--- Javascript Promises, implemented in Lua -- In other words, a wrapper to manage asynchronous operations. -- Due to limitations of Lua, while this Promise API is similar it isn't exactly the same as in JS. -- -- Also, .then_() does not return a thenable value but the SAME ORIGINAL promise, as we stack up all functions and then execute them in order once you call .run(). This has the subtle implication that Promise.state is not set to "fulfilled" until ALL functions in the chain have been called. -- -- Additionally, every .then_(function(...) end) MAY return a promise themselves if they wish. These promises WILL be automatically executed when you call .run() on the PARENT promise, as they are considered required for the parent Promise function chain to run to completion. -- @class worldeditadditions_core.Promise local Promise = {} Promise.__index = Promise Promise.__name = "Promise" -- A hack to allow identification in wea.inspect --- Creates a new Promise instance. -- @param fn : The function to wrap into a promise. Promise.new = function(fn) -- resolve must be a function if type(fn) ~= "function" then error("Error (Promise.new): First argument (fn) must be a function") end local result = { state = "pending", force_reject = false, fn = fn } setmetatable(result, Promise) return result end --[[ ************************* Instance methods ************************* --]] --- A dummy function local f = function(val) end --- Then function for promises -- @param onFulfilled : The function to call if the promise is fulfilled -- @param onRejected : The function to call if the promise is rejected -- @return A promise object containing a table of results Promise.then_ = function(self, onFulfilled, onRejected) -- onFulfilled must be a function or nil if onFulfilled == nil then onFulfilled = f elseif type(onFulfilled) ~= "function" then error("Error (Promise.then_): First argument (onFulfilled) must be a function or nil") end -- onRejected must be a function or nil if onRejected == nil then onRejected = f elseif type(onRejected) ~= "function" then error("Error (Promise.then_): Second argument (onRejected) must be a function or nil") end -- If self.state is not "pending" then error if self.state ~= "pending" then error("Error (Promise.then_): Promise is already " .. self.state) end -- Make locals to collect the results of self.fn local result, force_reject = {nil}, self.force_reject -- Local resolve and reject functions local _resolve = function(value) result[1] = value end local _reject = function(value) result[1] = value force_reject = true end -- Call self.fn local success, err = pcall(self.fn, _resolve, _reject) -- Return a new promise with the results if success and not force_reject then onFulfilled(result[1]) return Promise.resolve(result[1]) else onRejected(result[1]) return Promise.reject(success and result[1] or err) end end --- Catch function for promises -- @param onRejected : The function to call if the promise is rejected -- @return A promise object Promise.catch = function(self, onRejected) -- onRejected must be a function if type(onRejected) ~= "function" then error("Error (Promise.catch): First argument (onRejected) must be a function") end return Promise.then_(self, nil, onRejected) end --- Finally function for promises -- @param onFinally : The function to call if the promise becomes settled -- @return A promise object Promise.finally = function(self, onFinally) onFinally() return Promise.new(self.fn) end --[[ ************************* Static methods ************************* --]] --- Resolve function for promises -- @param value : The value to resolve the promise with -- @return A promise object Promise.resolve = function(value) return Promise.new(function(resolve, reject) resolve(value) end) end --- Reject function for promises -- @param value : The value to reject the promise with -- @return A promise object Promise.reject = function(value) local promise = Promise.new(function(resolve, reject) reject(value) end) promise.force_reject = true return promise end -- TODO: Implement static methods (all, any, race etc.) return Promise --- TESTS --[[ Promise = require "promise_tech" tmp = Promise.resolve(5) tmp:then_(print, nil) tmp = Promise.reject(7) tmp:then_(nil, print) --- BIG TESTS function test() return Promise.new(function(resolve, reject) local value = math.random() -- imagine this was async if value > 0.5 then reject(value) else resolve(value) end end) end function do_if_passes(val) print("I passed!") print("My value was " .. tostring(val)) end function do_if_fails(err) print("I failed!") print("My error was " .. tostring(err)) end test():then_(do_if_passes, do_if_fails) ]]