(() => { "use strict"; (() => { function getDom(t) { return function hasDom(t) { return null !== document.querySelector(t) }(t) ? document.querySelector(t) : null } function setDom(t) { for (var e, n = document.createElement(t), o = arguments.length, i = new Array(o > 1 ? o - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < o; r++) i[r - 1] = arguments[r]; return (e = n.classList).add.apply(e, i), n } function findDom(t, e) { try { return t.querySelector(e) } catch (t) { return null } } var t = "sliderm", e = "sliderm__slides", n = "sliderm__paginations", o = "sliderm__pagination", i = "sliderm__slide--clone"; function isInteger(t) { return Number.isFinite(t) } var r = function bold(t) { var e = {1: "thin", 2: "regular", 3: "bold"}; return void 0 !== e[t] ? e[t] : "regular" }, a = function shape(t) { return "none" === t || "square" === t ? t : "circle" }, s = function size(t) { return isInteger(t) && 16 !== t ? t <= 13 ? 13 : t >= 28 ? 28 : t : null }, l = function bgColor(t) { return "#000000" !== t ? t : null }, u = function color(t) { return "#ffffff" !== t ? t : null }, c = function opacity(t) { return !isInteger(t) || t > 1 || t < .1 || .5 === t ? null : t }; function queue(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0; return setTimeout((function () { t() }), e) } var p = [function breakpoint(t, e) { if (t.getOption("breakpoint")) { !function init() { var n = t.getOption("columns"), o = t.getOption("breakpoint.columns"), i = Number(e.getAttribute("data-columns")), r = function calculate(t, e) { var n = window.innerWidth, o = Object.keys(t).filter((function (e) { return n < t[e] })); return void 0 !== o[0] ? Number(o[0]) : e }(o, n); if (e.setAttribute("data-columns", n), void 0 !== r && i !== r) { var a = t.getItems(); t.updateOption("columns", r), t.updateCurrentItems(); for (var s = 0; s < a.length; s += 1) t.go("columns", a[s]); t.emit("breakpoint.changed") } }() } }, function transition(t, e) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), i = 2; i < n; i++) o[i - 2] = arguments[i]; var r = o[0], a = t.getOption("duration"); "stop" !== r ? (e.style.setProperty("transition-duration", "".concat(a, "ms")), t.on("destory", (function () { e.style.removeProperty("transition-duration") }))) : e.style.removeProperty("transition-duration") }, function transform(t, e) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), i = 2; i < n; i++) o[i - 2] = arguments[i]; var r = o[0]; e.style.setProperty("transform", "translateX(".concat(r, "px)")), t.on("destory", (function () { e.style.removeProperty("transform") })) }, function autoplay(t) { if (t.getOption("autoplay")) { var e = t.getOption("autoplay.duration"), n = "left" === t.getOption("autoplay.direction") ? "<" : ">", o = function repeat(t) { return setInterval((function () { t() }), arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 5e3) }((function () { t.slideTo(n) }), e); t.on("destory", (function () { !function stop(t) { clearInterval(t), clearTimeout(t) }(o) })) } }, function grouping(t, e) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), i = 2; i < n; i++) o[i - 2] = arguments[i]; var r = o[0], a = o[1], s = t.getOption("grouping"), l = a + 1; if (s) { var u = t.getOption("columns"), c = Math.ceil((a + 1) / u); r.setAttribute("data-order", c) } else r.setAttribute("data-order", l); t.on("destory", (function () { r.removeAttribute("data-order") })) }, function columns(t, e) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), i = 2; i < n; i++) o[i - 2] = arguments[i]; var r = o[0], a = t.getOption("columns"), s = parseFloat((1 / a * 100).toFixed(2)); r.style.setProperty("flex", "0 0 ".concat(s, "%")), t.on("destory", (function () { r.style.removeProperty("flex") })) }, function preview(t, e) { if (t.getOption("preview")) { var n = t.getOption("preview.edge"); e.style.setProperty("padding", "0 ".concat(n, "px")), t.on("destory", (function () { e.style.removeProperty("padding") })) } }, function spacing(t, e) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), i = 2; i < n; i++) o[i - 2] = arguments[i]; var r = o[0], a = Math.floor(t.getOption("spacing") / 2); r.style.setProperty("padding", "0px ".concat(a, "px")), t.on("destory", (function () { r.style.removeProperty("padding") })) }, function align(t, e) { var n = t.getOption("align"); "center" === n ? e.style.setProperty("align-items", "center") : "bottom" === n && e.style.setProperty("align-items", "flex-end"), t.on("destory", (function () { e.style.removeProperty("align-items") })) }, function touch(t, e) { if (t.getOption("touch")) { !function init() { var n = t.getOption("touch.threshold"), o = t.getOption("touch.duration"), i = t.adaptEvent(e), r = {x: 0, y: 0, time: 0}; i.on("touchstart", (function (t) { t.preventDefault(); var e = t.changedTouches[0]; r.x = e.pageX, r.y = e.pageY, r.time = (new Date).getTime() })), i.on("touchmove", (function (t) { t.preventDefault() })), i.on("touchend", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var i = e.changedTouches[0], a = (new Date).getTime() - r.time, s = Math.abs(i.pageX - r.x); if (!(a > o || s < n)) { var l = i.pageX > r.x ? ">" : "<"; t.slideTo(l) } })) }() } }, function clone(t, e) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), r = 2; r < n; r++) o[r - 2] = arguments[r]; var a = o[0], s = o[1], l = t.getOption("columns"), u = t.getOption("preview"), c = t.getOption("loop"); if (u || c) { var p = t.getItemCount(), d = t.getItems(), f = l, h = a.cloneNode(!0), v = null, m = !1; h.classList.add(i), s < f && (e.appendChild(h), m = !0), s >= p - f && (m ? ((v = a.cloneNode(!0)).classList.add(i), e.insertBefore(v, d[0])) : e.insertBefore(h, d[0])), t.on("destory", (function () { h.remove(), v && v.remove() })) } }, function slide(t, e) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), i = 2; i < n; i++) o[i - 2] = arguments[i]; var r = o[0], a = o[1], s = t.getOption("grouping"), l = t.getOption("preview"), u = t.getOption("duration"), c = t.getOption("columns"), p = t.getOption("loop"), d = t.getItems()[0].offsetWidth, f = t.getPage(), h = p || l, v = f.maximum(), m = f.calculate(r, !1), g = m < 1 || m > v, y = 0; !p && g || (y = s ? d * (0 - (h ? 0 : -1) - m) * c : d * (1 - (h ? c : 0) - m), t.emit("slide.start"), t.go("transition", a), t.go("transform", y), t.updatePosition(m), g ? queue((function () { m = f.calculate(r, g), y = s ? d * (0 - m) * c : d * (1 - c - m), t.go("transition", "stop"), t.go("transform", y), t.updatePosition(m), t.emit("slide.end") }), u + 10) : t.emit("slide.end")) }, function loop(t, e) { var n = t.getOption("loop"), o = t.getOption("grouping"); if (n && o) { var i = t.getItems(), r = t.getOption("columns"), a = t.getItemCount(), s = i[i.length - 1], l = r - a % r, u = []; if (l !== r && 1 !== r) { for (var c = 1; c <= l; c += 1) { var p = s.cloneNode(!0); p.classList.add("sliderm__slide--empty"), p.innerHTML = "", e.appendChild(p), u.push(p) } t.updateCurrentItems(), t.on("destory", (function () { u.forEach((function (t) { t.remove() })) })) } } }, function init(e) { var n = e.getOption("duration"), o = e.getRoot(); o.classList.add(t), o.classList.remove("".concat(t, "--initialized")), o.classList.add("".concat(t, "--initialize")), e.on("initialized", (function () { queue((function () { o.classList.remove("".concat(t, "--initialize")), o.classList.add("".concat(t, "--initialized")) }), n + 50) })) }], d = [function pagination(t) { var e, i, r, a = function click(e) { if (o === e.target.className) { var n = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(i.childNodes, e.target) + 1; t.slideTo(n) } }, s = function mark() { var e = t.getPosition(), o = findDom(t.getRoot(), ".".concat(n)).children; Array.from(o).forEach((function (t, n) { var o = n + 1; t.removeAttribute("data-active"), o === e && t.setAttribute("data-active", !0) })) }, l = function destory() { r.off("click", a), t.off("slide.end", s), i.remove() }, u = function init() { !function render() { var a = setDom("div", n); e = t.getPage().maximum(); for (var s = 0; s < e; s += 1) { var l = setDom("div", o); 0 === s && l.setAttribute("data-active", !0), a.append(l) } i = a, r = t.adaptEvent(i), t.getRoot().append(i) }(), function listen() { r.on("click", a), t.on("slide.end", s) }() }; t.on("destory", l), t.on("breakpoint.changed", (function () { l(), u() })), u() }, function spinner(t) { !function init() { var e = t.getOption("spinner.color"), n = setDom("div", "sliderm__spinner"); n.style.setProperty("color", e), t.getRoot().append(n), t.on("destory", (function () { n.remove() })) }() }, function arrow(t) { !function init() { for (var e = [s, r, a, u, l, c], n = setDom("div", "sliderm__button--previous"), o = setDom("div", "sliderm__button--next"), i = t.adaptEvent(n), p = t.adaptEvent(o), d = null, f = null, h = 0; h < e.length; h += 1) { var v = e[h].name, m = e[h](t.getOption("arrow.".concat(v))); null !== m && ("bold" === v ? (d = setDom("span", "sliderm__icon-left--".concat(m)), f = setDom("span", "sliderm__icon-right--".concat(m))) : "shape" === v ? (n.classList.add("sliderm__button--".concat(m)), o.classList.add("sliderm__button--".concat(m))) : ("bgColor" === v ? v = "background-color" : "size" === v && (v = "font-size", m = "".concat(m, "px")), n.style.setProperty(v, m), o.style.setProperty(v, m))) } n.append(d), o.append(f), t.getRoot().append(n), t.getRoot().append(o), i.on("click", (function () { t.slideTo("<") })), p.on("click", (function () { t.slideTo(">") })), t.on("destory", (function () { n.remove(), o.remove() })) }() }]; function _defineProperties(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = e[n]; o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o) } } var f = function () { function EventDispatcher() { !function _classCallCheck(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, EventDispatcher), this.events = {} } return function _createClass(t, e, n) { return e && _defineProperties(t.prototype, e), n && _defineProperties(t, n), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", {writable: !1}), t }(EventDispatcher, [{ key: "on", value: function on(t, e) { Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.events, t) || (this.events[t] = []), this.events[t].push(e) } }, { key: "off", value: function off(t, e) { var n = this; void 0 === e ? delete this.events[t] : this.events[t].forEach((function (o, i) { o === e && n.events[t].splice(i, 1) })) } }, { key: "emit", value: function emit(t) { for (var e = arguments.length, n = new Array(e > 1 ? e - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < e; o++) n[o - 1] = arguments[o]; void 0 !== this.events[t] && Array.isArray(this.events[t]) && this.events[t].forEach((function (t) { t.apply(void 0, n) })) } }, { key: "destory", value: function destory() { delete this.events } }]), EventDispatcher }(); function event_adapter_defineProperties(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = e[n]; o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o) } } var h = function () { function EventAdapter(t) { !function event_adapter_classCallCheck(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, EventAdapter), this.target = t, this.events = {} } return function event_adapter_createClass(t, e, n) { return e && event_adapter_defineProperties(t.prototype, e), n && event_adapter_defineProperties(t, n), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", {writable: !1}), t }(EventAdapter, [{ key: "on", value: function on(t, e) { this.events[t] = e, this.target.addEventListener(t, this.events[t]) } }, { key: "off", value: function off(t) { this.target.removeEventListener(t, this.events[t]) } }, { key: "emit", value: function emit(t) { void 0 !== this.events[t] && this.target.dispatchEvent(new Event(t)) } }, { key: "destory", value: function destory() { for (var t = Object.keys(this.events), e = 0; e < t.length; e += 1) this.off(t[e]); delete this.events } }, { key: "mock", value: function mock(t, e) { void 0 !== this.events[t] && this.events[t](e) } }]), EventAdapter }(); function error(t) { console.error("[Sliderm] ".concat(t)) } const v = { arrow: !0, pagination: !0, spinner: !0, grouping: !1, loop: !0, preview: !1, breakpoint: !0, touch: !0, autoplay: !1, columns: 4, duration: 1e3, spacing: 10, align: "center", extensions: [], _arrow: {color: "#ffffff", bgColor: "#000000", opacity: .5, size: 16, shape: "circle", bold: 2}, _preview: {edge: 40}, _spinner: {color: "#1cbbb4"}, _breakpoint: {columns: {4: !1, 3: 960, 2: 768, 1: 420}}, _touch: {threshold: 10, duration: 300}, _autoplay: {direction: "right", duration: 5e3} }; function page_defineProperties(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = e[n]; o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o) } } var m = function () { function Page(t) { !function page_classCallCheck(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, Page), this.sliderm = t } return function page_createClass(t, e, n) { return e && page_defineProperties(t.prototype, e), n && page_defineProperties(t, n), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", {writable: !1}), t }(Page, [{ key: "calculate", value: function calculate() { for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) e[n] = arguments[n]; var o = e[0], i = e[1], r = this.sliderm.getOption("columns"), a = this.sliderm.getOption("grouping"), s = this.sliderm.getItemCount(), l = this.sliderm.getGroupCount(), u = this.sliderm.getPosition(), c = a ? l : s, p = u, d = 0; if (a) { var f = Math.ceil(u * r / r); p = f } return "number" == typeof o ? d = o : ">" === o ? (d = p + 1) > c && i && (d = 1) : "<" === o && (d = p - 1) <= 0 && i && (d = c), d } }, { key: "maximum", value: function maximum() { var t = this.sliderm.getOption("loop"), e = this.sliderm.getOption("preview"), n = this.sliderm.getOption("grouping"), o = this.sliderm.getOption("columns"), i = t || e; return n ? this.sliderm.getGroupCount() : i ? this.sliderm.getItemCount() : this.sliderm.getItemCount() - o + 1 } }]), Page }(); function _toConsumableArray(t) { return function _arrayWithoutHoles(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return _arrayLikeToArray(t) }(t) || function _iterableToArray(t) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != t[Symbol.iterator] || null != t["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(t) }(t) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(t) || function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function _slicedToArray(t, e) { return function _arrayWithHoles(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t }(t) || function _iterableToArrayLimit(t, e) { var n = null == t ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]; if (null == n) return; var o, i, r = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n = n.call(t); !(a = (o = n.next()).done) && (r.push(o.value), !e || r.length !== e); a = !0) ; } catch (t) { s = !0, i = t } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return r }(t, e) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(t, e) || function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(t, e) { if (t) { if ("string" == typeof t) return _arrayLikeToArray(t, e); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); return "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n = t.constructor.name), "Map" === n || "Set" === n ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n) ? _arrayLikeToArray(t, e) : void 0 } } function _arrayLikeToArray(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, o = new Array(e); n < e; n++) o[n] = t[n]; return o } function sliderm_defineProperties(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = e[n]; o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o) } } function _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(t, e) { !function _checkPrivateRedeclaration(t, e) { if (e.has(t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object") }(t, e), e.add(t) } function _classPrivateMethodGet(t, e, n) { if (!e.has(t)) throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance"); return n } var g = new WeakSet, y = new WeakSet, _ = new WeakSet, b = new WeakSet, P = new WeakSet, w = function () { function Sliderm(t, n) { !function sliderm_classCallCheck(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, Sliderm), _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, P), _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, b), _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _), _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, y), _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, g); var o = getDom(t); o ? (this.options = Object.assign(v, n), this.event = new f, this.page = new m(this), this.root = o, this.initialized = !1, this.domEvents = [], this.itemCount = 0, this.position = 1, this.modules = {}, this.slider = findDom(this.root, ".".concat(e)), this.items = [], _classPrivateMethodGet(this, g, _initialize2).call(this)) : error('The DOM "'.concat(t, '" is invalid.')) } return function sliderm_createClass(t, e, n) { return e && sliderm_defineProperties(t.prototype, e), n && sliderm_defineProperties(t, n), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", {writable: !1}), t }(Sliderm, [{ key: "adaptEvent", value: function adaptEvent(t) { var e = new h(t); return this.domEvents.push(e), e } }, { key: "getPage", value: function getPage() { return this.page } }, { key: "getRoot", value: function getRoot() { return this.root } }, { key: "getItemCount", value: function getItemCount() { return this.itemCount } }, { key: "getGroupCount", value: function getGroupCount() { return this.groupCount } }, { key: "getItems", value: function getItems() { return this.items } }, { key: "getPosition", value: function getPosition() { return this.position } }, { key: "updatePosition", value: function updatePosition(t) { this.position = t } }, { key: "updateCurrentItems", value: function updateCurrentItems() { return !this.initialized && (_classPrivateMethodGet(this, _, _updateItems2).call(this), _classPrivateMethodGet(this, b, _updateGroupCount2).call(this), !0) } }, { key: "getOption", value: function getOption(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null, n = void 0 !== this.options[t] ? this.options[t] : e; if (t.includes(".")) try { var o = t.split("."), i = _slicedToArray(o, 2), r = i[0], a = i[1]; return this.options["_".concat(r)][a] } catch (t) { return e } return n } }, { key: "updateOption", value: function updateOption(t, e) { if (t.includes(".")) try { var n = _slicedToArray(t.split("."), 2), o = n[0], i = n[1]; this.options["_".concat(o)][i] = e } catch (t) { } else this.options[t] = e } }, { key: "slideTo", value: function slideTo(t) { this.go("slide", t) } }, { key: "go", value: function go(t) { var e; if (void 0 !== this.modules[t]) { for (var n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++) o[i - 1] = arguments[i]; (e = this.modules)[t].apply(e, [this, this.slider].concat(o)) } else error("Invalid module name: ".concat(t)) } }, { key: "on", value: function on(t, e) { this.event.on(t, e) } }, { key: "off", value: function off(t, e) { this.event.off(t, e) } }, { key: "emit", value: function emit(t) { for (var e, n = arguments.length, o = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++) o[i - 1] = arguments[i]; var r = [this].concat(o); (e = this.event).emit.apply(e, [t].concat(_toConsumableArray(r))) } }, { key: "destory", value: function destory() { this.event.emit("destory"), this.event.destory(), this.domEvents.forEach((function (t) { t.destory() })) } }]), Sliderm }(); function _initialize2() { var t = this; this.emit("initialize"), _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _, _updateItems2).call(this), _classPrivateMethodGet(this, b, _updateGroupCount2).call(this), _classPrivateMethodGet(this, P, _beforeMountExtensions2).call(this), _classPrivateMethodGet(this, y, _mountExtensions2).call(this), this.go("init"), this.go("breakpoint"), this.go("loop"), this.go("align"), this.go("touch"), this.go("preview"), this.go("autoplay"), this.items.forEach((function (e, n) { t.go("columns", e), t.go("spacing", e), t.go("grouping", e, n), t.go("clone", e, n) })), this.slideTo(1), this.initialized = !0, this.emit("initialized") } function _mountExtensions2() { for (var t = 0; t < p.length; t += 1) "function" == typeof p[t] && (this.modules[p[t].name] = p[t]); for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e += 1) "function" == typeof d[e] && this.getOption(d[e].name) && d[e](this) } function _updateItems2() { this.items = Array.from(findDom(this.root, ".".concat(e)).children), this.itemCount = this.items.length } function _updateGroupCount2() { var t = this.getOption("columns"); this.groupCount = Math.ceil(this.itemCount / t) } function _beforeMountExtensions2() { for (var t = 0; t < this.options.extensions.length; t += 1) { var e = this.options.extensions[t].name; if ("" !== e) { var n = this.options.extensions[t]; void 0 === this.options[e] ? p.push(n) : d.push(n) } } } window.Sliderm = w })() })();