local LRU = require("lru") local operations = 100000 local values = { "Abiu", "Açaí", "Acerola", "Ackee", "African cucumber", "Apple", "Apricot", "Avocado", "Banana", "Bilberry", "Blackberry", "Blackcurrant", "Black sapote", "Blueberry", "Boysenberry", "Breadfruit", "Cactus pear", "Canistel", "Cempedak", "Cherimoya", "Cherry", "Chico fruit", "Cloudberry", "Coco De Mer", "Coconut", "Crab apple", "Cranberry", "Currant", "Damson", "Date", "Dragonfruit (or Pitaya)", "Durian", "Egg Fruit", "Elderberry", "Feijoa", "Fig", "Finger Lime", "Goji berry", "Gooseberry", "Grape", "Raisin", "Grapefruit", "Grewia asiatica", "Guava", "Hala Fruit", "Honeyberry", "Huckleberry", "Jabuticaba", "Jackfruit", "Jambul", "Japanese plum", "Jostaberry", "Jujube", "Juniper berry", "Kaffir Lime", "Kiwano", "Kiwifruit", "Kumquat", "Lemon", "Lime", "Loganberry", "Longan", "Loquat" } -- From http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleRound local function round(num, numDecimalPlaces) local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end -- Pads str to length len with char from right -- @source https://snipplr.com/view/13092/strlpad--pad-string-to-the-left local function str_padend(str, len, char) if char == nil then char = ' ' end return str .. string.rep(char, len - #str) end --- Pads str to length len with char from left -- Adapted from the above local function str_padstart(str, len, char) if char == nil then char = ' ' end return string.rep(char, len - #str) .. str end local values_count = #values local function test(size) local cpu_start = os.clock() local lru = LRU.new(size) local hits = 0 local misses = 0 for i=1,operations do local key = values[math.random(1, values_count)] if math.random() >= 0.5 then -- set lru:set(key, math.random()) else -- get if lru:get(key) == nil then misses = misses + 1 lru:set(key, math.random()) else hits = hits + 1 end end end local cpu_end = os.clock() print( size, str_padend(tostring(round(cpu_end - cpu_start, 6)), 9), hits, misses, ((hits/operations)*100) ) end io.stderr:write("OPERATIONS\t"..operations.."\n") print("size", "cpu time", "hits", "misses", "hit ratio (%)") for i=3,256 do io.stderr:write("size "..i.."\r") test(i) end