local S = core.get_translator(core.get_current_modname()) local BOW_DURABILITY = 385 -- Charging time in microseconds local BOW_CHARGE_TIME_HALF = 200000 -- bow level 1 local BOW_CHARGE_TIME_FULL = 500000 -- bow level 2 (full charge) -- Factor to multiply with player speed while player uses bow -- This emulates the sneak speed. local PLAYER_USE_BOW_SPEED = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("movement_speed_crouch")) / tonumber(minetest.settings:get("movement_speed_walk")) -- TODO: Use Minecraft speed (ca. 53 m/s) -- Currently nerfed because at full speed the arrow would easily get out of the range of the loaded map. local BOW_MAX_SPEED = 40 --[[ Store the charging state of each player. keys: player name value: nil = not charging or player not existing number: currently charging, the number is the time from minetest.get_us_time in which the charging has started ]] local bow_load = {} -- Another player table, this one stores the wield index of the bow being charged local bow_index = {} -- And yet another player table, this one stores the load level of the bow local bow_load_level = {} -- define FOV modifier(s) mcl_fovapi.register_modifier({ name = "bowcomplete", fov_factor = 0.8, time = 1, reset_time = 0.3, is_multiplier = true, }) function mcl_bows.shoot_arrow(arrow_item, pos, dir, yaw, shooter, power, damage, is_critical, bow_stack, collectable) power = power or BOW_MAX_SPEED damage = damage or 3 local obj = vl_projectile.create(arrow_item.."_entity", { pos = pos, dir = dir, velocity = power, owner = shooter, }) local knockback if bow_stack then local enchantments = mcl_enchanting.get_enchantments(bow_stack) if enchantments.power then damage = damage + (enchantments.power + 1) / 4 end if enchantments.punch then knockback = enchantments.punch * 24 else knockback = 4.875 end if enchantments.flame then mcl_burning.set_on_fire(obj, math.huge) end end local le = obj:get_luaentity() le._source_object = shooter le._damage = damage le._is_critical = is_critical le._knockback = knockback le._collectable = collectable le._arrow_item = arrow_item local item_def = core.registered_items[le._arrow_item] if item_def and item_def._arrow_image then obj:set_properties({textures = item_def._arrow_image}) end core.sound_play("mcl_bows_bow_shoot", {pos=pos, max_hear_distance=16}, true) if shooter and shooter:is_player() then if le.player == "" then le.player = shooter end le.node = shooter:get_inventory():get_stack("main", 1):get_name() end return obj end local function get_arrow(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() local arrow_stack, arrow_stack_id for i=1, inv:get_size("main") do local it = inv:get_stack("main", i) if not it:is_empty() and minetest.get_item_group(it:get_name(), "ammo_bow") ~= 0 then arrow_stack = it arrow_stack_id = i break end end return arrow_stack, arrow_stack_id end local function player_shoot_arrow(itemstack, player, power, damage, is_critical) local arrow_stack, arrow_stack_id = get_arrow(player) local arrow_itemstring local has_infinity_enchantment = mcl_enchanting.has_enchantment(player:get_wielded_item(), "infinity") local infinity_used = false if minetest.is_creative_enabled(player:get_player_name()) then if arrow_stack then arrow_itemstring = arrow_stack:get_name() else arrow_itemstring = "mcl_bows:arrow" end infinity_used = true else if not arrow_stack then return false end arrow_itemstring = arrow_stack:get_name() if has_infinity_enchantment and minetest.get_item_group(arrow_itemstring, "ammo_bow_regular") > 0 then infinity_used = true else arrow_stack:take_item() end local inv = player:get_inventory() inv:set_stack("main", arrow_stack_id, arrow_stack) end if not arrow_itemstring then return false end local playerpos = player:get_pos() local dir = player:get_look_dir() local yaw = player:get_look_horizontal() mcl_bows.shoot_arrow(arrow_itemstring, {x=playerpos.x,y=playerpos.y+1.5,z=playerpos.z}, dir, yaw, player, power, damage, is_critical, player:get_wielded_item(), not infinity_used) return true end -- Bow item, uncharged state minetest.register_tool("mcl_bows:bow", { description = S("Bow"), _tt_help = S("Launches arrows"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.").."\n".. S("The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead."), _doc_items_usagehelp = S("To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot."), _doc_items_durability = BOW_DURABILITY, inventory_image = "mcl_bows_bow.png", wield_scale = mcl_vars.tool_wield_scale, stack_max = 1, range = 4, -- Trick to disable digging as well on_use = function() return end, on_place = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing and pointed_thing.type == "node" then -- Call on_rightclick if the pointed node defines it local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) if player and not player:get_player_control().sneak then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, player, itemstack) or itemstack end end end itemstack:get_meta():set_string("active", "true") return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack) itemstack:get_meta():set_string("active", "true") return itemstack end, groups = {weapon=1,weapon_ranged=1,bow=1,cannot_block=1,enchantability=1}, touch_interaction = "short_dig_long_place", _mcl_uses = 385, }) -- Iterates through player inventory and resets all the bows in "charging" state back to their original stage local function reset_bows(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() local list = inv:get_list("main") for place, stack in pairs(list) do if stack:get_name() == "mcl_bows:bow" or stack:get_name() == "mcl_bows:bow_enchanted" then stack:get_meta():set_string("active", "") elseif stack:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow_0" or stack:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow_1" or stack:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow_2" then stack:set_name("mcl_bows:bow") stack:get_meta():set_string("active", "") list[place] = stack elseif stack:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow_0_enchanted" or stack:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow_1_enchanted" or stack:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow_2_enchanted" then stack:set_name("mcl_bows:bow_enchanted") stack:get_meta():set_string("active", "") list[place] = stack end end inv:set_list("main", list) end -- Resets the bow charging state and player speed. To be used when the player is no longer charging the bow local function reset_bow_state(player, also_reset_bows) -- clear the FOV change from the player. mcl_fovapi.remove_modifier(player, "bowcomplete") -- for the complete zoom in FOV Modifier. bow_load[player:get_player_name()] = nil bow_index[player:get_player_name()] = nil bow_load_level[player:get_player_name()] = nil if minetest.get_modpath("playerphysics") then playerphysics.remove_physics_factor(player, "speed", "mcl_bows:use_bow") end if also_reset_bows then reset_bows(player) end end -- Old Bows in charging state, purely for conversion if some accidentally stayed behind for level=0, 2 do minetest.register_tool("mcl_bows:bow_"..level, { description = S("Bow"), _doc_items_create_entry = false, inventory_image = "mcl_bows_bow.png^vl_unknown.png", wield_scale = mcl_vars.tool_wield_scale, stack_max = 1, range = 0, -- Pointing range to 0 to prevent punching with bow :D groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1, not_in_craft_guide=1, bow=1, cannot_block=1, enchantability=1}, -- Trick to disable digging as well on_use = function(_, user) reset_bow_state(user, true) return end, on_drop = function(itemstack, dropper, pos) reset_bow_state(dropper) itemstack:get_meta():set_string("active", "") if mcl_enchanting.is_enchanted(itemstack:get_name()) then itemstack:set_name("mcl_bows:bow_enchanted") else itemstack:set_name("mcl_bows:bow") end minetest.item_drop(itemstack, dropper, pos) itemstack:take_item() return itemstack end, -- Prevent accidental interaction with itemframes and other nodes on_place = function(itemstack, placer) reset_bow_state(placer, true) return itemstack end, touch_interaction = "short_dig_long_place", _mcl_uses = 385, }) end controls.register_on_release(function(player, key, time) if key~="RMB" and key~="zoom" then return end local wielditem = player:get_wielded_item() local name = wielditem:get_name() if name == "mcl_bows:bow" or name == "mcl_bows:bow_enchanted" then local meta = wielditem:get_meta() local enchanted = mcl_enchanting.is_enchanted(name) local speed, damage local p_load = bow_load[player:get_player_name()] local charge -- Type sanity check if type(p_load) == "number" then charge = minetest.get_us_time() - p_load else -- In case something goes wrong ... -- Just assume minimum charge. charge = 0 minetest.log("warning", "[mcl_bows] Player "..player:get_player_name().." fires arrow with non-numeric bow_load!") end charge = math.max(math.min(charge, BOW_CHARGE_TIME_FULL), 0) local charge_ratio = charge / BOW_CHARGE_TIME_FULL charge_ratio = math.max(math.min(charge_ratio, 1), 0) -- Calculate damage and speed -- Fully charged local is_critical = false if charge >= BOW_CHARGE_TIME_FULL then speed = BOW_MAX_SPEED local r = math.random(1,5) + mcl_luck.get_luck(player:get_player_name()) if r > 4 then -- 20% chance for critical hit (by default) damage = 10 + math.floor((r-5)/5) -- mega crit (over crit) with high luck is_critical = true else damage = 9 end -- Partially charged else -- Linear speed and damage increase speed = math.max(4, BOW_MAX_SPEED * charge_ratio) damage = math.max(1, math.floor(9 * charge_ratio)) end local has_shot = player_shoot_arrow(wielditem, player, speed, damage, is_critical) if enchanted then meta:set_string("inventory_image", "mcl_bows_bow.png"..mcl_enchanting.overlay) else meta:set_string("inventory_image", "mcl_bows_bow.png") end if has_shot and not minetest.is_creative_enabled(player:get_player_name()) then local durability = BOW_DURABILITY local unbreaking = mcl_enchanting.get_enchantment(wielditem, "unbreaking") if unbreaking > 0 then durability = durability * (unbreaking + 1) end wielditem:add_wear(65535/durability) tt.reload_itemstack_description(wielditem) -- update tooltip end player:set_wielded_item(wielditem) reset_bow_state(player, true) end end) controls.register_on_hold(function(player, key, time) local name = player:get_player_name() local creative = minetest.is_creative_enabled(name) if (key ~= "RMB" and key ~= "zoom") or not (creative or get_arrow(player)) then return end local wielditem = player:get_wielded_item() local meta = wielditem:get_meta() if bow_load[name] == nil and (wielditem:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow" or wielditem:get_name()=="mcl_bows:bow_enchanted") and (meta:get("active") or key == "zoom") and (creative or get_arrow(player)) then local enchanted = mcl_enchanting.is_enchanted(wielditem:get_name()) local im_string = "mcl_bows_bow_0.png" if enchanted then im_string = im_string .. mcl_enchanting.overlay end meta:set_string("inventory_image", im_string) player:set_wielded_item(wielditem) if minetest.get_modpath("playerphysics") then -- Slow player down when using bow playerphysics.add_physics_factor(player, "speed", "mcl_bows:use_bow", PLAYER_USE_BOW_SPEED) end bow_load[name] = minetest.get_us_time() bow_load_level[name] = 0 bow_index[name] = player:get_wield_index() core.chat_send_all("init") -- begin Bow Zoom. mcl_fovapi.apply_modifier(player, "bowcomplete") else if player:get_wield_index() == bow_index[name] then local level = 0 if type(bow_load[name]) == "number" then if minetest.get_us_time() - bow_load[name] >= BOW_CHARGE_TIME_FULL then if bow_load_level[name] == 2 then return end level = 2 bow_load_level[name] = 2 elseif minetest.get_us_time() - bow_load[name] >= BOW_CHARGE_TIME_HALF then if bow_load_level[name] == 1 then return end level = 1 bow_load_level[name] = 1 else return end else level = -1 bow_load_level[name] = nil end local im_string = level == -1 and "mcl_bows_bow.png" or "mcl_bows_bow_"..level..".png" if wielditem:get_name() == "mcl_bows:bow_enchanted" then im_string = im_string .. mcl_enchanting.overlay end meta:set_string("inventory_image", im_string) core.chat_send_all(im_string) player:set_wielded_item(wielditem) else reset_bow_state(player, true) end end end) minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local name = player:get_player_name() local wielditem = player:get_wielded_item() local wieldindex = player:get_wield_index() if type(bow_load[name]) == "number" and ((wielditem:get_name()~="mcl_bows:bow" and wielditem:get_name()~="mcl_bows:bow_enchanted") or wieldindex ~= bow_index[name]) then reset_bow_state(player, true) end end end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) reset_bows(player) end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) reset_bow_state(player, true) end) if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_core") and minetest.get_modpath("mcl_mobitems") then minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_bows:bow", recipe = { {"", "mcl_core:stick", "mcl_mobitems:string"}, {"mcl_core:stick", "", "mcl_mobitems:string"}, {"", "mcl_core:stick", "mcl_mobitems:string"}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "mcl_bows:bow", recipe = { {"mcl_mobitems:string", "mcl_core:stick", ""}, {"mcl_mobitems:string", "", "mcl_core:stick"}, {"mcl_mobitems:string", "mcl_core:stick", ""}, } }) end minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "group:bow", burntime = 15, })