local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3 worldeditadditions_core.register_command("spiral2", { params = "[circle|square] [ [ [] ] ]", description = "Generates a spiral that fills the defined region using the specified replace node. The spiral is either square (default) or circular in shape. The interval specifies the distance between the walls of the spiral, and the acceleration specifies how quickly this value should increase.", privs = { worldedit = true }, require_pos = 2, parse = function(params_text) if not params_text then params_text = "" end params_text = wea_c.trim(params_text) if params_text == "" then return true, "square", "dirt", 3, 0 end local parts = wea_c.split_shell(params_text) local mode = "square" local target_node = "dirt" local target_node_found = false local interval = 3 local acceleration = 0 if parts[1] ~= "circle" and parts[1] ~= "square" then target_node = parts[1] target_node_found = true table.remove(parts, 1) else mode = parts[1] table.remove(parts, 1) end if #parts >= 1 and not target_node_found then target_node = parts[1] table.remove(parts, 1) end if #parts >= 1 then interval = tonumber(parts[1]) if not interval then return false, "Error: Invalid interval value '"..tostring(parts[1]).."'. Interval values must be integers." end table.remove(parts, 1) end if #parts >= 1 then acceleration = tonumber(parts[1]) if not acceleration then return false, "Error: Invalid acceleration value '"..tostring(parts[1]).."'. Acceleration values must be integers." end table.remove(parts, 1) end local target_node_norm = worldedit.normalize_nodename(target_node) if not target_node_norm then return false, "Error: Unknown node '"..tostring(target_node).."'." end return true, mode, target_node_norm, interval, acceleration end, nodes_needed = function(name) return worldedit.volume(worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name]) end, func = function(name, mode, target_node, interval, acceleration) local start_time = wea_c.get_ms_time() local pos1, pos2 = Vector3.sort(worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name]) local success, count if mode == "circle" then success, count = worldeditadditions.spiral_circle( pos1, pos2, target_node, interval, acceleration ) if not success then return success, count end else success, count = worldeditadditions.spiral_square( pos1, pos2, target_node, interval, acceleration ) if not success then return success, count end end local time_taken = wea_c.get_ms_time() - start_time minetest.log("action", name .. " used //spiral at "..pos1.." - "..pos2..", adding " .. count .. " nodes in " .. time_taken .. "s") return true, count .. " nodes replaced in " .. wea_c.format.human_time(time_taken) end })