# WorldEditAdditions Changelog It's about time I started a changelog! This will serve from now on as the main changelog for WorldEditAdditions. Note to self: See the bottom of this file for the release template text. ## v1.12: The selection tools update (unreleased) - Add `//spush`, `//spop`, and `//sstack` - `//overlay`: Don't place nodes above water - `//multi`: Improve resilience by handling some edge cases ### @VorTechnix contributions: - Add `//srect` (_select rectangle_), `//scol` (_select column_), `//scube` (_select cube_) - thanks, @VorTechnix! - Add `//scloud` (_select point cloud_), `//scentre` (_select centre node(s)_), `//srel` (_select relative_) ## v1.11: The big data update (25th January 2021) - Add `//scale` (currently **experimental**) - Scale operations that scale up and down at the same time are split into 2 separate operations automatically (scaling up is always performed first) - `//count`: Make numbers human-readable - Tip: Use a monospace font for the chat window, and the columns will be aligned! - Add `//hollow` for hollowing out areas (a step towards parity with Minecraft WorldEdit) - `//subdivide`: Improve performance of initial chunk counting algorithm - it should get started on the job _much_ quicker now (especially on large regions) - `//subdivide`: Fix a bug where the entire defined region was emerged all at once instead of in chunks - `//subdivide`: Fix performance & memory usage issues - Fix passing arguments to the command being executed - If you encounter any other issues with it over large areas (particularly 2000x150x2000 and larger), please let me know - Bugfix: Fix obscure crash in calls to `human_size` ("unknown" will now be returned if passed junk) - `//many` can now be used with commands with no arguments. - `//conv`, `//erode`, `//fillcaves`: Treat liquids as air - Add new [cloud wand](https://github.com/sbrl/Minetest-WorldEditAdditions/blob/master/Chat-Command-Reference.md#cloud-wand) - `//conv`, `//erode`: Minor refactoring to improve code clarity ## v1.10: The tidyup update (16th January 2021) - `//maze`: Fix some parts of generated mazes staying solid - `//maze`, `//maze3d`: Allow non-number seeds (existing seeds aren't affected - they will still produce identical output) - `//many`: Improve format of progress messages, add ETA - `//subdivide`: Make asynchronous, and use `minetest.emerge_area()` to ensure areas are loaded before executing on a subdivision chunk - This will ensure that `//subdivide`ing enormous regions should now function as expected. Want to level an entire rainforest with `//subdivide` and `//clearcut`? Now you can! :D - Add `//line` for drawing simple lines ## v1.9: The Nature Update (20th September 2020) - Add `//many` for executing a command many times in a row - Add **experimental** `//erode` command - Add `//fillcaves` command - fills in all air nodes beneath non air-nodes - Add `//forest` command for quickly generating forests, and `//saplingaliases` to compliment it - Add `//ellipsoidapply`: Like `//cubeapply`, but clips the result to an ellipsoid that is the size of the defined region. - Fix some minor bugs and edge cases - `//subdivide`: Print status update when completing the last chunk - `//count`: Optimise by removing nested `for` loops ## v1.8: The Quality of Life Update (17th July 2020) - Update `//multi` to display human readable times (e.g. `2.11mins` instead of `126600ms`) - Far wand: Notify player when setting pos1 and pos2 - Make timings more accurate (use `minetest.get_us_time()` instead of `os.clock()`) - Add _experimental_ `//subdivide` command - Attempt to fix a crash on startup due to a dependency issue (#21) ## v1.7: The Terrain Update! (21st June 2020) - Added `//layers` (like WorldEdit for Minecraft's `//naturalize`) - Added `//convolve` (advanced terrain smoothing inspired by image editors) - Added far wand (like the regular WorldEdit wand, but with a configurable range that can extend to 100s of blocks) [/list] ## Release text template The text below is used as a template when making releases. -------- INTRO See below for instructions on how to update. CHANGELOG HERE ## Updating Updating depends on how you installed WorldEditAdditions. - UI in Minetest: There should be an update button for you to click in the mod menu - ContentDB: Download the latest update from [here](https://content.minetest.net/packages/Starbeamrainbowlabs/worldeditadditions/) - Git: `cd` to the WorldEditAdditions directory and run `git pull` After installing the update, don't forget to restart your client and / or server. --------