# Projectiles API ## `vl_projectile.register(entity_name, def)` Registers a projectile entity. Arguments: * `entity_name`: The name the entity will be refered to by the minetest engine * `def`: Projectile defintion. Supports all fields that standard minetest entities support. Must include the field `_vl_projectile` for projectile-specific behaviors. These are the supported fields: * `survive_collision`: if this field is `false` or `nil`, the projectile will be removed after a collision. * `sticks_in_players`: if true, the projectile will stick into players after colliding with them. * `damage_groups`: damage group information to use for `punch()`. May be a function of type `function(projectile, entity_def, projectile_def, obj)` that returns dynamic damange group information. * `allow_punching`: will the projectile punch entities it collieds with. May be a function of type `function(projectile, entity_def, projectile_def, obj)`. * `behaviors`: a list of behavior callbacks that define the projectile's behavior. This mod provides two behaviors: `vl_projectiles.collides_with_solids` and `vl_projectiles.collides_with_entities` * `sounds`: sounds for this projectile. All fields take a table with three parameters corresponding to the three parameters for `minetest.play_sound()`. Supported sounds are: * `on_collision`: played when no other more specific sound is defined. May be a function of type `function(projectile, entity_def, projectile_def, type, ...)` * `on_solid_collision`: played when the projectile collides with a solid node. May be a function of type `funciton(projectile, entity_def, projectile_def, type, pos, node, node_def)` with `type = "node"` * `on_entity_collision`: played when the projectile collieds with another entity. May be a function of type `function(projectile, entity_def, projectile_def, type, entity)` with `type = "entity"` * `on_collide_with_solid`: callback of type `function(projectile, pos, node, node_def)` used when the projectile collides with a solid node. Requires `vl_projectile.collides_with_solids` in `behaviors` list. * `on_collide_with_entity`: callback of type `function(projectile, pos, obj)` used when the projectile collides with an entity. Requires `vl_projectile.collides_with_entities` in `behaviors` list. ## `vl_projectile.update_projectile(self, dtime)` Performs standard projectile update logic and runs projectile behaviors. Arguments: * `self`: The lua entity of the projectile to update * `dtime`: The amount of time that has passed since the last update. Nomally the `dtime` parameter of the entity's `on_step(self, dtime)` callback. ## `vl_projectile.raycast_collides_with_entities(self, dtime, entity_def, projectile_def` Performs collision detection of entities via a racast and then handles the collisions. Arguments: * `self`: The lua entity of the projectile to update * `dtime`: The amount of time that has passed since the last update. Nomally the `dtime` parameter of the entity's `on_step(self, dtime)` callback. * `entity_def`: The definition from `minetest.registered_entities` for the projectile. * `projectile_def`: Same as `entity_def._vl_projectile` ## `vl_projectile.create(entity_id, options)` Creates a projectile and performs convenience initialization. Arguments: * `entity_id`: The name the entity as passed to `vl_projectile.register()` * `options`: A table with optional parameters. Supported fields are: * `dir`: direction the projectile is moving in * `velocity`: scalar velocity amount * `drag`: scalar resistence to velocity * `owner`: passed thru unmodified * `extra`: passed thru unmodified ## Custom Projectile Behaviors The projectile API supports specifying the behaviors that a projectile will exhibit. There are two standard behaviors provided with the API: `vl_projectile.collides_with_solids` and `vl_projectile.collides_with_entities`. Custom behaviors can be provided by adding a function with the signature `function(self, dtime, entity_def, projectile_def)` to the list of behaviors a projectile supports. Arguments: * `self`: The lua entity of the projectile * `dtime`: The amount of time that has passed since the last update. Nomally the `dtime` parameter of the entity's `on_step(self, dtime)` callback. * `entity_def`: The definition from `minetest.registered_entities` for the projectile. * `projectile_def`: Same as `entity_def._vl_projectile`