/* Copyright (C) 2015 Aaron Suen <warr1024@gmail.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "imagefilters.h" #include "util/numeric.h" #include <cmath> #include <cassert> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> // Simple 2D bitmap class with just the functionality needed here class Bitmap { u32 linesize, lines; std::vector<u8> data; static inline u32 bytepos(u32 index) { return index >> 3; } static inline u8 bitpos(u32 index) { return index & 7; } public: Bitmap(u32 width, u32 height) : linesize(width), lines(height), data(bytepos(width * height) + 1) {} inline bool get(u32 x, u32 y) const { u32 index = y * linesize + x; return data[bytepos(index)] & (1 << bitpos(index)); } inline void set(u32 x, u32 y) { u32 index = y * linesize + x; data[bytepos(index)] |= 1 << bitpos(index); } inline bool all() const { for (u32 i = 0; i < data.size() - 1; i++) { if (data[i] != 0xff) return false; } // last byte not entirely filled for (u8 i = 0; i < bitpos(linesize * lines); i++) { bool value_of_bit = data.back() & (1 << i); if (!value_of_bit) return false; } return true; } inline void copy(Bitmap &to) const { assert(to.linesize == linesize && to.lines == lines); to.data = data; } }; /* Fill in RGB values for transparent pixels, to correct for odd colors * appearing at borders when blending. This is because many PNG optimizers * like to discard RGB values of transparent pixels, but when blending then * with non-transparent neighbors, their RGB values will show up nonetheless. * * This function modifies the original image in-place. * * Parameter "threshold" is the alpha level below which pixels are considered * transparent. Should be 127 when the texture is used with ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF, * 0 when alpha blending is used. */ void imageCleanTransparent(video::IImage *src, u32 threshold) { core::dimension2d<u32> dim = src->getDimension(); Bitmap bitmap(dim.Width, dim.Height); // First pass: Mark all opaque pixels // Note: loop y around x for better cache locality. for (u32 ctry = 0; ctry < dim.Height; ctry++) for (u32 ctrx = 0; ctrx < dim.Width; ctrx++) { if (src->getPixel(ctrx, ctry).getAlpha() > threshold) bitmap.set(ctrx, ctry); } // Exit early if all pixels opaque if (bitmap.all()) return; Bitmap newmap = bitmap; // Cap iterations to keep runtime reasonable, for higher-res textures we can // get away with filling less pixels. int iter_max = 11 - std::max(dim.Width, dim.Height) / 16; iter_max = std::max(iter_max, 2); // Then repeatedly look for transparent pixels, filling them in until // we're finished. for (int iter = 0; iter < iter_max; iter++) { for (u32 ctry = 0; ctry < dim.Height; ctry++) for (u32 ctrx = 0; ctrx < dim.Width; ctrx++) { // Skip pixels we have already processed if (bitmap.get(ctrx, ctry)) continue; video::SColor c = src->getPixel(ctrx, ctry); // Sample size and total weighted r, g, b values u32 ss = 0, sr = 0, sg = 0, sb = 0; // Walk each neighbor pixel (clipped to image bounds) for (u32 sy = (ctry < 1) ? 0 : (ctry - 1); sy <= (ctry + 1) && sy < dim.Height; sy++) for (u32 sx = (ctrx < 1) ? 0 : (ctrx - 1); sx <= (ctrx + 1) && sx < dim.Width; sx++) { // Ignore pixels we haven't processed if (!bitmap.get(sx, sy)) continue; // Add RGB values weighted by alpha IF the pixel is opaque, otherwise // use full weight since we want to propagate colors. video::SColor d = src->getPixel(sx, sy); u32 a = d.getAlpha() <= threshold ? 255 : d.getAlpha(); ss += a; sr += a * d.getRed(); sg += a * d.getGreen(); sb += a * d.getBlue(); } // Set pixel to average weighted by alpha if (ss > 0) { c.setRed(sr / ss); c.setGreen(sg / ss); c.setBlue(sb / ss); src->setPixel(ctrx, ctry, c); newmap.set(ctrx, ctry); } } if (newmap.all()) return; // Apply changes to bitmap for next run. This is done so we don't introduce // a bias in color propagation in the direction pixels are processed. newmap.copy(bitmap); } } /* Scale a region of an image into another image, using nearest-neighbor with * anti-aliasing; treat pixels as crisp rectangles, but blend them at boundaries * to prevent non-integer scaling ratio artifacts. Note that this may cause * some blending at the edges where pixels don't line up perfectly, but this * filter is designed to produce the most accurate results for both upscaling * and downscaling. */ void imageScaleNNAA(video::IImage *src, const core::rect<s32> &srcrect, video::IImage *dest) { double sx, sy, minsx, maxsx, minsy, maxsy, area, ra, ga, ba, aa, pw, ph, pa; u32 dy, dx; video::SColor pxl; // Cache rectangle boundaries. double sox = srcrect.UpperLeftCorner.X * 1.0; double soy = srcrect.UpperLeftCorner.Y * 1.0; double sw = srcrect.getWidth() * 1.0; double sh = srcrect.getHeight() * 1.0; // Walk each destination image pixel. // Note: loop y around x for better cache locality. core::dimension2d<u32> dim = dest->getDimension(); for (dy = 0; dy < dim.Height; dy++) for (dx = 0; dx < dim.Width; dx++) { // Calculate floating-point source rectangle bounds. // Do some basic clipping, and for mirrored/flipped rects, // make sure min/max are in the right order. minsx = sox + (dx * sw / dim.Width); minsx = rangelim(minsx, 0, sox + sw); maxsx = minsx + sw / dim.Width; maxsx = rangelim(maxsx, 0, sox + sw); if (minsx > maxsx) SWAP(double, minsx, maxsx); minsy = soy + (dy * sh / dim.Height); minsy = rangelim(minsy, 0, soy + sh); maxsy = minsy + sh / dim.Height; maxsy = rangelim(maxsy, 0, soy + sh); if (minsy > maxsy) SWAP(double, minsy, maxsy); // Total area, and integral of r, g, b values over that area, // initialized to zero, to be summed up in next loops. area = 0; ra = 0; ga = 0; ba = 0; aa = 0; // Loop over the integral pixel positions described by those bounds. for (sy = floor(minsy); sy < maxsy; sy++) for (sx = floor(minsx); sx < maxsx; sx++) { // Calculate width, height, then area of dest pixel // that's covered by this source pixel. pw = 1; if (minsx > sx) pw += sx - minsx; if (maxsx < (sx + 1)) pw += maxsx - sx - 1; ph = 1; if (minsy > sy) ph += sy - minsy; if (maxsy < (sy + 1)) ph += maxsy - sy - 1; pa = pw * ph; // Get source pixel and add it to totals, weighted // by covered area and alpha. pxl = src->getPixel((u32)sx, (u32)sy); area += pa; ra += pa * pxl.getRed(); ga += pa * pxl.getGreen(); ba += pa * pxl.getBlue(); aa += pa * pxl.getAlpha(); } // Set the destination image pixel to the average color. if (area > 0) { pxl.setRed(ra / area + 0.5); pxl.setGreen(ga / area + 0.5); pxl.setBlue(ba / area + 0.5); pxl.setAlpha(aa / area + 0.5); } else { pxl.setRed(0); pxl.setGreen(0); pxl.setBlue(0); pxl.setAlpha(0); } dest->setPixel(dx, dy, pxl); } }