forked from Mirrorlandia_minetest/minetest
751 lines
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751 lines
21 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#pragma once
#include "irrlichttypes_bloated.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "mapnode.h"
#include "nameidmapping.h"
#ifndef SERVER
#include "client/tile.h"
#include <IMeshManipulator.h>
class Client;
#include "itemgroup.h"
#include "sound.h" // SimpleSoundSpec
#include "constants.h" // BS
#include "tileanimation.h"
static const u8 CONTENTFEATURES_VERSION = 13;
class IItemDefManager;
class ITextureSource;
class IShaderSource;
class IGameDef;
class NodeResolver;
enum ContentParamType
enum ContentParamType2
// Need 8-bit param2
// Flowing liquid properties
// Direction for chests and furnaces and such
// Direction for signs, torches and such
// Block level like FLOWINGLIQUID
// 2D rotation for things like plants
// Mesh options for plants
// Index for palette
// 3 bits of palette index, then facedir
// 5 bits of palette index, then wallmounted
// Glasslike framed drawtype internal liquid level, param2 values 0 to 63
enum LiquidType
enum NodeBoxType
NODEBOX_REGULAR, // Regular block; allows buildable_to
NODEBOX_FIXED, // Static separately defined box(es)
NODEBOX_WALLMOUNTED, // Box for wall mounted nodes; (top, bottom, side)
NODEBOX_LEVELED, // Same as fixed, but with dynamic height from param2. for snow, ...
NODEBOX_CONNECTED, // optionally draws nodeboxes if a neighbor node attaches
struct NodeBox
enum NodeBoxType type;
// NODEBOX_REGULAR (no parameters)
std::vector<aabb3f> fixed;
aabb3f wall_top;
aabb3f wall_bottom;
aabb3f wall_side; // being at the -X side
std::vector<aabb3f> connect_top;
std::vector<aabb3f> connect_bottom;
std::vector<aabb3f> connect_front;
std::vector<aabb3f> connect_left;
std::vector<aabb3f> connect_back;
std::vector<aabb3f> connect_right;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected_top;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected_bottom;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected_front;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected_left;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected_back;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected_right;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected;
std::vector<aabb3f> disconnected_sides;
{ reset(); }
void reset();
void serialize(std::ostream &os, u16 protocol_version) const;
void deSerialize(std::istream &is);
struct MapNode;
class NodeMetadata;
enum LeavesStyle {
enum AutoScale : u8 {
enum WorldAlignMode : u8 {
class TextureSettings {
LeavesStyle leaves_style;
WorldAlignMode world_aligned_mode;
AutoScale autoscale_mode;
int node_texture_size;
bool opaque_water;
bool connected_glass;
bool use_normal_texture;
bool enable_mesh_cache;
bool enable_minimap;
TextureSettings() = default;
void readSettings();
enum NodeDrawType
// A basic solid block
// Nothing is drawn
// Do not draw face towards same kind of flowing/source liquid
// A very special kind of thing
// Glass-like, don't draw faces towards other glass
// Leaves-like, draw all faces no matter what
// Enabled -> ndt_allfaces, disabled -> ndt_normal
// Single plane perpendicular to a surface
// Single plane parallel to a surface
// 2 vertical planes in a 'X' shape diagonal to XZ axes.
// paramtype2 = "meshoptions" allows various forms, sizes and
// vertical and horizontal random offsets.
// Fenceposts that connect to neighbouring fenceposts with horizontal bars
// Selects appropriate junction texture to connect like rails to
// neighbouring raillikes.
// Custom Lua-definable structure of multiple cuboids
// Glass-like, draw connected frames and all visible faces.
// param2 > 0 defines 64 levels of internal liquid
// Uses 3 textures, one for frames, second for faces,
// optional third is a 'special tile' for the liquid.
// Draw faces slightly rotated and only on neighbouring nodes
// Enabled -> ndt_glasslike_framed, disabled -> ndt_glasslike
// Uses static meshes
// Combined plantlike-on-solid
// Mesh options for NDT_PLANTLIKE with CPT2_MESHOPTIONS
static const u8 MO_MASK_STYLE = 0x07;
static const u8 MO_BIT_RANDOM_OFFSET = 0x08;
static const u8 MO_BIT_SCALE_SQRT2 = 0x10;
static const u8 MO_BIT_RANDOM_OFFSET_Y = 0x20;
enum PlantlikeStyle {
enum AlignStyle : u8 {
Stand-alone definition of a TileSpec (basically a server-side TileSpec)
struct TileDef
std::string name = "";
bool backface_culling = true; // Takes effect only in special cases
bool tileable_horizontal = true;
bool tileable_vertical = true;
//! If true, the tile has its own color.
bool has_color = false;
//! The color of the tile.
video::SColor color = video::SColor(0xFFFFFFFF);
AlignStyle align_style = ALIGN_STYLE_NODE;
u8 scale = 0;
struct TileAnimationParams animation;
animation.type = TAT_NONE;
void serialize(std::ostream &os, u16 protocol_version) const;
void deSerialize(std::istream &is, u8 contentfeatures_version,
NodeDrawType drawtype);
struct ContentFeatures
Cached stuff
#ifndef SERVER
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// up down right left back front
TileSpec tiles[6];
// Special tiles
// - Currently used for flowing liquids
TileSpec special_tiles[CF_SPECIAL_COUNT];
u8 solidness; // Used when choosing which face is drawn
u8 visual_solidness; // When solidness=0, this tells how it looks like
bool backface_culling;
// Server-side cached callback existence for fast skipping
bool has_on_construct;
bool has_on_destruct;
bool has_after_destruct;
Actual data
std::string name; // "" = undefined node
ItemGroupList groups; // Same as in itemdef
// Type of MapNode::param1
ContentParamType param_type;
// Type of MapNode::param2
ContentParamType2 param_type_2;
enum NodeDrawType drawtype;
std::string mesh;
#ifndef SERVER
scene::IMesh *mesh_ptr[24];
video::SColor minimap_color;
float visual_scale; // Misc. scale parameter
TileDef tiledef[6];
// These will be drawn over the base tiles.
TileDef tiledef_overlay[6];
TileDef tiledef_special[CF_SPECIAL_COUNT]; // eg. flowing liquid
// If 255, the node is opaque.
// Otherwise it uses texture alpha.
u8 alpha;
// The color of the node.
video::SColor color;
std::string palette_name;
std::vector<video::SColor> *palette;
// Used for waving leaves/plants
u8 waving;
// for NDT_CONNECTED pairing
u8 connect_sides;
std::vector<std::string> connects_to;
std::vector<content_t> connects_to_ids;
// Post effect color, drawn when the camera is inside the node.
video::SColor post_effect_color;
// Flowing liquid or snow, value = default level
u8 leveled;
bool light_propagates;
bool sunlight_propagates;
// Amount of light the node emits
u8 light_source;
// True for all ground-like things like stone and mud, false for eg. trees
bool is_ground_content;
// This is used for collision detection.
// Also for general solidness queries.
bool walkable;
// Player can point to these
bool pointable;
// Player can dig these
bool diggable;
// Player can climb these
bool climbable;
// Player can build on these
bool buildable_to;
// Player cannot build to these (placement prediction disabled)
bool rightclickable;
u32 damage_per_second;
// client dig prediction
std::string node_dig_prediction;
// Whether the node is non-liquid, source liquid or flowing liquid
enum LiquidType liquid_type;
// If the content is liquid, this is the flowing version of the liquid.
std::string liquid_alternative_flowing;
// If the content is liquid, this is the source version of the liquid.
std::string liquid_alternative_source;
// Viscosity for fluid flow, ranging from 1 to 7, with
// 1 giving almost instantaneous propagation and 7 being
// the slowest possible
u8 liquid_viscosity;
// Is liquid renewable (new liquid source will be created between 2 existing)
bool liquid_renewable;
// Number of flowing liquids surrounding source
u8 liquid_range;
u8 drowning;
// Liquids flow into and replace node
bool floodable;
// --- NODEBOXES ---
NodeBox node_box;
NodeBox selection_box;
NodeBox collision_box;
SimpleSoundSpec sound_footstep;
SimpleSoundSpec sound_dig;
SimpleSoundSpec sound_dug;
// --- LEGACY ---
// Compatibility with old maps
// Set to true if paramtype used to be 'facedir_simple'
bool legacy_facedir_simple;
// Set to true if wall_mounted used to be set to true
bool legacy_wallmounted;
~ContentFeatures() = default;
void reset();
void serialize(std::ostream &os, u16 protocol_version) const;
void deSerialize(std::istream &is);
* Since vertex alpha is no longer supported, this method
* adds opacity directly to the texture pixels.
* \param tiles array of the tile definitions.
* \param length length of tiles
void correctAlpha(TileDef *tiles, int length);
Some handy methods
bool isLiquid() const{
return (liquid_type != LIQUID_NONE);
bool sameLiquid(const ContentFeatures &f) const{
if(!isLiquid() || !f.isLiquid()) return false;
return (liquid_alternative_flowing == f.liquid_alternative_flowing);
int getGroup(const std::string &group) const
return itemgroup_get(groups, group);
#ifndef SERVER
void updateTextures(ITextureSource *tsrc, IShaderSource *shdsrc,
scene::IMeshManipulator *meshmanip, Client *client, const TextureSettings &tsettings);
* @brief This class is for getting the actual properties of nodes from their
* content ID.
* @details The nodes on the map are represented by three numbers (see MapNode).
* The first number (param0) is the type of a node. All node types have own
* properties (see ContentFeatures). This class is for storing and getting the
* properties of nodes.
* The manager is first filled with registered nodes, then as the game begins,
* functions only get `const` pointers to it, to prevent modification of
* registered nodes.
class NodeDefManager {
* Creates a NodeDefManager, and registers three ContentFeatures:
* Returns the properties for the given content type.
* @param c content type of a node
* @return properties of the given content type, or \ref CONTENT_UNKNOWN
* if the given content type is not registered.
inline const ContentFeatures& get(content_t c) const {
c < m_content_features.size() ?
m_content_features[c] : m_content_features[CONTENT_UNKNOWN];
* Returns the properties of the given node.
* @param n a map node
* @return properties of the given node or @ref CONTENT_UNKNOWN if the
* given content type is not registered.
inline const ContentFeatures& get(const MapNode &n) const {
return get(n.getContent());
* Returns the node properties for a node name.
* @param name name of a node
* @return properties of the given node or @ref CONTENT_UNKNOWN if
* not found
const ContentFeatures& get(const std::string &name) const;
* Returns the content ID for the given name.
* @param name a node name
* @param[out] result will contain the content ID if found, otherwise
* remains unchanged
* @return true if the ID was found, false otherwise
bool getId(const std::string &name, content_t &result) const;
* Returns the content ID for the given name.
* @param name a node name
* @return ID of the node or @ref CONTENT_IGNORE if not found
content_t getId(const std::string &name) const;
* Returns the content IDs of the given node name or node group name.
* Group names start with "group:".
* @param name a node name or node group name
* @param[out] result will be appended with matching IDs
* @return true if `name` is a valid node name or a (not necessarily
* valid) group name
bool getIds(const std::string &name, std::vector<content_t> &result) const;
* Returns the smallest box in integer node coordinates that
* contains all nodes' selection boxes. The returned box might be larger
* than the minimal size if the largest node is removed from the manager.
inline core::aabbox3d<s16> getSelectionBoxIntUnion() const {
return m_selection_box_int_union;
* Checks whether a node connects to an adjacent node.
* @param from the node to be checked
* @param to the adjacent node
* @param connect_face a bit field indicating which face of the node is
* adjacent to the other node.
* Bits: +y (least significant), -y, -z, -x, +z, +x (most significant).
* @return true if the node connects, false otherwise
bool nodeboxConnects(MapNode from, MapNode to,
u8 connect_face) const;
* Registers a NodeResolver to wait for the registration of
* ContentFeatures. Once the node registration finishes, all
* listeners are notified.
void pendNodeResolve(NodeResolver *nr) const;
* Stops listening to the NodeDefManager.
* @return true if the listener was registered before, false otherwise
bool cancelNodeResolveCallback(NodeResolver *nr) const;
* Registers a new node type with the given name and allocates a new
* content ID.
* Should not be called with an already existing name.
* @param name name of the node, must match with ``.
* @param def definition of the registered node type.
* @return ID of the registered node or @ref CONTENT_IGNORE if
* the function could not allocate an ID.
content_t set(const std::string &name, const ContentFeatures &def);
* Allocates a blank node ID for the given name.
* @param name name of a node
* @return allocated ID or @ref CONTENT_IGNORE if could not allocate
* an ID.
content_t allocateDummy(const std::string &name);
* Removes the given node name from the manager.
* The node ID will remain in the manager, but won't be linked to any name.
* @param name name to be removed
void removeNode(const std::string &name);
* Regenerates the alias list (a map from names to node IDs).
* @param idef the item definition manager containing alias information
void updateAliases(IItemDefManager *idef);
* Reads the used texture pack's override.txt, and replaces the textures
* of registered nodes with the ones specified there.
* Format of the input file: in each line
* `node_name top|bottom|right|left|front|back|all|*|sides texture_name.png`
* @param override_filepath path to 'texturepack/override.txt'
void applyTextureOverrides(const std::string &override_filepath);
* Only the client uses this. Loads textures and shaders required for
* rendering the nodes.
* @param gamedef must be a Client.
* @param progress_cbk called each time a node is loaded. Arguments:
* `progress_cbk_args`, number of loaded ContentFeatures, number of
* total ContentFeatures.
* @param progress_cbk_args passed to the callback function
void updateTextures(IGameDef *gamedef,
void (*progress_cbk)(void *progress_args, u32 progress, u32 max_progress),
void *progress_cbk_args);
* Writes the content of this manager to the given output stream.
* @param protocol_version serialization version of ContentFeatures
void serialize(std::ostream &os, u16 protocol_version) const;
* Restores the manager from a serialized stream.
* This clears the previous state.
* @param is input stream containing a serialized NodeDefManager
void deSerialize(std::istream &is);
* Used to indicate that node registration has finished.
* @param completed tells whether registration is complete
inline void setNodeRegistrationStatus(bool completed) {
m_node_registration_complete = completed;
* Notifies the registered NodeResolver instances that node registration
* has finished, then unregisters all listeners.
* Must be called after node registration has finished!
void runNodeResolveCallbacks();
* Sets the registration completion flag to false and unregisters all
* NodeResolver instances listening to the manager.
void resetNodeResolveState();
* Resolves the IDs to which connecting nodes connect from names.
* Must be called after node registration has finished!
void mapNodeboxConnections();
* Resets the manager to its initial state.
* See the documentation of the constructor.
void clear();
* Allocates a new content ID, and returns it.
* @return the allocated ID or \ref CONTENT_IGNORE if could not allocate
content_t allocateId();
* Binds the given content ID and node name.
* Registers them in \ref m_name_id_mapping and
* \ref m_name_id_mapping_with_aliases.
* @param i a content ID
* @param name a node name
void addNameIdMapping(content_t i, std::string name);
* Recalculates m_selection_box_int_union based on
* m_selection_box_union.
void fixSelectionBoxIntUnion();
//! Features indexed by ID.
std::vector<ContentFeatures> m_content_features;
//! A mapping for fast conversion between names and IDs
NameIdMapping m_name_id_mapping;
* Like @ref m_name_id_mapping, but maps only from names to IDs, and
* includes aliases too. Updated by \ref updateAliases().
* Note: Not serialized.
std::unordered_map<std::string, content_t> m_name_id_mapping_with_aliases;
* A mapping from group names to a vector of content types that belong
* to it. Necessary for a direct lookup in \ref getIds().
* Note: Not serialized.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<content_t>> m_group_to_items;
* The next ID that might be free to allocate.
* It can be allocated already, because \ref CONTENT_AIR,
* \ref CONTENT_UNKNOWN and \ref CONTENT_IGNORE are registered when the
* manager is initialized, and new IDs are allocated from 0.
content_t m_next_id;
//! True if all nodes have been registered.
bool m_node_registration_complete;
* The union of all nodes' selection boxes.
* Might be larger if big nodes are removed from the manager.
aabb3f m_selection_box_union;
* The smallest box in integer node coordinates that
* contains all nodes' selection boxes.
* Might be larger if big nodes are removed from the manager.
core::aabbox3d<s16> m_selection_box_int_union;
* NodeResolver instances to notify once node registration has finished.
* Even constant NodeDefManager instances can register listeners.
mutable std::vector<NodeResolver *> m_pending_resolve_callbacks;
NodeDefManager *createNodeDefManager();
class NodeResolver {
virtual ~NodeResolver();
virtual void resolveNodeNames() = 0;
bool getIdFromNrBacklog(content_t *result_out,
const std::string &node_alt, content_t c_fallback,
bool error_on_fallback = true);
bool getIdsFromNrBacklog(std::vector<content_t> *result_out,
bool all_required = false, content_t c_fallback = CONTENT_IGNORE);
void nodeResolveInternal();
u32 m_nodenames_idx = 0;
u32 m_nnlistsizes_idx = 0;
std::vector<std::string> m_nodenames;
std::vector<size_t> m_nnlistsizes;
const NodeDefManager *m_ndef = nullptr;
bool m_resolve_done = false;