mcl_villages.schematic_houses = {} mcl_villages.schematic_jobs = {} mcl_villages.schematic_lamps = {} mcl_villages.schematic_bells = {} mcl_villages.schematic_wells = {} mcl_villages.on_village_placed = {} mcl_villages.on_villager_placed = {} mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings = {} mcl_villages.forced_blocks = {} local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) local function job_count(schem_lua) -- Local copy so we don't trash the schema for other uses, because apparently -- there isn't a non-destructive way to count occurrences of a string :( local str = schem_lua local count = 0 for _, n in pairs(mobs_mc.jobsites) do if string.find(n, "^group:") then if n == "group:cauldron" then count = count + select(2, string.gsub(str, '"mcl_cauldrons:cauldron', "")) else local name = string.sub(n, 6, -1) local num = select(2, string.gsub(str, name, "")) if num then minetest.log( "info", string.format("[mcl_villages] Guessing how to handle %s counting it as %d job sites", name, num) ) count = count + num else minetest.log( "warning", string.format("[mcl_villages] Don't know how to handle group %s counting it as 1 job site", n) ) count = count + 1 end end else count = count + select(2, string.gsub(str, '{name="' .. n .. '"', "")) end end return count end local function load_schema(name, mts) local schem_lua = minetest.serialize_schematic(mts, "lua", { lua_use_comments = false, lua_num_indent_spaces = 0 }) .. " return schematic" -- MCLA node names to VL for import if string.find(mts, "new_villages/") then for _, sub in pairs(mcl_villages.mcla_to_vl) do schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub(sub[1], sub[2]) end end local schematic = loadstring(schem_lua)() return { name = name, size = schematic.size, schem_lua = schem_lua } end local all_optional = { "yadjust", "no_ground_turnip", "no_clearance" } local function set_all_optional(record, data) for _, field in ipairs(all_optional) do if record[field] then data[field] = record[field] end end end local function set_mandatory(record, type) if record['is_mandatory'] then if not mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings[type] then mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings[type] = {} end table.insert(mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings[type], record["name"]) end end function mcl_villages.register_lamp(record) local data = load_schema(record["name"], record["mts"]) set_all_optional(record, data) table.insert(mcl_villages.schematic_lamps, data) set_mandatory(record, 'lamps') end function mcl_villages.register_bell(record) local data = load_schema(record["name"], record["mts"]) set_all_optional(record, data) table.insert(mcl_villages.schematic_bells, data) set_mandatory(record, 'bells') end function mcl_villages.register_well(record) local data = load_schema(record["name"], record["mts"]) set_all_optional(record, data) table.insert(mcl_villages.schematic_wells, data) set_mandatory(record, 'wells') end local optional_fields = { "min_jobs", "max_jobs", "num_others", "is_mandatory" } function mcl_villages.register_building(record) local data = load_schema(record["name"], record["mts"]) set_all_optional(record, data) for _, field in ipairs(optional_fields) do if record[field] then data[field] = record[field] end end -- Local copy so we don't trash the schema for other uses local str = data["schem_lua"] local num_beds = select(2, string.gsub(str, '"mcl_beds:bed_[^"]+_bottom"', "")) if num_beds > 0 then data["num_beds"] = num_beds end local job_count = job_count(data["schem_lua"]) if job_count > 0 then data["num_jobs"] = job_count table.insert(mcl_villages.schematic_jobs, data) set_mandatory(record, 'jobs') else table.insert(mcl_villages.schematic_houses, data) set_mandatory(record, 'houses') end end local supported_crop_types = { "grain", "root", "gourd", "bush", "tree", "flower", } local crop_list = {} function mcl_villages.default_crop() return "mcl_farming:wheat_1" end local weighted_crops = {} local function adjust_weights(biome, crop_type) if weighted_crops[biome] == nil then weighted_crops[biome] = {} end weighted_crops[biome][crop_type] = {} local factor = 100 / crop_list[biome][crop_type]["total_weight"] local total = 0 for node, weight in pairs(crop_list[biome][crop_type]) do if node ~= "total_weight" then total = total + (math.round(weight * factor)) table.insert(weighted_crops[biome][crop_type], { total = total, node = node }) end end table.sort(weighted_crops[biome][crop_type], function(a, b) return < end) end function mcl_villages.get_crop_types() return table.copy(supported_crop_types) end function mcl_villages.get_crops() return table.copy(crop_list) end function mcl_villages.get_weighted_crop(biome, crop_type, pr) if weighted_crops[biome] == nil then biome = "plains" end if weighted_crops[biome][crop_type] == nil then return end local rand = pr:next(1, 99) for i, rec in ipairs(weighted_crops[biome][crop_type]) do local weight = local node = rec.node if rand <= weight then return node end end return end function mcl_villages.register_crop(crop_def) local node = crop_def.node local crop_type = crop_def.type if table.indexof(supported_crop_types, crop_type) == -1 then minetest.log("warning", S("Crop type @1 is not supported", crop_type)) return end for biome, weight in pairs(crop_def.biomes) do if crop_list[biome] == nil then crop_list[biome] = {} end if crop_list[biome][crop_type] == nil then crop_list[biome][crop_type] = { total_weight = 0 } end crop_list[biome][crop_type][node] = weight crop_list[biome][crop_type]["total_weight"] = crop_list[biome][crop_type]["total_weight"] + weight adjust_weights(biome, crop_type) end end function mcl_villages.register_on_village_placed(func) table.insert(mcl_villages.on_village_placed, func) end function mcl_villages.register_on_villager_spawned(func) table.insert(mcl_villages.on_villager_placed, func) end