local template = {
	groups = {handy=1,axey=1, building_block = 1, material_wood = 1 },
	sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
	is_ground_content = true,
	_mcl_blast_resistance = 1,
	_mcl_hardness = 0.2,

local red = table.copy(template)
red.drop = {
	items = {
		{ items = {'mcl_mushrooms:mushroom_red 1'}, rarity = 2 },
		{ items = {'mcl_mushrooms:mushroom_red 1'}, rarity = 2 },

local brown= table.copy(template)
brown.drop = {
	items = {
		{ items = {'mcl_mushrooms:mushroom_brown 1'}, rarity = 2 },
		{ items = {'mcl_mushrooms:mushroom_brown 1'}, rarity = 2 },

-- Convert a number to a string with 6 binary digits
local function to_binary(num)
	local binary = ""
	while (num > 0) do
		local remainder_binary = (num % 2) > 0 and 1 or 0
		binary = binary .. remainder_binary
		num = math.floor(num/2)
	binary = string.reverse(binary)
	while (string.len(binary) < 6) do
		binary = "0" .. binary
	return binary

local register_mushroom = function(color, species_id, template, d_cap, d_stem, d_stem_all, longdesc_cap, longdesc_stem)

	-- Stem texture on all sides
	local stem_full = table.copy(template)
	stem_full.description = d_stem_all
	stem_full._doc_items_longdesc = "This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides."
	stem_full.tiles = { "mcl_mushrooms_mushroom_block_skin_stem.png" }
	stem_full.groups.huge_mushroom = species_id
	stem_full.groups.huge_mushroom_stem = 2
	minetest.register_node("mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_stem_full", stem_full)

	-- Stem
	local stem = table.copy(template)
	stem.description = d_stem
	stem._doc_items_longdesc = longdesc_stem
	stem.tiles = { "mcl_mushrooms_mushroom_block_inside.png", "mcl_mushrooms_mushroom_block_inside.png", "mcl_mushrooms_mushroom_block_skin_stem.png" }
	stem.groups.huge_mushroom = species_id
	stem.groups.huge_mushroom_stem = 1
	minetest.register_node("mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_stem", stem)

	-- Mushroom block (cap)
	-- Each side can either be the cap or the pores texture.
	-- Cubes have 6 sides, so there's a total of 2^6 = 64 combinations
	for s=0,63 do
		local block = table.copy(template)
		local bin = to_binary(s)
		if s == 63 then
			-- All-faces cap. This block is exposed to the player
			block.description = d_cap
			block._doc_items_longdesc = longdesc_cap
			block._doc_items_uagehelp = "By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently."
			block.tiles = { "mcl_mushrooms_mushroom_block_skin_"..color..".png" }

			block.on_construct = function(pos)
				local sides = {
					{ { x= 0, y= 1, z= 0 }, 2 },
					{ { x= 0, y=-1, z= 0 }, 1 },
					{ { x= 1, y= 0, z= 0 }, 4 },
					{ { x=-1, y= 0, z= 0 }, 3 },
					{ { x= 0, y= 0, z= 1 }, 6 },
					{ { x= 0, y= 0, z=-1 }, 5 },

				-- Replace the side of a mushroom node. Returns the new node.
				-- Or nil, if unchanged.
				local replace_side = function(pos, node, side)
					local bin = string.sub(node.name, -6)
					if string.sub(bin, side, side) == "1" then
						local new_bin
						if side == 1 then
							new_bin = "0" .. string.sub(bin, side+1, 6)
						elseif side == 6 then
							new_bin = string.sub(bin, 1, side-1) .. "0"
							new_bin = string.sub(bin, 1, side-1) .. "0" .. string.sub(bin, side+1, 6)

						return { name = string.sub(node.name, 1, -7) .. new_bin }

				local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
				local species_self = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "huge_mushroom")
				local node_update = table.copy(node)
				for i=1, #sides do
					local neighbor = vector.add(pos, sides[i][1])
					local neighbor_node = minetest.get_node(neighbor)
					local node_set = false
					if minetest.get_item_group(neighbor_node.name, "huge_mushroom_cap") ~= 0 and minetest.get_item_group(neighbor_node.name, "huge_mushroom") == species_self then

						local i2 = sides[i][2]
						local node_return = replace_side(pos, node_update, i)
						if node_return then
							node_update = node_return
							node_set = true
						local new_neighbor = replace_side(neighbor, neighbor_node, i2)
						if new_neighbor then
							minetest.set_node(neighbor, new_neighbor)
					if node_set then
						minetest.set_node(pos, node_update)
			-- Cap block with pores on at least 1 side.
			-- These blocks are used internally.
			block._doc_items_create_entry = false
			block.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
			block.groups.not_in_craft_guide = 1
			block.tiles = {}
			for t=1, string.len(bin) do
				if string.sub(bin, t, t) == "1" then
					block.tiles[t] = "mcl_mushrooms_mushroom_block_skin_"..color..".png"
					block.tiles[t] = "mcl_mushrooms_mushroom_block_inside.png"

			if minetest.get_modpath("doc") then
				doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_111111", "nodes", "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_"..bin)

		block.groups.huge_mushroom = species_id
		block.groups.huge_mushroom_cap = s

		-- bin is a binary string with 6 digits. Each digit stands for the
		-- texture of one of the sides, in the same order as the tiles parameter.
		-- 0 = pores; 1 = cap.
		minetest.register_node("mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_"..bin, block)


local longdesc_red = "Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides."
local longdesc_red_stem = "The stem part of a huge red mushroom."
register_mushroom("red", 1, red, "Huge Red Mushroom Block", "Huge Red Mushroom Stem", "Huge Red Mushroom All-Faces Stem", longdesc_red, longdesc_red_stem)

local longdesc_brown = "Huge brown mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge brown mushrooms. It consists of a brown skin and can have pores on each of its sides."
local longdesc_brown_stem = "The stem part of a huge brown mushroom."
register_mushroom("brown", 2, brown, "Huge Brown Mushroom Block", "Huge Brown Mushroom Stem", "Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem", longdesc_brown, longdesc_brown_stem)

	type = "fuel",
	recipe = "group:huge_mushroom",
	burntime = 15,

-- Legacy support
local colors = { "red", "brown" }
for c=1, 2 do
	local color = colors[c]
	minetest.register_alias("mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_full", "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_111111")
	minetest.register_alias("mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_top", "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_100000")
	minetest.register_alias("mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_pores_full", "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_000000")

	label = "Replace legacy mushroom cap blocks",
	name = "mcl_mushrooms:replace_legacy_mushroom_caps",
	nodenames = { "mcl_mushrooms:brown_mushroom_block_cap_corner", "mcl_mushrooms:brown_mushroom_block_cap_side", "mcl_mushrooms:red_mushroom_block_cap_corner", "mcl_mushrooms:red_mushroom_block_cap_side" },
	action = function(pos, node)
		for c=1, 2 do
			local color = colors[c]
			if node.name == "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_side" then
				if node.param2 == 0 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_100001"})
				elseif node.param2 == 1 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_100100"}) -- OK
				elseif node.param2 == 2 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_100010"})
				elseif node.param2 == 3 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_101000"})
					-- Fallback
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_101111"})
			elseif node.name == "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_corner" then
				if node.param2 == 0 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_101001"})
				elseif node.param2 == 1 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_100101"}) -- OK
				elseif node.param2 == 2 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_100110"}) -- OK
				elseif node.param2 == 3 then
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_101010"})
					-- Fallback
					minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "mcl_mushrooms:"..color.."_mushroom_block_cap_101111"})