2021-04-25 21:31:52 +02:00
mcl_mapgen = { }
local lvm_block_queue , lvm_chunk_queue , node_block_queue , node_chunk_queue = { } , { } , { } , { } -- Generators' queues
2021-04-26 01:35:54 +02:00
local lvm , block , lvm_block , lvm_chunk , param2 , nodes_block , nodes_chunk = 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 -- Requirements: 0 means none; greater than 0 means 'required'
2021-04-25 21:31:52 +02:00
local lvm_buffer , lvm_param2_buffer = { } , { } -- Static buffer pointers
local BS , CS = mcl_vars.MAP_BLOCKSIZE , mcl_vars.chunksize -- Mapblock size (in nodes), Mapchunk size (in blocks)
local LAST_BLOCK , LAST_NODE = CS - 1 , BS - 1 -- First mapblock in chunk (node in mapblock) has number 0, last has THIS number. It's for runtime optimization
local offset = math.floor ( mcl_vars.central_chunk_offset_in_nodes / BS ) -- Central mapchunk offset (in blocks)
local minetest_log , math_floor = minetest.log , math.floor
function mcl_mapgen . register_chunk_generator ( callback_function , priority )
nodes_chunk = nodes_chunk + 1
node_chunk_queue [ nodes_chunk ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( node_chunk_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
function mcl_mapgen . register_chunk_generator_lvm ( callback_function , priority )
lvm = lvm + 1
lvm_chunk_queue [ lvm_chunk ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( lvm_chunk_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
function mcl_mapgen . register_block_generator ( callback_function , priority )
block = block + 1
nodes_block = nodes_block + 1
node_block_queue [ nodes_block ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( node_block_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
function mcl_mapgen . register_block_generator_lvm ( callback_function , priority )
block = block + 1
lvm = lvm + 1
lvm_block = lvm_block + 1
lvm_block_queue [ lvm_block ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( lvm_block_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
2021-04-26 01:35:54 +02:00
local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage ( )
2021-04-25 21:31:52 +02:00
local blocks = minetest.deserialize ( storage : get_string ( " mapgen_blocks " ) or " return {} " ) or { }
minetest.register_on_shutdown ( function ( ) storage : set_string ( " mapgen_blocks " , minetest.serialize ( blocks ) ) end )
local vm_context -- here will be many references and flags, like: param2, light_data, heightmap, biomemap, heatmap, humiditymap, gennotify, write_lvm, write_param2, shadow
local data , data2 , area
local current_blocks = { }
minetest.register_on_generated ( function ( minp , maxp , blockseed )
local minp , maxp , blockseed = minp , maxp , blockseed
minetest_log ( " verbose " , " [mcl_mapgen] New chunk: minp= " .. minetest.pos_to_string ( minp ) .. " , maxp= " .. minetest.pos_to_string ( maxp ) .. " , blockseed= " .. blockseed )
local vm , emin , emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object ( " voxelmanip " )
if lvm > 0 then
vm_context = { lvm_param2_buffer = lvm_param2_buffer , vm = vm , emin = emin , emax = emax , minp = minp , maxp = maxp , blockseed = blockseed }
data = vm : get_data ( lvm_buffer )
vm_context.data = data
area = VoxelArea : new ( { MinEdge = emin , MaxEdge = emax } )
vm_context.area = area
for _ , v in pairs ( lvm_chunk_queue ) do
vm_context = v.f ( vm_context )
if block > 0 then
local x0 , y0 , z0 = minp.x , minp.y , minp.z
local bx0 , by0 , bz0 = math_floor ( x0 / BS ) , math_floor ( y0 / BS ) , math_floor ( z0 / BS )
local x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 = emin.x , emin.y , emin.z , emax.x , emax.y , emax.z
local x , y , z = x1 , y1 , z1 -- iterate 7x7x7 mapchunk, {x,y,z} - first node pos. of mapblock
local bx , by , bz -- block coords (in blocs)
local box , boy , boz -- block offsets in chunks (in blocks)
while x < x2 do
bx = math_floor ( x / BS )
local block_pos_offset_removed = bx - offset
box = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
if not blocks [ bx ] then blocks [ bx ] = { } end
local total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x = ( box > 0 and box < LAST_BLOCK ) and 4 or 8
while y < y2 do
by = math_floor ( y / BS )
block_pos_offset_removed = by - offset
boy = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
if not blocks [ bx ] [ by ] then blocks [ bx ] [ by ] = { } end
local total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y = ( boy > 0 and boy < LAST_BLOCK ) and math_floor ( total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x / 2 ) or total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x
while z < z2 do
bz = math_floor ( z / BS )
block_pos_offset_removed = bz - offset
boz = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
local total_mapgen_block_writes = ( boz > 0 and boz < LAST_BLOCK ) and math_floor ( total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y / 2 ) or total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y
local current_mapgen_block_writes = blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] and ( blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] + 1 ) or 1
if current_mapgen_block_writes == total_mapgen_block_writes then
-- this block shouldn't be overwritten anymore, no need to keep it in memory
blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] = nil
vm_context.seed = blockseed + box * 7 + boy * 243 + boz * 11931
if lvm_block > 0 then
vm_context.minp , vm_content.maxp = { x = x , y = y , z = z } , { x = x + LAST_NODE , y = y + LAST_NODE , z = z + LAST_NODE }
for _ , v in pairs ( lvm_block_queue ) do
vm_context = v.f ( vm_context )
if nodes_block > 0 then
current_blocks [ # current_blocks + 1 ] = { minp = { x = x , y = y , z = z } , maxp = { x = pos.x + LAST_NODE , y = pos.y + LAST_NODE , z = pos.z + LAST_NODE } , seed = seed }
blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] = current_mapgen_block_writes
z = z + BS
if next ( blocks [ bx ] [ by ] ) == nil then blocks [ bx ] [ by ] = nil end
z = z1
y = y + BS
if next ( blocks [ bx ] ) == nil then blocks [ bx ] = nil end
y = y1
x = x + BS
if vm_context.write then
vm : set_data ( data )
if vm_context.write_param2 then
vm : set_param2_data ( data2 )
vm : calc_lighting ( p1 , p2 , shadow )
vm : write_to_map ( )
vm : update_liquids ( )
for _ , v in pairs ( node_chunk_queue ) do
v.f ( minp , maxp , blockseed )
for i , b in pairs ( current_blocks ) do
for _ , v in pairs ( node_block_queue ) do
v.f ( b.minp , b.maxp , b.seed )
current_blocks [ id ] = nil
end )
minetest.register_on_generated = mcl_mapgen.register_chunk_generator
function mcl_mapgen . get_far_node ( p )
local p = p
local node = minetest_get_node ( p )
if node.name ~= " ignore " then return node end
minetest_get_voxel_manip ( ) : read_from_map ( p , p )
return minetest_get_node ( p )