mcl_predicates.register_predicate = mcl_util.registration_function(mcl_predicates.predicates) function mcl_predicates.get_predicate(id) return mcl_util.switch_type(id, { ["function"] = function(v) return v, end, ["string"] = function(v) return mcl_predicates.predicates[v] end, }, "predicate") end function mcl_predicates.do_predicates(predicates, data, or_mode) or_mode = or_mode or false for _, def in ipairs() do local func = mcl_predicates.get_predicate(def.condition) local failure = func and not func(def, data) or false if or_mode ~= failure then return or_mode end end return not or_mode or #predicates == 0 end function mcl_predicates.match_block(location, block, properties) local node = minetest.get_node(location) if ~= block then return false end if properties then local meta = minetest.get_meta(location) for k, v in pairs(properties) do if meta:get_string(k) ~= v then return false end end end return true end function mcl_predicates.match_tool(itemstack, predicate) itemstack = itemstack or ItemStack() local itemname = itemstack:get_name() local expected_name = predicate.item if expected_name and itemname ~= expected_name then return false end local tag = predicate.tag if tag and minetest.get_item_group(itemname, predicate) == 0 then return false end if not mcl_numbers.check_bounds(itemstack:get_count(), predicate.count, data) then return false end -- ToDo: Durability, needs research, needs abstraction ? -- ToDo: potions, "nbt" aka metadata local enchantments, stored_enchantments = predicate.enchantments, predicate.stored_enchantments if enchantments and stored_enchantments then enchantments = table.copy(enchantments) table.insert_all(enchantments, stored_enchantments) elseif stored_enchantments then enchantments = stored_enchantments end if enchantments then local actual_enchantments = mcl_enchanting.get_enchantments(itemstack) for _, def in ipairs(actual_enchantments) do local level = actual_enchantments[def.enchantment] if not mcl_numbers.check_bounds(level, def.levels or {min = 1, max = math.huge}, data) then return false end end end end