"use strict"; import crypto from "crypto"; import htmlentities from "html-entities"; import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it"; import chroma from "chroma-js"; import markdown_prism from "markdown-it-prism"; import markdown_alerts from "markdown-it-github-alerts"; const markdown = new MarkdownIt({ xhtmlOut: true }); markdown.use(markdown_prism, { init: (Prism) => { Prism.languages.weacmd = { "string": /\<[^>]+?\>/, "function": /^(?:\/\/\S+)\b/m, "number": /\b0x[\da-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\B\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?%?/i, "operator": /[<>:=\[\]|{}]/, "keyword": /\b(?:[-+]?[zyx])\b/ } } }); markdown.use(markdown_alerts); function extract_title(line) { return line.match(/#+\s+(.+)\s*/)[1].replace(/^`*|`*$/g, "") } function make_section(acc, cat_current, cats) { const title = extract_title(acc[0]); return { category: cat_current, category_colour: cats.get(cat_current), category_colour_dark: chroma(cats.get(cat_current)) .set("hsl.s", 0.8) .set("hsl.l", "*0.6") .css("hsl"), title: htmlentities.encode(title), slug: title.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9-_\s]+/gi, "") .replace(/\s+/g, "-") .replace(/-.*$/, ""), content: markdown.render(acc.slice(1).join("\n")) .replace(/<(\/?)h4>/g, "<$1h3>") .replace(/<(\/?)h5>/g, "<$1h4>") }; } export default function parse_sections(source) { const cats = new Map(); source.match(/^##\s+.*$/gm) .map(extract_title) .map((item, i, all) => cats.set( item, chroma(`hsl(${i/all.length*(360-360/all.length)}, 60%, 90%)`).css("hsl") )); const lines = source.split(/\r?\n/gi); const result = []; let acc = []; let cat_current = null; for(const line of lines) { if(line.startsWith(`#`)) { const heading_level = line.match(/^#+/)[0].length; // 1: Deal with the previous section if(acc.length > 0) { const heading_level_prev = acc[0].match(/^#+/)[0].length; if(heading_level_prev === 3 && acc.length > 0 && heading_level <= 3) { result.push(make_section(acc, cat_current, cats)); } } // 2: Deal with the new line if(heading_level === 2) cat_current = extract_title(line); if(heading_level > 3) acc.push(line) else acc = [ line ]; } else acc.push(line); } if(acc.length > 0) result.push(make_section(acc, cat_current, cats)); return { sections: result, categories: cats }; }