_f = time_of_day_f - m_last_time_of_day_f + 1.0;
			tod_diff_f = time_of_day_f - m_last_time_of_day_f;

		m_last_time_of_day_f       = time_of_day_f;
		float time_diff            = m_time_of_day_update_timer;
		m_time_of_day_update_timer = 0;

		if (m_time_of_day_set) {
			time_speed = (3600.0 * 24.0) * tod_diff_f / time_diff;
			infostream << "Client: Measured time_of_day speed (old format): "
					<< time_speed << " tod_diff_f=" << tod_diff_f
					<< " time_diff=" << time_diff << std::endl;

	// Update environment
	m_time_of_day_set = true;

	u32 dr = m_env.getDayNightRatio();
	infostream << "Client: time_of_day=" << time_of_day
			<< " time_speed=" << time_speed
			<< " dr=" << dr << std::endl;

void Client::handleCommand_ChatMessage(NetworkPacket* pkt)
		u16 command
		u16 length
		wstring message
	u16 len, read_wchar;

	*pkt >> len;

	std::wstring message;
	for (u32 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		*pkt >> read_wchar;
		message += (wchar_t)read_wchar;

	// If chat message not consummed by client lua API
	if (!moddingEnabled() || !m_script->on_receiving_message(wide_to_utf8(message))) {

void Client::handleCommand_ActiveObjectRemoveAdd(NetworkPacket* pkt)
		u16 count of removed objects
		for all removed objects {
			u16 id
		u16 count of added objects
		for all added objects {
			u16 id
			u8 type
			u32 initialization data length
			string initialization data

	try {
		u8 type;
		u16 removed_count, added_count, id;

		// Read removed objects
		*pkt >> removed_count;

		for (u16 i = 0; i < removed_count; i++) {
			*pkt >> id;

		// Read added objects
		*pkt >> added_count;

		for (u16 i = 0; i < added_count; i++) {
			*pkt >> id >> type;
			m_env.addActiveObject(id, type, pkt->readLongString());
	} catch (PacketError &e) {
		infostream << "handleCommand_ActiveObjectRemoveAdd: " << e.what()
				<< ". The packet is unreliable, ignoring" << std::endl;

void Client::handleCommand_ActiveObjectMessages(NetworkPacket* pkt)
		for all objects
			u16 id
			u16 message length
			string message
	std::string datastring(pkt->getString(0), pkt->getSize());
	std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);

	try {
		while (is.good()) {
			u16 id = readU16(is);
			if (!is.good())

			std::string message = deSerializeString(is);

			// Pass on to the environment
			m_env.processActiveObjectMessage(id, message);
	} catch (SerializationError &e) {
		errorstream << "Client::handleCommand_ActiveObjectMessages: "
			<< "caught SerializationError: " << e.what() << std::endl;

void Client::handleCommand_Movement(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	float mad, maa, maf, msw, mscr, msf, mscl, msj, lf, lfs, ls, g;

	*pkt >> mad >> maa >> maf >> msw >> mscr >> msf >> mscl >> msj
		>> lf >> lfs >> ls >> g;

	player->movement_acceleration_default   = mad * BS;
	player->movement_acceleration_air       = maa * BS;
	player->movement_acceleration_fast      = maf * BS;
	player->movement_speed_walk             = msw * BS;
	player->movement_speed_crouch           = mscr * BS;
	player->movement_speed_fast             = msf * BS;
	player->movement_speed_climb            = mscl * BS;
	player->movement_speed_jump             = msj * BS;
	player->movement_liquid_fluidity        = lf * BS;
	player->movement_liquid_fluidity_smooth = lfs * BS;
	player->movement_liquid_sink            = ls * BS;
	player->movement_gravity                = g * BS;

void Client::handleCommand_HP(NetworkPacket* pkt)

	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	u8 oldhp   = player->hp;

	u8 hp;
	*pkt >> hp;

	player->hp = hp;

	if (moddingEnabled()) {

	if (hp < oldhp) {
		// Add to ClientEvent queue
		ClientEvent event;
		event.type = CE_PLAYER_DAMAGE;
		event.player_damage.amount = oldhp - hp;

void Client::handleCommand_Breath(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	u16 breath;

	*pkt >> breath;


void Client::handleCommand_MovePlayer(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	v3f pos;
	f32 pitch, yaw;

	*pkt >> pos >> pitch >> yaw;


	infostream << "Client got TOCLIENT_MOVE_PLAYER"
			<< " pos=(" << pos.X << "," << pos.Y << "," << pos.Z << ")"
			<< " pitch=" << pitch
			<< " yaw=" << yaw
			<< std::endl;

		Add to ClientEvent queue.
		This has to be sent to the main program because otherwise
		it would just force the pitch and yaw values to whatever
		the camera points to.
	ClientEvent event;
	event.type = CE_PLAYER_FORCE_MOVE;
	event.player_force_move.pitch = pitch;
	event.player_force_move.yaw = yaw;

	// Ignore damage for a few seconds, so that the player doesn't
	// get damage from falling on ground
	m_ignore_damage_timer = 3.0;

void Client::handleCommand_DeathScreen(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	bool set_camera_point_target;
	v3f camera_point_target;

	*pkt >> set_camera_point_target;
	*pkt >> camera_point_target;

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type                                = CE_DEATHSCREEN;
	event.deathscreen.set_camera_point_target = set_camera_point_target;
	event.deathscreen.camera_point_target_x   = camera_point_target.X;
	event.deathscreen.camera_point_target_y   = camera_point_target.Y;
	event.deathscreen.camera_point_target_z   = camera_point_target.Z;

void Client::handleCommand_AnnounceMedia(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	u16 num_files;

	*pkt >> num_files;

	infostream << "Client: Received media announcement: packet size: "
			<< pkt->getSize() << std::endl;

	if (m_media_downloader == NULL ||
			m_media_downloader->isStarted()) {
		const char *problem = m_media_downloader ?
			"we already saw another announcement" :
			"all media has been received already";
		errorstream << "Client: Received media announcement but "
			<< problem << "! "
			<< " files=" << num_files
			<< " size=" << pkt->getSize() << std::endl;

	// Mesh update thread must be stopped while
	// updating content definitions

	for (u16 i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
		std::string name, sha1_base64;

		*pkt >> name >> sha1_base64;

		std::string sha1_raw = base64_decode(sha1_base64);
		m_media_downloader->addFile(name, sha1_raw);

	try {
		std::string str;

		*pkt >> str;

		Strfnd sf(str);
		while(!sf.at_end()) {
			std::string baseurl = trim(sf.next(","));
			if (baseurl != "")
	catch(SerializationError& e) {
		// not supported by server or turned off


void Client::handleCommand_Media(NetworkPacket* pkt)
		u16 command
		u16 total number of file bunches
		u16 index of this bunch
		u32 number of files in this bunch
		for each file {
			u16 length of name
			string name
			u32 length of data
	u16 num_bunches;
	u16 bunch_i;
	u32 num_files;

	*pkt >> num_bunches >> bunch_i >> num_files;

	infostream << "Client: Received files: bunch " << bunch_i << "/"
			<< num_bunches << " files=" << num_files
			<< " size=" << pkt->getSize() << std::endl;

	if (num_files == 0)

	if (m_media_downloader == NULL ||
			!m_media_downloader->isStarted()) {
		const char *problem = m_media_downloader ?
			"media has not been requested" :
			"all media has been received already";
		errorstream << "Client: Received media but "
			<< problem << "! "
			<< " bunch " << bunch_i << "/" << num_bunches
			<< " files=" << num_files
			<< " size=" << pkt->getSize() << std::endl;

	// Mesh update thread must be stopped while
	// updating content definitions

	for (u32 i=0; i < num_files; i++) {
		std::string name;

		*pkt >> name;

		std::string data = pkt->readLongString();

				name, data, this);

void Client::handleCommand_NodeDef(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	infostream << "Client: Received node definitions: packet size: "
			<< pkt->getSize() << std::endl;

	// Mesh update thread must be stopped while
	// updating content definitions

	// Decompress node definitions
	std::istringstream tmp_is(pkt->readLongString(), std::ios::binary);
	std::ostringstream tmp_os;
	decompressZlib(tmp_is, tmp_os);

	// Deserialize node definitions
	std::istringstream tmp_is2(tmp_os.str());
	m_nodedef_received = true;

void Client::handleCommand_ItemDef(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	infostream << "Client: Received item definitions: packet size: "
			<< pkt->getSize() << std::endl;

	// Mesh update thread must be stopped while
	// updating content definitions

	// Decompress item definitions
	std::istringstream tmp_is(pkt->readLongString(), std::ios::binary);
	std::ostringstream tmp_os;
	decompressZlib(tmp_is, tmp_os);

	// Deserialize node definitions
	std::istringstream tmp_is2(tmp_os.str());
	m_itemdef_received = true;

void Client::handleCommand_PlaySound(NetworkPacket* pkt)
		[0] u32 server_id
		[4] u16 name length
		[6] char name[len]
		[ 6 + len] f32 gain
		[10 + len] u8 type
		[11 + len] (f32 * 3) pos
		[23 + len] u16 object_id
		[25 + len] bool loop
		[26 + len] f32 fade

	s32 server_id;
	std::string name;

	float gain;
	u8 type; // 0=local, 1=positional, 2=object
	v3f pos;
	u16 object_id;
	bool loop;
	float fade = 0;

	*pkt >> server_id >> name >> gain >> type >> pos >> object_id >> loop;

	try {
		*pkt >> fade;
	} catch (PacketError &e) {};

	// Start playing
	int client_id = -1;
	switch(type) {
		case 0: // local
			client_id = m_sound->playSound(name, loop, gain, fade);
		case 1: // positional
			client_id = m_sound->playSoundAt(name, loop, gain, pos);
		case 2:
		{ // object
			ClientActiveObject *cao = m_env.getActiveObject(object_id);
			if (cao)
				pos = cao->getPosition();
			client_id = m_sound->playSoundAt(name, loop, gain, pos);
			// TODO: Set up sound to move with object

	if (client_id != -1) {
		m_sounds_server_to_client[server_id] = client_id;
		m_sounds_client_to_server[client_id] = server_id;
		if (object_id != 0)
			m_sounds_to_objects[client_id] = object_id;

void Client::handleCommand_StopSound(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	s32 server_id;

	*pkt >> server_id;

	UNORDERED_MAP<s32, int>::iterator i = m_sounds_server_to_client.find(server_id);
	if (i != m_sounds_server_to_client.end()) {
		int client_id = i->second;

void Client::handleCommand_FadeSound(NetworkPacket *pkt)
	s32 sound_id;
	float step;
	float gain;

	*pkt >> sound_id >> step >> gain;

	UNORDERED_MAP<s32, int>::iterator i =

	if (i != m_sounds_server_to_client.end())
		m_sound->fadeSound(i->second, step, gain);

void Client::handleCommand_Privileges(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	infostream << "Client: Privileges updated: ";
	u16 num_privileges;

	*pkt >> num_privileges;

	for (u16 i = 0; i < num_privileges; i++) {
		std::string priv;

		*pkt >> priv;

		infostream << priv << " ";
	infostream << std::endl;

void Client::handleCommand_InventoryFormSpec(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	// Store formspec in LocalPlayer
	player->inventory_formspec = pkt->readLongString();

void Client::handleCommand_DetachedInventory(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	std::string datastring(pkt->getString(0), pkt->getSize());
	std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);

	std::string name = deSerializeString(is);

	infostream << "Client: Detached inventory update: \"" << name
			<< "\"" << std::endl;

	Inventory *inv = NULL;
	if (m_detached_inventories.count(name) > 0)
		inv = m_detached_inventories[name];
	else {
		inv = new Inventory(m_itemdef);
		m_detached_inventories[name] = inv;

void Client::handleCommand_ShowFormSpec(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	std::string formspec = pkt->readLongString();
	std::string formname;

	*pkt >> formname;

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type = CE_SHOW_FORMSPEC;
	// pointer is required as event is a struct only!
	// adding a std:string to a struct isn't possible
	event.show_formspec.formspec = new std::string(formspec);
	event.show_formspec.formname = new std::string(formname);

void Client::handleCommand_SpawnParticle(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	std::string datastring(pkt->getString(0), pkt->getSize());
	std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);

	v3f pos                 = readV3F1000(is);
	v3f vel                 = readV3F1000(is);
	v3f acc                 = readV3F1000(is);
	float expirationtime    = readF1000(is);
	float size              = readF1000(is);
	bool collisiondetection = readU8(is);
	std::string texture     = deSerializeLongString(is);
	bool vertical           = false;
	bool collision_removal  = false;
	struct TileAnimationParams animation;
	animation.type = TAT_NONE;
	u8 glow = 0;
	try {
		vertical = readU8(is);
		collision_removal = readU8(is);
		animation.deSerialize(is, m_proto_ver);
		glow = readU8(is);
	} catch (...) {}

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type                              = CE_SPAWN_PARTICLE;
	event.spawn_particle.pos                = new v3f (pos);
	event.spawn_particle.vel                = new v3f (vel);
	event.spawn_particle.acc                = new v3f (acc);
	event.spawn_particle.expirationtime     = expirationtime;
	event.spawn_particle.size               = size;
	event.spawn_particle.collisiondetection = collisiondetection;
	event.spawn_particle.collision_removal  = collision_removal;
	event.spawn_particle.vertical           = vertical;
	event.spawn_particle.texture            = new std::string(texture);
	event.spawn_particle.animation          = animation;
	event.spawn_particle.glow               = glow;


void Client::handleCommand_AddParticleSpawner(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	u16 amount;
	float spawntime;
	v3f minpos;
	v3f maxpos;
	v3f minvel;
	v3f maxvel;
	v3f minacc;
	v3f maxacc;
	float minexptime;
	float maxexptime;
	float minsize;
	float maxsize;
	bool collisiondetection;
	u32 id;

	*pkt >> amount >> spawntime >> minpos >> maxpos >> minvel >> maxvel
		>> minacc >> maxacc >> minexptime >> maxexptime >> minsize
		>> maxsize >> collisiondetection;

	std::string texture = pkt->readLongString();

	*pkt >> id;

	bool vertical = false;
	bool collision_removal = false;
	struct TileAnimationParams animation;
	animation.type = TAT_NONE;
	u8 glow = 0;
	u16 attached_id = 0;
	try {
		*pkt >> vertical;
		*pkt >> collision_removal;
		*pkt >> attached_id;

		// This is horrible but required (why are there two ways to deserialize pkts?)
		std::string datastring(pkt->getRemainingString(), pkt->getRemainingBytes());
		std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);
		animation.deSerialize(is, m_proto_ver);
		glow = readU8(is);
	} catch (...) {}

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type                                   = CE_ADD_PARTICLESPAWNER;
	event.add_particlespawner.amount             = amount;
	event.add_particlespawner.spawntime          = spawntime;
	event.add_particlespawner.minpos             = new v3f (minpos);
	event.add_particlespawner.maxpos             = new v3f (maxpos);
	event.add_particlespawner.minvel             = new v3f (minvel);
	event.add_particlespawner.maxvel             = new v3f (maxvel);
	event.add_particlespawner.minacc             = new v3f (minacc);
	event.add_particlespawner.maxacc             = new v3f (maxacc);
	event.add_particlespawner.minexptime         = minexptime;
	event.add_particlespawner.maxexptime         = maxexptime;
	event.add_particlespawner.minsize            = minsize;
	event.add_particlespawner.maxsize            = maxsize;
	event.add_particlespawner.collisiondetection = collisiondetection;
	event.add_particlespawner.collision_removal  = collision_removal;
	event.add_particlespawner.attached_id        = attached_id;
	event.add_particlespawner.vertical           = vertical;
	event.add_particlespawner.texture            = new std::string(texture);
	event.add_particlespawner.id                 = id;
	event.add_particlespawner.animation          = animation;
	event.add_particlespawner.glow               = glow;


void Client::handleCommand_DeleteParticleSpawner(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	u16 legacy_id;
	u32 id;

	// Modification set 13/03/15, 1 year of compat for protocol v24
		*pkt >> legacy_id;
	else {
		*pkt >> id;

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type                      = CE_DELETE_PARTICLESPAWNER;
	event.delete_particlespawner.id =
			(pkt->getCommand() == TOCLIENT_DELETE_PARTICLESPAWNER_LEGACY ? (u32) legacy_id : id);


void Client::handleCommand_HudAdd(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	std::string datastring(pkt->getString(0), pkt->getSize());
	std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);

	u32 id;
	u8 type;
	v2f pos;
	std::string name;
	v2f scale;
	std::string text;
	u32 number;
	u32 item;
	u32 dir;
	v2f align;
	v2f offset;
	v3f world_pos;
	v2s32 size;

	*pkt >> id >> type >> pos >> name >> scale >> text >> number >> item
		>> dir >> align >> offset;
	try {
		*pkt >> world_pos;
	catch(SerializationError &e) {};

	try {
		*pkt >> size;
	} catch(SerializationError &e) {};

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type             = CE_HUDADD;
	event.hudadd.id        = id;
	event.hudadd.type      = type;
	event.hudadd.pos       = new v2f(pos);
	event.hudadd.name      = new std::string(name);
	event.hudadd.scale     = new v2f(scale);
	event.hudadd.text      = new std::string(text);
	event.hudadd.number    = number;
	event.hudadd.item      = item;
	event.hudadd.dir       = dir;
	event.hudadd.align     = new v2f(align);
	event.hudadd.offset    = new v2f(offset);
	event.hudadd.world_pos = new v3f(world_pos);
	event.hudadd.size      = new v2s32(size);

void Client::handleCommand_HudRemove(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	u32 id;

	*pkt >> id;

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type     = CE_HUDRM;
	event.hudrm.id = id;

void Client::handleCommand_HudChange(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	std::string sdata;
	v2f v2fdata;
	v3f v3fdata;
	u32 intdata = 0;
	v2s32 v2s32data;
	u32 id;
	u8 stat;

	*pkt >> id >> stat;

	if (stat == HUD_STAT_POS || stat == HUD_STAT_SCALE ||
		stat == HUD_STAT_ALIGN || stat == HUD_STAT_OFFSET)
		*pkt >> v2fdata;
	else if (stat == HUD_STAT_NAME || stat == HUD_STAT_TEXT)
		*pkt >> sdata;
	else if (stat == HUD_STAT_WORLD_POS)
		*pkt >> v3fdata;
	else if (stat == HUD_STAT_SIZE )
		*pkt >> v2s32data;
		*pkt >> intdata;

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type              = CE_HUDCHANGE;
	event.hudchange.id      = id;
	event.hudchange.stat    = (HudElementStat)stat;
	event.hudchange.v2fdata = new v2f(v2fdata);
	event.hudchange.v3fdata = new v3f(v3fdata);
	event.hudchange.sdata   = new std::string(sdata);
	event.hudchange.data    = intdata;
	event.hudchange.v2s32data = new v2s32(v2s32data);

void Client::handleCommand_HudSetFlags(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	u32 flags, mask;

	*pkt >> flags >> mask;

	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	bool was_minimap_visible = player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_MINIMAP_VISIBLE;

	player->hud_flags &= ~mask;
	player->hud_flags |= flags;

	m_minimap_disabled_by_server = !(player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_MINIMAP_VISIBLE);

	// Hide minimap if it has been disabled by the server
	if (m_minimap_disabled_by_server && was_minimap_visible) {
		// defers a minimap update, therefore only call it if really
		// needed, by checking that minimap was visible before

void Client::handleCommand_HudSetParam(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	u16 param; std::string value;

	*pkt >> param >> value;

	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	if (param == HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_ITEMCOUNT && value.size() == 4) {
		s32 hotbar_itemcount = readS32((u8*) value.c_str());
		if (hotbar_itemcount > 0 && hotbar_itemcount <= HUD_HOTBAR_ITEMCOUNT_MAX)
			player->hud_hotbar_itemcount = hotbar_itemcount;
	else if (param == HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_IMAGE) {
		player->hotbar_image = value;
		player->hotbar_selected_image = value;

void Client::handleCommand_HudSetSky(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	std::string datastring(pkt->getString(0), pkt->getSize());
	std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);

	video::SColor *bgcolor           = new video::SColor(readARGB8(is));
	std::string *type                = new std::string(deSerializeString(is));
	u16 count                        = readU16(is);
	std::vector<std::string> *params = new std::vector<std::string>;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)

	bool clouds = true;
	try {
		clouds = readU8(is);
	} catch (...) {}

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type            = CE_SET_SKY;
	event.set_sky.bgcolor = bgcolor;
	event.set_sky.type    = type;
	event.set_sky.params  = params;
	event.set_sky.clouds  = clouds;

void Client::handleCommand_CloudParams(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	f32 density;
	video::SColor color_bright;
	video::SColor color_ambient;
	f32 height;
	f32 thickness;
	v2f speed;

	*pkt >> density >> color_bright >> color_ambient
			>> height >> thickness >> speed;

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type                       = CE_CLOUD_PARAMS;
	event.cloud_params.density       = density;
	// use the underlying u32 representation, because we can't
	// use struct members with constructors here, and this way
	// we avoid using new() and delete() for no good reason
	event.cloud_params.color_bright  = color_bright.color;
	event.cloud_params.color_ambient = color_ambient.color;
	event.cloud_params.height        = height;
	event.cloud_params.thickness     = thickness;
	// same here: deconstruct to skip constructor
	event.cloud_params.speed_x       = speed.X;
	event.cloud_params.speed_y       = speed.Y;

void Client::handleCommand_OverrideDayNightRatio(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	bool do_override;
	u16 day_night_ratio_u;

	*pkt >> do_override >> day_night_ratio_u;

	float day_night_ratio_f = (float)day_night_ratio_u / 65536;

	ClientEvent event;
	event.type                                 = CE_OVERRIDE_DAY_NIGHT_RATIO;
	event.override_day_night_ratio.do_override = do_override;
	event.override_day_night_ratio.ratio_f     = day_night_ratio_f;

void Client::handleCommand_LocalPlayerAnimations(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	*pkt >> player->local_animations[0];
	*pkt >> player->local_animations[1];
	*pkt >> player->local_animations[2];
	*pkt >> player->local_animations[3];
	*pkt >> player->local_animation_speed;

void Client::handleCommand_EyeOffset(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	LocalPlayer *player = m_env.getLocalPlayer();
	assert(player != NULL);

	*pkt >> player->eye_offset_first >> player->eye_offset_third;

void Client::handleCommand_SrpBytesSandB(NetworkPacket* pkt)
	if ((m_chosen_auth_mech != AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD)
			&& (m_chosen_auth_mech != AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP)) {
		errorstream << "Client: Recieved SRP S_B login message,"
			<< " but wasn't supposed to (chosen_mech="
			<< m_chosen_auth_mech << ")." << std::endl;

	char *bytes_M = 0;
	size_t len_M = 0;
	SRPUser *usr = (SRPUser *) m_auth_data;
	std::string s;
	std::string B;
	*pkt >> s >> B;

	infostream << "Client: Recieved TOCLIENT_SRP_BYTES_S_B." << std::endl;

	srp_user_process_challenge(usr, (const unsigned char *) s.c_str(), s.size(),
		(const unsigned char *) B.c_str(), B.size(),
		(unsigned char **) &bytes_M, &len_M);

	if ( !bytes_M ) {
		errorstream << "Client: SRP-6a S_B safety check violation!" << std::endl;

	NetworkPacket resp_pkt(TOSERVER_SRP_BYTES_M, 0);
	resp_pkt << std::string(bytes_M, len_M);