/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "game.h" #include #include #include "client/renderingengine.h" #include "camera.h" #include "client.h" #include "client/clientevent.h" #include "client/gameui.h" #include "client/inputhandler.h" #include "client/tile.h" // For TextureSource #include "client/keys.h" #include "client/joystick_controller.h" #include "client/mapblock_mesh.h" #include "clientmap.h" #include "clouds.h" #include "config.h" #include "content_cao.h" #include "content/subgames.h" #include "client/event_manager.h" #include "fontengine.h" #include "itemdef.h" #include "log.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "gameparams.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "gui/guiChatConsole.h" #include "gui/guiFormSpecMenu.h" #include "gui/guiKeyChangeMenu.h" #include "gui/guiPasswordChange.h" #include "gui/guiVolumeChange.h" #include "gui/mainmenumanager.h" #include "gui/profilergraph.h" #include "mapblock.h" #include "minimap.h" #include "nodedef.h" // Needed for determining pointing to nodes #include "nodemetadata.h" #include "particles.h" #include "porting.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "raycast.h" #include "server.h" #include "settings.h" #include "shader.h" #include "sky.h" #include "translation.h" #include "util/basic_macros.h" #include "util/directiontables.h" #include "util/pointedthing.h" #include "util/quicktune_shortcutter.h" #include "irrlicht_changes/static_text.h" #include "irr_ptr.h" #include "version.h" #include "script/scripting_client.h" #include "hud.h" #include "clientdynamicinfo.h" #if USE_SOUND #include "client/sound_openal.h" #else #include "client/sound.h" #endif /* Text input system */ struct TextDestNodeMetadata : public TextDest { TextDestNodeMetadata(v3s16 p, Client *client) { m_p = p; m_client = client; } // This is deprecated I guess? -celeron55 void gotText(const std::wstring &text) { std::string ntext = wide_to_utf8(text); infostream << "Submitting 'text' field of node at (" << m_p.X << "," << m_p.Y << "," << m_p.Z << "): " << ntext << std::endl; StringMap fields; fields["text"] = ntext; m_client->sendNodemetaFields(m_p, "", fields); } void gotText(const StringMap &fields) { m_client->sendNodemetaFields(m_p, "", fields); } v3s16 m_p; Client *m_client; }; struct TextDestPlayerInventory : public TextDest { TextDestPlayerInventory(Client *client) { m_client = client; m_formname.clear(); } TextDestPlayerInventory(Client *client, const std::string &formname) { m_client = client; m_formname = formname; } void gotText(const StringMap &fields) { m_client->sendInventoryFields(m_formname, fields); } Client *m_client; }; struct LocalFormspecHandler : public TextDest { LocalFormspecHandler(const std::string &formname) { m_formname = formname; } LocalFormspecHandler(const std::string &formname, Client *client): m_client(client) { m_formname = formname; } void gotText(const StringMap &fields) { if (m_formname == "MT_PAUSE_MENU") { if (fields.find("btn_sound") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->changeVolume(); return; } if (fields.find("btn_key_config") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->keyConfig(); return; } if (fields.find("btn_exit_menu") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->disconnect(); return; } if (fields.find("btn_exit_os") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->exitToOS(); #ifndef __ANDROID__ RenderingEngine::get_raw_device()->closeDevice(); #endif return; } if (fields.find("btn_change_password") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->changePassword(); return; } return; } if (m_formname == "MT_DEATH_SCREEN") { assert(m_client != 0); m_client->sendRespawn(); return; } if (m_client->modsLoaded()) m_client->getScript()->on_formspec_input(m_formname, fields); } Client *m_client = nullptr; }; /* Form update callback */ class NodeMetadataFormSource: public IFormSource { public: NodeMetadataFormSource(ClientMap *map, v3s16 p): m_map(map), m_p(p) { } const std::string &getForm() const { static const std::string empty_string = ""; NodeMetadata *meta = m_map->getNodeMetadata(m_p); if (!meta) return empty_string; return meta->getString("formspec"); } virtual std::string resolveText(const std::string &str) { NodeMetadata *meta = m_map->getNodeMetadata(m_p); if (!meta) return str; return meta->resolveString(str); } ClientMap *m_map; v3s16 m_p; }; class PlayerInventoryFormSource: public IFormSource { public: PlayerInventoryFormSource(Client *client): m_client(client) { } const std::string &getForm() const { LocalPlayer *player = m_client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); return player->inventory_formspec; } Client *m_client; }; class NodeDugEvent : public MtEvent { public: v3s16 p; MapNode n; NodeDugEvent(v3s16 p, MapNode n): p(p), n(n) {} Type getType() const { return NODE_DUG; } }; class SoundMaker { ISoundManager *m_sound; const NodeDefManager *m_ndef; public: bool makes_footstep_sound = true; float m_player_step_timer = 0.0f; float m_player_jump_timer = 0.0f; SoundSpec m_player_step_sound; SoundSpec m_player_leftpunch_sound; // Second sound made on left punch, currently used for item 'use' sound SoundSpec m_player_leftpunch_sound2; SoundSpec m_player_rightpunch_sound; SoundMaker(ISoundManager *sound, const NodeDefManager *ndef) : m_sound(sound), m_ndef(ndef) {} void playPlayerStep() { if (m_player_step_timer <= 0 && m_player_step_sound.exists()) { m_player_step_timer = 0.03; if (makes_footstep_sound) m_sound->playSound(0, m_player_step_sound); } } void playPlayerJump() { if (m_player_jump_timer <= 0.0f) { m_player_jump_timer = 0.2f; m_sound->playSound(0, SoundSpec("player_jump", 0.5f)); } } static void viewBobbingStep(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->playPlayerStep(); } static void playerRegainGround(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->playPlayerStep(); } static void playerJump(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->playPlayerJump(); } static void cameraPunchLeft(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(0, sm->m_player_leftpunch_sound); sm->m_sound->playSound(0, sm->m_player_leftpunch_sound2); } static void cameraPunchRight(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(0, sm->m_player_rightpunch_sound); } static void nodeDug(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; NodeDugEvent *nde = (NodeDugEvent *)e; sm->m_sound->playSound(0, sm->m_ndef->get(nde->n).sound_dug); } static void playerDamage(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(0, SoundSpec("player_damage", 0.5)); } static void playerFallingDamage(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(0, SoundSpec("player_falling_damage", 0.5)); } void registerReceiver(MtEventManager *mgr) { mgr->reg(MtEvent::VIEW_BOBBING_STEP, SoundMaker::viewBobbingStep, this); mgr->reg(MtEvent::PLAYER_REGAIN_GROUND, SoundMaker::playerRegainGround, this); mgr->reg(MtEvent::PLAYER_JUMP, SoundMaker::playerJump, this); mgr->reg(MtEvent::CAMERA_PUNCH_LEFT, SoundMaker::cameraPunchLeft, this); mgr->reg(MtEvent::CAMERA_PUNCH_RIGHT, SoundMaker::cameraPunchRight, this); mgr->reg(MtEvent::NODE_DUG, SoundMaker::nodeDug, this); mgr->reg(MtEvent::PLAYER_DAMAGE, SoundMaker::playerDamage, this); mgr->reg(MtEvent::PLAYER_FALLING_DAMAGE, SoundMaker::playerFallingDamage, this); } void step(float dtime) { m_player_step_timer -= dtime; m_player_jump_timer -= dtime; } }; typedef s32 SamplerLayer_t; class GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter : public IShaderConstantSetter { Sky *m_sky; Client *m_client; bool *m_force_fog_off; f32 *m_fog_range; bool m_fog_enabled; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_sky_bg_color; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_fog_distance; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_fog_shading_parameter; CachedVertexShaderSetting m_animation_timer_vertex; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_animation_timer_pixel; CachedVertexShaderSetting m_animation_timer_delta_vertex; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_animation_timer_delta_pixel; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_day_light; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_star_color; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_eye_position_pixel; CachedVertexShaderSetting m_eye_position_vertex; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_minimap_yaw; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_camera_offset_pixel; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_camera_offset_vertex; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_texture0; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_texture1; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_texture2; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_texture3; CachedVertexShaderSetting m_texel_size0_vertex; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_texel_size0_pixel; std::array m_texel_size0_values; CachedStructPixelShaderSetting m_exposure_params_pixel; float m_user_exposure_compensation; bool m_bloom_enabled; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_bloom_intensity_pixel; float m_bloom_intensity; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_bloom_strength_pixel; float m_bloom_strength; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_bloom_radius_pixel; float m_bloom_radius; CachedPixelShaderSetting m_saturation_pixel; public: void onSettingsChange(const std::string &name) { if (name == "enable_fog") m_fog_enabled = g_settings->getBool("enable_fog"); if (name == "exposure_compensation") m_user_exposure_compensation = g_settings->getFloat("exposure_compensation", -1.0f, 1.0f); if (name == "bloom_intensity") m_bloom_intensity = g_settings->getFloat("bloom_intensity", 0.01f, 1.0f); if (name == "bloom_strength_factor") m_bloom_strength = RenderingEngine::BASE_BLOOM_STRENGTH * g_settings->getFloat("bloom_strength_factor", 0.1f, 10.0f); if (name == "bloom_radius") m_bloom_radius = g_settings->getFloat("bloom_radius", 0.1f, 8.0f); } static void settingsCallback(const std::string &name, void *userdata) { reinterpret_cast(userdata)->onSettingsChange(name); } void setSky(Sky *sky) { m_sky = sky; } GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter(Sky *sky, bool *force_fog_off, f32 *fog_range, Client *client) : m_sky(sky), m_client(client), m_force_fog_off(force_fog_off), m_fog_range(fog_range), m_sky_bg_color("skyBgColor"), m_fog_distance("fogDistance"), m_fog_shading_parameter("fogShadingParameter"), m_animation_timer_vertex("animationTimer"), m_animation_timer_pixel("animationTimer"), m_animation_timer_delta_vertex("animationTimerDelta"), m_animation_timer_delta_pixel("animationTimerDelta"), m_day_light("dayLight"), m_star_color("starColor"), m_eye_position_pixel("eyePosition"), m_eye_position_vertex("eyePosition"), m_minimap_yaw("yawVec"), m_camera_offset_pixel("cameraOffset"), m_camera_offset_vertex("cameraOffset"), m_texture0("texture0"), m_texture1("texture1"), m_texture2("texture2"), m_texture3("texture3"), m_texel_size0_vertex("texelSize0"), m_texel_size0_pixel("texelSize0"), m_exposure_params_pixel("exposureParams", std::array { "luminanceMin", "luminanceMax", "exposureCorrection", "speedDarkBright", "speedBrightDark", "centerWeightPower", "compensationFactor" }), m_bloom_intensity_pixel("bloomIntensity"), m_bloom_strength_pixel("bloomStrength"), m_bloom_radius_pixel("bloomRadius"), m_saturation_pixel("saturation") { g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_fog", settingsCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("exposure_compensation", settingsCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("bloom_intensity", settingsCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("bloom_strength_factor", settingsCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("bloom_radius", settingsCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("saturation", settingsCallback, this); m_fog_enabled = g_settings->getBool("enable_fog"); m_user_exposure_compensation = g_settings->getFloat("exposure_compensation", -1.0f, 1.0f); m_bloom_enabled = g_settings->getBool("enable_bloom"); m_bloom_intensity = g_settings->getFloat("bloom_intensity", 0.01f, 1.0f); m_bloom_strength = RenderingEngine::BASE_BLOOM_STRENGTH * g_settings->getFloat("bloom_strength_factor", 0.1f, 10.0f); m_bloom_radius = g_settings->getFloat("bloom_radius", 0.1f, 8.0f); } ~GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter() { g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_fog", settingsCallback, this); } void onSetConstants(video::IMaterialRendererServices *services) override { // Background color video::SColor bgcolor = m_sky->getBgColor(); video::SColorf bgcolorf(bgcolor); float bgcolorfa[4] = { bgcolorf.r, bgcolorf.g, bgcolorf.b, bgcolorf.a, }; m_sky_bg_color.set(bgcolorfa, services); // Fog distance float fog_distance = 10000 * BS; if (m_fog_enabled && !*m_force_fog_off) fog_distance = *m_fog_range; float fog_shading_parameter = 1.0 / ( 1.0 - m_sky->getFogStart()); m_fog_distance.set(&fog_distance, services); m_fog_shading_parameter.set(&fog_shading_parameter, services); u32 daynight_ratio = (float)m_client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); video::SColorf sunlight; get_sunlight_color(&sunlight, daynight_ratio); float dnc[3] = { sunlight.r, sunlight.g, sunlight.b }; m_day_light.set(dnc, services); video::SColorf star_color = m_sky->getCurrentStarColor(); float clr[4] = {star_color.r, star_color.g, star_color.b, star_color.a}; m_star_color.set(clr, services); u32 animation_timer = m_client->getEnv().getFrameTime() % 1000000; float animation_timer_f = (float)animation_timer / 100000.f; m_animation_timer_vertex.set(&animation_timer_f, services); m_animation_timer_pixel.set(&animation_timer_f, services); float animation_timer_delta_f = (float)m_client->getEnv().getFrameTimeDelta() / 100000.f; m_animation_timer_delta_vertex.set(&animation_timer_delta_f, services); m_animation_timer_delta_pixel.set(&animation_timer_delta_f, services); float eye_position_array[3]; v3f epos = m_client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->getEyePosition(); epos.getAs3Values(eye_position_array); m_eye_position_pixel.set(eye_position_array, services); m_eye_position_vertex.set(eye_position_array, services); if (m_client->getMinimap()) { float minimap_yaw_array[3]; v3f minimap_yaw = m_client->getMinimap()->getYawVec(); minimap_yaw.getAs3Values(minimap_yaw_array); m_minimap_yaw.set(minimap_yaw_array, services); } float camera_offset_array[3]; v3f offset = intToFloat(m_client->getCamera()->getOffset(), BS); offset.getAs3Values(camera_offset_array); m_camera_offset_pixel.set(camera_offset_array, services); m_camera_offset_vertex.set(camera_offset_array, services); SamplerLayer_t tex_id; tex_id = 0; m_texture0.set(&tex_id, services); tex_id = 1; m_texture1.set(&tex_id, services); tex_id = 2; m_texture2.set(&tex_id, services); tex_id = 3; m_texture3.set(&tex_id, services); m_texel_size0_vertex.set(m_texel_size0_values.data(), services); m_texel_size0_pixel.set(m_texel_size0_values.data(), services); const AutoExposure &exposure_params = m_client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->getLighting().exposure; std::array exposure_buffer = { std::pow(2.0f, exposure_params.luminance_min), std::pow(2.0f, exposure_params.luminance_max), exposure_params.exposure_correction, exposure_params.speed_dark_bright, exposure_params.speed_bright_dark, exposure_params.center_weight_power, powf(2.f, m_user_exposure_compensation) }; m_exposure_params_pixel.set(exposure_buffer.data(), services); if (m_bloom_enabled) { m_bloom_intensity_pixel.set(&m_bloom_intensity, services); m_bloom_radius_pixel.set(&m_bloom_radius, services); m_bloom_strength_pixel.set(&m_bloom_strength, services); } float saturation = m_client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->getLighting().saturation; m_saturation_pixel.set(&saturation, services); } void onSetMaterial(const video::SMaterial &material) { video::ITexture *texture = material.getTexture(0); if (texture) { core::dimension2du size = texture->getSize(); m_texel_size0_values[0] = 1.f / size.Width; m_texel_size0_values[1] = 1.f / size.Height; } else { m_texel_size0_values[0] = 0.f; m_texel_size0_values[1] = 0.f; } } }; class GameGlobalShaderConstantSetterFactory : public IShaderConstantSetterFactory { Sky *m_sky; bool *m_force_fog_off; f32 *m_fog_range; Client *m_client; std::vector created_nosky; public: GameGlobalShaderConstantSetterFactory(bool *force_fog_off, f32 *fog_range, Client *client) : m_sky(NULL), m_force_fog_off(force_fog_off), m_fog_range(fog_range), m_client(client) {} void setSky(Sky *sky) { m_sky = sky; for (GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter *ggscs : created_nosky) { ggscs->setSky(m_sky); } created_nosky.clear(); } virtual IShaderConstantSetter* create() { auto *scs = new GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter( m_sky, m_force_fog_off, m_fog_range, m_client); if (!m_sky) created_nosky.push_back(scs); return scs; } }; #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI #define SIZE_TAG "size[11,5.5]" #else #define SIZE_TAG "size[11,5.5,true]" // Fixed size on desktop #endif /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ const static float object_hit_delay = 0.2; struct FpsControl { FpsControl() : last_time(0), busy_time(0), sleep_time(0) {} void reset(); void limit(IrrlichtDevice *device, f32 *dtime); u32 getBusyMs() const { return busy_time / 1000; } // all values in microseconds (us) u64 last_time, busy_time, sleep_time; }; /* The reason the following structs are not anonymous structs within the * class is that they are not used by the majority of member functions and * many functions that do require objects of thse types do not modify them * (so they can be passed as a const qualified parameter) */ struct GameRunData { u16 dig_index; u16 new_playeritem; PointedThing pointed_old; bool digging; bool punching; bool btn_down_for_dig; bool dig_instantly; bool digging_blocked; bool reset_jump_timer; float nodig_delay_timer; float dig_time; float dig_time_complete; float repeat_place_timer; float object_hit_delay_timer; float time_from_last_punch; ClientActiveObject *selected_object; float jump_timer_up; // from key up until key down float jump_timer_down; // since last key down float jump_timer_down_before; // from key down until key down again float damage_flash; float update_draw_list_timer; float touch_blocks_timer; f32 fog_range; v3f update_draw_list_last_cam_dir; float time_of_day_smooth; }; class Game; struct ClientEventHandler { void (Game::*handler)(ClientEvent *, CameraOrientation *); }; /**************************************************************************** THE GAME ****************************************************************************/ using PausedNodesList = std::vector, float>>; /* This is not intended to be a public class. If a public class becomes * desirable then it may be better to create another 'wrapper' class that * hides most of the stuff in this class (nothing in this class is required * by any other file) but exposes the public methods/data only. */ class Game { public: Game(); ~Game(); bool startup(bool *kill, InputHandler *input, RenderingEngine *rendering_engine, const GameStartData &game_params, std::string &error_message, bool *reconnect, ChatBackend *chat_backend); void run(); void shutdown(); protected: // Basic initialisation bool init(const std::string &map_dir, const std::string &address, u16 port, const SubgameSpec &gamespec); bool initSound(); bool createSingleplayerServer(const std::string &map_dir, const SubgameSpec &gamespec, u16 port); // Client creation bool createClient(const GameStartData &start_data); bool initGui(); // Client connection bool connectToServer(const GameStartData &start_data, bool *connect_ok, bool *aborted); bool getServerContent(bool *aborted); // Main loop void updateInteractTimers(f32 dtime); bool checkConnection(); bool handleCallbacks(); void processQueues(); void updateProfilers(const RunStats &stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime); void updateDebugState(); void updateStats(RunStats *stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime); void updateProfilerGraphs(ProfilerGraph *graph); // Input related void processUserInput(f32 dtime); void processKeyInput(); void processItemSelection(u16 *new_playeritem); void dropSelectedItem(bool single_item = false); void openInventory(); void openConsole(float scale, const wchar_t *line=NULL); void toggleFreeMove(); void toggleFreeMoveAlt(); void togglePitchMove(); void toggleFast(); void toggleNoClip(); void toggleCinematic(); void toggleBlockBounds(); void toggleAutoforward(); void toggleMinimap(bool shift_pressed); void toggleFog(); void toggleDebug(); void toggleUpdateCamera(); void increaseViewRange(); void decreaseViewRange(); void toggleFullViewRange(); void checkZoomEnabled(); void updateCameraDirection(CameraOrientation *cam, float dtime); void updateCameraOrientation(CameraOrientation *cam, float dtime); void updatePlayerControl(const CameraOrientation &cam); void step(f32 dtime); void processClientEvents(CameraOrientation *cam); void updateCamera(f32 dtime); void updateSound(f32 dtime); void processPlayerInteraction(f32 dtime, bool show_hud); /*! * Returns the object or node the player is pointing at. * Also updates the selected thing in the Hud. * * @param[in] shootline the shootline, starting from * the camera position. This also gives the maximal distance * of the search. * @param[in] liquids_pointable if false, liquids are ignored * @param[in] look_for_object if false, objects are ignored * @param[in] camera_offset offset of the camera * @param[out] selected_object the selected object or * NULL if not found */ PointedThing updatePointedThing( const core::line3d &shootline, bool liquids_pointable, bool look_for_object, const v3s16 &camera_offset); void handlePointingAtNothing(const ItemStack &playerItem); void handlePointingAtNode(const PointedThing &pointed, const ItemStack &selected_item, const ItemStack &hand_item, f32 dtime); void handlePointingAtObject(const PointedThing &pointed, const ItemStack &playeritem, const v3f &player_position, bool show_debug); void handleDigging(const PointedThing &pointed, const v3s16 &nodepos, const ItemStack &selected_item, const ItemStack &hand_item, f32 dtime); void updateFrame(ProfilerGraph *graph, RunStats *stats, f32 dtime, const CameraOrientation &cam); void updateShadows(); // Misc void showOverlayMessage(const char *msg, float dtime, int percent, bool draw_clouds = true); static void settingChangedCallback(const std::string &setting_name, void *data); void readSettings(); inline bool isKeyDown(GameKeyType k) { return input->isKeyDown(k); } inline bool wasKeyDown(GameKeyType k) { return input->wasKeyDown(k); } inline bool wasKeyPressed(GameKeyType k) { return input->wasKeyPressed(k); } inline bool wasKeyReleased(GameKeyType k) { return input->wasKeyReleased(k); } #ifdef __ANDROID__ void handleAndroidChatInput(); #endif private: struct Flags { bool force_fog_off = false; bool disable_camera_update = false; }; void showDeathFormspec(); void showPauseMenu(); void pauseAnimation(); void resumeAnimation(); // ClientEvent handlers void handleClientEvent_None(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_PlayerDamage(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_PlayerForceMove(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_Deathscreen(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_ShowFormSpec(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_ShowLocalFormSpec(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_HandleParticleEvent(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_HudAdd(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_HudRemove(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_HudChange(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_SetSky(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_SetSun(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_SetMoon(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_SetStars(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_OverrideDayNigthRatio(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void handleClientEvent_CloudParams(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam); void updateChat(f32 dtime); bool nodePlacement(const ItemDefinition &selected_def, const ItemStack &selected_item, const v3s16 &nodepos, const v3s16 &neighborpos, const PointedThing &pointed, const NodeMetadata *meta); static const ClientEventHandler clientEventHandler[CLIENTEVENT_MAX]; f32 getSensitivityScaleFactor() const; InputHandler *input = nullptr; Client *client = nullptr; Server *server = nullptr; ClientDynamicInfo client_display_info{}; float dynamic_info_send_timer = 0; IWritableTextureSource *texture_src = nullptr; IWritableShaderSource *shader_src = nullptr; // When created, these will be filled with data received from the server IWritableItemDefManager *itemdef_manager = nullptr; NodeDefManager *nodedef_manager = nullptr; std::unique_ptr sound_manager; SoundMaker *soundmaker = nullptr; ChatBackend *chat_backend = nullptr; LogOutputBuffer m_chat_log_buf; EventManager *eventmgr = nullptr; QuicktuneShortcutter *quicktune = nullptr; std::unique_ptr m_game_ui; GUIChatConsole *gui_chat_console = nullptr; // Free using ->Drop() MapDrawControl *draw_control = nullptr; Camera *camera = nullptr; Clouds *clouds = nullptr; // Free using ->Drop() Sky *sky = nullptr; // Free using ->Drop() Hud *hud = nullptr; Minimap *mapper = nullptr; // Map server hud ids to client hud ids std::unordered_map m_hud_server_to_client; GameRunData runData; Flags m_flags; /* 'cache' This class does take ownership/responsibily for cleaning up etc of any of these items (e.g. device) */ IrrlichtDevice *device; RenderingEngine *m_rendering_engine; video::IVideoDriver *driver; scene::ISceneManager *smgr; bool *kill; std::string *error_message; bool *reconnect_requested; scene::ISceneNode *skybox; PausedNodesList paused_animated_nodes; bool simple_singleplayer_mode; /* End 'cache' */ /* Pre-calculated values */ int crack_animation_length; IntervalLimiter profiler_interval; /* * TODO: Local caching of settings is not optimal and should at some stage * be updated to use a global settings object for getting thse values * (as opposed to the this local caching). This can be addressed in * a later release. */ bool m_cache_doubletap_jump; bool m_cache_enable_clouds; bool m_cache_enable_joysticks; bool m_cache_enable_particles; bool m_cache_enable_fog; bool m_cache_enable_noclip; bool m_cache_enable_free_move; f32 m_cache_mouse_sensitivity; f32 m_cache_joystick_frustum_sensitivity; f32 m_repeat_place_time; f32 m_cache_cam_smoothing; bool m_invert_mouse; bool m_enable_hotbar_mouse_wheel; bool m_invert_hotbar_mouse_wheel; bool m_first_loop_after_window_activation = false; bool m_camera_offset_changed = false; bool m_game_focused; bool m_does_lost_focus_pause_game = false; // if true, (almost) the whole game is paused // this happens in pause menu in singleplayer bool m_is_paused = false; #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI bool m_cache_hold_aux1; bool m_touch_use_crosshair; inline bool isNoCrosshairAllowed() { return !m_touch_use_crosshair && camera->getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_FIRST; } #endif #ifdef __ANDROID__ bool m_android_chat_open; #endif }; Game::Game() : m_chat_log_buf(g_logger), m_game_ui(new GameUI()) { g_settings->registerChangedCallback("doubletap_jump", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_clouds", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_joysticks", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_particles", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_fog", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("mouse_sensitivity", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("joystick_frustum_sensitivity", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("repeat_place_time", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("noclip", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("free_move", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("fog_start", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("cinematic", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("cinematic_camera_smoothing", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("camera_smoothing", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("invert_mouse", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_hotbar_mouse_wheel", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("invert_hotbar_mouse_wheel", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("pause_on_lost_focus", &settingChangedCallback, this); readSettings(); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI m_cache_hold_aux1 = false; // This is initialised properly later #endif } /**************************************************************************** MinetestApp Public ****************************************************************************/ Game::~Game() { delete client; delete soundmaker; sound_manager.reset(); delete server; // deleted first to stop all server threads delete hud; delete camera; delete quicktune; delete eventmgr; delete texture_src; delete shader_src; delete nodedef_manager; delete itemdef_manager; delete draw_control; clearTextureNameCache(); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("doubletap_jump", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_clouds", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_joysticks", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_particles", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_fog", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("mouse_sensitivity", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("joystick_frustum_sensitivity", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("repeat_place_time", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("noclip", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("free_move", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("fog_start", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("cinematic", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("cinematic_camera_smoothing", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("camera_smoothing", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("invert_mouse", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_hotbar_mouse_wheel", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("invert_hotbar_mouse_wheel", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("pause_on_lost_focus", &settingChangedCallback, this); if (m_rendering_engine) m_rendering_engine->finalize(); } bool Game::startup(bool *kill, InputHandler *input, RenderingEngine *rendering_engine, const GameStartData &start_data, std::string &error_message, bool *reconnect, ChatBackend *chat_backend) { // "cache" m_rendering_engine = rendering_engine; device = m_rendering_engine->get_raw_device(); this->kill = kill; this->error_message = &error_message; reconnect_requested = reconnect; this->input = input; this->chat_backend = chat_backend; simple_singleplayer_mode = start_data.isSinglePlayer(); input->keycache.populate(); driver = device->getVideoDriver(); smgr = m_rendering_engine->get_scene_manager(); smgr->getParameters()->setAttribute(scene::OBJ_LOADER_IGNORE_MATERIAL_FILES, true); // Reinit runData runData = GameRunData(); runData.time_from_last_punch = 10.0; m_game_ui->initFlags(); m_first_loop_after_window_activation = true; #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI m_touch_use_crosshair = g_settings->getBool("touch_use_crosshair"); #endif g_client_translations->clear(); // address can change if simple_singleplayer_mode if (!init(start_data.world_spec.path, start_data.address, start_data.socket_port, start_data.game_spec)) return false; if (!createClient(start_data)) return false; m_rendering_engine->initialize(client, hud); return true; } void Game::run() { ProfilerGraph graph; RunStats stats = {}; CameraOrientation cam_view_target = {}; CameraOrientation cam_view = {}; FpsControl draw_times; f32 dtime; // in seconds /* Clear the profiler */ Profiler::GraphValues dummyvalues; g_profiler->graphGet(dummyvalues); draw_times.reset(); set_light_table(g_settings->getFloat("display_gamma")); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI m_cache_hold_aux1 = g_settings->getBool("fast_move") && client->checkPrivilege("fast"); #endif const irr::core::dimension2du initial_screen_size( g_settings->getU16("screen_w"), g_settings->getU16("screen_h") ); const bool initial_window_maximized = g_settings->getBool("window_maximized"); while (m_rendering_engine->run() && !(*kill || g_gamecallback->shutdown_requested || (server && server->isShutdownRequested()))) { // Calculate dtime = // m_rendering_engine->run() from this iteration // + Sleep time until the wanted FPS are reached draw_times.limit(device, &dtime); const auto current_dynamic_info = ClientDynamicInfo::getCurrent(); if (!current_dynamic_info.equal(client_display_info)) { client_display_info = current_dynamic_info; dynamic_info_send_timer = 0.2f; } if (dynamic_info_send_timer > 0.0f) { dynamic_info_send_timer -= dtime; if (dynamic_info_send_timer <= 0.0f) { client->sendUpdateClientInfo(current_dynamic_info); } } // Prepare render data for next iteration updateStats(&stats, draw_times, dtime); updateInteractTimers(dtime); if (!checkConnection()) break; if (!handleCallbacks()) break; processQueues(); m_game_ui->clearInfoText(); updateProfilers(stats, draw_times, dtime); processUserInput(dtime); // Update camera before player movement to avoid camera lag of one frame updateCameraDirection(&cam_view_target, dtime); cam_view.camera_yaw += (cam_view_target.camera_yaw - cam_view.camera_yaw) * m_cache_cam_smoothing; cam_view.camera_pitch += (cam_view_target.camera_pitch - cam_view.camera_pitch) * m_cache_cam_smoothing; updatePlayerControl(cam_view); { bool was_paused = m_is_paused; m_is_paused = simple_singleplayer_mode && g_menumgr.pausesGame(); if (m_is_paused) dtime = 0.0f; if (!was_paused && m_is_paused) { pauseAnimation(); sound_manager->pauseAll(); } else if (was_paused && !m_is_paused) { resumeAnimation(); sound_manager->resumeAll(); } } if (!m_is_paused) step(dtime); processClientEvents(&cam_view_target); updateDebugState(); updateCamera(dtime); updateSound(dtime); processPlayerInteraction(dtime, m_game_ui->m_flags.show_hud); updateFrame(&graph, &stats, dtime, cam_view); updateProfilerGraphs(&graph); // Update if minimap has been disabled by the server m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimap &= client->shouldShowMinimap(); if (m_does_lost_focus_pause_game && !device->isWindowFocused() && !isMenuActive()) { showPauseMenu(); } } RenderingEngine::autosaveScreensizeAndCo(initial_screen_size, initial_window_maximized); } void Game::shutdown() { auto formspec = m_game_ui->getFormspecGUI(); if (formspec) formspec->quitMenu(); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI g_touchscreengui->hide(); #endif showOverlayMessage(N_("Shutting down..."), 0, 0, false); if (clouds) clouds->drop(); if (gui_chat_console) gui_chat_console->drop(); if (sky) sky->drop(); /* cleanup menus */ while (g_menumgr.menuCount() > 0) { g_menumgr.m_stack.front()->setVisible(false); g_menumgr.deletingMenu(g_menumgr.m_stack.front()); } m_game_ui->deleteFormspec(); chat_backend->addMessage(L"", L"# Disconnected."); chat_backend->addMessage(L"", L""); m_chat_log_buf.clear(); if (client) { client->Stop(); while (!client->isShutdown()) { assert(texture_src != NULL); assert(shader_src != NULL); texture_src->processQueue(); shader_src->processQueue(); sleep_ms(100); } } } /****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Startup ****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ bool Game::init( const std::string &map_dir, const std::string &address, u16 port, const SubgameSpec &gamespec) { texture_src = createTextureSource(); showOverlayMessage(N_("Loading..."), 0, 0); shader_src = createShaderSource(); itemdef_manager = createItemDefManager(); nodedef_manager = createNodeDefManager(); eventmgr = new EventManager(); quicktune = new QuicktuneShortcutter(); if (!(texture_src && shader_src && itemdef_manager && nodedef_manager && eventmgr && quicktune)) return false; if (!initSound()) return false; // Create a server if not connecting to an existing one if (address.empty()) { if (!createSingleplayerServer(map_dir, gamespec, port)) return false; } return true; } bool Game::initSound() { #if USE_SOUND if (g_settings->getBool("enable_sound") && g_sound_manager_singleton.get()) { infostream << "Attempting to use OpenAL audio" << std::endl; sound_manager = createOpenALSoundManager(g_sound_manager_singleton.get(), std::make_unique()); if (!sound_manager) infostream << "Failed to initialize OpenAL audio" << std::endl; } else { infostream << "Sound disabled." << std::endl; } #endif if (!sound_manager) { infostream << "Using dummy audio." << std::endl; sound_manager = std::make_unique(); } soundmaker = new SoundMaker(sound_manager.get(), nodedef_manager); if (!soundmaker) return false; soundmaker->registerReceiver(eventmgr); return true; } bool Game::createSingleplayerServer(const std::string &map_dir, const SubgameSpec &gamespec, u16 port) { showOverlayMessage(N_("Creating server..."), 0, 5); std::string bind_str = g_settings->get("bind_address"); Address bind_addr(0, 0, 0, 0, port); if (g_settings->getBool("ipv6_server")) { bind_addr.setAddress((IPv6AddressBytes *) NULL); } try { bind_addr.Resolve(bind_str.c_str()); } catch (ResolveError &e) { infostream << "Resolving bind address \"" << bind_str << "\" failed: " << e.what() << " -- Listening on all addresses." << std::endl; } if (bind_addr.isIPv6() && !g_settings->getBool("enable_ipv6")) { *error_message = fmtgettext("Unable to listen on %s because IPv6 is disabled", bind_addr.serializeString().c_str()); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } server = new Server(map_dir, gamespec, simple_singleplayer_mode, bind_addr, false, nullptr, error_message); server->start(); return true; } bool Game::createClient(const GameStartData &start_data) { showOverlayMessage(N_("Creating client..."), 0, 10); draw_control = new MapDrawControl(); if (!draw_control) return false; bool could_connect, connect_aborted; #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui) { g_touchscreengui->init(texture_src); g_touchscreengui->hide(); } #endif if (!connectToServer(start_data, &could_connect, &connect_aborted)) return false; if (!could_connect) { if (error_message->empty() && !connect_aborted) { // Should not happen if error messages are set properly *error_message = gettext("Connection failed for unknown reason"); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; } return false; } if (!getServerContent(&connect_aborted)) { if (error_message->empty() && !connect_aborted) { // Should not happen if error messages are set properly *error_message = gettext("Connection failed for unknown reason"); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; } return false; } auto *scsf = new GameGlobalShaderConstantSetterFactory( &m_flags.force_fog_off, &runData.fog_range, client); shader_src->addShaderConstantSetterFactory(scsf); // Update cached textures, meshes and materials client->afterContentReceived(); /* Camera */ camera = new Camera(*draw_control, client, m_rendering_engine); if (client->modsLoaded()) client->getScript()->on_camera_ready(camera); client->setCamera(camera); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui) { g_touchscreengui->setUseCrosshair(!isNoCrosshairAllowed()); } #endif /* Clouds */ if (m_cache_enable_clouds) clouds = new Clouds(smgr, -1, time(0)); /* Skybox */ sky = new Sky(-1, m_rendering_engine, texture_src, shader_src); scsf->setSky(sky); skybox = NULL; // This is used/set later on in the main run loop /* Pre-calculated values */ video::ITexture *t = texture_src->getTexture("crack_anylength.png"); if (t) { v2u32 size = t->getOriginalSize(); crack_animation_length = size.Y / size.X; } else { crack_animation_length = 5; } if (!initGui()) return false; /* Set window caption */ std::wstring str = utf8_to_wide(PROJECT_NAME_C); str += L" "; str += utf8_to_wide(g_version_hash); str += L" ["; str += simple_singleplayer_mode ? wstrgettext("Singleplayer") : wstrgettext("Multiplayer"); str += L"]"; str += L" ["; str += driver->getName(); str += L"]"; device->setWindowCaption(str.c_str()); LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); player->hurt_tilt_timer = 0; player->hurt_tilt_strength = 0; hud = new Hud(client, player, &player->inventory); mapper = client->getMinimap(); if (mapper && client->modsLoaded()) client->getScript()->on_minimap_ready(mapper); return true; } bool Game::initGui() { m_game_ui->init(); // Remove stale "recent" chat messages from previous connections chat_backend->clearRecentChat(); // Make sure the size of the recent messages buffer is right chat_backend->applySettings(); // Chat backend and console gui_chat_console = new GUIChatConsole(guienv, guienv->getRootGUIElement(), -1, chat_backend, client, &g_menumgr); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui) g_touchscreengui->show(); #endif return true; } bool Game::connectToServer(const GameStartData &start_data, bool *connect_ok, bool *connection_aborted) { *connect_ok = false; // Let's not be overly optimistic *connection_aborted = false; bool local_server_mode = false; showOverlayMessage(N_("Resolving address..."), 0, 15); Address connect_address(0, 0, 0, 0, start_data.socket_port); try { connect_address.Resolve(start_data.address.c_str()); if (connect_address.isZero()) { // i.e. INADDR_ANY, IN6ADDR_ANY if (connect_address.isIPv6()) { IPv6AddressBytes addr_bytes; addr_bytes.bytes[15] = 1; connect_address.setAddress(&addr_bytes); } else { connect_address.setAddress(127, 0, 0, 1); } local_server_mode = true; } } catch (ResolveError &e) { *error_message = fmtgettext("Couldn't resolve address: %s", e.what()); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } if (connect_address.isIPv6() && !g_settings->getBool("enable_ipv6")) { *error_message = fmtgettext("Unable to connect to %s because IPv6 is disabled", connect_address.serializeString().c_str()); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } try { client = new Client(start_data.name.c_str(), start_data.password, start_data.address, *draw_control, texture_src, shader_src, itemdef_manager, nodedef_manager, sound_manager.get(), eventmgr, m_rendering_engine, connect_address.isIPv6(), m_game_ui.get(), start_data.allow_login_or_register); client->migrateModStorage(); } catch (const BaseException &e) { *error_message = fmtgettext("Error creating client: %s", e.what()); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } client->m_simple_singleplayer_mode = simple_singleplayer_mode; infostream << "Connecting to server at "; connect_address.print(infostream); infostream << std::endl; client->connect(connect_address, simple_singleplayer_mode || local_server_mode); /* Wait for server to accept connection */ try { input->clear(); FpsControl fps_control; f32 dtime; f32 wait_time = 0; // in seconds fps_control.reset(); while (m_rendering_engine->run()) { fps_control.limit(device, &dtime); // Update client and server client->step(dtime); if (server != NULL) server->step(dtime); // End condition if (client->getState() == LC_Init) { *connect_ok = true; break; } // Break conditions if (*connection_aborted) break; if (client->accessDenied()) { *error_message = fmtgettext("Access denied. Reason: %s", client->accessDeniedReason().c_str()); *reconnect_requested = client->reconnectRequested(); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; break; } if (input->cancelPressed()) { *connection_aborted = true; infostream << "Connect aborted [Escape]" << std::endl; break; } wait_time += dtime; // Only time out if we aren't waiting for the server we started if (!start_data.address.empty() && wait_time > 10) { *error_message = gettext("Connection timed out."); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; break; } // Update status showOverlayMessage(N_("Connecting to server..."), dtime, 20); } } catch (con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { // TODO: Should something be done here? At least an info/error // message? return false; } return true; } bool Game::getServerContent(bool *aborted) { input->clear(); FpsControl fps_control; f32 dtime; // in seconds fps_control.reset(); while (m_rendering_engine->run()) { fps_control.limit(device, &dtime); // Update client and server client->step(dtime); if (server != NULL) server->step(dtime); // End condition if (client->mediaReceived() && client->itemdefReceived() && client->nodedefReceived()) { break; } // Error conditions if (!checkConnection()) return false; if (client->getState() < LC_Init) { *error_message = gettext("Client disconnected"); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } if (input->cancelPressed()) { *aborted = true; infostream << "Connect aborted [Escape]" << std::endl; return false; } // Display status int progress = 25; if (!client->itemdefReceived()) { progress = 25; m_rendering_engine->draw_load_screen(wstrgettext("Item definitions..."), guienv, texture_src, dtime, progress); } else if (!client->nodedefReceived()) { progress = 30; m_rendering_engine->draw_load_screen(wstrgettext("Node definitions..."), guienv, texture_src, dtime, progress); } else { std::ostringstream message; std::fixed(message); message.precision(0); float receive = client->mediaReceiveProgress() * 100; message << gettext("Media..."); if (receive > 0) message << " " << receive << "%"; message.precision(2); if ((USE_CURL == 0) || (!g_settings->getBool("enable_remote_media_server"))) { float cur = client->getCurRate(); std::string cur_unit = gettext("KiB/s"); if (cur > 900) { cur /= 1024.0; cur_unit = gettext("MiB/s"); } message << " (" << cur << ' ' << cur_unit << ")"; } progress = 30 + client->mediaReceiveProgress() * 35 + 0.5; m_rendering_engine->draw_load_screen(utf8_to_wide(message.str()), guienv, texture_src, dtime, progress); } } return true; } /****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Run ****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ inline void Game::updateInteractTimers(f32 dtime) { if (runData.nodig_delay_timer >= 0) runData.nodig_delay_timer -= dtime; if (runData.object_hit_delay_timer >= 0) runData.object_hit_delay_timer -= dtime; runData.time_from_last_punch += dtime; } /* returns false if game should exit, otherwise true */ inline bool Game::checkConnection() { if (client->accessDenied()) { *error_message = fmtgettext("Access denied. Reason: %s", client->accessDeniedReason().c_str()); *reconnect_requested = client->reconnectRequested(); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } return true; } /* returns false if game should exit, otherwise true */ inline bool Game::handleCallbacks() { if (g_gamecallback->disconnect_requested) { g_gamecallback->disconnect_requested = false; return false; } if (g_gamecallback->changepassword_requested) { (new GUIPasswordChange(guienv, guiroot, -1, &g_menumgr, client, texture_src))->drop(); g_gamecallback->changepassword_requested = false; } if (g_gamecallback->changevolume_requested) { (new GUIVolumeChange(guienv, guiroot, -1, &g_menumgr, texture_src))->drop(); g_gamecallback->changevolume_requested = false; } if (g_gamecallback->keyconfig_requested) { (new GUIKeyChangeMenu(guienv, guiroot, -1, &g_menumgr, texture_src))->drop(); g_gamecallback->keyconfig_requested = false; } if (g_gamecallback->keyconfig_changed) { input->keycache.populate(); // update the cache with new settings g_gamecallback->keyconfig_changed = false; } return true; } void Game::processQueues() { texture_src->processQueue(); shader_src->processQueue(); } void Game::updateDebugState() { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); // debug UI and wireframe bool has_debug = client->checkPrivilege("debug"); bool has_basic_debug = has_debug || (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_BASIC_DEBUG); if (m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug) { if (!has_basic_debug) m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug = false; } else if (m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimal_debug) { if (has_basic_debug) m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug = true; } if (!has_basic_debug) hud->disableBlockBounds(); if (!has_debug) draw_control->show_wireframe = false; // noclip draw_control->allow_noclip = m_cache_enable_noclip && client->checkPrivilege("noclip"); } void Game::updateProfilers(const RunStats &stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime) { float profiler_print_interval = g_settings->getFloat("profiler_print_interval"); bool print_to_log = true; if (profiler_print_interval == 0) { print_to_log = false; profiler_print_interval = 3; } if (profiler_interval.step(dtime, profiler_print_interval)) { if (print_to_log) { infostream << "Profiler:" << std::endl; g_profiler->print(infostream); } m_game_ui->updateProfiler(); g_profiler->clear(); } // Update update graphs g_profiler->graphAdd("Time non-rendering [us]", draw_times.busy_time - stats.drawtime); g_profiler->graphAdd("Sleep [us]", draw_times.sleep_time); g_profiler->graphAdd("FPS", 1.0f / dtime); } void Game::updateStats(RunStats *stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime) { f32 jitter; Jitter *jp; /* Time average and jitter calculation */ jp = &stats->dtime_jitter; jp->avg = jp->avg * 0.96 + dtime * 0.04; jitter = dtime - jp->avg; if (jitter > jp->max) jp->max = jitter; jp->counter += dtime; if (jp->counter > 0.0) { jp->counter -= 3.0; jp->max_sample = jp->max; jp->max_fraction = jp->max_sample / (jp->avg + 0.001); jp->max = 0.0; } /* Busytime average and jitter calculation */ jp = &stats->busy_time_jitter; jp->avg = jp->avg + draw_times.getBusyMs() * 0.02; jitter = draw_times.getBusyMs() - jp->avg; if (jitter > jp->max) jp->max = jitter; if (jitter < jp->min) jp->min = jitter; jp->counter += dtime; if (jp->counter > 0.0) { jp->counter -= 3.0; jp->max_sample = jp->max; jp->min_sample = jp->min; jp->max = 0.0; jp->min = 0.0; } } /**************************************************************************** Input handling ****************************************************************************/ void Game::processUserInput(f32 dtime) { // Reset input if window not active or some menu is active if (!device->isWindowActive() || isMenuActive() || guienv->hasFocus(gui_chat_console)) { if(m_game_focused) { m_game_focused = false; infostream << "Game lost focus" << std::endl; input->releaseAllKeys(); } else { input->clear(); } #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI g_touchscreengui->hide(); #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui) { /* on touchscreengui step may generate own input events which ain't * what we want in case we just did clear them */ g_touchscreengui->show(); g_touchscreengui->step(dtime); } #endif m_game_focused = true; } if (!guienv->hasFocus(gui_chat_console) && gui_chat_console->isOpen()) { gui_chat_console->closeConsoleAtOnce(); } // Input handler step() (used by the random input generator) input->step(dtime); #ifdef __ANDROID__ auto formspec = m_game_ui->getFormspecGUI(); if (formspec) formspec->getAndroidUIInput(); else handleAndroidChatInput(); #endif // Increase timer for double tap of "keymap_jump" if (m_cache_doubletap_jump && runData.jump_timer_up <= 0.2f) runData.jump_timer_up += dtime; if (m_cache_doubletap_jump && runData.jump_timer_down <= 0.4f) runData.jump_timer_down += dtime; processKeyInput(); processItemSelection(&runData.new_playeritem); } void Game::processKeyInput() { if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::DROP)) { dropSelectedItem(isKeyDown(KeyType::SNEAK)); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::AUTOFORWARD)) { toggleAutoforward(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::BACKWARD)) { if (g_settings->getBool("continuous_forward")) toggleAutoforward(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::INVENTORY)) { openInventory(); } else if (input->cancelPressed()) { #ifdef __ANDROID__ m_android_chat_open = false; #endif if (!gui_chat_console->isOpenInhibited()) { showPauseMenu(); } } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::CHAT)) { openConsole(0.2, L""); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::CMD)) { openConsole(0.2, L"/"); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::CMD_LOCAL)) { if (client->modsLoaded()) openConsole(0.2, L"."); else m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Client side scripting is disabled"); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::CONSOLE)) { openConsole(core::clamp(g_settings->getFloat("console_height"), 0.1f, 1.0f)); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::FREEMOVE)) { toggleFreeMove(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::JUMP)) { toggleFreeMoveAlt(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::PITCHMOVE)) { togglePitchMove(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::FASTMOVE)) { toggleFast(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::NOCLIP)) { toggleNoClip(); #if USE_SOUND } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::MUTE)) { if (g_settings->getBool("enable_sound")) { bool new_mute_sound = !g_settings->getBool("mute_sound"); g_settings->setBool("mute_sound", new_mute_sound); if (new_mute_sound) m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Sound muted"); else m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Sound unmuted"); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Sound system is disabled"); } } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::INC_VOLUME)) { if (g_settings->getBool("enable_sound")) { float new_volume = g_settings->getFloat("sound_volume", 0.0f, 0.9f) + 0.1f; g_settings->setFloat("sound_volume", new_volume); std::wstring msg = fwgettext("Volume changed to %d%%", myround(new_volume * 100)); m_game_ui->showStatusText(msg); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Sound system is disabled"); } } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::DEC_VOLUME)) { if (g_settings->getBool("enable_sound")) { float new_volume = g_settings->getFloat("sound_volume", 0.1f, 1.0f) - 0.1f; g_settings->setFloat("sound_volume", new_volume); std::wstring msg = fwgettext("Volume changed to %d%%", myround(new_volume * 100)); m_game_ui->showStatusText(msg); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Sound system is disabled"); } #else } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::MUTE) || wasKeyDown(KeyType::INC_VOLUME) || wasKeyDown(KeyType::DEC_VOLUME)) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Sound system is not supported on this build"); #endif } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::CINEMATIC)) { toggleCinematic(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::SCREENSHOT)) { client->makeScreenshot(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::TOGGLE_BLOCK_BOUNDS)) { toggleBlockBounds(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::TOGGLE_HUD)) { m_game_ui->toggleHud(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::MINIMAP)) { toggleMinimap(isKeyDown(KeyType::SNEAK)); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::TOGGLE_CHAT)) { m_game_ui->toggleChat(client); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::TOGGLE_FOG)) { toggleFog(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::TOGGLE_UPDATE_CAMERA)) { toggleUpdateCamera(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::TOGGLE_DEBUG)) { toggleDebug(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::TOGGLE_PROFILER)) { m_game_ui->toggleProfiler(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::INCREASE_VIEWING_RANGE)) { increaseViewRange(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::DECREASE_VIEWING_RANGE)) { decreaseViewRange(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::RANGESELECT)) { toggleFullViewRange(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::ZOOM)) { checkZoomEnabled(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::QUICKTUNE_NEXT)) { quicktune->next(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::QUICKTUNE_PREV)) { quicktune->prev(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::QUICKTUNE_INC)) { quicktune->inc(); } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::QUICKTUNE_DEC)) { quicktune->dec(); } if (!isKeyDown(KeyType::JUMP) && runData.reset_jump_timer) { runData.reset_jump_timer = false; runData.jump_timer_up = 0.0f; } if (quicktune->hasMessage()) { m_game_ui->showStatusText(utf8_to_wide(quicktune->getMessage())); } } void Game::processItemSelection(u16 *new_playeritem) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); /* Item selection using mouse wheel */ *new_playeritem = player->getWieldIndex(); u16 max_item = MYMIN(PLAYER_INVENTORY_SIZE - 1, player->hud_hotbar_itemcount - 1); s32 wheel = input->getMouseWheel(); if (!m_enable_hotbar_mouse_wheel) wheel = 0; if (m_invert_hotbar_mouse_wheel) wheel *= -1; s32 dir = wheel; if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::HOTBAR_NEXT)) dir = -1; if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::HOTBAR_PREV)) dir = 1; if (dir < 0) *new_playeritem = *new_playeritem < max_item ? *new_playeritem + 1 : 0; else if (dir > 0) *new_playeritem = *new_playeritem > 0 ? *new_playeritem - 1 : max_item; // else dir == 0 /* Item selection using hotbar slot keys */ for (u16 i = 0; i <= max_item; i++) { if (wasKeyDown((GameKeyType) (KeyType::SLOT_1 + i))) { *new_playeritem = i; break; } } // Clamp selection again in case it wasn't changed but max_item was *new_playeritem = MYMIN(*new_playeritem, max_item); } void Game::dropSelectedItem(bool single_item) { IDropAction *a = new IDropAction(); a->count = single_item ? 1 : 0; a->from_inv.setCurrentPlayer(); a->from_list = "main"; a->from_i = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->getWieldIndex(); client->inventoryAction(a); } void Game::openInventory() { /* * Don't permit to open inventory is CAO or player doesn't exists. * This prevent showing an empty inventory at player load */ LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); if (!player || !player->getCAO()) return; infostream << "Game: Launching inventory" << std::endl; PlayerInventoryFormSource *fs_src = new PlayerInventoryFormSource(client); InventoryLocation inventoryloc; inventoryloc.setCurrentPlayer(); if (client->modsLoaded() && client->getScript()->on_inventory_open(fs_src->m_client->getInventory(inventoryloc))) { delete fs_src; return; } if (fs_src->getForm().empty()) { delete fs_src; return; } TextDest *txt_dst = new TextDestPlayerInventory(client); auto *&formspec = m_game_ui->updateFormspec(""); GUIFormSpecMenu::create(formspec, client, m_rendering_engine->get_gui_env(), &input->joystick, fs_src, txt_dst, client->getFormspecPrepend(), sound_manager.get()); formspec->setFormSpec(fs_src->getForm(), inventoryloc); } void Game::openConsole(float scale, const wchar_t *line) { assert(scale > 0.0f && scale <= 1.0f); #ifdef __ANDROID__ porting::showInputDialog(gettext("ok"), "", "", 2); m_android_chat_open = true; #else if (gui_chat_console->isOpenInhibited()) return; gui_chat_console->openConsole(scale); if (line) { gui_chat_console->setCloseOnEnter(true); gui_chat_console->replaceAndAddToHistory(line); } #endif } #ifdef __ANDROID__ void Game::handleAndroidChatInput() { if (m_android_chat_open && porting::getInputDialogState() == 0) { std::string text = porting::getInputDialogValue(); client->typeChatMessage(utf8_to_wide(text)); m_android_chat_open = false; } } #endif void Game::toggleFreeMove() { bool free_move = !g_settings->getBool("free_move"); g_settings->set("free_move", bool_to_cstr(free_move)); if (free_move) { if (client->checkPrivilege("fly")) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fly mode enabled"); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fly mode enabled (note: no 'fly' privilege)"); } } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fly mode disabled"); } } void Game::toggleFreeMoveAlt() { if (!runData.reset_jump_timer) { runData.jump_timer_down_before = runData.jump_timer_down; runData.jump_timer_down = 0.0f; } // key down (0.2 s max.), then key up (0.2 s max.), then key down if (m_cache_doubletap_jump && runData.jump_timer_up < 0.2f && runData.jump_timer_down_before < 0.4f) // 0.2 + 0.2 toggleFreeMove(); runData.reset_jump_timer = true; } void Game::togglePitchMove() { bool pitch_move = !g_settings->getBool("pitch_move"); g_settings->set("pitch_move", bool_to_cstr(pitch_move)); if (pitch_move) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Pitch move mode enabled"); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Pitch move mode disabled"); } } void Game::toggleFast() { bool fast_move = !g_settings->getBool("fast_move"); bool has_fast_privs = client->checkPrivilege("fast"); g_settings->set("fast_move", bool_to_cstr(fast_move)); if (fast_move) { if (has_fast_privs) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fast mode enabled"); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fast mode enabled (note: no 'fast' privilege)"); } } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fast mode disabled"); } #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI m_cache_hold_aux1 = fast_move && has_fast_privs; #endif } void Game::toggleNoClip() { bool noclip = !g_settings->getBool("noclip"); g_settings->set("noclip", bool_to_cstr(noclip)); if (noclip) { if (client->checkPrivilege("noclip")) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Noclip mode enabled"); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Noclip mode enabled (note: no 'noclip' privilege)"); } } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Noclip mode disabled"); } } void Game::toggleCinematic() { bool cinematic = !g_settings->getBool("cinematic"); g_settings->set("cinematic", bool_to_cstr(cinematic)); if (cinematic) m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Cinematic mode enabled"); else m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Cinematic mode disabled"); } void Game::toggleBlockBounds() { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); if (!(client->checkPrivilege("debug") || (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_BASIC_DEBUG))) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Can't show block bounds (disabled by game or mod)"); return; } enum Hud::BlockBoundsMode newmode = hud->toggleBlockBounds(); switch (newmode) { case Hud::BLOCK_BOUNDS_OFF: m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Block bounds hidden"); break; case Hud::BLOCK_BOUNDS_CURRENT: m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Block bounds shown for current block"); break; case Hud::BLOCK_BOUNDS_NEAR: m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Block bounds shown for nearby blocks"); break; case Hud::BLOCK_BOUNDS_MAX: m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Block bounds shown for all blocks"); break; default: break; } } // Autoforward by toggling continuous forward. void Game::toggleAutoforward() { bool autorun_enabled = !g_settings->getBool("continuous_forward"); g_settings->set("continuous_forward", bool_to_cstr(autorun_enabled)); if (autorun_enabled) m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Automatic forward enabled"); else m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Automatic forward disabled"); } void Game::toggleMinimap(bool shift_pressed) { if (!mapper || !m_game_ui->m_flags.show_hud || !g_settings->getBool("enable_minimap")) return; if (shift_pressed) mapper->toggleMinimapShape(); else mapper->nextMode(); // TODO: When legacy minimap is deprecated, keep only HUD minimap stuff here // Not so satisying code to keep compatibility with old fixed mode system // --> u32 hud_flags = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->hud_flags; if (!(hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_MINIMAP_VISIBLE)) { m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimap = false; } else { // If radar is disabled, try to find a non radar mode or fall back to 0 if (!(hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_MINIMAP_RADAR_VISIBLE)) while (mapper->getModeIndex() && mapper->getModeDef().type == MINIMAP_TYPE_RADAR) mapper->nextMode(); m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimap = mapper->getModeDef().type != MINIMAP_TYPE_OFF; } // <-- // End of 'not so satifying code' if ((hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_MINIMAP_VISIBLE) || (hud && hud->hasElementOfType(HUD_ELEM_MINIMAP))) m_game_ui->showStatusText(utf8_to_wide(mapper->getModeDef().label)); else m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Minimap currently disabled by game or mod"); } void Game::toggleFog() { bool fog_enabled = g_settings->getBool("enable_fog"); g_settings->setBool("enable_fog", !fog_enabled); if (fog_enabled) m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fog disabled"); else m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Fog enabled"); } void Game::toggleDebug() { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); bool has_debug = client->checkPrivilege("debug"); bool has_basic_debug = has_debug || (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_BASIC_DEBUG); // Initial: No debug info // 1x toggle: Debug text // 2x toggle: Debug text with profiler graph // 3x toggle: Debug text and wireframe (needs "debug" priv) // Next toggle: Back to initial // // The debug text can be in 2 modes: minimal and basic. // * Minimal: Only technical client info that not gameplay-relevant // * Basic: Info that might give gameplay advantage, e.g. pos, angle // Basic mode is used when player has the debug HUD flag set, // otherwise the Minimal mode is used. if (!m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimal_debug) { m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimal_debug = true; if (has_basic_debug) m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug = true; m_game_ui->m_flags.show_profiler_graph = false; draw_control->show_wireframe = false; m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Debug info shown"); } else if (!m_game_ui->m_flags.show_profiler_graph && !draw_control->show_wireframe) { if (has_basic_debug) m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug = true; m_game_ui->m_flags.show_profiler_graph = true; m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Profiler graph shown"); } else if (!draw_control->show_wireframe && client->checkPrivilege("debug")) { if (has_basic_debug) m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug = true; m_game_ui->m_flags.show_profiler_graph = false; draw_control->show_wireframe = true; m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Wireframe shown"); } else { m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimal_debug = false; m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug = false; m_game_ui->m_flags.show_profiler_graph = false; draw_control->show_wireframe = false; if (has_debug) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Debug info, profiler graph, and wireframe hidden"); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Debug info and profiler graph hidden"); } } } void Game::toggleUpdateCamera() { m_flags.disable_camera_update = !m_flags.disable_camera_update; if (m_flags.disable_camera_update) m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Camera update disabled"); else m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Camera update enabled"); } void Game::increaseViewRange() { s16 range = g_settings->getS16("viewing_range"); s16 range_new = range + 10; s16 server_limit = sky->getFogDistance(); if (range_new >= 4000) { range_new = 4000; std::wstring msg = server_limit >= 0 && range_new > server_limit ? fwgettext("Viewing range changed to %d (the maximum), but limited to %d by game or mod", range_new, server_limit) : fwgettext("Viewing range changed to %d (the maximum)", range_new); m_game_ui->showStatusText(msg); } else { std::wstring msg = server_limit >= 0 && range_new > server_limit ? fwgettext("Viewing range changed to %d, but limited to %d by game or mod", range_new, server_limit) : fwgettext("Viewing range changed to %d", range_new); m_game_ui->showStatusText(msg); } g_settings->set("viewing_range", itos(range_new)); } void Game::decreaseViewRange() { s16 range = g_settings->getS16("viewing_range"); s16 range_new = range - 10; s16 server_limit = sky->getFogDistance(); if (range_new <= 20) { range_new = 20; std::wstring msg = server_limit >= 0 && range_new > server_limit ? fwgettext("Viewing changed to %d (the minimum), but limited to %d by game or mod", range_new, server_limit) : fwgettext("Viewing changed to %d (the minimum)", range_new); m_game_ui->showStatusText(msg); } else { std::wstring msg = server_limit >= 0 && range_new > server_limit ? fwgettext("Viewing range changed to %d, but limited to %d by game or mod", range_new, server_limit) : fwgettext("Viewing range changed to %d", range_new); m_game_ui->showStatusText(msg); } g_settings->set("viewing_range", itos(range_new)); } void Game::toggleFullViewRange() { draw_control->range_all = !draw_control->range_all; if (draw_control->range_all) { if (sky->getFogDistance() >= 0) { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Unlimited viewing range enabled, but forbidden by game or mod"); } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Unlimited viewing range enabled"); } } else { m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Unlimited viewing range disabled"); } } void Game::checkZoomEnabled() { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); if (player->getZoomFOV() < 0.001f || player->getFov().fov > 0.0f) m_game_ui->showTranslatedStatusText("Zoom currently disabled by game or mod"); } void Game::updateCameraDirection(CameraOrientation *cam, float dtime) { #ifndef __ANDROID__ if (isMenuActive()) device->getCursorControl()->setRelativeMode(false); else device->getCursorControl()->setRelativeMode(true); #endif if ((device->isWindowActive() && device->isWindowFocused() && !isMenuActive()) || input->isRandom()) { #ifndef __ANDROID__ if (!input->isRandom()) { // Mac OSX gets upset if this is set every frame if (device->getCursorControl()->isVisible()) device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(false); } #endif if (m_first_loop_after_window_activation) { m_first_loop_after_window_activation = false; input->setMousePos(driver->getScreenSize().Width / 2, driver->getScreenSize().Height / 2); } else { updateCameraOrientation(cam, dtime); } } else { #ifndef ANDROID // Mac OSX gets upset if this is set every frame if (!device->getCursorControl()->isVisible()) device->getCursorControl()->setVisible(true); #endif m_first_loop_after_window_activation = true; } } // Get the factor to multiply with sensitivity to get the same mouse/joystick // responsiveness independently of FOV. f32 Game::getSensitivityScaleFactor() const { f32 fov_y = client->getCamera()->getFovY(); // Multiply by a constant such that it becomes 1.0 at 72 degree FOV and // 16:9 aspect ratio to minimize disruption of existing sensitivity // settings. return tan(fov_y / 2.0f) * 1.3763818698f; } void Game::updateCameraOrientation(CameraOrientation *cam, float dtime) { #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui) { cam->camera_yaw += g_touchscreengui->getYawChange(); cam->camera_pitch = g_touchscreengui->getPitch(); } else { #endif v2s32 center(driver->getScreenSize().Width / 2, driver->getScreenSize().Height / 2); v2s32 dist = input->getMousePos() - center; if (m_invert_mouse || camera->getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT) { dist.Y = -dist.Y; } f32 sens_scale = getSensitivityScaleFactor(); cam->camera_yaw -= dist.X * m_cache_mouse_sensitivity * sens_scale; cam->camera_pitch += dist.Y * m_cache_mouse_sensitivity * sens_scale; if (dist.X != 0 || dist.Y != 0) input->setMousePos(center.X, center.Y); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI } #endif if (m_cache_enable_joysticks) { f32 sens_scale = getSensitivityScaleFactor(); f32 c = m_cache_joystick_frustum_sensitivity * dtime * sens_scale; cam->camera_yaw -= input->joystick.getAxisWithoutDead(JA_FRUSTUM_HORIZONTAL) * c; cam->camera_pitch += input->joystick.getAxisWithoutDead(JA_FRUSTUM_VERTICAL) * c; } cam->camera_pitch = rangelim(cam->camera_pitch, -89.5, 89.5); } void Game::updatePlayerControl(const CameraOrientation &cam) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); //TimeTaker tt("update player control", NULL, PRECISION_NANO); PlayerControl control( isKeyDown(KeyType::FORWARD), isKeyDown(KeyType::BACKWARD), isKeyDown(KeyType::LEFT), isKeyDown(KeyType::RIGHT), isKeyDown(KeyType::JUMP) || player->getAutojump(), isKeyDown(KeyType::AUX1), isKeyDown(KeyType::SNEAK), isKeyDown(KeyType::ZOOM), isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG), isKeyDown(KeyType::PLACE), cam.camera_pitch, cam.camera_yaw, input->getMovementSpeed(), input->getMovementDirection() ); // autoforward if set: move at maximum speed if (player->getPlayerSettings().continuous_forward && client->activeObjectsReceived() && !player->isDead()) { control.movement_speed = 1.0f; // sideways movement only float dx = sin(control.movement_direction); control.movement_direction = atan2(dx, 1.0f); } #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI /* For touch, simulate holding down AUX1 (fast move) if the user has * the fast_move setting toggled on. If there is an aux1 key defined for * touch then its meaning is inverted (i.e. holding aux1 means walk and * not fast) */ if (m_cache_hold_aux1) { control.aux1 = control.aux1 ^ true; } #endif client->setPlayerControl(control); //tt.stop(); } inline void Game::step(f32 dtime) { if (server) server->step(dtime); client->step(dtime); } static void pauseNodeAnimation(PausedNodesList &paused, scene::ISceneNode *node) { if (!node) return; for (auto &&child: node->getChildren()) pauseNodeAnimation(paused, child); if (node->getType() != scene::ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH) return; auto animated_node = static_cast(node); float speed = animated_node->getAnimationSpeed(); if (!speed) return; paused.push_back({grab(animated_node), speed}); animated_node->setAnimationSpeed(0.0f); } void Game::pauseAnimation() { pauseNodeAnimation(paused_animated_nodes, smgr->getRootSceneNode()); } void Game::resumeAnimation() { for (auto &&pair: paused_animated_nodes) pair.first->setAnimationSpeed(pair.second); paused_animated_nodes.clear(); } const ClientEventHandler Game::clientEventHandler[CLIENTEVENT_MAX] = { {&Game::handleClientEvent_None}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_PlayerDamage}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_PlayerForceMove}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_Deathscreen}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_ShowFormSpec}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_ShowLocalFormSpec}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_HandleParticleEvent}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_HandleParticleEvent}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_HandleParticleEvent}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_HudAdd}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_HudRemove}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_HudChange}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_SetSky}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_SetSun}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_SetMoon}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_SetStars}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_OverrideDayNigthRatio}, {&Game::handleClientEvent_CloudParams}, }; void Game::handleClientEvent_None(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { FATAL_ERROR("ClientEvent type None received"); } void Game::handleClientEvent_PlayerDamage(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { if (client->modsLoaded()) client->getScript()->on_damage_taken(event->player_damage.amount); if (!event->player_damage.effect) return; // Damage flash and hurt tilt are not used at death if (client->getHP() > 0) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); f32 hp_max = player->getCAO() ? player->getCAO()->getProperties().hp_max : PLAYER_MAX_HP_DEFAULT; f32 damage_ratio = event->player_damage.amount / hp_max; runData.damage_flash += 95.0f + 64.f * damage_ratio; runData.damage_flash = MYMIN(runData.damage_flash, 127.0f); player->hurt_tilt_timer = 1.5f; player->hurt_tilt_strength = rangelim(damage_ratio * 5.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f); } // Play damage sound client->getEventManager()->put(new SimpleTriggerEvent(MtEvent::PLAYER_DAMAGE)); } void Game::handleClientEvent_PlayerForceMove(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { cam->camera_yaw = event->player_force_move.yaw; cam->camera_pitch = event->player_force_move.pitch; } void Game::handleClientEvent_Deathscreen(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { // If client scripting is enabled, deathscreen is handled by CSM code in // builtin/client/init.lua if (client->modsLoaded()) client->getScript()->on_death(); else showDeathFormspec(); /* Handle visualization */ LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); runData.damage_flash = 0; player->hurt_tilt_timer = 0; player->hurt_tilt_strength = 0; } void Game::handleClientEvent_ShowFormSpec(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { if (event->show_formspec.formspec->empty()) { auto formspec = m_game_ui->getFormspecGUI(); if (formspec && (event->show_formspec.formname->empty() || *(event->show_formspec.formname) == m_game_ui->getFormspecName())) { formspec->quitMenu(); } } else { FormspecFormSource *fs_src = new FormspecFormSource(*(event->show_formspec.formspec)); TextDestPlayerInventory *txt_dst = new TextDestPlayerInventory(client, *(event->show_formspec.formname)); auto *&formspec = m_game_ui->updateFormspec(*(event->show_formspec.formname)); GUIFormSpecMenu::create(formspec, client, m_rendering_engine->get_gui_env(), &input->joystick, fs_src, txt_dst, client->getFormspecPrepend(), sound_manager.get()); } delete event->show_formspec.formspec; delete event->show_formspec.formname; } void Game::handleClientEvent_ShowLocalFormSpec(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { FormspecFormSource *fs_src = new FormspecFormSource(*event->show_formspec.formspec); LocalFormspecHandler *txt_dst = new LocalFormspecHandler(*event->show_formspec.formname, client); GUIFormSpecMenu::create(m_game_ui->getFormspecGUI(), client, m_rendering_engine->get_gui_env(), &input->joystick, fs_src, txt_dst, client->getFormspecPrepend(), sound_manager.get()); delete event->show_formspec.formspec; delete event->show_formspec.formname; } void Game::handleClientEvent_HandleParticleEvent(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); client->getParticleManager()->handleParticleEvent(event, client, player); } void Game::handleClientEvent_HudAdd(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); u32 server_id = event->hudadd->server_id; // ignore if we already have a HUD with that ID auto i = m_hud_server_to_client.find(server_id); if (i != m_hud_server_to_client.end()) { delete event->hudadd; return; } HudElement *e = new HudElement; e->type = static_cast(event->hudadd->type); e->pos = event->hudadd->pos; e->name = event->hudadd->name; e->scale = event->hudadd->scale; e->text = event->hudadd->text; e->number = event->hudadd->number; e->item = event->hudadd->item; e->dir = event->hudadd->dir; e->align = event->hudadd->align; e->offset = event->hudadd->offset; e->world_pos = event->hudadd->world_pos; e->size = event->hudadd->size; e->z_index = event->hudadd->z_index; e->text2 = event->hudadd->text2; e->style = event->hudadd->style; m_hud_server_to_client[server_id] = player->addHud(e); delete event->hudadd; } void Game::handleClientEvent_HudRemove(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); auto i = m_hud_server_to_client.find(event->hudrm.id); if (i != m_hud_server_to_client.end()) { HudElement *e = player->removeHud(i->second); delete e; m_hud_server_to_client.erase(i); } } void Game::handleClientEvent_HudChange(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); HudElement *e = nullptr; auto i = m_hud_server_to_client.find(event->hudchange->id); if (i != m_hud_server_to_client.end()) { e = player->getHud(i->second); } if (e == nullptr) { delete event->hudchange; return; } #define CASE_SET(statval, prop, dataprop) \ case statval: \ e->prop = event->hudchange->dataprop; \ break switch (event->hudchange->stat) { CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_POS, pos, v2fdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_NAME, name, sdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_SCALE, scale, v2fdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_TEXT, text, sdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_NUMBER, number, data); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_ITEM, item, data); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_DIR, dir, data); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_ALIGN, align, v2fdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_OFFSET, offset, v2fdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_WORLD_POS, world_pos, v3fdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_SIZE, size, v2s32data); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_Z_INDEX, z_index, data); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_TEXT2, text2, sdata); CASE_SET(HUD_STAT_STYLE, style, data); } #undef CASE_SET delete event->hudchange; } void Game::handleClientEvent_SetSky(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { sky->setVisible(false); // Whether clouds are visible in front of a custom skybox. sky->setCloudsEnabled(event->set_sky->clouds); if (skybox) { skybox->remove(); skybox = NULL; } // Clear the old textures out in case we switch rendering type. sky->clearSkyboxTextures(); // Handle according to type if (event->set_sky->type == "regular") { // Shows the mesh skybox sky->setVisible(true); // Update mesh based skybox colours if applicable. sky->setSkyColors(event->set_sky->sky_color); sky->setHorizonTint( event->set_sky->fog_sun_tint, event->set_sky->fog_moon_tint, event->set_sky->fog_tint_type ); } else if (event->set_sky->type == "skybox" && event->set_sky->textures.size() == 6) { // Disable the dyanmic mesh skybox: sky->setVisible(false); // Set fog colors: sky->setFallbackBgColor(event->set_sky->bgcolor); // Set sunrise and sunset fog tinting: sky->setHorizonTint( event->set_sky->fog_sun_tint, event->set_sky->fog_moon_tint, event->set_sky->fog_tint_type ); // Add textures to skybox. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) sky->addTextureToSkybox(event->set_sky->textures[i], i, texture_src); } else { // Handle everything else as plain color. if (event->set_sky->type != "plain") infostream << "Unknown sky type: " << (event->set_sky->type) << std::endl; sky->setVisible(false); sky->setFallbackBgColor(event->set_sky->bgcolor); // Disable directional sun/moon tinting on plain or invalid skyboxes. sky->setHorizonTint( event->set_sky->bgcolor, event->set_sky->bgcolor, "custom" ); } // Orbit Tilt: sky->setBodyOrbitTilt(event->set_sky->body_orbit_tilt); // fog // do not override a potentially smaller client setting. sky->setFogDistance(event->set_sky->fog_distance); // if the fog distance is reset, switch back to the client's viewing_range if (event->set_sky->fog_distance < 0) draw_control->wanted_range = g_settings->getS16("viewing_range"); if (event->set_sky->fog_start >= 0) sky->setFogStart(rangelim(event->set_sky->fog_start, 0.0f, 0.99f)); else sky->setFogStart(rangelim(g_settings->getFloat("fog_start"), 0.0f, 0.99f)); delete event->set_sky; } void Game::handleClientEvent_SetSun(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { sky->setSunVisible(event->sun_params->visible); sky->setSunTexture(event->sun_params->texture, event->sun_params->tonemap, texture_src); sky->setSunScale(event->sun_params->scale); sky->setSunriseVisible(event->sun_params->sunrise_visible); sky->setSunriseTexture(event->sun_params->sunrise, texture_src); delete event->sun_params; } void Game::handleClientEvent_SetMoon(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { sky->setMoonVisible(event->moon_params->visible); sky->setMoonTexture(event->moon_params->texture, event->moon_params->tonemap, texture_src); sky->setMoonScale(event->moon_params->scale); delete event->moon_params; } void Game::handleClientEvent_SetStars(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { sky->setStarsVisible(event->star_params->visible); sky->setStarCount(event->star_params->count); sky->setStarColor(event->star_params->starcolor); sky->setStarScale(event->star_params->scale); sky->setStarDayOpacity(event->star_params->day_opacity); delete event->star_params; } void Game::handleClientEvent_OverrideDayNigthRatio(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { client->getEnv().setDayNightRatioOverride( event->override_day_night_ratio.do_override, event->override_day_night_ratio.ratio_f * 1000.0f); } void Game::handleClientEvent_CloudParams(ClientEvent *event, CameraOrientation *cam) { if (!clouds) return; clouds->setDensity(event->cloud_params.density); clouds->setColorBright(video::SColor(event->cloud_params.color_bright)); clouds->setColorAmbient(video::SColor(event->cloud_params.color_ambient)); clouds->setHeight(event->cloud_params.height); clouds->setThickness(event->cloud_params.thickness); clouds->setSpeed(v2f(event->cloud_params.speed_x, event->cloud_params.speed_y)); } void Game::processClientEvents(CameraOrientation *cam) { while (client->hasClientEvents()) { std::unique_ptr event(client->getClientEvent()); FATAL_ERROR_IF(event->type >= CLIENTEVENT_MAX, "Invalid clientevent type"); const ClientEventHandler& evHandler = clientEventHandler[event->type]; (this->*evHandler.handler)(event.get(), cam); } } void Game::updateChat(f32 dtime) { // Get new messages from error log buffer while (!m_chat_log_buf.empty()) chat_backend->addMessage(L"", utf8_to_wide(m_chat_log_buf.get())); // Get new messages from client std::wstring message; while (client->getChatMessage(message)) { chat_backend->addUnparsedMessage(message); } // Remove old messages chat_backend->step(dtime); // Display all messages in a static text element auto &buf = chat_backend->getRecentBuffer(); if (buf.getLinesModified()) { buf.resetLinesModified(); m_game_ui->setChatText(chat_backend->getRecentChat(), buf.getLineCount()); } // Make sure that the size is still correct m_game_ui->updateChatSize(); } void Game::updateCamera(f32 dtime) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); /* For interaction purposes, get info about the held item - What item is it? - Is it a usable item? - Can it point to liquids? */ ItemStack playeritem; { ItemStack selected, hand; playeritem = player->getWieldedItem(&selected, &hand); } ToolCapabilities playeritem_toolcap = playeritem.getToolCapabilities(itemdef_manager); v3s16 old_camera_offset = camera->getOffset(); if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::CAMERA_MODE)) { GenericCAO *playercao = player->getCAO(); // If playercao not loaded, don't change camera if (!playercao) return; camera->toggleCameraMode(); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui) g_touchscreengui->setUseCrosshair(!isNoCrosshairAllowed()); #endif // Make the player visible depending on camera mode. playercao->updateMeshCulling(); playercao->setChildrenVisible(camera->getCameraMode() > CAMERA_MODE_FIRST); } float full_punch_interval = playeritem_toolcap.full_punch_interval; float tool_reload_ratio = runData.time_from_last_punch / full_punch_interval; tool_reload_ratio = MYMIN(tool_reload_ratio, 1.0); camera->update(player, dtime, tool_reload_ratio); camera->step(dtime); f32 camera_fov = camera->getFovMax(); v3s16 camera_offset = camera->getOffset(); m_camera_offset_changed = (camera_offset != old_camera_offset); if (!m_flags.disable_camera_update) { v3f camera_position = camera->getPosition(); v3f camera_direction = camera->getDirection(); client->getEnv().getClientMap().updateCamera(camera_position, camera_direction, camera_fov, camera_offset); if (m_camera_offset_changed) { client->updateCameraOffset(camera_offset); client->getEnv().updateCameraOffset(camera_offset); if (clouds) clouds->updateCameraOffset(camera_offset); } } } void Game::updateSound(f32 dtime) { // Update sound listener LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); ClientActiveObject *parent = player->getParent(); v3s16 camera_offset = camera->getOffset(); sound_manager->updateListener( (1.0f/BS) * camera->getCameraNode()->getPosition() + intToFloat(camera_offset, 1.0f), (1.0f/BS) * (parent ? parent->getVelocity() : player->getSpeed()), camera->getDirection(), camera->getCameraNode()->getUpVector()); bool mute_sound = g_settings->getBool("mute_sound"); if (mute_sound) { sound_manager->setListenerGain(0.0f); } else { // Check if volume is in the proper range, else fix it. float old_volume = g_settings->getFloat("sound_volume"); float new_volume = rangelim(old_volume, 0.0f, 1.0f); sound_manager->setListenerGain(new_volume); if (old_volume != new_volume) { g_settings->setFloat("sound_volume", new_volume); } } // Tell the sound maker whether to make footstep sounds soundmaker->makes_footstep_sound = player->makes_footstep_sound; // Update sound maker if (player->makes_footstep_sound) soundmaker->step(dtime); ClientMap &map = client->getEnv().getClientMap(); MapNode n = map.getNode(player->getFootstepNodePos()); soundmaker->m_player_step_sound = nodedef_manager->get(n).sound_footstep; } void Game::processPlayerInteraction(f32 dtime, bool show_hud) { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); const v3f camera_direction = camera->getDirection(); const v3s16 camera_offset = camera->getOffset(); /* Calculate what block is the crosshair pointing to */ ItemStack selected_item, hand_item; const ItemStack &tool_item = player->getWieldedItem(&selected_item, &hand_item); const ItemDefinition &selected_def = selected_item.getDefinition(itemdef_manager); f32 d = getToolRange(selected_def, hand_item.getDefinition(itemdef_manager)); core::line3d shootline; switch (camera->getCameraMode()) { case CAMERA_MODE_FIRST: // Shoot from camera position, with bobbing shootline.start = camera->getPosition(); break; case CAMERA_MODE_THIRD: // Shoot from player head, no bobbing shootline.start = camera->getHeadPosition(); break; case CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT: shootline.start = camera->getHeadPosition(); // prevent player pointing anything in front-view d = 0; break; } shootline.end = shootline.start + camera_direction * BS * d; #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui && isNoCrosshairAllowed()) { shootline = g_touchscreengui->getShootline(); // Scale shootline to the acual distance the player can reach shootline.end = shootline.start + shootline.getVector().normalize() * BS * d; shootline.start += intToFloat(camera_offset, BS); shootline.end += intToFloat(camera_offset, BS); } #endif PointedThing pointed = updatePointedThing(shootline, selected_def.liquids_pointable, !runData.btn_down_for_dig, camera_offset); if (pointed != runData.pointed_old) infostream << "Pointing at " << pointed.dump() << std::endl; // Note that updating the selection mesh every frame is not particularly efficient, // but the halo rendering code is already inefficient so there's no point in optimizing it here hud->updateSelectionMesh(camera_offset); // Allow digging again if button is not pressed if (runData.digging_blocked && !isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG)) runData.digging_blocked = false; /* Stop digging when - releasing dig button - pointing away from node */ if (runData.digging) { if (wasKeyReleased(KeyType::DIG)) { infostream << "Dig button released (stopped digging)" << std::endl; runData.digging = false; } else if (pointed != runData.pointed_old) { if (pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_NODE && runData.pointed_old.type == POINTEDTHING_NODE && pointed.node_undersurface == runData.pointed_old.node_undersurface) { // Still pointing to the same node, but a different face. // Don't reset. } else { infostream << "Pointing away from node (stopped digging)" << std::endl; runData.digging = false; hud->updateSelectionMesh(camera_offset); } } if (!runData.digging) { client->interact(INTERACT_STOP_DIGGING, runData.pointed_old); client->setCrack(-1, v3s16(0, 0, 0)); runData.dig_time = 0.0; } } else if (runData.dig_instantly && wasKeyReleased(KeyType::DIG)) { // Remove e.g. torches faster when clicking instead of holding dig button runData.nodig_delay_timer = 0; runData.dig_instantly = false; } if (!runData.digging && runData.btn_down_for_dig && !isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG)) runData.btn_down_for_dig = false; runData.punching = false; soundmaker->m_player_leftpunch_sound = SoundSpec(); soundmaker->m_player_leftpunch_sound2 = pointed.type != POINTEDTHING_NOTHING ? selected_def.sound_use : selected_def.sound_use_air; // Prepare for repeating, unless we're not supposed to if (isKeyDown(KeyType::PLACE) && !g_settings->getBool("safe_dig_and_place")) runData.repeat_place_timer += dtime; else runData.repeat_place_timer = 0; if (selected_def.usable && isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG)) { if (wasKeyPressed(KeyType::DIG) && (!client->modsLoaded() || !client->getScript()->on_item_use(selected_item, pointed))) client->interact(INTERACT_USE, pointed); } else if (pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_NODE) { handlePointingAtNode(pointed, selected_item, hand_item, dtime); } else if (pointed.type == POINTEDTHING_OBJECT) { v3f player_position = player->getPosition(); bool basic_debug_allowed = client->checkPrivilege("debug") || (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_BASIC_DEBUG); handlePointingAtObject(pointed, tool_item, player_position, m_game_ui->m_flags.show_basic_debug && basic_debug_allowed); } else if (isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG)) { // When button is held down in air, show continuous animation runData.punching = true; // Run callback even though item is not usable if (wasKeyPressed(KeyType::DIG) && client->modsLoaded()) client->getScript()->on_item_use(selected_item, pointed); } else if (wasKeyPressed(KeyType::PLACE)) { handlePointingAtNothing(selected_item); } runData.pointed_old = pointed; if (runData.punching || wasKeyPressed(KeyType::DIG)) camera->setDigging(0); // dig animation input->clearWasKeyPressed(); input->clearWasKeyReleased(); // Ensure DIG & PLACE are marked as handled wasKeyDown(KeyType::DIG); wasKeyDown(KeyType::PLACE); input->joystick.clearWasKeyPressed(KeyType::DIG); input->joystick.clearWasKeyPressed(KeyType::PLACE); input->joystick.clearWasKeyReleased(KeyType::DIG); input->joystick.clearWasKeyReleased(KeyType::PLACE); } PointedThing Game::updatePointedThing( const core::line3d &shootline, bool liquids_pointable, bool look_for_object, const v3s16 &camera_offset) { std::vector *selectionboxes = hud->getSelectionBoxes(); selectionboxes->clear(); hud->setSelectedFaceNormal(v3f()); static thread_local const bool show_entity_selectionbox = g_settings->getBool( "show_entity_selectionbox"); ClientEnvironment &env = client->getEnv(); ClientMap &map = env.getClientMap(); const NodeDefManager *nodedef = map.getNodeDefManager(); runData.selected_object = NULL; hud->pointing_at_object = false; RaycastState s(shootline, look_for_object, liquids_pointable); PointedThing result; env.continueRaycast(&s, &result); if (result.type == POINTEDTHING_OBJECT) { hud->pointing_at_object = true; runData.selected_object = client->getEnv().getActiveObject(result.object_id); aabb3f selection_box; if (show_entity_selectionbox && runData.selected_object->doShowSelectionBox() && runData.selected_object->getSelectionBox(&selection_box)) { v3f pos = runData.selected_object->getPosition(); selectionboxes->push_back(aabb3f(selection_box)); hud->setSelectionPos(pos, camera_offset); GenericCAO* gcao = dynamic_cast(runData.selected_object); if (gcao != nullptr && gcao->getProperties().rotate_selectionbox) hud->setSelectionRotation(gcao->getSceneNode()->getAbsoluteTransformation().getRotationDegrees()); else hud->setSelectionRotation(v3f()); } hud->setSelectedFaceNormal(result.raw_intersection_normal); } else if (result.type == POINTEDTHING_NODE) { // Update selection boxes MapNode n = map.getNode(result.node_undersurface); std::vector boxes; n.getSelectionBoxes(nodedef, &boxes, n.getNeighbors(result.node_undersurface, &map)); f32 d = 0.002 * BS; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = boxes.begin(); i != boxes.end(); ++i) { aabb3f box = *i; box.MinEdge -= v3f(d, d, d); box.MaxEdge += v3f(d, d, d); selectionboxes->push_back(box); } hud->setSelectionPos(intToFloat(result.node_undersurface, BS), camera_offset); hud->setSelectionRotation(v3f()); hud->setSelectedFaceNormal(result.intersection_normal); } // Update selection mesh light level and vertex colors if (!selectionboxes->empty()) { v3f pf = hud->getSelectionPos(); v3s16 p = floatToInt(pf, BS); // Get selection mesh light level MapNode n = map.getNode(p); u16 node_light = getInteriorLight(n, -1, nodedef); u16 light_level = node_light; for (const v3s16 &dir : g_6dirs) { n = map.getNode(p + dir); node_light = getInteriorLight(n, -1, nodedef); if (node_light > light_level) light_level = node_light; } u32 daynight_ratio = client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); video::SColor c; final_color_blend(&c, light_level, daynight_ratio); // Modify final color a bit with time u32 timer = client->getEnv().getFrameTime() % 5000; float timerf = (float) (irr::core::PI * ((timer / 2500.0) - 0.5)); float sin_r = 0.08f * std::sin(timerf); float sin_g = 0.08f * std::sin(timerf + irr::core::PI * 0.5f); float sin_b = 0.08f * std::sin(timerf + irr::core::PI); c.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32(c.getRed() * (0.8 + sin_r)), 0, 255)); c.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32(c.getGreen() * (0.8 + sin_g)), 0, 255)); c.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32(c.getBlue() * (0.8 + sin_b)), 0, 255)); // Set mesh final color hud->setSelectionMeshColor(c); } return result; } void Game::handlePointingAtNothing(const ItemStack &playerItem) { infostream << "Attempted to place item while pointing at nothing" << std::endl; PointedThing fauxPointed; fauxPointed.type = POINTEDTHING_NOTHING; client->interact(INTERACT_ACTIVATE, fauxPointed); } void Game::handlePointingAtNode(const PointedThing &pointed, const ItemStack &selected_item, const ItemStack &hand_item, f32 dtime) { v3s16 nodepos = pointed.node_undersurface; v3s16 neighborpos = pointed.node_abovesurface; /* Check information text of node */ ClientMap &map = client->getEnv().getClientMap(); if (runData.nodig_delay_timer <= 0.0 && isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG) && !runData.digging_blocked && client->checkPrivilege("interact")) { handleDigging(pointed, nodepos, selected_item, hand_item, dtime); } // This should be done after digging handling NodeMetadata *meta = map.getNodeMetadata(nodepos); if (meta) { m_game_ui->setInfoText(unescape_translate(utf8_to_wide( meta->getString("infotext")))); } else { MapNode n = map.getNode(nodepos); if (nodedef_manager->get(n).name == "unknown") { m_game_ui->setInfoText(L"Unknown node"); } } if ((wasKeyPressed(KeyType::PLACE) || runData.repeat_place_timer >= m_repeat_place_time) && client->checkPrivilege("interact")) { runData.repeat_place_timer = 0; infostream << "Place button pressed while looking at ground" << std::endl; // Placing animation (always shown for feedback) camera->setDigging(1); soundmaker->m_player_rightpunch_sound = SoundSpec(); // If the wielded item has node placement prediction, // make that happen // And also set the sound and send the interact // But first check for meta formspec and rightclickable auto &def = selected_item.getDefinition(itemdef_manager); bool placed = nodePlacement(def, selected_item, nodepos, neighborpos, pointed, meta); if (placed && client->modsLoaded()) client->getScript()->on_placenode(pointed, def); } } bool Game::nodePlacement(const ItemDefinition &selected_def, const ItemStack &selected_item, const v3s16 &nodepos, const v3s16 &neighborpos, const PointedThing &pointed, const NodeMetadata *meta) { const auto &prediction = selected_def.node_placement_prediction; const NodeDefManager *nodedef = client->ndef(); ClientMap &map = client->getEnv().getClientMap(); MapNode node; bool is_valid_position; node = map.getNode(nodepos, &is_valid_position); if (!is_valid_position) { soundmaker->m_player_rightpunch_sound = selected_def.sound_place_failed; return false; } // formspec in meta if (meta && !meta->getString("formspec").empty() && !input->isRandom() && !isKeyDown(KeyType::SNEAK)) { // on_rightclick callbacks are called anyway if (nodedef_manager->get(map.getNode(nodepos)).rightclickable) client->interact(INTERACT_PLACE, pointed); infostream << "Launching custom inventory view" << std::endl; InventoryLocation inventoryloc; inventoryloc.setNodeMeta(nodepos); NodeMetadataFormSource *fs_src = new NodeMetadataFormSource( &client->getEnv().getClientMap(), nodepos); TextDest *txt_dst = new TextDestNodeMetadata(nodepos, client); auto *&formspec = m_game_ui->updateFormspec(""); GUIFormSpecMenu::create(formspec, client, m_rendering_engine->get_gui_env(), &input->joystick, fs_src, txt_dst, client->getFormspecPrepend(), sound_manager.get()); formspec->setFormSpec(meta->getString("formspec"), inventoryloc); return false; } // on_rightclick callback if (prediction.empty() || (nodedef->get(node).rightclickable && !isKeyDown(KeyType::SNEAK))) { // Report to server client->interact(INTERACT_PLACE, pointed); return false; } verbosestream << "Node placement prediction for " << selected_def.name << " is " << prediction << std::endl; v3s16 p = neighborpos; // Place inside node itself if buildable_to MapNode n_under = map.getNode(nodepos, &is_valid_position); if (is_valid_position) { if (nodedef->get(n_under).buildable_to) { p = nodepos; } else { node = map.getNode(p, &is_valid_position); if (is_valid_position && !nodedef->get(node).buildable_to) { soundmaker->m_player_rightpunch_sound = selected_def.sound_place_failed; // Report to server client->interact(INTERACT_PLACE, pointed); return false; } } } // Find id of predicted node content_t id; bool found = nodedef->getId(prediction, id); if (!found) { errorstream << "Node placement prediction failed for " << selected_def.name << " (places " << prediction << ") - Name not known" << std::endl; // Handle this as if prediction was empty // Report to server client->interact(INTERACT_PLACE, pointed); return false; } const ContentFeatures &predicted_f = nodedef->get(id); // Compare core.item_place_node() for what the server does with param2 MapNode predicted_node(id, 0, 0); const u8 place_param2 = selected_def.place_param2; if (place_param2) { predicted_node.setParam2(place_param2); } else if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_WALLMOUNTED || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_WALLMOUNTED) { v3s16 dir = nodepos - neighborpos; if (abs(dir.Y) > MYMAX(abs(dir.X), abs(dir.Z))) { predicted_node.setParam2(dir.Y < 0 ? 1 : 0); } else if (abs(dir.X) > abs(dir.Z)) { predicted_node.setParam2(dir.X < 0 ? 3 : 2); } else { predicted_node.setParam2(dir.Z < 0 ? 5 : 4); } } else if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_FACEDIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_FACEDIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_4DIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_4DIR) { v3s16 dir = nodepos - floatToInt(client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->getPosition(), BS); if (abs(dir.X) > abs(dir.Z)) { predicted_node.setParam2(dir.X < 0 ? 3 : 1); } else { predicted_node.setParam2(dir.Z < 0 ? 2 : 0); } } // Check attachment if node is in group attached_node int an = itemgroup_get(predicted_f.groups, "attached_node"); if (an != 0) { v3s16 pp; if (an == 3) { pp = p + v3s16(0, -1, 0); } else if (an == 4) { pp = p + v3s16(0, 1, 0); } else if (an == 2) { if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_FACEDIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_FACEDIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_4DIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_4DIR) { pp = p + facedir_dirs[predicted_node.getFaceDir(nodedef)]; } else { pp = p; } } else if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_WALLMOUNTED || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_WALLMOUNTED) { pp = p + predicted_node.getWallMountedDir(nodedef); } else { pp = p + v3s16(0, -1, 0); } if (!nodedef->get(map.getNode(pp)).walkable) { soundmaker->m_player_rightpunch_sound = selected_def.sound_place_failed; // Report to server client->interact(INTERACT_PLACE, pointed); return false; } } // Apply color if (!place_param2 && (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLOR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_FACEDIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_4DIR || predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_WALLMOUNTED)) { const auto &indexstr = selected_item.metadata. getString("palette_index", 0); if (!indexstr.empty()) { s32 index = mystoi(indexstr); if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLOR) { predicted_node.setParam2(index); } else if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_WALLMOUNTED) { // param2 = pure palette index + other predicted_node.setParam2((index & 0xf8) | (predicted_node.getParam2() & 0x07)); } else if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_FACEDIR) { // param2 = pure palette index + other predicted_node.setParam2((index & 0xe0) | (predicted_node.getParam2() & 0x1f)); } else if (predicted_f.param_type_2 == CPT2_COLORED_4DIR) { // param2 = pure palette index + other predicted_node.setParam2((index & 0xfc) | (predicted_node.getParam2() & 0x03)); } } } // Add node to client map try { LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); // Don't place node when player would be inside new node // NOTE: This is to be eventually implemented by a mod as client-side Lua if (!predicted_f.walkable || g_settings->getBool("enable_build_where_you_stand") || (client->checkPrivilege("noclip") && g_settings->getBool("noclip")) || (predicted_f.walkable && neighborpos != player->getStandingNodePos() + v3s16(0, 1, 0) && neighborpos != player->getStandingNodePos() + v3s16(0, 2, 0))) { // This triggers the required mesh update too client->addNode(p, predicted_node); // Report to server client->interact(INTERACT_PLACE, pointed); // A node is predicted, also play a sound soundmaker->m_player_rightpunch_sound = selected_def.sound_place; return true; } else { soundmaker->m_player_rightpunch_sound = selected_def.sound_place_failed; return false; } } catch (const InvalidPositionException &e) { errorstream << "Node placement prediction failed for " << selected_def.name << " (places " << prediction << ") - Position not loaded" << std::endl; soundmaker->m_player_rightpunch_sound = selected_def.sound_place_failed; return false; } } void Game::handlePointingAtObject(const PointedThing &pointed, const ItemStack &tool_item, const v3f &player_position, bool show_debug) { std::wstring infotext = unescape_translate( utf8_to_wide(runData.selected_object->infoText())); if (show_debug) { if (!infotext.empty()) { infotext += L"\n"; } infotext += utf8_to_wide(runData.selected_object->debugInfoText()); } m_game_ui->setInfoText(infotext); if (isKeyDown(KeyType::DIG)) { bool do_punch = false; bool do_punch_damage = false; if (runData.object_hit_delay_timer <= 0.0) { do_punch = true; do_punch_damage = true; runData.object_hit_delay_timer = object_hit_delay; } if (wasKeyPressed(KeyType::DIG)) do_punch = true; if (do_punch) { infostream << "Punched object" << std::endl; runData.punching = true; } if (do_punch_damage) { // Report direct punch v3f objpos = runData.selected_object->getPosition(); v3f dir = (objpos - player_position).normalize(); bool disable_send = runData.selected_object->directReportPunch( dir, &tool_item, runData.time_from_last_punch); runData.time_from_last_punch = 0; if (!disable_send) client->interact(INTERACT_START_DIGGING, pointed); } } else if (wasKeyDown(KeyType::PLACE)) { infostream << "Pressed place button while pointing at object" << std::endl; client->interact(INTERACT_PLACE, pointed); // place } } void Game::handleDigging(const PointedThing &pointed, const v3s16 &nodepos, const ItemStack &selected_item, const ItemStack &hand_item, f32 dtime) { // See also: serverpackethandle.cpp, action == 2 LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); ClientMap &map = client->getEnv().getClientMap(); MapNode n = map.getNode(nodepos); const auto &features = nodedef_manager->get(n); // NOTE: Similar piece of code exists on the server side for // cheat detection. // Get digging parameters DigParams params = getDigParams(features.groups, &selected_item.getToolCapabilities(itemdef_manager), selected_item.wear); // If can't dig, try hand if (!params.diggable) { params = getDigParams(features.groups, &hand_item.getToolCapabilities(itemdef_manager)); } if (!params.diggable) { // I guess nobody will wait for this long runData.dig_time_complete = 10000000.0; } else { runData.dig_time_complete = params.time; if (m_cache_enable_particles) { client->getParticleManager()->addNodeParticle(client, player, nodepos, n, features); } } if (!runData.digging) { infostream << "Started digging" << std::endl; runData.dig_instantly = runData.dig_time_complete == 0; if (client->modsLoaded() && client->getScript()->on_punchnode(nodepos, n)) return; client->interact(INTERACT_START_DIGGING, pointed); runData.digging = true; runData.btn_down_for_dig = true; } if (!runData.dig_instantly) { runData.dig_index = (float)crack_animation_length * runData.dig_time / runData.dig_time_complete; } else { // This is for e.g. torches runData.dig_index = crack_animation_length; } const auto &sound_dig = features.sound_dig; if (sound_dig.exists() && params.diggable) { if (sound_dig.name == "__group") { if (!params.main_group.empty()) { soundmaker->m_player_leftpunch_sound.gain = 0.5; soundmaker->m_player_leftpunch_sound.name = std::string("default_dig_") + params.main_group; } } else { soundmaker->m_player_leftpunch_sound = sound_dig; } } // Don't show cracks if not diggable if (runData.dig_time_complete >= 100000.0) { } else if (runData.dig_index < crack_animation_length) { client->setCrack(runData.dig_index, nodepos); } else { infostream << "Digging completed" << std::endl; client->setCrack(-1, v3s16(0, 0, 0)); runData.dig_time = 0; runData.digging = false; // we successfully dug, now block it from repeating if we want to be safe if (g_settings->getBool("safe_dig_and_place")) runData.digging_blocked = true; runData.nodig_delay_timer = runData.dig_time_complete / (float)crack_animation_length; // We don't want a corresponding delay to very time consuming nodes // and nodes without digging time (e.g. torches) get a fixed delay. if (runData.nodig_delay_timer > 0.3) runData.nodig_delay_timer = 0.3; else if (runData.dig_instantly) runData.nodig_delay_timer = 0.15; if (client->modsLoaded() && client->getScript()->on_dignode(nodepos, n)) { return; } if (features.node_dig_prediction == "air") { client->removeNode(nodepos); } else if (!features.node_dig_prediction.empty()) { content_t id; bool found = nodedef_manager->getId(features.node_dig_prediction, id); if (found) client->addNode(nodepos, id, true); } // implicit else: no prediction client->interact(INTERACT_DIGGING_COMPLETED, pointed); if (m_cache_enable_particles) { client->getParticleManager()->addDiggingParticles(client, player, nodepos, n, features); } // Send event to trigger sound client->getEventManager()->put(new NodeDugEvent(nodepos, n)); } if (runData.dig_time_complete < 100000.0) { runData.dig_time += dtime; } else { runData.dig_time = 0; client->setCrack(-1, nodepos); } camera->setDigging(0); // Dig animation } void Game::updateFrame(ProfilerGraph *graph, RunStats *stats, f32 dtime, const CameraOrientation &cam) { TimeTaker tt_update("Game::updateFrame()"); LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); /* Frame time */ client->getEnv().updateFrameTime(m_is_paused); /* Fog range */ if (sky->getFogDistance() >= 0) { draw_control->wanted_range = MYMIN(draw_control->wanted_range, sky->getFogDistance()); } if (draw_control->range_all && sky->getFogDistance() < 0) { runData.fog_range = 100000 * BS; } else { runData.fog_range = draw_control->wanted_range * BS; } /* Calculate general brightness */ u32 daynight_ratio = client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); float time_brightness = decode_light_f((float)daynight_ratio / 1000.0); float direct_brightness; bool sunlight_seen; // When in noclip mode force same sky brightness as above ground so you // can see properly if (draw_control->allow_noclip && m_cache_enable_free_move && client->checkPrivilege("fly")) { direct_brightness = time_brightness; sunlight_seen = true; } else { float old_brightness = sky->getBrightness(); direct_brightness = client->getEnv().getClientMap() .getBackgroundBrightness(MYMIN(runData.fog_range * 1.2, 60 * BS), daynight_ratio, (int)(old_brightness * 255.5), &sunlight_seen) / 255.0; } float time_of_day_smooth = runData.time_of_day_smooth; float time_of_day = client->getEnv().getTimeOfDayF(); static const float maxsm = 0.05f; static const float todsm = 0.05f; if (std::fabs(time_of_day - time_of_day_smooth) > maxsm && std::fabs(time_of_day - time_of_day_smooth + 1.0) > maxsm && std::fabs(time_of_day - time_of_day_smooth - 1.0) > maxsm) time_of_day_smooth = time_of_day; if (time_of_day_smooth > 0.8 && time_of_day < 0.2) time_of_day_smooth = time_of_day_smooth * (1.0 - todsm) + (time_of_day + 1.0) * todsm; else time_of_day_smooth = time_of_day_smooth * (1.0 - todsm) + time_of_day * todsm; runData.time_of_day_smooth = time_of_day_smooth; sky->update(time_of_day_smooth, time_brightness, direct_brightness, sunlight_seen, camera->getCameraMode(), player->getYaw(), player->getPitch()); /* Update clouds */ if (clouds) { if (sky->getCloudsVisible()) { clouds->setVisible(true); clouds->step(dtime); // camera->getPosition is not enough for 3rd person views v3f camera_node_position = camera->getCameraNode()->getPosition(); v3s16 camera_offset = camera->getOffset(); camera_node_position.X = camera_node_position.X + camera_offset.X * BS; camera_node_position.Y = camera_node_position.Y + camera_offset.Y * BS; camera_node_position.Z = camera_node_position.Z + camera_offset.Z * BS; clouds->update(camera_node_position, sky->getCloudColor()); if (clouds->isCameraInsideCloud() && m_cache_enable_fog) { // if inside clouds, and fog enabled, use that as sky // color(s) video::SColor clouds_dark = clouds->getColor() .getInterpolated(video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0), 0.9); sky->overrideColors(clouds_dark, clouds->getColor()); sky->setInClouds(true); runData.fog_range = std::fmin(runData.fog_range * 0.5f, 32.0f * BS); // do not draw clouds after all clouds->setVisible(false); } } else { clouds->setVisible(false); } } /* Update particles */ client->getParticleManager()->step(dtime); /* Fog */ if (m_cache_enable_fog) { driver->setFog( sky->getBgColor(), video::EFT_FOG_LINEAR, runData.fog_range * sky->getFogStart(), runData.fog_range * 1.0, 0.01, false, // pixel fog true // range fog ); } else { driver->setFog( sky->getBgColor(), video::EFT_FOG_LINEAR, 100000 * BS, 110000 * BS, 0.01f, false, // pixel fog false // range fog ); } /* Damage camera tilt */ if (player->hurt_tilt_timer > 0.0f) { player->hurt_tilt_timer -= dtime * 6.0f; if (player->hurt_tilt_timer < 0.0f) player->hurt_tilt_strength = 0.0f; } /* Update minimap pos and rotation */ if (mapper && m_game_ui->m_flags.show_hud) { mapper->setPos(floatToInt(player->getPosition(), BS)); mapper->setAngle(player->getYaw()); } /* Get chat messages from client */ updateChat(dtime); /* Inventory */ if (player->getWieldIndex() != runData.new_playeritem) client->setPlayerItem(runData.new_playeritem); if (client->updateWieldedItem()) { // Update wielded tool ItemStack selected_item, hand_item; ItemStack &tool_item = player->getWieldedItem(&selected_item, &hand_item); camera->wield(tool_item); } /* Update block draw list every 200ms or when camera direction has changed much */ runData.update_draw_list_timer += dtime; runData.touch_blocks_timer += dtime; float update_draw_list_delta = 0.2f; v3f camera_direction = camera->getDirection(); // call only one of updateDrawList, touchMapBlocks, or updateShadow per frame // (the else-ifs below are intentional) if (runData.update_draw_list_timer >= update_draw_list_delta || runData.update_draw_list_last_cam_dir.getDistanceFrom(camera_direction) > 0.2 || m_camera_offset_changed || client->getEnv().getClientMap().needsUpdateDrawList()) { runData.update_draw_list_timer = 0; client->getEnv().getClientMap().updateDrawList(); runData.update_draw_list_last_cam_dir = camera_direction; } else if (runData.touch_blocks_timer > update_draw_list_delta) { client->getEnv().getClientMap().touchMapBlocks(); runData.touch_blocks_timer = 0; } else if (RenderingEngine::get_shadow_renderer()) { updateShadows(); } m_game_ui->update(*stats, client, draw_control, cam, runData.pointed_old, gui_chat_console, dtime); /* make sure menu is on top 1. Delete formspec menu reference if menu was removed 2. Else, make sure formspec menu is on top */ auto formspec = m_game_ui->getFormspecGUI(); do { // breakable. only runs for one iteration if (!formspec) break; if (formspec->getReferenceCount() == 1) { m_game_ui->deleteFormspec(); break; } auto &loc = formspec->getFormspecLocation(); if (loc.type == InventoryLocation::NODEMETA) { NodeMetadata *meta = client->getEnv().getClientMap().getNodeMetadata(loc.p); if (!meta || meta->getString("formspec").empty()) { formspec->quitMenu(); break; } } if (isMenuActive()) guiroot->bringToFront(formspec); } while (false); /* ==================== Drawing begins ==================== */ const video::SColor skycolor = sky->getSkyColor(); TimeTaker tt_draw("Draw scene", nullptr, PRECISION_MICRO); driver->beginScene(true, true, skycolor); bool draw_wield_tool = (m_game_ui->m_flags.show_hud && (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_WIELDITEM_VISIBLE) && (camera->getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_FIRST)); bool draw_crosshair = ( (player->hud_flags & HUD_FLAG_CROSSHAIR_VISIBLE) && (camera->getCameraMode() != CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT)); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (isNoCrosshairAllowed()) draw_crosshair = false; #endif m_rendering_engine->draw_scene(skycolor, m_game_ui->m_flags.show_hud, m_game_ui->m_flags.show_minimap, draw_wield_tool, draw_crosshair); /* Profiler graph */ v2u32 screensize = driver->getScreenSize(); if (m_game_ui->m_flags.show_profiler_graph) graph->draw(10, screensize.Y - 10, driver, g_fontengine->getFont()); /* Damage flash */ if (runData.damage_flash > 0.0f) { video::SColor color(runData.damage_flash, 180, 0, 0); driver->draw2DRectangle(color, core::rect(0, 0, screensize.X, screensize.Y), NULL); runData.damage_flash -= 384.0f * dtime; } /* ==================== End scene ==================== */ driver->endScene(); stats->drawtime = tt_draw.stop(true); g_profiler->graphAdd("Draw scene [us]", stats->drawtime); g_profiler->avg("Game::updateFrame(): update frame [ms]", tt_update.stop(true)); } /* Log times and stuff for visualization */ inline void Game::updateProfilerGraphs(ProfilerGraph *graph) { Profiler::GraphValues values; g_profiler->graphGet(values); graph->put(values); } /**************************************************************************** * Shadows *****************************************************************************/ void Game::updateShadows() { ShadowRenderer *shadow = RenderingEngine::get_shadow_renderer(); if (!shadow) return; float in_timeofday = fmod(runData.time_of_day_smooth, 1.0f); float timeoftheday = getWickedTimeOfDay(in_timeofday); bool is_day = timeoftheday > 0.25 && timeoftheday < 0.75; bool is_shadow_visible = is_day ? sky->getSunVisible() : sky->getMoonVisible(); shadow->setShadowIntensity(is_shadow_visible ? client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->getLighting().shadow_intensity : 0.0f); timeoftheday = fmod(timeoftheday + 0.75f, 0.5f) + 0.25f; const float offset_constant = 10000.0f; v3f light = is_day ? sky->getSunDirection() : sky->getMoonDirection(); v3f sun_pos = light * offset_constant; shadow->getDirectionalLight().setDirection(sun_pos); shadow->setTimeOfDay(in_timeofday); shadow->getDirectionalLight().update_frustum(camera, client, m_camera_offset_changed); } /**************************************************************************** Misc ****************************************************************************/ void FpsControl::reset() { last_time = porting::getTimeUs(); } /* * On some computers framerate doesn't seem to be automatically limited */ void FpsControl::limit(IrrlichtDevice *device, f32 *dtime) { const float fps_limit = (device->isWindowFocused() && !g_menumgr.pausesGame()) ? g_settings->getFloat("fps_max") : g_settings->getFloat("fps_max_unfocused"); const u64 frametime_min = 1000000.0f / std::max(fps_limit, 1.0f); u64 time = porting::getTimeUs(); if (time > last_time) // Make sure time hasn't overflowed busy_time = time - last_time; else busy_time = 0; if (busy_time < frametime_min) { sleep_time = frametime_min - busy_time; if (sleep_time > 0) sleep_us(sleep_time); } else { sleep_time = 0; } // Read the timer again to accurately determine how long we actually slept, // rather than calculating it by adding sleep_time to time. time = porting::getTimeUs(); if (time > last_time) // Make sure last_time hasn't overflowed *dtime = (time - last_time) / 1000000.0f; else *dtime = 0; last_time = time; } void Game::showOverlayMessage(const char *msg, float dtime, int percent, bool draw_sky) { m_rendering_engine->draw_load_screen(wstrgettext(msg), guienv, texture_src, dtime, percent, draw_sky); } void Game::settingChangedCallback(const std::string &setting_name, void *data) { ((Game *)data)->readSettings(); } void Game::readSettings() { m_cache_doubletap_jump = g_settings->getBool("doubletap_jump"); m_cache_enable_clouds = g_settings->getBool("enable_clouds"); m_cache_enable_joysticks = g_settings->getBool("enable_joysticks"); m_cache_enable_particles = g_settings->getBool("enable_particles"); m_cache_enable_fog = g_settings->getBool("enable_fog"); m_cache_mouse_sensitivity = g_settings->getFloat("mouse_sensitivity", 0.001f, 10.0f); m_cache_joystick_frustum_sensitivity = std::max(g_settings->getFloat("joystick_frustum_sensitivity"), 0.001f); m_repeat_place_time = g_settings->getFloat("repeat_place_time", 0.16f, 2.0); m_cache_enable_noclip = g_settings->getBool("noclip"); m_cache_enable_free_move = g_settings->getBool("free_move"); m_cache_cam_smoothing = 0; if (g_settings->getBool("cinematic")) m_cache_cam_smoothing = 1 - g_settings->getFloat("cinematic_camera_smoothing"); else m_cache_cam_smoothing = 1 - g_settings->getFloat("camera_smoothing"); m_cache_cam_smoothing = rangelim(m_cache_cam_smoothing, 0.01f, 1.0f); m_cache_mouse_sensitivity = rangelim(m_cache_mouse_sensitivity, 0.001, 100.0); m_invert_mouse = g_settings->getBool("invert_mouse"); m_enable_hotbar_mouse_wheel = g_settings->getBool("enable_hotbar_mouse_wheel"); m_invert_hotbar_mouse_wheel = g_settings->getBool("invert_hotbar_mouse_wheel"); m_does_lost_focus_pause_game = g_settings->getBool("pause_on_lost_focus"); } /****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Shutdown / cleanup ****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ void Game::showDeathFormspec() { static std::string formspec_str = std::string("formspec_version[1]") + SIZE_TAG "bgcolor[#320000b4;true]" "label[4.85,1.35;" + gettext("You died") + "]" "button_exit[4,3;3,0.5;btn_respawn;" + gettext("Respawn") + "]" ; /* Create menu */ /* Note: FormspecFormSource and LocalFormspecHandler * * are deleted by guiFormSpecMenu */ FormspecFormSource *fs_src = new FormspecFormSource(formspec_str); LocalFormspecHandler *txt_dst = new LocalFormspecHandler("MT_DEATH_SCREEN", client); auto *&formspec = m_game_ui->getFormspecGUI(); GUIFormSpecMenu::create(formspec, client, m_rendering_engine->get_gui_env(), &input->joystick, fs_src, txt_dst, client->getFormspecPrepend(), sound_manager.get()); formspec->setFocus("btn_respawn"); } #define GET_KEY_NAME(KEY) gettext(getKeySetting(#KEY).name()) void Game::showPauseMenu() { #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI static const std::string control_text = strgettext("Controls:\n" "No menu open:\n" "- slide finger: look around\n" "- tap: place/use\n" "- long tap: dig/punch/use\n" "Menu/inventory open:\n" "- double tap (outside):\n" " --> close\n" "- touch stack, touch slot:\n" " --> move stack\n" "- touch&drag, tap 2nd finger\n" " --> place single item to slot\n" ); #else static const std::string control_text_template = strgettext("Controls:\n" "- %s: move forwards\n" "- %s: move backwards\n" "- %s: move left\n" "- %s: move right\n" "- %s: jump/climb up\n" "- %s: dig/punch/use\n" "- %s: place/use\n" "- %s: sneak/climb down\n" "- %s: drop item\n" "- %s: inventory\n" "- Mouse: turn/look\n" "- Mouse wheel: select item\n" "- %s: chat\n" ); char control_text_buf[600]; porting::mt_snprintf(control_text_buf, sizeof(control_text_buf), control_text_template.c_str(), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_forward), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_backward), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_left), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_right), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_jump), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_dig), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_place), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_sneak), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_drop), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_inventory), GET_KEY_NAME(keymap_chat) ); std::string control_text = std::string(control_text_buf); str_formspec_escape(control_text); #endif float ypos = simple_singleplayer_mode ? 0.7f : 0.1f; std::ostringstream os; os << "formspec_version[1]" << SIZE_TAG << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_continue;" << strgettext("Continue") << "]"; if (!simple_singleplayer_mode) { os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_change_password;" << strgettext("Change Password") << "]"; } else { os << "field[4.95,0;5,1.5;;" << strgettext("Game paused") << ";]"; } #ifndef __ANDROID__ #if USE_SOUND if (g_settings->getBool("enable_sound")) { os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_sound;" << strgettext("Sound Volume") << "]"; } #endif os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_key_config;" << strgettext("Change Keys") << "]"; #endif os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_exit_menu;" << strgettext("Exit to Menu") << "]"; os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_exit_os;" << strgettext("Exit to OS") << "]" << "textarea[7.5,0.25;3.9,6.25;;" << control_text << ";]" << "textarea[0.4,0.25;3.9,6.25;;" << PROJECT_NAME_C " " VERSION_STRING "\n" << "\n" << strgettext("Game info:") << "\n"; const std::string &address = client->getAddressName(); static const std::string mode = strgettext("- Mode: "); if (!simple_singleplayer_mode) { Address serverAddress = client->getServerAddress(); if (!address.empty()) { os << mode << strgettext("Remote server") << "\n" << strgettext("- Address: ") << address; } else { os << mode << strgettext("Hosting server"); } os << "\n" << strgettext("- Port: ") << serverAddress.getPort() << "\n"; } else { os << mode << strgettext("Singleplayer") << "\n"; } if (simple_singleplayer_mode || address.empty()) { static const std::string on = strgettext("On"); static const std::string off = strgettext("Off"); // Note: Status of enable_damage and creative_mode settings is intentionally // NOT shown here because the game might roll its own damage system and/or do // a per-player Creative Mode, in which case writing it here would mislead. bool damage = g_settings->getBool("enable_damage"); const std::string &announced = g_settings->getBool("server_announce") ? on : off; if (!simple_singleplayer_mode) { if (damage) { const std::string &pvp = g_settings->getBool("enable_pvp") ? on : off; //~ PvP = Player versus Player os << strgettext("- PvP: ") << pvp << "\n"; } os << strgettext("- Public: ") << announced << "\n"; std::string server_name = g_settings->get("server_name"); str_formspec_escape(server_name); if (announced == on && !server_name.empty()) os << strgettext("- Server Name: ") << server_name; } } os << ";]"; /* Create menu */ /* Note: FormspecFormSource and LocalFormspecHandler * * are deleted by guiFormSpecMenu */ FormspecFormSource *fs_src = new FormspecFormSource(os.str()); LocalFormspecHandler *txt_dst = new LocalFormspecHandler("MT_PAUSE_MENU"); auto *&formspec = m_game_ui->getFormspecGUI(); GUIFormSpecMenu::create(formspec, client, m_rendering_engine->get_gui_env(), &input->joystick, fs_src, txt_dst, client->getFormspecPrepend(), sound_manager.get()); formspec->setFocus("btn_continue"); // game will be paused in next step, if in singleplayer (see m_is_paused) formspec->doPause = true; } /****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** extern function for launching the game ****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ void the_game(bool *kill, InputHandler *input, RenderingEngine *rendering_engine, const GameStartData &start_data, std::string &error_message, ChatBackend &chat_backend, bool *reconnect_requested) // Used for local game { Game game; /* Make a copy of the server address because if a local singleplayer server * is created then this is updated and we don't want to change the value * passed to us by the calling function */ try { if (game.startup(kill, input, rendering_engine, start_data, error_message, reconnect_requested, &chat_backend)) { game.run(); } } catch (SerializationError &e) { const std::string ver_err = fmtgettext("The server is probably running a different version of %s.", PROJECT_NAME_C); error_message = strgettext("A serialization error occurred:") +"\n" + e.what() + "\n\n" + ver_err; errorstream << error_message << std::endl; } catch (ServerError &e) { error_message = e.what(); errorstream << "ServerError: " << error_message << std::endl; } catch (ModError &e) { // DO NOT TRANSLATE the `ModError`, it's used by `ui.lua` error_message = std::string("ModError: ") + e.what() + strgettext("\nCheck debug.txt for details."); errorstream << error_message << std::endl; } game.shutdown(); }