vl_scheduler = {} local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) local DEBUG = false local BUDGET = 5e4 -- 50,000 microseconds = 1/20 second local amt_queue = dofile(modpath.."/queue.lua") local globalsteps local run_queue = {} -- 4 priority levels: now-async, now-main, background-async, background-main local every_globalstep local free_task_count = 0 -- freelist to reduce memory allocation/garbage collection pressure local free_tasks = nil local MAX_FREE_TASKS = 200 -- Tasks scheduled in the future that will run in the next 32 timesteps local task_ring = {} local task_pos = 1 local long_queue = amt_queue.new() -- Initialize task ring to avoid memory allocations while running for i = 1,32 do task_ring[i] = {} end function vl_scheduler.print_debug_dump() print(dump{ globalsteps = globalsteps, run_queue = run_queue, free_task_count = free_task_count, -- free_tasks = free_tasks, MAX_FREE_TASKS = MAX_FREE_TASKS, task_ring = task_ring, task_pos = task_pos, long_queue = long_queue, }) end function vl_scheduler.set_debug(value) DEBUG = value end local function new_task() if free_task_count == 0 then return {} end local res = free_tasks free_tasks = free_tasks.next free_task_count = free_task_count - 1 res.next = nil return res end vl_scheduler.new_task = new_task local function free_task(task) if free_task_count >= MAX_FREE_TASKS then return end task.last = nil task.next = free_tasks free_tasks = task free_task_count = free_task_count + 1 end local function build_every_globalstep() -- Build function to allow JIT compilation and optimization local code = [[ local args = ... local globalsteps = args.globalsteps ]] for i = 1,#globalsteps do code = code .. "local f"..i.." = globalsteps["..i.."]\n" end code = code .. [[ local function every_globalstep(dtime) ]] for i = 1,#globalsteps do code = code .. "f"..i.."(dtime)\n" end code = code .. [[ end return every_globalstep ]] every_globalstep = loadstring(code)({globalsteps = globalsteps}) end local function globalstep(dtime) if dtime > 0.1 then minetest.log("warning", "Long timestep of "..dtime.." seconds. This may be a sign of an overloaded server or performance issues.") end local start = core.get_us_time() -- Update run queues from tasks from ring buffer local tasks = task_ring[task_pos] if tasks then for i=1,4 do if tasks[i] then if run_queue[i] then run_queue[i].last.next = tasks[i] run_queue[i].last = tasks[i].last else run_queue[i] = tasks[i] end tasks[i] = nil end end end -- Update ring buffer with tasks from amt-queue local queue_tasks = long_queue:pop() while queue_tasks do local task = queue_tasks queue_tasks = task.next task.next = nil if tasks[task.priority] then tasks[task.priority].last.next = task tasks[task.priority].last = task else task.last = task tasks[task.priority] = task end end task_pos = task_pos + 1 if task_pos == 33 then task_pos = 1 end -- Launch asynchronous tasks that must be issued now (now-async) local next_async_task = run_queue[1] while next_async_task do next_async_task:func() local task = next_async_task next_async_task = next_async_task.next free_task(task) end run_queue[1] = nil -- Run tasks that must be run this timestep (now-main) every_globalstep(dtime) local next_main_task = run_queue[2] while next_main_task do local task = next_main_task next_main_task = task.next task.next = nil task:func(dtime) free_task(task) end run_queue[2] = nil -- Launch asynchronous tasks that may be issued any time (background-async) local next_background_async_task = run_queue[3] local last_background_async_task = next_background_async_task and next_background_async_task.last while next_background_async_task and (core.get_us_time() - start) < BUDGET do next_background_async_task:func() local task = next_background_async_task next_background_async_task = next_background_async_task.next free_task(task) end if next_background_async_task then next_background_async_task.last = last_background_async_task end run_queue[3] = next_background_async_task -- Run tasks that may be run on any timestep (background-main) local next_background_task = run_queue[4] local last_background_task = next_background_task and next_background_task.last while next_background_task and (core.get_us_time() - start) < BUDGET do next_background_task:func() local task = next_background_task next_background_task = next_background_task.next free_task(task) end if next_background_task then next_background_task.last = last_background_task end run_queue[4] = next_background_task if DEBUG then print("Total timestep: "..(core.get_us_time() - start).." microseconds") end end -- Override all globalstep handlers and redirect to this scheduler core.register_on_mods_loaded(function() globalsteps = core.registered_globalsteps core.registered_globalsteps = {globalstep} build_every_globalstep() end) local function queue_task(when, priority, task) assert(priority >= 1 and priority <= 4, "Invalid task priority: expected 1-4, got "..tostring(priority)) assert(type(task.func) == "function", "Task must provide function in .func field") if when == 0 then -- Add to next timestep run queue local queue = run_queue[priority] task.next = nil if queue then queue.last.next = task else task.last = task run_queue[priority] = task end elseif when < 32 then -- Add task to correct priority inside ring buffer position local idx = (task_pos + when - 1) % 32 + 1 local tasks = task_ring[idx] if tasks[priority] then tasks[priority].last.next = task tasks[priority].last = task else task.last = task tasks[priority] = task end else -- Insert into Array-Mapped Trie/Finger Tree queue local when_offset = when - 32 task.priority = priority long_queue:insert(task, when_offset) end end vl_scheduler.queue_task = queue_task -- Hijack core.after and redirect to this scheduler function core.after(time, func, ...) local task = new_task() task.args = {...} task.next = nil task.real_func = func task.func = function(task) task.real_func(unpack(task.args)) end local timesteps = math.round(time / 0.05) queue_task(timesteps, 2, task) end return vl_scheduler