local modname = core.get_current_modname() local S = core.get_translator(modname) local math = math local vector = vector local mod_target = core.get_modpath("mcl_target") local how_to_throw = S("Use the punch key to throw.") -- Ender Pearl core.register_craftitem("mcl_throwing:ender_pearl", { description = S("Ender Pearl"), _tt_help = S("Throwable").."\n"..core.colorize(mcl_colors.YELLOW, S("Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP")), _doc_items_longdesc = S("An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points."), _doc_items_usagehelp = how_to_throw, wield_image = "mcl_throwing_ender_pearl.png", inventory_image = "mcl_throwing_ender_pearl.png", stack_max = 16, on_use = mcl_throwing.get_player_throw_function("mcl_throwing:ender_pearl_entity"), groups = {transport = 1}, }) function on_collide(self, pos, node) if mod_target and node.name == "mcl_target:target_off" then mcl_target.hit(vector.round(pos), 0.4) --4 redstone ticks end if node.name == "ignore" then -- FIXME: This also means the player loses an ender pearl for throwing into unloaded areas return end -- Make sure we have a reference to the player local player = self._owner and core.get_player_by_name(self._owner) if not player then return end -- Teleport and hurt player -- First determine good teleport position local dir = vector.zero() local v = self.object:get_velocity() local node_def = core.registered_nodes[node.name] if node_def and node_def.walkable then local vc = vector.normalize(v) -- vector for calculating -- Node is walkable, we have to find a place somewhere outside of that node -- Zero-out the two axes with a lower absolute value than the axis with the strongest force local lv, ld = math.abs(vc.y), "y" if math.abs(vc.x) > lv then lv, ld = math.abs(vc.x), "x" end if math.abs(vc.z) > lv then ld = "z" --math.abs(vc.z) end if ld ~= "x" then vc.x = 0 end if ld ~= "y" then vc.y = 0 end if ld ~= "z" then vc.z = 0 end -- Final tweaks to the teleporting pos, based on direction -- Impact from the side dir.x = vc.x * -1 dir.z = vc.z * -1 -- Special case: top or bottom of node if vc.y > 0 then -- We need more space when impact is from below dir.y = -2.3 elseif vc.y < 0 then -- Standing on top dir.y = 0.5 end end -- If node was not walkable, no modification to pos is made. -- Final teleportation position local telepos = vector.add(pos, dir) local telenode = core.get_node(telepos) --[[ It may be possible that telepos is walkable due to the algorithm. Especially when the ender pearl is faster horizontally than vertical. This applies final fixing, just to be sure we're not in a walkable node ]] if not core.registered_nodes[telenode.name] or core.registered_nodes[telenode.name].walkable then if v.y < 0 then telepos.y = telepos.y + 0.5 else telepos.y = telepos.y - 2.3 end end local oldpos = player:get_pos() -- Teleport and hurt player player:set_pos(telepos) player:set_hp(player:get_hp() - 5, {type = "fall", from = "mod"}) -- 5% chance to spawn endermite at the player's origin if math.random(1,20) == 1 then core.add_entity(oldpos, "mobs_mc:endermite") end end -- Ender pearl entity vl_projectile.register("mcl_throwing:ender_pearl_entity",{ physical = false, timer=0, textures = {"mcl_throwing_ender_pearl.png"}, visual_size = {x=0.9, y=0.9}, collisionbox = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, pointable = false, get_staticdata = mcl_throwing.get_staticdata, on_activate = mcl_throwing.on_activate, on_step = vl_projectile.update_projectile, _lastpos={}, _vl_projectile = { behaviors = { vl_projectile.collides_with_solids, vl_projectile.collides_with_entities, }, collides_with = { "mcl_core:vine", "mcl_core:deadbush", "group:flower", "group:sapling", "group:plant", "group:mushroom", }, allow_punching = function(self, _, _, object) if self.timer < 1 and self._owner == mcl_util.get_entity_id(object) then return false end local le = object:get_luaentity() return le and (le.is_mob or le._hittable_by_projectile) or object:is_player() end, on_collide_with_entity = function(self, pos, entity) on_collide(self, pos, core.get_node(pos)) end, on_collide_with_solid = on_collide, }, }) mcl_throwing.register_throwable_object("mcl_throwing:ender_pearl", "mcl_throwing:ender_pearl_entity", mcl_throwing.default_velocity)