# Legacy Code Support Functions ## `vl_legacy.deprecated(description, replacement)` Creates a wrapper that logs calls to deprecated function. Arguments: * `description`: The text logged when the deprecated function is called. * `replacement`: The function that should be called instead. This is invoked passing along the parameters exactly as provided. ## `vl_legacy.register_item_conversion` Allows automatic conversion of items. Arguments: * `old`: Itemstring to be converted * `new`: New item string ## `vl_legacy.convert_node(pos, node)` Converts legacy nodes to newer versions. Arguments: * `pos`: Position of the node to attempt conversion * `node`: Node definition to convert. The node will be loaded from map data if `nil`. The node definition for the old node must contain the field `_vl_legacy_convert` with a value that is either a `function(pos, node)` or `string` for this call to have any affect. If a function is provided, the function is called with `pos` and `node` as arguments. If a string is provided, a node name conversion will occur. This mod provides an LBM and ABM that will automatically call this function for nodes with `group:legacy` set.