-- ███████ ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██████ ███████ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ -- ███████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █████ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ -- ███████ ██████ ██████ ██████ ██ ████ ██ ██████ ███████ local wea = worldeditadditions -- Counts the number of chunks in the given area. -- Maths is now done properly. Values from this new implementation were tested -- with 1000 random pos1, pos2, and chunk_size combinations and found to be identical. local function count_chunks(pos1, pos2, chunk_size) -- Assume pos1 & pos2 are sorted local dimensions = { x = pos2.x - pos1.x + 1, y = pos2.y - pos1.y + 1, z = pos2.z - pos1.z + 1, } -- print("[new] dimensions", dimensions.x, dimensions.y, dimensions.z) return math.ceil(dimensions.x / chunk_size.x) * math.ceil(dimensions.y / chunk_size.y) * math.ceil(dimensions.z / chunk_size.z) end local function merge_stats(a, b) for key,value in pairs(a) do if not b[key] then b[key] = 0 end b[key] = a[key] + b[key] end end local function make_stats_obj(state) return { chunks_total = state.chunks_total, chunks_completed = state.chunks_completed, chunk_size = state.chunk_size, volume_nodes = state.volume_nodes, emerge = state.stats_emerge, times = state.times, eta = state.eta, emerge_overhead = state.emerge_overhead } end local function subdivide_step_complete(state) state.times.total = wea.get_ms_time() - state.times.start state.callback_complete( state.pos1, state.pos2, make_stats_obj(state) ) end local function subdivide_step_beforeload(state) state.cpos.z = state.cpos.z - (state.chunk_size.z + 1) if state.cpos.z < state.pos1.z then state.cpos.z = state.pos2.z state.cpos.y = state.cpos.y - (state.chunk_size.y + 1) if state.cpos.y < state.pos1.y then state.cpos.y = state.pos2.y state.cpos.x = state.cpos.x - (state.chunk_size.x + 1) if state.cpos.x < state.pos1.x then subdivide_step_complete(state) return end end end state.cpos2 = { x = state.cpos.x, y = state.cpos.y, z = state.cpos.z } state.cpos1 = { x = state.cpos.x - state.chunk_size.x, y = state.cpos.y - state.chunk_size.y, z = state.cpos.z - state.chunk_size.z } if state.cpos1.x < state.pos1.x then state.cpos1.x = state.pos1.x end if state.cpos1.y < state.pos1.y then state.cpos1.y = state.pos1.y end if state.cpos1.z < state.pos1.z then state.cpos1.z = state.pos1.z end state.times.emerge_last = wea.get_ms_time() print("[BEFORE_EMERGE] c1", wea.vector.tostring(state.cpos1), "c2", wea.vector.tostring(state.cpos2), "volume", worldedit.volume(state.cpos1, state.cpos2)) worldeditadditions.emerge_area(state.cpos1, state.cpos2, state.__afterload, state) end local function subdivide_step_afterload(state_emerge, state_ours) print("[AFTER_EMERGE] c1", wea.vector.tostring(state_ours.cpos1), "c2", wea.vector.tostring(state_ours.cpos2), "volume", worldedit.volume(state_ours.cpos1, state_ours.cpos2)) state_ours.times.emerge_last = wea.get_ms_time() - state_ours.times.emerge_last table.insert(state_ours.times.emerge, state_ours.times.emerge_last) if #state_ours.times.emerge > 25 then state_ours.times.emerge = wea.table_get_last(state_ours.times.emerge, 100) end state_ours.times.emerge_total = state_ours.times.emerge_total + state_ours.times.emerge_last merge_stats(state_emerge.stats, state_ours.stats_emerge) state_ours.chunks_completed = state_ours.chunks_completed + 1 local callback_last = wea.get_ms_time() state_ours.callback_subblock( state_ours.cpos1, state_ours.cpos2, make_stats_obj(state_ours) ) state_ours.times.callback_last = wea.get_ms_time() - callback_last table.insert(state_ours.times.callback, state_ours.times.callback_last) state_ours.times.step_last = wea.get_ms_time() - state_ours.times.step_start_abs table.insert(state_ours.times.steps, state_ours.times.step_last) if #state_ours.times.steps > 25 then state_ours.times.steps = wea.table_get_last(state_ours.times.steps, 100) end state_ours.times.steps_total = state_ours.times.steps_total + state_ours.times.step_last state_ours.times.step_start_abs = wea.get_ms_time() state_ours.eta = wea.eta( state_ours.times.steps, state_ours.chunks_completed, state_ours.chunks_total ) if state_ours.chunks_completed > 0 then state_ours.emerge_overhead = state_ours.times.emerge_total / state_ours.times.steps_total end minetest.after(0, state_ours.__beforeload, state_ours) end --- Calls the given callback function once for each block in the defined area. -- This function is asynchronous, as it also uses minetest.emerge_area() to -- ensure that the blocks are loaded before calling the callback function. -- The callback functions will be passed the following arguments: pos1, pos2, stats -- pos1 and pos2 refer to the defined region of just the local block. -- stats is an table of statistics resembling the following: -- { chunks_completed, chunks_total, emerge = { ... }, times = { emerge = {}, emerge_last, callback = {}, callback_last, steps = {}, step_last } } -- The emerge property contains a table that holds a running total of statistics -- about what Minetest did to emerge the requested blocks in the world. -- callback_complete is called at the end of the process, and pos1 + pos2 will be set to that of the entire region. -- @param {Vector} pos1 The first position defining the area to emerge. -- @param {Vector} pos2 The second position defining the area to emerge. -- @param {Vector} chunk_size The size of the chunks to subdivide into. -- @param {function} callback The callback to call for each block. -- @param {function} callback The callback to call upon completion. function worldeditadditions.subdivide(pos1, pos2, chunk_size, callback_subblock, callback_complete) pos1, pos2 = worldedit.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) local chunks_total = count_chunks(pos1, pos2, chunk_size) chunk_size.x = chunk_size.x - 1 -- WorldEdit regions are inclusive chunk_size.y = chunk_size.y - 1 -- WorldEdit regions are inclusive chunk_size.z = chunk_size.z - 1 -- WorldEdit regions are inclusive local state = { pos1 = pos1, pos2 = pos2, -- Note that we start 1 over on the Z axis because we increment *before* calling the callback, so if we don't fiddle it here, we'll miss the first chunk cpos = { x = pos2.x, y = pos2.y, z = pos2.z + chunk_size.z + 1 }, -- The size of a single subblock chunk_size = chunk_size, -- The total number of nodes in the defined region volume_nodes = worldedit.volume(pos1, pos2), stats_emerge = {}, times = { -- Total time per step steps_total = 0, steps = {}, step_last = 0, step_start_abs = wea.get_ms_time(), -- Time per step spent on mineteest.emerge_area() emerge_total = 0, emerge = {}, emerge_last = 0, -- Timme per step spent running the callback callback = {}, callback_last = 0, -- The start time (absolute) start = wea.get_ms_time(), -- The eta (in ms) until we're done eta = 0 }, -- The percentage of the total time spent so far waiting for Minetest to emerge blocks. Updated every step. emerge_overhead = 0, -- The total number of chunks chunks_total = chunks_total, -- The number of chunks processed so far chunks_completed = 0, callback_subblock = callback_subblock, callback_complete = callback_complete, __beforeload = subdivide_step_beforeload, __afterload = subdivide_step_afterload } subdivide_step_beforeload(state) end