mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:32:30 +01:00
* Add craftitem "mcl_core:lapis". * Add texture for blue dye item. * Add crafting recipe for blue dye. * Add legacy conversion recipe. * Update dyes table. * Update translations. * Update lapis block crafting recipes. * Update lapis ore drops. * Update dungeon and shipwreck loot. * Update enchanting table input. * Update villager trade.
264 lines
9.1 KiB
264 lines
9.1 KiB
local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname)
--local S = minetest.get_translator(modname)
local seed = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("seed")
local water_level = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("water_level")
local pr = PseudoRandom(seed)
--schematics by chmodsayshello
local schems = {
local ocean_biomes = {
local beach_biomes = {
place_on = {"group:sand","mcl_core:gravel"},
spawn_by = {"group:water"},
num_spawn_by = 4,
noise_params = {
offset = 0,
scale = 0.000022,
spread = {x = 250, y = 250, z = 250},
seed = 3,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.001,
flags = "absvalue",
sidelen = 16,
flags = "force_placement",
biomes = ocean_biomes,
y_max = water_level-4,
y_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min,
filenames = schems,
y_offset = function(pr) return pr:next(-4,-2) end,
loot = {
["mcl_chests:chest_small"] = {
stacks_min = 3,
stacks_max = 10,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_sus_stew:stew", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:paper", weight = 8, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 12 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:wheat_item", weight = 7, amount_min = 8, amount_max = 21 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:carrot_item", weight = 7, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:potato_item_poison", weight = 7, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 6 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:potato_item", weight = 7, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 6 },
--{ itemstring = "TODO:moss_block", weight = 7, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 4 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:coal_lump", weight = 6, amount_min = 2, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:rotten_flesh", weight = 5, amount_min = 5, amount_max = 24 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:potato_item", weight = 3, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_armor:helmet_leather_enchanted", weight = 3, func = function(stack, pr)
mcl_enchanting.enchant_uniform_randomly(stack, {"soul_speed"}) end },
{ itemstring = "mcl_armor:chestplate_leather_enchanted", weight = 3, func = function(stack, pr)
mcl_enchanting.enchant_uniform_randomly(stack, {"soul_speed"}) end },
{ itemstring = "mcl_armor:leggings_leather_enchanted", weight = 3, func = function(stack, pr)
mcl_enchanting.enchant_uniform_randomly(stack, {"soul_speed"}) end },
{ itemstring = "mcl_armor:boots_leather_enchanted", weight = 3, func = function(stack, pr)
mcl_enchanting.enchant_uniform_randomly(stack, {"soul_speed"}) end },
--{ itemstring = "TODO:bamboo", weight = 2, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_farming:pumpkin", weight = 2, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_tnt:tnt", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2 },
stacks_min = 2,
stacks_max = 6,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:iron_ingot", weight = 90, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:iron_nugget", weight = 50, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 10 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:emerald", weight = 40, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:lapis", weight = 20, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 10 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_ingot", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:gold_nugget", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 10 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_experience:bottle", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:diamond", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
stacks_min = 3,
stacks_max = 3,
items = {
--{ itemstring = "FIXME TREASURE MAP", weight = 8, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:paper", weight = 20, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 10 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_mobitems:feather", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_books:book", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_clock:clock", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_compass:compass", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_maps:empty_map", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
local spawnon = { "mcl_stairs:slab_prismarine_dark"}
place_on = {"group:sand","mcl_core:gravel"},
spawn_by = {"group:water"},
num_spawn_by = 4,
noise_params = {
offset = 0,
scale = 0.0000122,
spread = {x = 250, y = 250, z = 250},
seed = 32345,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.001,
flags = "absvalue",
sidelen = 32,
flags = "force_placement",
biomes = ocean_biomes,
y_max = water_level-4,
y_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min,
filenames = {
modpath .. "/schematics/mcl_structures_ocean_temple.mts",
modpath .. "/schematics/mcl_structures_ocean_temple_2.mts",
y_offset = function(pr) return pr:next(-2,0) end,
after_place = function(p,def,pr)
local p1 = vector.offset(p,-9,0,-9)
local p2 = vector.offset(p,9,32,9)
loot = {
["mcl_chests:chest_small"] = {
stacks_min = 3,
stacks_max = 10,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_sus_stew:stew", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:paper", weight = 8, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 12 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_fishing:fish_raw", weight = 5, amount_min = 8, amount_max = 21 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_fishing:salmon_raw", weight = 7, amount_min = 4, amount_max = 8 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_tnt:tnt", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2 },
stacks_min = 2,
stacks_max = 6,
items = {
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:iron_ingot", weight = 10, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:goldblock", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 2 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_experience:bottle", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_core:diamond", weight = 5, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_fishing:fishing_rod", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
stacks_min = 4,
stacks_max = 4,
items = {
--{ itemstring = "FIXME TREASURE MAP", weight = 8, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_books:book", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 5 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_clock:clock", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_compass:compass", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
{ itemstring = "mcl_maps:empty_map", weight = 1, amount_min = 1, amount_max = 1 },
name = "mobs_mc:guardian",
y_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min,
y_max = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_max,
chance = 10,
interval = 60,
limit = 9,
spawnon = spawnon,
name = "mobs_mc:guardian_elder",
y_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min,
y_max = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_max,
chance = 100,
interval = 60,
limit = 4,
spawnon = spawnon,