# API for `mcl_stairs` Register your own stairs and slabs! ## Quick start Register platinum stair and slab based on node `example:platinum`: ``` mcl_stairs.register_stair_and_slab_simple("platinum", "example:platinum", "Platinum Stair", "Platinum Slab", "Double Platinum Slab") ``` ## `mcl_stairs.register_stair_and_slab_simple(subname, sourcenode, desc_stair, desc_slab, double_description, corner_stair_texture_override)` Register a simple stair and a slab. The stair and slab will inherit all attributes from `sourcenode`. The `sourcenode` is also used as the item for crafting recipes. This function is meant for simple nodes; if you need more flexibility, use one of the other functions instead. See `register_stair` and `register_slab` for the itemstrings of the registered nodes. ### Parameters * `subname`: Name fragment for node itemstrings (see `register_stair` and `register_slab`) * `sourcenode`: The node on which this stair is based on * `desc_stair`: Description of stair node * `desc_slab`: Description of slab node * `double_description`: Description of double slab node * `corner_stair_texture_override`: Optional, see `register_stair` ## `mcl_stairs.register_stair_and_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, desc_stair, desc_slab, sounds, hardness, double_description, corner_stair_texture_override)` Register a simple stair and a slab, plus crafting recipes. In this function, you need to specify most things explicitly. ### Parameters * `desc_stair`: Description of stair node * `desc_slab`: Description of slab node * Other parameters: Same as for `register_stair` and `register_slab` ## `mcl_stairs.register_stair(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds, hardness, corner_stair_texture_override)` Registers a stair. This also includes the inner and outer corner stairs, they are added automatically. Also adds crafting recipes. The itemstrings for the registered nodes will be of the form: * `mcl_stairs:stair_<subname>`: Normal stair * `mcl_stairs:stair_<subname>_inner`: Inner stair * `mcl_stairs:stair_<subname>_outer`: Outer stair ### Parameters * `subname`: Name fragment for node itemstrings (see above) * `recipeitem`: Item for crafting recipe. Use `group:` prefix to use a group instead * `groups`: Groups used for stair * `images`: Textures * `description`: Stair description/tooltip * `sounds`: Sounds table * `hardness`: MCL2 block hardness value * `corner_stair_texture_override`: Optional. Custom textures for corner stairs, see below `groups`, `images`, `sounds` or `hardness` can be `nil`, in which case the value is inhereted from the `recipeitem`. #### `corner_stair_texture_override` This optional parameter specifies the textures to be used for corner stairs. It can be one of the following data types: * string: one of: * "default": Use same textures as original node * "woodlike": Take first frame of the original tiles, then take a triangle piece of the texture, rotate it by 90° and overlay it over the original texture * table: Specify textures explicitly. Table of tiles to override textures for inner and outer stairs. Table format: { tiles_def_for_outer_stair, tiles_def_for_inner_stair } * nil: Equivalent to "default" ## `mcl_stairs.register_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds, hardness, double_description)` Registers a slab and a corresponding double slab. Also adds crafting recipe. The itemstrings for the registered nodes will be of the form: * `mcl_stairs:slab_<subname>`: Slab * `mcl_stairs:slab_<subname>_top`: Upper slab, used internally * `mcl_stairs:slab_<subname>_double`: Double slab ### Parameters * `double_description`: Node description/tooltip for double slab * Other parameters: Same as for `register_stair`