local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) local function potion_image(colorstring, opacity) if not opacity then opacity = 127 end return "mcl_potions_potion_overlay.png^[colorize:"..colorstring..":"..tostring(opacity).."^mcl_potions_potion_bottle.png" end local how_to_drink = S("Use the “Place” key to drink it.") local potion_intro = S("Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.") local function time_string(dur) if not dur then return nil end return math.floor(dur/60)..string.format(":%02d",math.floor(dur % 60)) end local function perc_string(num) local rem = math.floor((num-1.0)*100 + 0.1) % 5 local out = math.floor((num-1.0)*100 + 0.1) - rem if (num - 1.0) < 0 then return out.."%" else return "+"..out.."%" end end -- ██████╗░███████╗░██████╗░██╗░██████╗████████╗███████╗██████╗░ -- ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝░██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗ -- ██████╔╝█████╗░░██║░░██╗░██║╚█████╗░░░░██║░░░█████╗░░██████╔╝ -- ██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░╚██╗██║░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗ -- ██║░░██║███████╗╚██████╔╝██║██████╔╝░░░██║░░░███████╗██║░░██║ -- ╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░╚═════╝░╚═╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝ -- -- ██████╗░░█████╗░████████╗██╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗░██████╗ -- ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██╔══██╗████╗░██║██╔════╝ -- ██████╔╝██║░░██║░░░██║░░░██║██║░░██║██╔██╗██║╚█████╗░ -- ██╔═══╝░██║░░██║░░░██║░░░██║██║░░██║██║╚████║░╚═══██╗ -- ██║░░░░░╚█████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║██████╔╝ -- ╚═╝░░░░░░╚════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═════╝░ function return_on_use(def, effect, dur) return function (itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type == "node" then if user and not user:get_player_control().sneak then -- Use pointed node's on_rightclick function first, if present local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) if user and not user:get_player_control().sneak then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, user, itemstack) or itemstack end end end elseif pointed_thing.type == "object" then return itemstack end --def.on_use(user, effect, dur) -- Will do effect immediately but not reduce item count until eating delay ends which makes it exploitable by deliberately not finishing delay -- Wrapper for handling mcl_hunger delayed eating local name = user:get_player_name() mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_itemstack = itemstack -- Used as comparison to make sure the custom wrapper executes only when the same item is eaten mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_var = { user = user, effect = effect, dur = dur, } mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_func = def.on_use mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_wrapper = function(name) mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_func( mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_var.user, mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_var.effect, mcl_hunger.eat_internal[name]._custom_var.dur ) end local old_name, old_count = itemstack:get_name(), itemstack:get_count() itemstack = minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if old_name ~= itemstack:get_name() or old_count ~= itemstack:get_count() then mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, def.color) end return itemstack end end local function generate_on_use(effects, color, on_use, custom_effect) return function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type == "node" then if user and not user:get_player_control().sneak then local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, user, itemstack) or itemstack end end elseif pointed_thing.type == "object" then return itemstack end local potency = itemstack:get_meta():get_int("mcl_potions:potion_potent") local plus = itemstack:get_meta():get_int("mcl_potions:potion_plus") local ef_level local dur for name, details in pairs(effects) do if details.uses_level then ef_level = details.level + details.level_scaling * (potency) else ef_level = details.level end if details.dur_variable then dur = details.dur * math.pow(mcl_potions.PLUS_FACTOR, plus) if potency>0 and details.uses_level then dur = dur / math.pow(mcl_potions.POTENT_FACTOR, potency) end else dur = details.dur end mcl_potions.give_effect_by_level(name, user, ef_level, dur) end if on_use then on_use(user, potency+1) end if custom_effect then custom_effect(user, potency+1) end itemstack = minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if itemstack then mcl_potions._use_potion(user, color) end return itemstack end end -- API - registers a potion -- required parameters in def: -- name - string - potion name in code -- optional parameters in def: -- desc_prefix - translated string - part of visible potion name, comes before the word "Potion" -- desc_suffix - translated string - part of visible potion name, comes after the word "Potion" -- _tt - translated string - custom tooltip text -- _dynamic_tt - function(level) - returns custom tooltip text dependent on potion level -- _longdesc - translated string - text for in-game documentation -- stack_max - int - max stack size - defaults to 1 -- image - string - name of a custom texture of the potion icon -- color - string - colorstring for potion icon when image is not defined - defaults to #0000FF -- groups - table - item groups definition for the regular potion, not splash or lingering - -- - must contain _mcl_potion=1 for tooltip to include dynamic_tt and effects -- - defaults to {brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1, _mcl_potion=1} -- _effect_list - table - all the effects dealt by the potion in the format of tables -- -- the name of each sub-table should be a name of a registered effect, and fields can be the following: -- -- -- uses_level - bool - whether the level of the potion affects the level of the effect - -- -- -- - defaults to the uses_factor field of the effect definition -- -- -- level - int - used as the effect level if uses_level is false and for lvl1 potions - defaults to 1 -- -- -- level_scaling - int - used as the number of effect levels added per potion level - defaults to 1 - -- -- -- - this has no effect if uses_level is false -- -- -- dur - float - duration of the effect in seconds - defaults to mcl_potions.DURATION -- -- -- dur_variable - bool - whether variants of the potion should have the length of this effect changed - -- -- -- - defaults to true -- -- -- - if at least one effect has this set to true, the potion has a "plus" variant -- uses_level - bool - whether the potion should come at different levels - -- - defaults to true if uses_level is true for at least one effect, else false -- drinkable - bool - defaults to true -- has_splash - bool - defaults to true -- has_lingering - bool - defaults to true -- has_arrow - bool - defaults to false -- has_potent - bool - whether there is a potent (e.g. II) variant - defaults to the value of uses_level -- default_potent_level - int - potion level used for the default potent variant - defaults to 2 -- default_extend_level - int - extention level (amount of +) used for the default extended variant - defaults to 1 -- custom_on_use - function(user, level) - called when the potion is drunk, returns true on success -- custom_effect - function(object, level) - called when the potion effects are applied, returns true on success -- custom_splash_effect - function(pos, level) - called when the splash potion explodes, returns true on success -- custom_linger_effect - function(pos, radius, level) - called on the lingering potion step, returns true on success function mcl_potions.register_potion(def) local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local name = def.name if name == nil then error("Unable to register potion: name is nil") end if type(name) ~= "string" then error("Unable to register potion: name is not a string") end local pdef = {} if def.desc_prefix and def.desc_suffix then pdef.description = S("@1 Potion @2", def.desc_prefix, def.desc_suffix) elseif def.desc_prefix then pdef.description = S("@1 Potion", def.desc_prefix) elseif def.desc_suffix then pdef.description = S("Potion @1", def.desc_suffix) else pdef.description = S("Strange Potion") end pdef._tt_help = def._tt pdef._dynamic_tt = def._dynamic_tt local potion_longdesc = def._longdesc if def._effect_list then potion_longdesc = potion_intro .. "\n" .. def._longdesc end pdef._doc_items_longdesc = potion_longdesc if def.drinkable ~= false then pdef._doc_items_usagehelp = how_to_drink end pdef.stack_max = def.stack_max or 1 local color = def.color or "#0000FF" pdef.inventory_image = def.image or potion_image(color) pdef.wield_image = pdef.inventory_image pdef.groups = def.groups or {brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1, _mcl_potion=1} pdef._effect_list = {} local effect local uses_level = false local has_plus = false if def._effect_list then for name, details in pairs(def._effect_list) do no_effects = false effect = mcl_potions.registered_effects[name] if effect then local ulvl if details.uses_level ~= nil then ulvl = details.uses_level else ulvl = effect.uses_factor end if ulvl then uses_level = true end local durvar = true if details.dur_variable ~= nil then durvar = details.dur_variable end if durvar then has_plus = true end pdef._effect_list[name] = { uses_level = ulvl, level = details.level or 1, level_scaling = details.level_scaling or 1, dur = details.dur or mcl_potions.DURATION, dur_variable = durvar, } else error("Unable to register potion: effect not registered") end end end if def.uses_level ~= nil then uses_level = def.uses_level end pdef.uses_level = uses_level if def.has_potent ~= nil then pdef.has_potent = def.has_potent else pdef.has_potent = uses_level end pdef._default_potent_level = def.default_potent_level or 2 pdef._default_extend_level = def.default_extend_level or 1 pdef.has_plus = has_plus local on_use if def.drinkable ~= false then on_use = generate_on_use(pdef._effect_list, color, def.custom_on_use, def.custom_effect) end pdef.on_place = on_use pdef.on_secondary_use = on_use minetest.register_craftitem(modname..":"..name, pdef) if def.has_splash or def.has_splash == nil then local splash_desc = S("Splash @1", pdef.description) local sdef = {} sdef._tt = def._tt sdef._dynamic_tt = def._dynamic_tt sdef._longdesc = def._longdesc sdef.stack_max = pdef.stack_max sdef._effect_list = pdef._effect_list sdef.uses_level = uses_level sdef.has_potent = pdef.has_potent sdef.has_plus = has_plus sdef._default_potent_level = pdef._default_potent_level sdef._default_extend_level = pdef._default_extend_level sdef.custom_effect = def.custom_effect sdef.on_splash = def.custom_splash_effect if not def._effect_list then sdef.instant = true end mcl_potions.register_splash(name, splash_desc, color, sdef) end if def.has_lingering or def.has_lingering == nil then local ling_desc = S("Lingering @1", pdef.description) local ldef = {} ldef._tt = def._tt ldef._longdesc = def._longdesc ldef.stack_max = pdef.stack_max ldef._effect_list = pdef._effect_list ldef.uses_level = uses_level ldef.has_potent = pdef.has_potent ldef.has_plus = has_plus ldef._default_potent_level = pdef._default_potent_level ldef._default_extend_level = pdef._default_extend_level ldef.custom_effect = def.custom_effect ldef.on_splash = def.custom_splash_effect ldef.while_lingering = def.custom_linger_effect if not def._effect_list then ldef.instant = true end mcl_potions.register_lingering(name, ling_desc, color, ldef) end if def.has_arrow then local arr_desc if def.desc_prefix and def.desc_suffix then arr_desc = S("@1 Arrow @2", def.desc_prefix, def.desc_suffix) elseif def.desc_prefix then arr_desc = S("@1 Arrow", def.desc_prefix) elseif def.desc_suffix then arr_desc = S("Arrow @1", def.desc_suffix) else arr_desc = S("Strange Tipped Arrow") end local adef = {} adef._tt = def._tt adef._longdesc = def._longdesc adef._effect_list = pdef._effect_list adef.uses_level = uses_level adef.has_potent = pdef.has_potent adef.has_plus = has_plus adef._default_potent_level = pdef._default_potent_level adef._default_extend_level = pdef._default_extend_level adef.custom_effect = def.custom_effect if not def._effect_list then adef.instant = true end mcl_potions.register_arrow(name, arr_desc, color, adef) end end mcl_potions.register_potion({ name = "trolling", desc_prefix = S("Mighty"), desc_suffix = S("of Trolling"), _tt = "trololo", _dynamic_tt = function(level) return "trolololoooololo" end, _longdesc = "Trolololololo", stack_max = 2, color = "#00AA00", _effect_list = { night_vision = {}, strength = {}, swiftness = { uses_level = false, level = 2, }, poison = { dur = 10, }, }, default_potent_level = 5, default_extend_level = 3, custom_splash_effect = mcl_potions._extinguish_nearby_fire, has_arrow = true, }) local function register_potion(def) local dur = mcl_potions.DURATION if def.is_inv then dur = dur * mcl_potions.INV_FACTOR end if def.name == "poison" or def.name == "regeneration" or def.name == "withering" then dur = 45 end local on_use = nil if def.on_use then on_use = return_on_use(def, def.effect, dur) end local function get_tt(tt, effect, dur) local _tt if effect and def.is_dur then _tt = perc_string(effect).." | "..time_string(dur) if def.name == "poison" or def.name == "regeneration" or def.name == "withering" then _tt = S("1 HP/@1s | @2", effect, time_string(dur)) end elseif def.name == "healing" or def.name == "harming" then _tt = S("@1 HP", effect) else _tt = tt or time_string(dur) or S("No effect") end return _tt end local function get_splash_fun(effect, sp_dur) if def.is_dur then return function(player, redx) def.on_use(player, effect, sp_dur*redx) end elseif def.effect then return function(player, redx) def.on_use(player, effect*redx, sp_dur) end end -- covers case of no effect (water, awkward, mundane) return function() end end local function get_lingering_fun(effect, ling_dur) if def.is_dur then return function(player) def.on_use(player, effect, ling_dur) end elseif def.effect then return function(player) def.on_use(player, effect*0.5, ling_dur) end end -- covers case of no effect (water, awkward, mundane) return function() end end local function get_arrow_fun(effect, dur) if def.is_dur then return function(player) def.on_use(player, effect, dur) end elseif def.effect then return function(player) def.on_use(player, effect, dur) end end -- covers case of no effect (water, awkward, mundane) return function() end end local desc if not def.no_potion then if def.description_potion then desc = def.description_potion else desc = S("@1 Potion", def.description) end else desc = def.description end local potion_longdesc = def._longdesc if not def.no_effect then potion_longdesc = potion_intro .. "\n" .. def._longdesc end local potion_usagehelp local basic_potion_tt if def.name ~= "dragon_breath" then potion_usagehelp = how_to_drink basic_potion_tt = get_tt(def._tt, def.effect, dur) end minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:"..def.name, { description = desc, _tt_help = basic_potion_tt, _doc_items_longdesc = potion_longdesc, _doc_items_usagehelp = potion_usagehelp, stack_max = def.stack_max or 1, inventory_image = def.image or potion_image(def.color), wield_image = def.image or potion_image(def.color), groups = def.groups or {brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1, bottle=1}, on_place = on_use, on_secondary_use = on_use, }) -- Register Splash and Lingering local splash_dur = dur * mcl_potions.SPLASH_FACTOR local ling_dur = dur * mcl_potions.LINGERING_FACTOR local splash_def = { tt = get_tt(def._tt, def.effect, splash_dur), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_splash_fun(def.effect, splash_dur), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } local ling_def if def.name == "healing" or def.name == "harming" then ling_def = { tt = get_tt(def._tt, def.effect*mcl_potions.LINGERING_FACTOR, ling_dur), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_lingering_fun(def.effect*mcl_potions.LINGERING_FACTOR, ling_dur), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } else ling_def = { tt = get_tt(def._tt, def.effect, ling_dur), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_lingering_fun(def.effect, ling_dur), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } end local arrow_def = { tt = get_tt(def._tt, def.effect, dur/8.), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_arrow_fun(def.effect, dur/8.), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } if def.color and not def.no_throwable then local desc if def.description_splash then desc = def.description_splash else desc = S("Splash @1 Potion", def.description) end mcl_potions.register_splash(def.name, desc, def.color, splash_def) if def.description_lingering then desc = def.description_lingering else desc = S("Lingering @1 Potion", def.description) end mcl_potions.register_lingering(def.name, desc, def.color, ling_def) if not def.no_arrow then mcl_potions.register_arrow(def.name, S("Arrow of @1", def.description), def.color, arrow_def) end end if def.is_II then local desc_mod = S(" II") local effect_II if def.name == "healing" or def.name == "harming" then effect_II = def.effect*mcl_potions.II_FACTOR elseif def.name == "poison" or def.name == "regeneration" then effect_II = 1.2 elseif def.name == "withering" then effect_II = 2 else effect_II = def.effect^mcl_potions.II_FACTOR end local dur_2 = dur / mcl_potions.II_FACTOR if def.name == "poison" then dur_2 = dur_2 - 1 end if def.name == "slowness" then dur_2 = 20 effect_II = 0.40 desc_mod = S(" IV") end on_use = return_on_use(def, effect_II, dur_2) minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:"..def.name.."_2", { description = S("@1 Potion@2", def.description, desc_mod), _tt_help = get_tt(def._tt_2, effect_II, dur_2), _doc_items_longdesc = potion_longdesc, _doc_items_usagehelp = potion_usagehelp, stack_max = def.stack_max or 1, inventory_image = def.image or potion_image(def.color), wield_image = def.image or potion_image(def.color), groups = def.groups or {brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1, bottle=1}, on_place = on_use, on_secondary_use = on_use, }) -- Register Splash and Lingering local splash_dur_2 = dur_2 * mcl_potions.SPLASH_FACTOR local ling_dur_2 = dur_2 * mcl_potions.LINGERING_FACTOR local splash_def_2 if def.name == "healing" then splash_def_2 = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_2, 7, splash_dur_2), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_splash_fun(7, splash_dur_2), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } else splash_def_2 = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_2, effect_II, splash_dur_2), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_splash_fun(effect_II, splash_dur_2), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } end local ling_def_2 if def.name == "healing" or def.name == "harming" then ling_def_2 = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_2, effect_II*mcl_potions.LINGERING_FACTOR, ling_dur_2), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_lingering_fun(effect_II*mcl_potions.LINGERING_FACTOR, ling_dur_2), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } else ling_def_2 = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_2, effect_II, ling_dur_2), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_lingering_fun(effect_II, ling_dur_2), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } end local arrow_def_2 = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_2, effect_II, dur_2/8.), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_arrow_fun(effect_II, dur_2/8.), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } if def.color and not def.no_throwable then mcl_potions.register_splash(def.name.."_2", S("Splash @1@2 Potion", def.description, desc_mod), def.color, splash_def_2) mcl_potions.register_lingering(def.name.."_2", S("Lingering @1@2 Potion", def.description, desc_mod), def.color, ling_def_2) if not def.no_arrow then mcl_potions.register_arrow(def.name.."_2", S("Arrow of @1@2", def.description, desc_mod), def.color, arrow_def_2) end end end if def.is_plus then local dur_pl = dur * mcl_potions.PLUS_FACTOR if def.name == "poison" or def.name == "regeneration" or def.name == "withering" then dur_pl = 90 end on_use = return_on_use(def, def.effect, dur_pl) minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:"..def.name.."_plus", { description = S("@1 + Potion", def.description), _tt_help = get_tt(def._tt_plus, def.effect, dur_pl), _doc_items_longdesc = potion_longdesc, _doc_items_usagehelp = potion_usagehelp, stack_max = 1, inventory_image = def.image or potion_image(def.color), wield_image = def.image or potion_image(def.color), groups = def.groups or {brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1, bottle=1}, on_place = on_use, on_secondary_use = on_use, }) -- Register Splash local splash_dur_pl = dur_pl * mcl_potions.SPLASH_FACTOR local ling_dur_pl = dur_pl * mcl_potions.LINGERING_FACTOR local splash_def_pl = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_plus, def.effect, splash_dur_pl), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_splash_fun(def.effect, splash_dur_pl), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } local ling_def_pl = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_plus, def.effect, ling_dur_pl), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_lingering_fun(def.effect, ling_dur_pl), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } local arrow_def_pl = { tt = get_tt(def._tt_pl, def.effect, dur_pl/8.), longdesc = def._longdesc, potion_fun = get_arrow_fun(def.effect, dur_pl/8.), no_effect = def.no_effect, instant = def.instant, } if def.color and not def.no_throwable then mcl_potions.register_splash(def.name.."_plus", S("Splash @1 + Potion", def.description), def.color, splash_def_pl) mcl_potions.register_lingering(def.name.."_plus", S("Lingering @1 + Potion", def.description), def.color, ling_def_pl) if not def.no_arrow then mcl_potions.register_arrow(def.name.."_plus", S("Arrow of @1 +", def.description), def.color, arrow_def_pl) end end end end -- ██████╗░░█████╗░████████╗██╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗ -- ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██║██╔══██╗████╗░██║ -- ██████╔╝██║░░██║░░░██║░░░██║██║░░██║██╔██╗██║ -- ██╔═══╝░██║░░██║░░░██║░░░██║██║░░██║██║╚████║ -- ██║░░░░░╚█████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║ -- ╚═╝░░░░░░╚════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝ -- -- ██████╗░███████╗███████╗██╗███╗░░██╗██╗████████╗██╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗░██████╗ -- ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██║████╗░██║██║╚══██╔══╝██║██╔══██╗████╗░██║██╔════╝ -- ██║░░██║█████╗░░█████╗░░██║██╔██╗██║██║░░░██║░░░██║██║░░██║██╔██╗██║╚█████╗░ -- ██║░░██║██╔══╝░░██╔══╝░░██║██║╚████║██║░░░██║░░░██║██║░░██║██║╚████║░╚═══██╗ -- ██████╔╝███████╗██║░░░░░██║██║░╚███║██║░░░██║░░░██║╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║██████╔╝ -- ╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═════╝░ local awkward_def = { name = "awkward", description_potion = S("Awkward Potion"), description_splash = S("Awkward Splash Potion"), description_lingering = S("Awkward Lingering Potion"), no_arrow = true, no_effect = true, _tt = S("No effect"), _longdesc = S("Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions."), color = "#0000FF", groups = {brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1, bottle=1}, on_use = minetest.item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle"), } local mundane_def = { name = "mundane", description_potion = S("Mundane Potion"), description_splash = S("Mundane Splash Potion"), description_lingering = S("Mundane Lingering Potion"), no_arrow = true, no_effect = true, _tt = S("No effect"), _longdesc = S("Has a terrible taste and is not useful for brewing potions."), color = "#0000FF", on_use = minetest.item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle"), } local thick_def = { name = "thick", description_potion = S("Thick Potion"), description_splash = S("Thick Splash Potion"), description_lingering = S("Thick Lingering Potion"), no_arrow = true, no_effect = true, _tt = S("No effect"), _longdesc = S("Has a bitter taste and is not useful for brewing potions."), color = "#0000FF", on_use = minetest.item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle"), } local dragon_breath_def = { name = "dragon_breath", description = S("Dragon's Breath"), no_arrow = true, no_potion = true, no_throwable = true, no_effect = true, _longdesc = S("This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions."), image = "mcl_potions_dragon_breath.png", groups = { brewitem = 1, bottle = 1 }, on_use = nil, stack_max = 64, } local healing_def = { name = "healing", description = S("Healing"), _tt = S("+4 HP"), _tt_2 = S("+8 HP"), _longdesc = S("Instantly heals."), color = "#F82423", effect = 4, instant = true, on_use = mcl_potions.healing_func, is_II = true, } local harming_def = { name = "harming", description = S("Harming"), _tt = S("-6 HP"), _tt_II = S("-12 HP"), _longdesc = S("Instantly deals damage."), color = "#430A09", effect = -6, instant = true, on_use = mcl_potions.healing_func, is_II = true, is_inv = true, } local night_vision_def = { name = "night_vision", description = S("Night Vision"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky."), color = "#1F1FA1", effect = nil, is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.night_vision_func, is_plus = true, } local swiftness_def = { name = "swiftness", description = S("Swiftness"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Increases walking speed."), color = "#7CAFC6", effect = 1.2, is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.swiftness_func, is_II = true, is_plus = true, } local slowness_def = { name = "slowness", description = S("Slowness"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Decreases walking speed."), color = "#5A6C81", effect = 0.85, is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.slowness_func, is_II = true, is_plus = true, is_inv = true, } local leaping_def = { name = "leaping", description = S("Leaping"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Increases jump strength."), color = "#22FF4C", effect = 1.15, is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.leaping_func, is_II = true, is_plus = true, } local withering_def = { name = "withering", description = S("Withering"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill."), color = "#000000", effect = 4, is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.withering_func, is_II = true, is_plus = true, is_inv = true, } local poison_def = { name = "poison", description = S("Poison"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval."), color = "#4E9331", effect = 2.5, is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.poison_func, is_II = true, is_plus = true, is_inv = true, } local regeneration_def = { name = "regeneration", description = S("Regeneration"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Regenerates health over time."), color = "#CD5CAB", effect = 2.5, is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.regeneration_func, is_II = true, is_plus = true, } local invisibility_def = { name = "invisibility", description = S("Invisibility"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Grants invisibility."), color = "#7F8392", is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.invisiblility_func, is_plus = true, } local water_breathing_def = { name = "water_breathing", description = S("Water Breathing"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Grants limitless breath underwater."), color = "#2E5299", is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.water_breathing_func, is_plus = true, } local fire_resistance_def = { name = "fire_resistance", description = S("Fire Resistance"), _tt = nil, _longdesc = S("Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire."), color = "#E49A3A", is_dur = true, on_use = mcl_potions.fire_resistance_func, is_plus = true, } local defs = { awkward_def, mundane_def, thick_def, dragon_breath_def, healing_def, harming_def, night_vision_def, swiftness_def, slowness_def, leaping_def, withering_def, poison_def, regeneration_def, invisibility_def, water_breathing_def, fire_resistance_def} -- for _, def in ipairs(defs) do -- register_potion(def) -- end -- minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:weakness", { -- description = S("Weakness"), -- _tt_help = TODO, -- _doc_items_longdesc = brewhelp, -- wield_image = potion_image("#484D48"), -- inventory_image = potion_image("#484D48"), -- groups = { brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1 }, -- stack_max = 1, -- -- on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, -4, mcl_potions.DURATION*mcl_potions.INV_FACTOR) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#484D48") -- return itemstack -- end, -- -- on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, -4, mcl_potions.DURATION*mcl_potions.INV_FACTOR) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#484D48") -- return itemstack -- end -- }) -- -- minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:weakness_plus", { -- description = S("Weakness +"), -- _tt_help = TODO, -- _doc_items_longdesc = brewhelp, -- wield_image = potion_image("#484D48"), -- inventory_image = potion_image("#484D48"), -- groups = { brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1 }, -- stack_max = 1, -- -- on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, -4, mcl_potions.DURATION_2*mcl_potions.INV_FACTOR) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#484D48") -- return itemstack -- end, -- -- on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, -4, mcl_potions.DURATION_2*mcl_potions.INV_FACTOR) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#484D48") -- return itemstack -- end -- }) -- -- minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:strength", { -- description = S("Strength"), -- _tt_help = TODO, -- _doc_items_longdesc = brewhelp, -- wield_image = potion_image("#932423"), -- inventory_image = potion_image("#932423"), -- groups = { brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1 }, -- stack_max = 1, -- -- on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, 3, mcl_potions.DURATION) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#932423") -- return itemstack -- end, -- -- on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, 3, mcl_potions.DURATION) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#932423") -- return itemstack -- end -- }) -- -- minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:strength_2", { -- description = S("Strength II"), -- _tt_help = TODO, -- _doc_items_longdesc = brewhelp, -- wield_image = potion_image("#932423"), -- inventory_image = potion_image("#932423"), -- groups = { brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1 }, -- stack_max = 1, -- -- on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, 6, mcl_potions.DURATION_2) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#932423") -- return itemstack -- end, -- -- on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, 6, mcl_potions.DURATION_2) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#932423") -- return itemstack -- end -- }) -- -- minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_potions:strength_plus", { -- description = S("Strength +"), -- _tt_help = TODO, -- _doc_items_longdesc = brewhelp, -- wield_image = potion_image("#932423"), -- inventory_image = potion_image("#932423"), -- groups = { brewitem=1, food=3, can_eat_when_full=1 }, -- stack_max = 1, -- -- on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, 3, mcl_potions.DURATION_PLUS) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#932423") -- return itemstack -- end, -- -- on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions.weakness_func(user, 3, mcl_potions.DURATION_PLUS) -- minetest.do_item_eat(0, "mcl_potions:glass_bottle", itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- mcl_potions._use_potion(itemstack, user, "#932423") -- return itemstack -- end -- })