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364 lines
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local min_jobs = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("vl_villages_min_jobs")) or 2
local max_jobs = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("vl_villages_max_jobs")) or 14
local placement_priority = minetest.settings:get("vl_villages_placement_priority") or "houses" -- houses is safer for villagers at night
local max_height_difference = 40 -- at distance 40. In the center, half as much
local prepare = { tolerance = 4, surface = "solid", mode = "median", depth = -5, corners = 2, padding = 2 }
local buildsep = 2 -- minimum building separation
local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname())
local function add_building(settlement, building, count_buildings)
if placement_priority == "jobs" then
table.insert(settlement, building)
table.insert(settlement, 1, building) -- insert "backwards" - todo: add table.reverse
count_buildings[building.name] = (count_buildings[building.name] or 0) + 1
count_buildings.num_jobs = count_buildings.num_jobs + (building.num_jobs or 0)
count_buildings.num_beds = count_buildings.num_beds + (building.num_beds or 0)
if building.group then
count_buildings[building.group] = (count_buildings[building.group] or 0) + 1
local function layout_town(minp, maxp, pr, input_settlement)
local center = vector.new(pr:next(minp.x + 24, maxp.x - 24), maxp.y, pr:next(minp.z + 24, maxp.z - 24))
minetest.log("action", "[mcl_villages] sudo make me a village at: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(minp).." - "..minetest.pos_to_string(maxp))
local possible_rotations = {"0", "90", "180", "270"}
local center_surface = center
local settlement = {}
-- now some buildings around in a circle, radius = size of town center
local x, y, z, r, lastr = center.x, center.y, center.z, 0, 99
local mindist = #input_settlement >= 12 and buildsep or (buildsep + 1)
-- draw j circles around center and increase radius by math.random(2,4)
for j = 1,20 do
local steps = math.min(math.floor(math.pi * 2 * r / 2), 30) -- try up to 30 angles
for a = 0, steps - 1 do
if #settlement == #input_settlement then break end -- everything placed
local angle = a * 71 / steps * math.pi * 2 -- prime to increase randomness
local cpos = vector.new(math.floor(x + r * math.cos(angle) + 0.5), y, math.floor(z - r * math.sin(angle) + 0.5))
local building = table.copy(input_settlement[#settlement + 1])
local size = vector.copy(building.size)
--local rotation = possible_rotations[pr:next(1, #possible_rotations)]
-- instead of random rotations, rotating doors to the center makes the village
-- more defensive and hence safer for the poor villagers, even though less random
-- case distinction is simpler and faster than trigonometry here:
local rotation = building.rotation_offset or 0
if math.abs(cpos.z-center_surface.z) > math.abs(cpos.x-center_surface.x) then
rotation = rotation + (cpos.z <= center.z and 0 or 2) -- zero indexed for modulo below
rotation = rotation + (cpos.x <= center.x and 1 or 3) -- zero indexed for modulo below
rotation = possible_rotations[rotation % 4 + 1]
--minetest.log("action", building.name.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(cpos).." rotation: "..rotation.." to "..minetest.pos_to_string(center).." "..minetest.pos_to_string(center-cpos))
if rotation == "90" or rotation == "270" then size.x, size.z = size.z, size.x end
local tlpos = vector.offset(cpos, -math.floor((size.x-1)/2), 0, -math.floor((size.z-1)/2))
-- ensure we have 3 space for terraforming, and avoid problems with VoxelManip
if tlpos.x - 3 >= minp.x and tlpos.x + size.x + 3 <= maxp.x
and tlpos.z + 3 >= minp.z and tlpos.z + size.y + 3 <= maxp.z then
local pos, surface_material = vl_terraforming.find_level(cpos, size, prepare.tolerance, prepare.surface, prepare.mode)
if pos and pos.y + size.y > maxp.y then pos = nil end
-- check distance to other buildings. Note that we still want to add baseplates etc.
if pos and mcl_villages.surface_mat[surface_material.name] and mcl_villages.check_distance(settlement, pos, size.x, size.z, mindist) then
-- use town bell as new reference point for placement height
if #settlement == 0 then
center_surface, y = cpos, math.min(maxp.y, pos.y + max_height_difference + 1)
-- limit height differences to town center, but gradually allow more
if math.abs(pos.y - center_surface.y) <= max_height_difference * (0.5 + r/80) then
local minp = vector.offset(pos, -math.floor((size.x-1)/2), building.yadjust, -math.floor((size.z-1)/2))
building.minp = minp
building.maxp = vector.offset(minp, size.x, size.y, size.z)
building.pos = pos
building.size = size
building.rotation = rotation
building.surface_mat = surface_material
table.insert(settlement, building)
-- minetest.log("verbose", "[mcl_villages] Planning "..building.name.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
lastr = r
minetest.log("verbose", "Too large height difference "..math.abs(pos.y - center_surface.y).." at distance "..r)
r = r + pr:next(2,4)
if r > lastr + 20 then -- too disconnected
minetest.log("verbose", "Disconnected village "..r.." > "..lastr)
-- minetest.log("verbose", "Planned "..#input_settlement.." buildings, placed "..#settlement)
if #settlement < #input_settlement and #settlement < 6 then
minetest.log("action", "[mcl_villages] Bad village location, could only place "..#settlement.." buildings at "..minetest.pos_to_string(center))
minetest.log("action", "[mcl_villages] village plan completed at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(center))
return settlement
function mcl_villages.create_site_plan(minp, maxp, pr)
local settlement = {}
-- initialize all settlement_info table
local count_buildings = { num_jobs = 0, num_beds = 0, target_jobs = pr:next(min_jobs, max_jobs) }
-- first building is townhall in the center
local bindex = pr:next(1, #mcl_villages.schematic_bells)
local bell_info = table.copy(mcl_villages.schematic_bells[bindex])
if mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings['jobs'] then
for _, bld_name in pairs(mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings['jobs']) do
local building_info = info_for_building(bld_name, mcl_villages.schematic_jobs)
add_building(settlement, building_info, count_buildings)
while count_buildings.num_jobs < count_buildings.target_jobs do
local rindex = pr:next(1, #mcl_villages.schematic_jobs)
local building_info = mcl_villages.schematic_jobs[rindex]
(building_info.min_jobs == nil or count_buildings.target_jobs >= building_info.min_jobs)
and (building_info.max_jobs == nil or count_buildings.target_jobs <= building_info.max_jobs)
and (
building_info.num_others == nil
or (count_buildings[building_info.group or building_info.name] or 0) == 0
or building_info.num_others * (count_buildings[building_info.group or building_info.name] or 0) < count_buildings.num_jobs
add_building(settlement, building_info, count_buildings)
if mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings['houses'] then
for _, bld_name in pairs(mcl_villages.mandatory_buildings['houses']) do
local building_info = info_for_building(bld_name, mcl_villages.schematic_houses)
add_building(settlement, building_info, count_buildings)
while count_buildings.num_beds <= count_buildings.num_jobs do
local rindex = pr:next(1, #mcl_villages.schematic_houses)
local building_info = mcl_villages.schematic_houses[rindex]
(building_info.min_jobs == nil or count_buildings.target_jobs >= building_info.min_jobs)
and (building_info.max_jobs == nil or count_buildings.target_jobs <= building_info.max_jobs)
and (
building_info.num_others == nil
or (count_buildings[building_info.group or building_info.name] or 0) == 0
or building_info.num_others * (count_buildings[building_info.group or building_info.name] or 0) < count_buildings.num_jobs
add_building(settlement, building_info, count_buildings)
-- Based on number of villagers
local num_wells = pr:next(1, math.ceil(count_buildings.num_beds / 10))
for _ = 1, num_wells do
local windex = pr:next(1, #mcl_villages.schematic_wells)
local cur_schem = table.copy(mcl_villages.schematic_wells[windex])
table.insert(settlement, pr:next(1, #settlement), cur_schem)
if placement_priority == "randomg" then
settlement = mcl_villages.shuffle(settlement, pr)
table.insert(settlement, 1, bell_info)
return layout_town(minp, maxp, pr, settlement)
local function init_nodes(p1, p2, pr)
vl_structures.construct_nodes(p1, p2, {
-- jobsite: "mcl_smoker:smoker",
-- jobsite: "mcl_barrels:barrel_closed",
-- jobsite: "mcl_blast_furnace:blast_furnace",
-- jobsite: "mcl_brewing:stand_000",
-- Support mods with custom job sites
local job_sites = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(p1, p2, mobs_mc.jobsites)
for _, v in pairs(job_sites) do vl_structures.init_node_construct(v) end
local nodes = vl_structures.construct_nodes(p1, p2, {"mcl_chests:chest_small", "mcl_chests:chest" })
for _, n in pairs(nodes) do mcl_villages.fill_chest(n, pr) end
function mcl_villages.place_schematics(sminp, smaxp, settlement, blockseed, pr)
-- first building is always the bell
local bell_pos = vector.offset(settlement[1].minp, math.floor(settlement[1].size.x/2), 0, math.floor(settlement[1].size.z/2))
for i, building in ipairs(settlement) do
local minp, cpos, maxp, size, rotation = building.minp, building.pos, building.maxp, building.size, building.rotation
-- adjust the schema to match location and biome
local surface_material = building.surface_mat or {name = "mcl_core:dirt" }
local platform_material = building.platform_mat or building.surface_mat or {name = "mcl_core:stone" }
local schem_lua = building.schem_lua
schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub('"mcl_core:dirt"', '"'..platform_material.name..'"')
schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub('"mcl_core:dirt_with_grass"', '"'..surface_material.name..'"') -- also keeping param2 would be nicer, grass color
schem_lua = mcl_villages.substitute_materials(cpos, schem_lua, pr)
local schematic = loadstring(schem_lua)()
-- the foundation and air space for the building was already built before
-- minetest.log("action", "placing schematics for "..building.name.." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(minp).." on "..surface_material.name)
minetest.place_schematic(minp, schematic, rotation, nil, true, { place_center_x = false, place_center_y = false, place_center_z = false })
mcl_villages.store_path_ends(minp, maxp, cpos, blockseed, bell_pos)
mcl_villages.increase_no_paths(minp, maxp) -- help the path finder
-- Path planning and placement
mcl_villages.paths(blockseed, minetest.get_biome_name(minetest.get_biome_data(bell_pos).biome), sminp, smaxp)
-- Clean up paths and initialize nodes
mcl_villages.clean_no_paths(sminp, smaxp) -- sometimes does not work?
for i, building in ipairs(settlement) do
mcl_villages.clean_no_paths(building.minp, building.maxp)
init_nodes(building.minp, building.maxp, pr)
-- Replace center block with a temporary block, which will be used run delayed actions
local block_name = minetest.get_node(bell_pos).name -- to restore the node afterwards
minetest.swap_node(bell_pos, { name = "mcl_villages:village_block" })
local meta = minetest.get_meta(bell_pos)
meta:set_string("node_type", block_name)
meta:set_string("blockseed", blockseed)
meta:set_string("infotext", S("The timer for this village has not run yet!"))
minetest.register_node("mcl_villages:village_block", {
drawtype = "glasslike",
groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = 1 },
light_source = 14, -- This is a light source so that lamps don't get placed near it
-- Somethings don't work reliably when done in the map building
-- so we use a timer to run them later when they work more reliably
-- e.g. spawning mobs, running minetest.find_path
on_timer = function(pos, _)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-- not swap_node, to clear metadata afterwards
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = meta:get_string("node_type") })
return false
function mcl_villages.post_process_village(blockseed)
local village_info = mcl_villages.get_village(blockseed)
if not village_info then return end
-- minetest.log("Postprocessing village")
local settlement_info = village_info.data
local jobs, beds = {}, {}
local bell_pos = vector.copy(settlement_info[1].pos)
local bell = vector.offset(bell_pos, 0, 2, 0)
local biome_name = minetest.get_biome_name(minetest.get_biome_data(bell_pos).biome)
-- Spawn Golem
local l = minetest.add_entity(bell, "mobs_mc:iron_golem"):get_luaentity()
if l then
l._home = bell
minetest.log("info", "Could not create a golem!")
-- Spawn cats
local sp = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(vector.offset(bell, -20, -10, -20),vector.offset(bell, 20, 10, 20), { "group:opaque" })
for _ = 1, math.random(3) do
local v = minetest.add_entity(vector.offset(sp[math.random(#sp)], 0, 1, 0), "mobs_mc:cat")
if v and v:get_luaentity() then
v:get_luaentity()._home = bell_pos -- help them stay local
minetest.log("info", "Could not spawn a cat")
-- collect beds and job sites
for _, building in pairs(settlement_info) do
local minp, maxp = building.minp, building.maxp
if building.num_jobs then
local jobsites = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, mobs_mc.jobsites)
for _, job_pos in pairs(jobsites) do table.insert(jobs, job_pos) end
if building.num_beds then
local bld_beds = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, { "group:bed" })
for _, bed_pos in pairs(bld_beds) do
local bed_group = minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(bed_pos).name, "bed")
-- We only spawn at bed bottoms, 1 is bottom, 2 is top
if bed_group == 1 then table.insert(beds, bed_pos) end
-- TODO: shuffle jobs?
-- minetest.log("beds: "..#beds.." jobsites: "..#jobs)
if beds then
for _, bed_pos in pairs(beds) do
minetest.forceload_block(bed_pos, true)
local m = minetest.get_meta(bed_pos)
m:set_string("bell_pos", minetest.pos_to_string(bell_pos))
if m:get_string("villager") == "" then
local v = minetest.add_entity(vector.offset(bed_pos, 0, 0.06, 0), "mobs_mc:villager")
if v then
local l = v:get_luaentity()
l._bed = bed_pos
l._bell = bell_pos
m:set_string("villager", l._id)
m:set_string("infotext", S("A villager sleeps here"))
local job_pos = table.remove(jobs, 1)
if job_pos then villager_employ(l, job_pos) end -- HACK: merge more MCLA villager job code?
for _, callback in pairs(mcl_villages.on_villager_placed) do callback(v, blockseed) end
minetest.log("info", "Could not create a villager!")
minetest.log("info", "bed already owned by " .. m:get_string("villager")) -- should not happen unless villages overlap
-- Terraform for an entire village
function mcl_villages.terraform(settlement, pr)
-- TODO: sort top-down, then bottom-up, or opposite?
-- we make the foundations 2 node wider than necessary, to have one node for path laying
for i, building in ipairs(settlement) do
if not building.no_clearance then
local pos, size = building.pos, building.size
pos = vector.offset(pos, -math.floor((size.x-1)/2), 0, -math.floor((size.z-1)/2))
-- TODO: allow different clearance for different buildings?
vl_terraforming.clearance(pos.x-1, pos.y, pos.z-1, size.x+2, size.y, size.z+2, 2, building.surface_mat, building.dust_mat, pr)
for i, building in ipairs(settlement) do
if not building.no_ground_turnip then
local pos, size = building.pos, building.size
local surface_mat = building.surface_mat
local platform_mat = building.platform_mat or { name = mcl_villages.foundation_materials[surface_mat.name] or "mcl_core:dirt" }
local stone_mat = building.stone_mat or { name = mcl_villages.stone_materials[surface_mat.name] or "mcl_core:stone" }
local dust_mat = building.dust_mat
building.platform_mat = platform_mat -- remember for use in schematic placement
building.stone_mat = stone_mat
pos = vector.offset(pos, -math.floor((size.x-1)/2), 0, -math.floor((size.z-1)/2))
vl_terraforming.foundation(pos.x - prepare.padding, pos.y, pos.z - prepare.padding,
size.x + prepare.padding * 2, prepare.depth, size.z + prepare.padding * 2,
prepare.corners, surface_mat, platform_mat, stone_mat, dust_mat, pr)