# textdomain: mcl_mobs This allows you to place a single mob.=Dette gør dig i stand til at placere et enkelt monster. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Placér det blot der hvor du ønsker, at monsteret skal komme. Dyr vil spawne tamme, medmindre du holder snige-knappen nede mens du placerer dem. Hvis du placerer denne på et monsterspawn, ændrer du hvilket monster det spawner. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Du skal have "maphack" privilegier for at ændre monsterspawneren. Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Kun fredelige monstre er tilladt! ##[ api.lua ]## Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Fredelig tilstand aktiveret! Ingen monstre vil spawne. Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.= Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs= ##[ spawning.lua ]## spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var:@n etc.= ##[ crafts.lua ]## Name Tag=Navneskilt Give names to mobs=Giv navne til monstre Set name at anvil=Vælg navn ved en ambolt. A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Et navneskilt bruges til at navngive et monster. Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Før du bruger navneskiltet, skal du vælge navnet ved en ambolt. Derefter kan du bruge navneskiltet til at navngive et monster. Dette opbruger navneskiltet.